
Monday, October 3, 2011

Another Bit Of Fall At My House...

Before we left I took a few
pictures to share with you
from the road...
cuz you KNEW I'd have
to keep my bloggy thingy going,
didn't you?

Sooo...without further

When you come through our front
foyer there is a little
hook that goes around
to the right.
There is a  thermostat
on this wall and so
it is always a bit of a
challenge to find something
that works there.

I found this wrought iron
piece a couple of years ago.
It stands about 3-1/2 feet tall...
and has a place for 6 candles
with a sunken area between them
to hold

The something changes from
time to time.
This Fall is holds leaves
and a crow and a couple of
faux pumpkins and a ribbon.
Drat- I meant to get my
Fall colored candles in there
and plumb forgot to change them out
before I took these pictures...
Yes- I hear you!
I AM sure there is a way to rotate
this but I just don't know how...
Quit whining and tilt your head to the
See that ribbon?
Yeah..I'm pretty sure it is the
same one that is on
Don't compare wreaths though
cuz I don't want to end up  crying!
Okay- Go look NOW...
but don't forget to come back,
ya hear?

Back, are you?
Well, in that case..
Here's my little vignette
on our little built in phone niche.
(that has never been used for a phone)
I painted that little chalkboard
back in my
Folk Art Days.
This was painted in 1989...
uh-huh...that was then...

And on our front door...
A simple wreath..
With a simple bow.

It is older than
SweetCheeks by about 5 years.
I bought it the year her oldest sister was born.
So, as I hang this- I always think about
Funny, isn't it-how we tie little
rituals to times in our lives
and those we love?

Here she was-2 days old. & 6 months old..
Doesn't she look like a baby bird
in that first photo?
And now she is 9!
How can that be?
Guess what?
Next year when I hang this same old wreath..
She will be 10!
And I will be...
Well, never mind..
Some things are best left unsaid!


  1. It's those little traditions that bind us, I think. Love that front door wreath - the simpler ones are my favorite. Hope you're having fun on the road -

  2. All looks so pretty & so ready for Fall!!

  3. youngest grandgirl is 9..turning 10 in January. bwaaaaa....all my grands are just about grown. :)) The older I get, the faster time gets away.....:)

  4. Everything looks great all decked out for Fall! Wait a minute though---you painted that chalkboard? The barn scene? Seriously? I didn't know you were an artist.

  5. Ouch, my neck hurts from looking at your photos. Wouldn't it be a hoot to put your cell phone in your wall phone holder. I had one of those in one of my older apartments, but that was back in the day when people actually had phones. At least it didn't have a dial on it.

  6. beautiful Fall touches,, love that painting,, so how come you stopped painting,,you are so good at it.What a beautiful baby,,

  7. I love your fall touches and can't believe you painted that piece! So pretty! :-)
    Hope you are having a fantabulous time on your adventure!

  8. Ok, Diana, I am getting a real headache with all of this neck spinning you are making us do!!! Love your fall decor, and the pics of LuLu are the sweetest! Hope you are enjoying your trip:)

  9. Uh-huh.....just like you to keep that secret from us of you being an artist, Diana. Doesn't surprise me at all. You stinker. lol! You are gooooood, girl!!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  10. You are all decked out for fall. I like your folk art picture best-really! You did a great job.
    So funny how you do connect certain objects to important events in your life at that time!
    Sweet cheeks was sweet way back when too.

  11. I turned upside down to see your wreath girl. I don't do that for many!! I think the front door wreath is my fav, even if it is a golden oldie...I put mine in the attic crawl space and pull it out every year too!!

  12. Ohhh, my neck! LOL It is a beauty, worth any neck pain! ;D

  13. i **love** your sense of humor.
    a lot. ((hug)) and i love your autumn
    touches in your home. a lot.

    so, you like the tablecloth under
    my 'new' thrifted dishes? thank you.
    it's actually a curtain panel.
    using the unexpected ... :o)

  14. Oh it's all beautiful and yes, our traditions sure do lead us back to memories...isn't it amazing? That's why I like putting up fall decorations because it reminds me of when my kids were little and going trick-or-treating. And I LOVE your painting and I'm still laughing about what you said about the ribbon--You are sooo funny!!! I'll bet Debbie's laughing too!

  15. I hope you're enjoying your trip. It looks like you're ready for Fall too. It's been so hot here that I haven't really thought about it, but it's finally cooling down, so I may get to work now :)

  16. Wow~we should just start calling you Grandma Moses! That painting is really good, Diana!

    I like all your fall stuff~that candelabra is so pretty.

  17. You need to get back to the art girl. You're GOOD! Once I turned myself right side up I really appreciated you beautiful wreath. There is nothing better than the association you have when something reminds you of something else that is a great memory. And yes, time goes to quickly.


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