
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Bride's Nightmare

If you remember,
the night before we left
for our
we went to a wedding.
You can read about it
on my post a couple of days ago.
(for some reason this WiFi
access won't allow me to link to my
old blog posts- weird)


Thursday night before the wedding
we had a terrible storm.
One of the worst wind storms
we have ever had...
winds 60-70 mph.
That's windy folks!

As we traveled North
to the wedding we saw
things like this....

and this...

and this....

As a matter of fact,
we didn't make the wedding..
but we DID make the

Remember the beautiful
reception place?
Yeah?  You do?

Didn't happen!
Why?  NO POWER..
They found another
venue thanks to the
people in charge of
Horseshoe Bay.
It wasn't quite the same
but it was wonderful.
They brought the food with them,
and Mr.G's provided the space
and set it up
at 3pm on the afternoon of
the wedding
for an
"emergency reception"

It turned out to be a wonderful
No one felt any panic..
It is just the way it was...
and the bride handled it
as did everyone else.

I have more pictures to
share later
but for today
I have just a couple.

Here is the beautiful bride,
and her Mom,
(and my good friend),

And here is Amanada with her
Mom-In-Law, Pat.
She is so in love with
her new
And here they are...
Two Moms..
pleased as punch
to be related to each other
through marriage.
And while I am typing away
here in the motel room...
has discovered
the joys of a remote TV
that brings in
Is he smiling because his team
is winning or because
he knows I am taking his picture?

I am signing him up for
Sports Addicts Anonymous
as soon as we get home.


Never mind...
cuz if I DO he will
notice how much time
and money
I spend at Starbucks.

Pray for me tomorrow-
I will be out of
Starbucks range for
at least 3 days!
I can do it...
I can do it...
I can do it...
I hope~


  1. OH WOW, that is a shame. Glad the day went on though. We had a storm like that back in Spring. Mother nature touches down whenever she darn well pleases. You stay safe and have fun. It is tragic that there is no no starbuck's, now thats a real problem! LOL

  2. the fact the beautiful bride took these changes in stride and was gracious no matter what - speaks clearly of her ability to get through any storm with her head held high. she's a rare gem!

    as to no starbucks...been there done that and next time you need to plan out your coffee fixes! i buy the starbucks italian roast instant little packets and am pleased as punch when out of range of my favorite caffeine joint. oh, and i ask for (and am given) cups and lids when i purchase my fixes. ;o)

  3. Beautiful bride, and I think that having both mothers in the picture together, says a lot.

    No Starbucks for 3 days, you may want to sign up for Starbucks Anonymous.

  4. Mother Nature sure can throw in the occasional monkey wrench! So glad it all worked out. What a lovely bride. Sounds like this girl will be able to handle whatever comes her way! Best wishes to the newlyweds!

  5. Any bride that can deal with that kind of upheaval on her wedding day is definitely a keeper!

    If there's a Sports Addict program, please don't tell my husband. He will be making a reservation for me and you won't see me for a while.

  6. we don't have Star bucks but we have Tim Hortons thats kind of the same, when my husband knows he won't be able to get there he keeps a couple in the fridge, could you put some in a cooler.I think it might tide you over.Thats so sad about the reception and wedding but thankfully everyone made the day work beautifully.Sounds to me like you're have a blast..

  7. Oh that poor girl! Mother Nature can be cruel. She was a beautiful bride & I'm glad that she handled it all stress-free though. I'm not so sure I would have. I think I might have turned into a Bridezilla myself.

  8. Aw pretty bride!!! She will have stories to tell though. And I know what you mean about a sports husband!! Mine yells at the TV all weekend.

  9. Glad you found some humor in this situation! Wow what damage was done..the weather really is getting crazier and more extreme, don't you think? But so happy to see the beautiful bride smiling and sounds like a good time was had by all. But the question good of a time as your hubby seems to be happening watching sports? LOL!

  10. These storms. When I posted pictures of my little in a wedding the pier behind them was destroyed by the hurricane. So many bad storms everywhere.
    Have a good trip.

  11. Well... that is one couple who will have a story to share with her kids and grand kids. It will probably get much better over the years, too!

  12. Thank goodness for back-up plans! She looks so happy, you wouldn't be able to tell there was an unfortunate event that took place on her wedding day. My husband is addicted to sports too-I guess there could be worse things! Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comment!


  13. I live just 2 1/2 hours west of you and yes it was windy!!!

    The closest Starbucks is an hours drive from here. :-(

  14. The Brides response to the forces of nature tell me a lot about her as a person. Obviously she's very mature and is prepared to take whatever life throw's her way, and we all know there will be "stuff" thrown her way. No Bridezilla there!
    Kudos and Congrat's to the new couple. . .So glad you arrived safely through all the yukky weather!!
    You're on your own with the Starbucks withdrawal. *wink I have trouble posting here with the "choose a profile" setting. Hope this works.


  16. Very brave of the bride to go on...she'll do well in life. Enjoy Starbucks again, Nana!

    Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog.


  17. What an awesome bride. Obviously she will be able to breeze through the ins and outs of marriage with ease. We were just up in Los Angeles to visit our son. The power went out in our hotel and when it got dark my hubby insisted on driving all the way back to San Diego. Spoiled sport. I thought it would be fun to lay in the dark and look at the moon over the Hollywood Hills. It's my old stomping grounds. But as I can see from the pics of your hubby enjoying his sports on T.V. No T.V. = no staying at said hotel. Shucks.

  18. Oh my, I would have been a basket case if I were the bride! Sounds like it all turned out ok, bet everyone was breathing a sigh of relief. And you have my sympathy, NO starbucks? Oh my goodness, however will you survive????????????????? Told ya that you should have come out here, there is a little drive up espresso place on every corner, and then some!!!!!

  19. Talk about bad luck on your wedding day....I am glad it all turned out OK for them.

    I wonder if your hubby was watching those Detroit Tigers? They have made a few people smile lately.

    Publishing as anonymous since I can't comment other wise...........Zoey

  20. Goodness...I would have been a wreck!
    The bride was just glowing though...her smile lit up my screen even brighter!

  21. Oh wow, what a beautiful bride--and she handled it all so well! Can you imagine going through that? Her JOY just shines through her pictures so good thing that when we're in love we roll with the punches easier....I hope you had a great time!!!

  22. I am glad the backup plan worked so well! Celebrating in the midst of what could have been disaster! Everything went off so beautifully.

  23. Dearest Diana,

    What a story! So glad you made it to the reception and that happiness did prevail.
    Love to you,



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