
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A 1970's Valentine Tale-Your Laugh For The Day

The other day I was blog hopping
and came across a blog
Amanda is a cutie..
go visit and see for yourself.
Anyway, she asked for the
most memorable
Valentine's Day stories.
I think she meant romantic ones.
However, I have an
un-romantic, funny tale.

This is me..
Taken in the year 1973.
A year when I was single
and living in Florida.
A year when I was
A year when micro minis
worn over
all the rage.
(Anyone remember hot pants?;>)
Who is that girl and
where did she go?
MyHero prefers NOT to
remember this time
but I gotta tell you
I did have some fun.

I worked for a TV station
and had lots of contacts.
One day one of the gals
I worked with invited
me to "get a date" and
The Sheriff's Ball
with her and her hubby.

Now, when I hear the word
I think of a BALLROOM.
Don't you?
One like this?
I had a 
Go-To-Guy for dates,
handsome and wickedly funny.
Nothing romantic,
just a fun, let's go
kind of guy.
I called him to see if
he would like to go with me.
What are you wearing? He asked.
A gold lame' halter gown.
It was very similar to this one.

Great! He said he would pick me up.
He did and off we went to
The Ball.
He showed up in a tuxedo
with a
because he was just
A BALL. Right?
I was excited to see
What we GOT was
 bar...a NICE BAR...
but-a bar and grill.
Everyone except US
was in
Blue Jeans and
Cowboy Hats.
After getting over the momentary
shock and bowing to laughter
all the way around,
we had a great time.

Everyone thought we were
King and Queen
of the Ball.

I gotta tell you.
I had a BALL..
With or without
the fancy ball room.
We danced till the place closed
and went to Lums for breakfast...
gold lame' and all!
Wait till my grandkids get old
enough to read,
and understand,
this story.

How about you?
Any surprise
Valentine's stories
that you would like
your grandkids to read about someday?

I'm betting there is....


  1. That is so cute and funny. You were a hottie there my friend! Good times good timeS!

  2. I laughed out loud at that one Diana!
    But look how wonderful it turned out!
    You were quite the cutie and sounds like you were having a fun life!
    Florida to Wisconsin? Huh?
    Have a great day!

  3. Ooh girl, look at those legs! You were and still are very beautiful.
    I remember those crazy 70's!

    This is a great story. I love it.


  4. Look at you, you blonde bombshell! This is a cute story. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed, right?

  5. Diana, I have never been to any kind of ball, not even prom. I have to say you are a knock out in that wee little skirt. :):) smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  6. I could see from your profile picture that you are quite an attractive woman, Diana, but I imagine that in that skirt, in those days, you had many a guy who wanted to be your "go to" guy! : ) That is funny, especially because I always question my hubby when we are invited someplace through him ~ "where is it?", "is it a fancy place?", "what is it for?", etc.

  7. what a hottie for sure!!! Great story, I think I had those shoes,

  8. How stylish were you in that mini skirt. WOW! I bet you were never short of!
    This story had me laughing so much, I can just picture it, so funny.

  9. Hi Di,
    Very cute story! I love that super mini dress. Oh, thank goodness for memories. I was just sent a picture of me at 18, yikes. That feels like a lifetime ago!

  10. How funny, Diana! I remember that skirt length well! In fact, I may have a couple of dresses from that era that I have kept for some reason.:-) Can't come up with any funny Valentine's Day stories, though.

  11. What can I say??? You took it with a good dose of humor and had a wonderful time. I think I would have been brewing the entire evening. I read this over 3 times chuckling.

  12. You are the 70's were super fun for you! Love the story too, I have some funny stories but not Valentine ones. :D

  13. You were a beauty then just as you are now.
    That is so funny. I bet you did look like the queen and king.
    I can't think of anything that stands out like that.....I must have been pretty boring, hah.

  14. Loved your story. Great that you didn't let appearances stop you. That speaks well of you.

  15. So, you're one of those girls all of us loved hating...look at you! Love that dress you had!
    So, Queen of the Valentine Ball, what in the world happened to that go to guy of yours????
    Oh, the 70s in much trouble did you get into down there? Gold lame' at a bar and grill- there has to be more stories of fun and frolic from you!
    Never let Sweetcheeks go south...
    I have no such stories, and I'm sticking to it!

