
Sunday, April 3, 2011

SweetCheeks- VIDEO-Waiting For The Groom!

For all of you that
have waited to
here is she..
watch the
facial expressions...

Now you know
why I am
Always Smiling!
(and I finally figured out
how to get a video
on my blog..
not bad for an old broad)


  1. How cute! She really is into wearing the veil. It makes the outfit! Glad you finally figured out how to do a video. We'll be expecting more of them now.

  2. LOL...priceless. Her groom is not matching though, green shirt blue pants..well I guess it will work. Glad she is wearing underwear, I really would have worried about that.

  3. You should definitely save that little gem of a video to play on Sweet Cheek's wedding day. Cute, cute cute!


  4. By golly- old broads can learn new tricks!
    You have to do a vidoe at StarBucks! SweetCheeks needs to sing on one, too. Don't forget that.
    And, I want to know if you are wearing underwear and what color are they?
    Mine are powder blue with tiny pink flowers!
    I call them happy panties...
    Hugs- Tete

  5. She is so adorable. And quite an entertainer.


  6. She is just too precious for words. You are so right, the facial expressions make the whole video perfect! When she really does get married and you play her videos at the rehearsal dinner for all to see she is going to love it! You should start collecting her wedding videos right now...have her play bride often!
    Weird...when reading your post it was in your fun font but when I clicked "comments" it went to a normal font and then changed back to your fun font. Blogger really is having issues!

  7. Oh that was the best! She sounds adorable!
    I cannot wait to see more videos. I like
    the idea of her singing on one! She's a star!

    Fun,fun, fun!

    Flora Doora

  8. Oh, so cute!!! THanks for visiting me. You will love to look back at this video as the years go by:)

  9. So happy that the bride and groom are both wearing underwear :) Cute video!

  10. She is even cuter in motion -I love her!!!

    Asking her if her groom had on underwear!


  11. Save this cute video!!! She will REALLY appreciate it some day....

  12. Ok Diana, so while getting to see sweet cheeks in action was precious, what I really loved was getting to hear YOUR voice! It was such a treat! :-)

  13. LOVE having a voice to go with those sweet cheeks now!!

  14. Priceless! Is this vlogging? I love it. Seeing Sweet Cheeks in action is even better than just the commentary and it doesn't get much better than that. Can't wait to see more. Did her groom ever show? Was he wearing underwear?

  15. Sweet cheeks is so funny, thos epressions were priceless! Especially when you asked her if the groom was wearing underwear!! Loved it :)

  16. Adorable, keep this for her bachelorette party someday! She'll have a good laugh! So Precious Dianna! xo Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  17. Hee hee Miss I says she has such a cute little face. And she certainly does. Love the way she realizes what she says about the underwear, and quickly corrects herself. Thanks so much for letting us see her in action.


  18. Great video of one precious little girl! :)

  19. She's so cute Diana!! She gave you that "your crazy look" when you asked about his underwear!!! lol!

    Is that her first communion dress? Sam had his a few years back.

    Congrats on figuring out loading the video to the blog I've yet to do this!
    Pamela xo

  20. Hi Diana,
    Oh that is gonna be the perfect save for the night of ther bachelorette party:-))
    She is DARLING!! What a complete joy:-))
    An old broad huh... I don't know how to do video. Hmmmm :-)

  21. That is just way too cute! "Does he have underwear on?"....I'm still laughing!

  22. That is so cute! She is going to be a beautiful bride one day...please tell her that. I still can't figure out how to do video's so you are ahead of me! As for the new blogger format, once you get the hang of it, you will like it better. There are so many more choices and your photos are bigger.

  23. ADORABLE, Diana! How fun for them that you have all of those outfits to play in! If we're doin' underwear checks...count me out. I'm goin' comando! lololol!

    xoxo laurie


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