
Monday, April 4, 2011

I Won Another Give Away- Come & See!!!

 Well, I am still trying to figure out
this new blog thingy-
I was using the old editor
and am now on the new pardon
my fumbles..
I have been trying
to move pictures
around and lost a couple..
Here goes!
I won another give away.
Do you know Julie Harward
If you don't please
pop over and meet her.
She is beautiful-
inside and out!
She loves God,
her family,
her home,
her grandchildren,
even her husband!
Her blog was one
of the first ones I
discovered and I have
been a follower since
Isn't she beautiful?

Julie Harward with Sophia

 Now, I signed up for her give away,
never thinking I would win..
because, before blogging..
I never won anything...

But the package arrived while
we were gone on vacation..
and look what was inside...
HMMM...This wasn't listed
in the give away...
but Macadamia nuts are
my very favorite~

 And this wasn't listed either..
Seriously, a frame that says
NANA?  For real?  For me?
ohhh...I just had a thought.
I'll bet Julie put those letters
on there cuz I have NEVER
seen a Nana frame anywhere!

And here is what WAS
A Spring apron,
freshly starched
and ironed..
A cookie and brownie
My fat cells thank you, Julie,
as do my grandchildren~
And, you know what
else was in there?
2 pairs of footsie socks
in bring Spring colors,
Some sweet & sour
star shaped gummies,
and some Mint scented
A wonderful give away..
From Julie to Me!
And, honey, it just
don't get any better
than that!


  1. LOL You are such a sweet make me laugh every time! It wasn't much and you are so ya! ;D

  2. What a lovely giveaway win ... the apron looks like it is made from a vintage feedsack pillow case ... love it!
    And look at all those other treasures, yummy,too.
    Yes, Julie is a sweetie.
    Have a lovely eve, my friend ~
    TTFN ~

    New Giveaway starts on 4.6

  3. If I were you, I would be buying lottery tickets about now. And remember, since we are sisters, I want my share.
    I am so glad that you won....again. You got some cool stuff, too and I know those grands of yours are going to love all the new cookies and brownies that's going to be coming out of your oven! I can smell them already.
    I love macadania nuts! I can't have them anymore but, oh, the amish here used to make the best cookies with them in it- just to die for!

    Now, please tell me you didn't get more snow out of this last front that went through here. I told the clouds they weren't allowed to make any snow when they went over you. I am not sure it it worked or not.
    Hugs- Tete

  4. Congratulations Diana you deserve it!!!
    The girls are going to love all this!
    Pamela xo

  5. Yeah Diana!!!!!
    Can you hear me clapping!
    I can just see you whipping up dinner in the vintage apron!!!
    You go girl...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  6. Just what you need while waiting for Spring to chase the winter cold away.


  7. Congrats Diana! You won a good one. I am on my way to check out Julie's blog.

  8. I want to see a picture of you in the cute spring socks! LOL That was a very sweet giveaway! So happy that you won! Have a wonderful day, Vicky

  9. Wow, what amazing gifts!!! I am so happy for you!!! Some days are just the best, aren't they?

  10. What a great surprise!.. very thoughtful additions too -

  11. Those are wonderful, the picture frame is so cute!

  12. Awwwww.... congratulations! It's such fun to get a surprise package, isn't it?

  13. Sigh! I am SOOOO behind yet on all the new news in your world, D! I'm so sorry! But congrats on winning that sweet giveaway, girlie! How fun was that??? :) So....did you make me any FAT FREE brownies yet??? lol!

    xoxo laurie


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