
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Brunch Bunch

We went out for Easter
brunch this year..
We started at Starbucks
and got a picture of
Papa with his
precious little people.

We moved on to
the Radisson...
and were greeted by a
nice big salad bar

with a
bunny ice sculpture.

We had a nice table for
our family and,
as you can see,
some of us really
"get into"
our food.

The Easter bunny
made the rounds.

I ate all my carrots
just kidding..
those are fake.

And SweetCheeks
entertained her
She is almost
as good of an audience as I am.
She was still smiling when
she left...
even after
SweetCheeks informed her
that she had a fat face...

I think that was right
after she told anyone that
cared to listen that
Gramma has a fat face
and Nana has big boobs.
I heard the word
FLOPPY in there somewhere
and I DON'T think
she was referring to the
rabbit's ears.

Some really SHOULD
squelch that child.
I will try to do that
right after I stop laughing.


  1. Your Easter looked fantastic Diana! Leave it to sweet cheeks to give the best compliments!:)

  2. Oh my goodness, Sweet Cheeks is just too funny! Hmmm, I wonder where she gets it from?

  3. Sweet pic of Papa and his sweeties! Lots of smiles here!

  4. What adorable pictures! Sweet Cheeks...oh too cute!

  5. Hahahaha. Love it. Thanks for coming by.

  6. Children can get away with saying the cutest things! Love the picture with Grandpa - so glad you all had a wonderful time -

  7. Sweet Cheeks has an eye for perfection....hmmmm... maybe she should be a plastic surgeon and fix us all?

  8. Oh.... and Papa looks like he's in pain. Are those kiddos squishing him?

  9. LOL...still laughing..My sweetcheeks are coming to visit for two weeks this summer. Can not wait!

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  11. Out of the mouths of babes...LOL I love those Easter bonnets, they bring back sweet memories :)

  12. Dang these kids..they tell too much truth don't they?! ;D

  13. LOL- at least she didn't terrorize the easter bunny! Grandma's are more forgiving. LOL- what a kid.
    Loved the photo of Papa and the kids. He looks like a happy camper.
    The bunny ice sculpture is so cool! Glad you all had a great time. Not sure if I want to meet SC face to face- not without a bag over my head anyway.
    Not sure if I could take the truth- ha!
    Hugs- Tete

  14. Big Floppy ears, I'm sure that is what she was saying, and must have been talking about the easter bunny.
    or big flat floppy cheeks on the other grandmother, she couldn't be talking about yyou,, lol
    The salads look great.

  15. What a lovely Easter you had!!
    Love those comments by Sweetcheeks!!!!! So funny!!
    I remember getting nervous with my son sometimes...i never knew what would come out of his mouth!

    Hope you have rested up after all this working, the holidays and SweetCheeks!!
    Pamela xo

  16. Kids just don't have a filter, do they? LOL! My niece told my mom that she liked the little "crinkles" around her eyes! :-) Gotta love it!
    P.S. Love the hats the girls were wearing! Glad to see no one made Baby E wear one too!

  17. Cute matching hats! We used to go to Easter buffets with my MIL and it was the easiest meal ever. No dishes to fake fight over. No left-overs either though. Did you eat at Starbucks prior to the brunch?

  18. Thankyou so much for sharing these wonderful photos.That was the most perfect brunch,, (I have chubby cheeks) and proudly so,its wonderful getting to know you,,

  19. LOL Your grand certainly would fit right in with Art Linkletter's "kids say the darndest things." My niece's young son was sitting on my lap when he said to me, "Aunt Suey, you have a big tummy." I laughed and told him that it was my boobs he was talking about. My BIL chastised me and said he was shocked that I had said the "B" word to his grandson. Oh good grief!!!

  20. I want to be at your Easter celebrations!

    White Spray Paint


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