
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Picking Up A Pumpkin

Is there anything cuter
in the world
than kids
let loose in a
Pumpkin Patch
to pick out a

Two daughters
and husbands and kids,
converged on
a pumpkin patch
close to Milwaukee.

It was a wonderful,
warm day.
The sun shone down
on field
and children as they
all set out to find
the perfect pumpkin.

Sweet Cheeks found hers
right away.
Ria has one too!
What about BabyE?
He's looking.....
SweetCheeks tells Ria
that BabyE has found
a pumpkin.
Uh-oh!  Toooo heavy!
Cousin Lulu comes to his rescue...
But wait a second..
What about one for you?
You have all picked a pumpkin...
And BabyE has
picked something else..
Yuck....remember those
finger-in-the-nose days?
Some people still do it.
I see them sitting in their cars
at the stop sign...
I call it
Digging For Gold.
Sorry No Photo

And at the end of a day
Pumpkin Picking
there is no better way
to end it
than in the arms of one's
Mama...Mama Mimi.
I can't wait to meet the new
little pumpkin growing
in her tummy!
If he's born on Halloween
maybe we'll call him
Jack!  Jack O'Lantern..
We're partially Irish and
 the name? Welllll....
It has an Irish ring to it!


  1. Good Morning Diana Sweetie...
    A beautiful share with the family. I love the photos of the kids picking out the perfect pumpkin from the patch. What fun they had. I can hear the laughter and chatter as they scurry about.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful morning. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. How cute are they all dressed for a day of picking pumpkins? I miss the days of taking my kids to the pumpkin patch!

  3. ooo, I had no idea that baby was due so soon,, wow.I think that name is perfect,, those are beautiful pumpkins,,beautiful kids and a mum to be glowing like the sun.

  4. Diana, So funny, those little guys and YOU !! We are Irish and some American indian so I have always said we were O'pache :):)My brothers would not want you and I together,lol.Smiles dear friend,Susie

  5. Oh my favorite thing to do in the fall. So much fun. Such cuties. DOn't the picutres always look so good with all the orangeness going on. We all have pickers.....just hope they are young ones.

  6. Looks like everyone had a fun day at the pumpkin patch. I hope you didn't have to pay for Baby E's second pick.
    Luv ya!

  7. Adorable pics Diana!
    The girls look very fashionable for a pumpkin patch and baby E is just the cutest little guy!
    We've gotten cold...I suppose you are too, don't like it!

  8. Beautiful the photos...and I miss taking the kids to the pumpkin patches. We have many around here...oh, but my stupid kids grew up!
    Love that little nose picker! Glad he didn't do that in that ad...maybe you need to send that photo into Kleenex or Puffs.
    It must be fun dressing the girls alike...just so you know which kid is yours!
    Glad you all had a good day in the patch.

  9. When I go to the Pumpkin Patch with my daughter and the granddolls (her daughers) the rule is you have to be able to carry the pumpkin you choose. The rule sure makes things easier. :-)

  10. This is so sweet. When my kids were little I told them they could only have the pumpkins they could pick up. They always wanted the biggest!!

    It looks like all the grands were having a ball! We have many "Jacks" in our family...I love that name!!


  11. Looks like a good pumpkins year. Baby E will grow out of the other kind of picking. When he's married, maybe.

  12. What darling photos!! Hope you got one of all the kids together, they just all looked so cute! :-)
    P.S. We call it "digging for gold" at our house...not that anyone here does it, nope, no way, not my precious kiddos. ;-)

  13. What a great day in the patch!
    Thanks for sharing with us!

  14. I bet Mama Mimi can come up with a much better Irish name than that! Sorry Diana.
    Oh, I really hope she has a red head. What a shame to have that beautiful mane and no one to carry it on.
    All the grand kids are adorable, of course.
    Soon they'll be picking out their Halloween costumes I bet.

  15. You are crazier than a loon, girl! lolol! Thank you for NOT sharing a "picker-pic" with us. Much appreciated. Though I haven't seen one of those since elementary school. Do you have more of them over there in WI than we do in MI....?? Your grandkiddos are so utterly adorable, D! :)

    xoox laurie

  16. What a fun day! I love Sweetcheeks and Ria's matching outfits! They are quite the fashion plates! And Jack-o-Lantern?!!!! Yikes! I guess that would be better than "Jack-be-Nimble"! maybe...................

  17. It looks like they had great fun! And I'm sure they were the cutest and best dressed kiddies in the pumpkin patch! :) They are all sooo cute!

  18. The girls look so adorable in their matching sweaters in the pumpkin patch. I don't think there is a better more colorful place to photograph kids. I loved those days when the kids were little and we'd choose pumpkins, take a hay ride, judge scare crows at the contest and go home to drink hot apple cider. Yep - even in Southern California we have those traditions. I have about a million pics of it and even if there was a Santa Ana and it was 85 degrees, we picked pumpkins. Even my hubby got in on the pumpkin picking because he loves to salt the seeds and bake them into a snack. Speaking of picking (you went there first), so sweet of BabyE to pick that one especially for you!

  19. I think Jack is a cute name!

    And... we went to the pumpkin patch, too. I have blog pictures archived to pop up eventually, but I don't know when.

  20. I miss the days of the pumpkin patch so much!
    Jack o' crack me up.
    Lovely little granddaughters- looks like a well spent afternoon. Pumpkin patch pics are the best. I almost had a Halloween baby myself- my oldest son Tyler was born on the 29th. His nickname was Punky. ; )


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