
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 Every Spring since the 1980's\
I  get out the totes
that hold all the
Easter decorations
that my husband's
grandmother had.
There is a "head bobber"
little man
(which she didn't make)
There is a
Hat Box~
pink with white polka dots~
that holds many of
the special
eggs that she hand-crafted.
There is a little
"duck wagon"
that holds a
fuzzy chick
with orginal "grass"
from the 40's or 50's

As you all know,
my picture taking is not
all that great..
but here is an egg she made..

And here are a couple more....

And here is the
Easter Egg Tree
that was her own...
Sitting next to it is an
old Steiff bunny..

I wrapped the tree
 soft pink lights
several years ago...
and I promise to post
did you say clearer?
pictures soon..
I have more to share
including a little tin
Easter "basket"
that my Mother got
around 1920..
and some more
and not..
But for right now
my own little
sugared girl..
is calling me away
for the
I can't wait! 


  1. Such cute Easter decorations and how special they must be to you. The duck pulling the cart is my favorite.


  2. Oh sweets...can't wait to see what else you have to share with us! Such darling Easter Decor...I love it all...

    Blessings to you this beautiful Spring Day! Saying a prayer of thanksgiving to God for your sweet and gracious spirit and the gift of YOU to ME!


  3. What wonderful easter treasures and so many family memories in each little piece. Can't wait to see more and your photos are just fine. I love it when you share your fun!
    Hugs- Tete

    Now- there was nothing sassy about that

  4. I LOVE the little old cute. I have got to get my Easter out and sprinkled around my house too ;D

  5. What treasures Diana! Isn't it so special to have these things to pull out every year? Everything is in such good shape and so lovely! :-)

  6. How special those things are! And how wonderful that you are making good use of them. She'll never be forgotten.
    Have fun with Sweet Cheeks!! :)
    Sending you much love, my friend.

  7. Wow, I love these Diana! You are so fortunate that all these things have been kept and looked after so well! I dont have anything like that - I guess the rest of my family werent so crafty and didnt make things... I guess I will have lots to pass down to my grandchildren one day!!!
    Laura xxx

  8. What wonderful memories those must all hold too! I like the wagon & the tree :)

  9. Cute stuff! I've cosidered not even getting the Easter box down this year and starting all over. Who knows?

    And maybe the picture problem is not YOU. Maybe it's your camera? It's always the camera's fault.... right?

  10. My favorite is the stuffed bunny....hey did you know your camera has a "close up" setting? If you turn your little dial to the thing that looks like a tulip, you will get much clearer close-ups. I know that because I used your camera last time I came home.

  11. Had to laugh at the comment above mine. Yes, the tulip feature might help. I was just thinking it was an artistic statement you were making. Some people make their photos slightly fuzzy on purpose. LOVE all the vintage goodies!

  12. I love all the pretty vintage Easter treasures. Nothing more special than things that were handed down and made with love. Thanks for sharing, Vicky

  13. How sweet that you still have all of those wonderful things!

    Has anyone told you today that you are one of the sweetest people around? If they haven't, then let me be the first.

    You are one sweet lady and friend!!!!

  14. Laura's comment got me thinking. I associate crafts of yesteryear with knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, tatting etc. But realistically there must be so much more. Families had to make do, and use imagination to celebrate special events, more out of neccessity than because it was the thing to do like nowadays.


  15. Sweet memories! I love the egg tree and all of the decorations. I need to make a sugar egg, mine finally crumbled the last move we made. It lasted almost 40 years! I have my Grandmother's crystal Easter Basket, a sweet little thing that holds jelly beans every year.

  16. I too have a photography deficiency . Grandma's Easter decor is fabulous.
    I love the mercury egg with the flower on the front. Easter grass from the 40s and 50s. Hmm...So glad you saved it. No wonder they don't want that stuff in the land fills. That's OK we will love it and will pass it down forever. Hugs, Ginger

  17. I love holiday decor that has history. Your little egg tree is so darling, D! I remember those tiny little yellow chicks made from fuzzy little pom pons or something and had paper wrapped wire legs that always showed up in my Easter basket as a child nestled amongst all the chocolate. :) Sweet memories....big thighs..... :) sigh.....

    xoxo laurie


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