
Thursday, October 20, 2011

I"ve Not Been Sitting On My Butt

Just in case you THINK I
haven't been doing anything
and have been neglecting
I will tell you this~
Here is how my day went....

I pour my piping hot coffee
and head outside.
I have been trying to read
these two magazines
for a month now.
I get ready to sit in my chair..
(which you can see never got
sat in-look at the leaves in it)
and then my
daughter and BabyE arrive.

We decide to drive to
beautiful Door County..
Sister Bay, WI
to be exact.

There is a Swedish Restaurant there
(go figure)
Their claim to fame,
besides their good food,
is that they have a grass roof
that hosts a family of goats.

They stand there eating contentedly
whilst all around us people
are photographing them.
Once we sit down,
Mimi orders something that
comes with lingonberries.
She loves them...
Me?  Not so much...

BabyE gives it a try.

Hmmm..He LOVES it..
and licks it off...
but declines eating the
toast it is attached to...
It's okay..we just keep
loading on the lingonberries
and save on toast cost!;>)

Afterwards we head to
the Swedish bakery
 Mimi used to work at
 when she was in high school.
It is now part of the
(a lovely family place to get away)
There are a couple of customers
in line waiting for bakery.
Pumpkin Sugar Cookies!
BabyE eats the icing and,
once again,
declines the main attraction.
We decide we will head home...
It's been a long day.
We retrace our steps to the car..
but wait...
WHERE is BabyE?

He is BEHIND the porch rail.
He does NOT want to leave
the bakery.

C'mon we tell him...
There is a
Here he comes!
Sorry for the blurry photo..
when he heard treat he
started running.

Guess what the treat was?
He gets to ride home with me!

(Well, that and I might have
slipped him a cookie when
Mom wasn't watching!;>)


  1. Of course bribery works like a charm. Funny, I know those berries as my hubs grandparents had them on their property and made a pie. We were dating at the time and I graciously crunched away. Well, my husband, boyfriend I should say at the time called me out at the table and said, you hate that like poison...ummmm yes I do LOL! Needless to say the accepted me in the family with open arms.

  2. A little bribery never hurt anyone. The goats on the rooftop are so funny. I can't believe they stay up there...they don't ever fall off?

  3. Bribery will get you everywhere..

    Love the goats, why didn't you go milk one for me? I need some goats milk to go play in the soap room.

  4. LOL! You slipped him a cookie, what a perfect nana! I can't believe there was goats on the roof! That is such a neat idea!

  5. So are you saying, you never got to read your magazines?LOL. That is the cutest thing, goats on the roof. :) Poor BabyE was probably wired for the rest of the day ,Nana. I think we better enjoy what may be left of auntumn..I am not enjoying this 3 day rain with's making me think early winter, oh no.Susie

  6. I would rather go running around with those two than read those mags anyway! My grandparents had goats and I don't think I would want to eat under one after cleaning out the goat barn many times...wonder what comes down the gutter there...
    I think that boy needs to learn to dunk things. He would eat it all that way.
    I was a licker offer, too, when I was a kid.
    That's the best part of anything, you know.
    I have never had those berries.
    Still a rainy, icky day.
    Maybe I will get more done in here.

  7. What a great day! My parents just got back from Door County last week and they LOVED it up there!! They would like to go back, especially to Fish Creek, that was their favorite. I would love to come up there someday too, it really look beautiful there. Hopefully you can read those magazines soon but it may have to be inside if you are getting the rain that we are. :)

  8. I have never heard of this grass covered goat paddock, how cool, how do they get on the roof?The bakery sounds really good and I love the rustic interior.Your little grand baby sure is a cutie,,

  9. That baby E is sooo cute!! You must so enjoy spending time with him. Goats on the roof? Is that an optical illusion? I have never ever seen anything like that, unreal!!!! I would go just to see that!

  10. What a charming little community. Lately,I'm seeing goats popping up everywhere. I love it when they are up on a roof! How precious is Baby E! Such a little sweet tooth! I hope you were able to peep into at least one of your magazines!

  11. What a fun place to visit. The only place to go around here to eat Lingonberries is Ikea, and it's just not the same experience without goats on the roof! I absolutely love goats, weird I know. I used to have a whole barnyard of Pygmy goats before I moved to the beach so I have no doubt how they got on that roof!

    Your BabyE is utterly adorable. Maybe he and I could share treats, because I scrape all the frosting or jelly off and only eat the cookie or toast plain. A perfect solution I'm thinking.

    I hope this weekend you get to curl up by a fire and read your magazines and take some much needed time off to relax. By the way, your pumpkin coffee mug is very festive, I love it!

  12. I Love the Goats on the Grass roof ~ I'll have to remember to show the Grands.... I have No idea about the Ligonberries, but that Cookie that Baby E has, looks pretty Yummy! Glad you had a nice adventure... Thanks for the B-Day wishes, too!

  13. Diana, Somebody is trying to pull a fast one on that baby~ LOL Glad you slipped him a cookie like a good grandma. What a fun roof top of goats- it's definitely a conversation starter. ~ Sue

  14. Too Cute- had to see your blog..Love the name-
    What a fun relaxing fall day..
    Happy new Follower- Darling Blog

  15. Hi Diana, I loved that swedish restaurant with the goats on the roof! How father in law has goats and they love to be up high. He took my son's old treehouse swing set and they love climbing it. Thank you for your visit! Kristen

  16. What a great day. LOVE Door County. And that sugar cookie looked pretty darn good too!

  17. OH DIANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen you "around" in blogland and tonight, I had the pleasure to find your comment on my post! I AM IN MINNEAPOLIS and I am so familiar with Swedish stuff!!! I LOVE THAT RESTAURANT with the goats!!!!!

    What a hoot and a fun post. ENJOY THIS FABULOUS WEATHER! Anita

  18. I would have slipped him a cookie too! He is
    just adorable.
    You must really want me to come visit.. I LOVE goats!
    How stinkin cute are they up on that roof top? And a grass roof.
    I have seen and learned some stuff blogging. LOL
    Have a great weekend,

  19. What a delightful story - your little grandson is so adorable! I like the frosting too.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.


  20. This looks like the most adorable area...and the goats!!! How cute are they???
    I want to go to all of these places...
    Your grandson is adorable and has the right idea--eat the "good stuff" first! :)
    Even though my children are in their teens, bribery still works! LOL
    Have a wonderful day~
    Bilancia Designs

  21. He is so cute!
    I am looking forward to the days when me and my princess do things together. My Mom and I used to have so much fun together...maybe someday!

  22. That BabyE is a smart little fellow. HE knows that the frosting on the cookie is the main attraction! *LOL* You're going to have to let that kid teach you a thing or two. Enjoy the good things! Skip over the bland and boring.

  23. Hahaha! Looks like Baby E knows what is good and what isn't! Sounds like another fun day, gotta love those goats! Hey, I bet they would have gladly eaten the neglected cookie and toast:)

  24. What a fun day! I love the restaurant with the goats...I'd never leave! Beautiful little grandson you have there, Nana D. Love his curls!
    I love lingonberries- my husband is half Swedish so we enjoy them during the holidays.
    That magazine can certainly wait. ; )
    xo, Tina

  25. How fun! A day like that is better than finishing a magazine, isn't it?! Looks lovely!

  26. Hi Diana, I want to thank you for all your kind comments on my dad and your words of wisdom. Thank goodness my dad is still totally alert and knows everything that is going on...but when the time comes I do hope I have the strength to whisper "it is time"...and take your words to heart....


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