
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Halloween From My Files

Earlier this Fall
I pulled out my
3 ring binder
and showed you some
Fall decorating ideas.
You can see those here.
Today I am going to
show you a couple
of ideas I have clipped
and held onto
thinking I would use

I love this image.
Do you know what it is?
It's a windowbox!
How cool is that!?!
And then we have a party pumpkin!
(Reminds me of the days
MyHero used to wear a
lampshade on his head-
You know.....before becoming
a pastor);>)
Except MyHero had more teeth...
still does~
And you have to have a
buffet of pumpkins
for a party, right?
And, of course,
there has to be
Halloween treats!
What would Halloween be
without treats?
Don't you love this stacked
Gives a whole new meaning
to the word
doesn't it?
(You young bloggers won't get
that at all~!;>)

And every party needs
some spooktacular invitations.
You can buy these at

But the best part of
Halloween is your family
and all the days you will
share with them, isn't it?
I love
Mary Englebreit's
take on it!
Create some beautiful
memories for your own family.
You'll be glad you did!


  1. I love all of this stuff.. it's one of my favorite holidays!... that mantle is awesomeness!...

    My daughter's b-day is the 28th, so you KNOW we always have a halloween themed party. I'm making a pumpkin cake this year.It actually looks like a pumpkin.

  2. Cute cute cute ideas. I would love to go through your book Diana!

  3. Thanks for sharing some inspiration from the orange binder! I do love that window box.

  4. I want to see a photo of your Hero wearing a
    lampshade on his head. You know, the best pastors are the ones we can relate to :)

  5. beautiful, we have never had a halloween party,, so much fun!!!Beautiful photos,, I'm still picturing your hubby with the lamp shade!!

  6. With your little ones around I'm sure it is even more fun to decorate. It was fun catching up with you.

  7. Good Morning Diana Sweetie...
    Another beautiful share. Love the pumpkin with the hat on, and that trio of goodies, oh my what a beautiful share. Love the colors and all.

    I am working on my mantel too, so your selection was just wonderful. Got my creative juices flowing. Thank you sweet friend.

    Have a glorious Tuesday. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  8. Love all of these ideas! I think I might use a few of them and you are right, the best part of Halloween is making the memories, and remembering them together.

  9. I had to run right over here to ask you how you treated your leather furnitue for stains? Gotta know!

    Beautiful, happy photos! Are you sure it was your Hero wearing the lampshade on his head, OR could it have been Y-O-U?? Just askin' LOL

  10. OMGosh, how cute... the tiered Halloween treats is my favorite Ÿ

    I finally fixed that link for the Pilgrim printable if you want to check it out. Thanks for letting me know it didn't work. Hugz, Diane

  11. So many neat ideas Diana. Thanks.
    I like the individual trick or treat bags.
    Unfortunately I don't get trick or treaters. But maybe I'll make them for the Sunday school kids.

  12. How smart to have a book!! I'm still ripping out and tearing pages as I just don't want to become addicted to Pinterest!!

    I love the Mary Engelbreit invite. I love her stuff and miss her magazine. Love her quotes. Are you really married to a pastor? I didn't know!


  13. An orange binder?

    Covet, covet!

    I am off to read more-

    White Spray Paint

  14. So do you have a red binder for Christmas?!
    Love the tiered plates. Hope you are having a really good week Diana!

  15. Oh wow, Diana, I love these photos! And somehow, I think I need a 3-tier stacker now! lol How adorable!!!

  16. Love 'em all! Such fun ideas and especially for younger kids. Thanks so much for sharing!


  17. Such cute ideas! And I get the "stacked" joke. Did that just push me over the hill? LOL
    Boy do I miss Mary Engelbreit. Still save the old magazines. (Sigh)
    Thanks for the good memories!

  18. Wow...those are great ideas!

    Dearest Diana, I really appreciate your sympathy on the loss of my Belle...such lovely sentiments I can really use to heal.



  19. Meowllo! Guess who?! Oh yeah, it says my name....well first I have to ask how and why you were in the trash folder on my computer. I mean surely you didn't really expect to find any fish bones or something with a little more nutrition did you?!? "She" went in there looking for something, although I assure you it wasn't a fish , "she" knows better....anyway, there you were! So really, you can come into the regular email box, promise I won't leave the mouse trap set or even be there waiting to pounce on you...well um, maybe we should scratch the last loaded mouse traps though. So please do stop by again - you are ALWAYS welcome :)

    As for the Halloween..."she" really likes the "stacked" version, wishes "she" had one whatever that means. I'm too young to understand or at least that was the excuse. Me? Well I liked them all, can't you see me amongst it all having a good time?!? Of course you can ;)

    Thanks for the good thoughts. Yes, yes, I am at home. While "she" is out there having a grand old time. Maybe. Hopefully. Everyone. Will. Survive..... get the picture ;)



  20. What a cute post... Your blog always makes me smile and laugh. We love this time of year, the temps finally get below 80 and my daughters birthday is on the 29th so we always had fun parties.
    I ended up not getting picked for jury duty, but my sister's DIY may take a little longer..LOL

  21. Diana ~
    As always you bring such delight each day to our lives. So love Mary Engelbreit & her family inspired shares ... family is everything. One o four kid-lings is born on Halloween so you can imagine the celebrating that goes on. Just love your decorative touches & ideas.

    Where's sweet cheeks today?

    Have a great eve ~
    TTFN ~

  22. Hi there Diana! I see you on many of the blogs I frequent and thought I'd stop in and say hello!! You have some fabulous fall designs here!! LOVE them!! Great Blog!!

  23. I am so glad you dropped by, I just had to check you out. I love your blog the photos on Halloween are wonderful. Lovin the jol with the hat and the stacked treats are great. Happy Hauntings Kathy


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