
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt-Last Easter Post- I Promise

Listen-Bear with me for not
visiting this week-I am at a
 with MyHero and
forgot to put the mouse
in the bag with this stinking OLD laptop..
so I can hardly type.
It makes me want to
Is there a Doctor in the house?;>)
Anyway-back to Easter...

After Easter brunch
we headed back to the house
for an afternoon of
Easter egg hunting and
family fun.

The eggs were hidden
and the line up to hunt
little kids first
followed by older ones.
There are a couple of rules...
The big kids can't pick up
any eggs that are below their
if it is high they have to figure
out how to get it down
with no help from the adults.

As you can see..
MyHero is off and running
with his own basket.
as I like to call him.
Ria stops to
think about her plan of action.

Lulu is off and filling her basket

SweetCheeks is off and running.

This is all new to BabyE.
He is not quite sure what all
the excitement is about
but he is figuring it out as he goes.

There are low eggs...

And high eggs... you remember that
I told you about
Well, here you can see
him in action!
Egg is forfeited!

who likes to pretend he is
a tough old Suthern' boy
got caught in a tender moment
with his little guy...

blowing bubbles

for the  kids to chase. wind up the day..
I looked down by the Bay
and there were all our
looking out at the water.

A perfect end to a


  1. What a great looking family day! Those kiddies were having a blast!

  2. I felt like I was right there with you, such memories you'll have to cherish.What kind of eggs did you hide, candy eggs, or real eggs.I know some people hide real ones,, we just used easter cream eggs.Thanks for sharing,,and thanks for not taking drastic actions against someone for forgetting the mouse,,LOL,,hate to have to blog to you in the slammer! LOL

  3. What a lovely day with your family! You are creating such wonderful memories that will last for a lifetime!

  4. What Sharon said... and I never tire of bubbles :-)

  5. What wonderful photos you got of the all the kids! So sweet with their little baskets/buckets!
    Ok- that CheaterDog is on my poop list now. There are rules, buddy. While you are at the conference- get his head examined.
    Remember what I said last night about the pillow? Yeah, ok, I take it back. Use it. You can tell them you with me the whole time.
    Cheaterdog- that is just wrong! You need 30 lashes with a wet noodle for taking eggs from short people.
    Oh Diana, between those kids and him, you've got your hands full! LOL
    Hugs- Tete

  6. I love this bubble picture! hughs from germany Anja

  7. It looks like everyone had a great time! Aren't the little ones sweet while learning how to find those eggs?

  8. So fun! I always feel so bad for my kiddos because in the NW there is no guarantee of an outdoor Easter egg hunt...poor little Oregon children. :-) Looks like you guys squeezed every last ounce of fun out of your Easter celebration!

  9. Looks like you had nice weather for your egg hunt. We had drizzly rain, so we hunted eggs indoors. But, we've been having a bit of a drought here, so no one really minded the rain. Hopefully it will keep the wildfires at bay for a little while.

  10. Diana, i have been out of action a little this week too! Dont worry! Love how your husband was on the hunt too!! Is this your place? How cute is that little cubby house? And is the bay really close by? It seems as though it is.. So glad that you had a great time.. looks like a lot of fun and not too cold at all!! Hope you enjoyed your medical conference(?)... !! Lots of love Laura xx

  11. You guys are the best grandparents to host that Easter egg hunt, D! ♥ Looks like Cheaterdog needs to be put out in the doghouse for a!

    xoxo laurie

  12. I am so happy to meet you Diana! Thank you so much for stopping by my place.
    These little ones are so darn cute. Boy I bet they love their nana to bits. An egg hunt in the yard is one of the best things about Easter!

  13. Thanks for sharing Diana...and I love that last photo...just priceless!

  14. That was beautiful Diana!
    Love that last photo!!

    Everytime i read your banner i want to add
    from Sweetcheeks!!!

    Pamela xo

  15. Looks like such a nice afternoon, warm. I can't wait for that! No wonder we do this every year..such fun! ;D


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