  16. Super groovy post today Diana! Love it.

  17. Oh i loved this story Diana!!! What a great way to start off my day!!! A day of going to dreaded work that is1
    Oh i bet you were a hot , gorgeous sight!!!!!
    Your hubby probably gets jealous of this story lol!!!
    Pamela xo

  18. I remember hot pants but I had so forgotten Lums! Loved that place!!!

  19. Hot pants, oh yes, I remember! Love your awesome post and you do look terrific in those hot pants girl!


  20. What a cute story! You are so beautiful and brave for posting, my dh would be sooo jealous if I even mentioned that I could remember anything before we met!

  21. You had a life before you met MyHero? I don't believe it. Love that halter dress. Very Marilyn Monroe-ish.

  22. great story ! I wish I had a gold dress like that ! sure are a good sport. Queen of the "ball" ...that is wonderful


  23. That's too funny! But - it's better to be over dressed than under dressed. Just imagine how one of those cowboys might have felt if he and his date showed up in jeans and boots and everyone else was in evening wear.

    And you probably looked like a princess!

  24. I do, I do remember those hot pants. I had all sorts of outfits in college that had 'hot pants'.

    Yep, I'm full of stories girl.

    God bless and have a magnificent day sweetie!!! :o)

  25. Aren't you a hottie!! A gold lame dress~I'm sure none of those cowboys minded at all!
    I don't think I'd call that a ball, though. The name was a little misleading, wasn't it?

  26. Thanks for the laughs! So funny! By the way I do remember hot pants. It is so funny to look back on old photos you mention clothes what about hair dos. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

  27. Oh my gosh Lums!!!! It has opened in Providence Rhode Island....and everyone said it's the sam e burgers with sauce.....can't wait to try it. Love those hot pants!!!!

  28. I remember hot pants - those were the days. I was much more slender and I don't have any fun Valentines stories but it was nice to remember the good ole days.

  29. Diana,
    What a great story you shared I bet you were the Queen of the Ball
    Thanks for sharing!!!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  30. OH MY Diana, that is a funny story! And yes I do remember hot pants...I think they are what got me my husband LOL!

  31. Love the skirt and hot pants, Diana! You certainly were a hotty!

    Yep, I remember them, and, oh yeah I did wear them, too! ;)

    Nope, no funny stories for the public eye!! he he he!

    Hope it's a good day, blessings,

  32. Diana, You're so funny! You were quite a hottie! You really haven't changed, so share your secrets! I love the gold lame'! This is another lemons to lemonade story!

  33. Yay! This coocoo Momma appreciates the blog love. And, more importantly this is a hilarious post. I LOVE the pictures. I give you and that little white skirt a grrrrr.

    You go Nana!

  34. Look at you in that HOT mini skirt. Very nice.
    Lets 1973 I already had one child.
    GOsh..what did they expect you would think when they said Sheriffs BALL
    certainly Not a bar and grill
    that must have been hysterical, but sounds like you guys pulled it off very well !!!

    I don't think I have any funny valentine stories to tell.

  35. Yes, I can see it all! Great story... Love it! Thanks!

    Flora Doora

  36. You look like a gorgeous babe there, Diana. What a cute story. It's usually the times we least expect it that we have the best times, ya know? You will have to tell your grandkids that one someday. haha Loved the fashion back then.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  37. Well, Miss HOT....I am thrilled you had a good time. It could have been one of those "rushing back to the car and bawling your eyes out" so am glad you turned it around. :))

    Raspberry and Creme Cheese muffins?
    OH MY GOSH !!
    If you win my tiny box of muffin wrappers, you HAVE to give me that recipe.
    I am STILL drooling over your chocolate gravy.

  38. Yes, I remember 1973 well. LOL I just had a baby the year before!
    You are gorgeous yes, thoswe were the days! I bet all the women there were jealous:)


  39. The 70's were NUTSO! But have some GAMS! I have these little short legs and I soooo wish I'd been born with legs like yours and blond hair, too!

    Sooo funny. Laughed my hot pants off!


  40. Hey hottie!
    Great you still have the dress?

  41. Diana
    You looked adorable, hot pants and all!
    It doesn't surprise me that you made a kick-butt night out of what some would have considered a disaster. You seem like that kind of a lady.
    I do wonder (for myself, not you) who came up with that line-You're not getting older, you're getting better! I look at my old photos and wonder if that was really me!


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