
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What's That In The Trunk?

This is NOT the kind of
MyHero likes...
No indeedy..
He is much more inclined to like the
"other type"
Junk in the trunk...but if YOU think
that I am taking a picture of
THAT junk in the trunk..
You are sadly mistaken.
Here's the kind I am talking about..
What all is in there you want to know?
First thing off loaded is a milk can!
What? Yep!
I can hear the conversation now when MyHero gets home
(Unless of course, I can hide it somewhere first)
What the heck are you going to do with THAT?
Well...not sure yet...but I do have a small round glass top
that has been looking for a stand
and the wind won't blow it away
coming off the Bay!
And look-it's got a ship decoupaged (men hate that term)
onto one side. Cute huh?
What ELSE did you bring home today?
Well...we got us a desk..
Do we need a desk?
Nope-but Lulu does...
Can't you see it all painted off-white?
MyHero's response.....NOPE! Sure can't!
Well, trust me-
It will be darling...(another term men hate)
LOOK-The top opens..
Are you excited now?
Here's a chair I will paint & recover to match it!
MyHero's response...
Yeah? When are you going to do that?
Before or after work?
~I hate smart alecks~

Well, then....he wants to know..

What's the OTHER chair for????
Let's start the spiral down..

What chair?

That one (pointing)


(hmmm...forgot to stash this one off to the side somewhere)

Well, I'm gonna paint that one too...

and recover it...


I am interupted with...

Yeah...But WHERE are you going to put it/use it?

Ahhhh...this one is a


Who, pray tell, needs a time out chair?

What do you mean for WHO?

Who do you think needs a time out chair?

You've got grandchildren, you know..

Certainly ONE of them must need a TIME OUT CHAIR.

(and wait til you see how cute that is gonna look all painted up)

ummmhmmmm...playing along now.....

I can't wait to see THAT-he mutters-pretending he means it...

Well, at least I got these hidden away before he got home...
Close your eyes, Laurie
cuz I know these next two items are gonna make you cry...
Close up of bottomI suppose you don't want to know I got them for under $1.00 each?
Yeah...sorry chicky...wipe your tears...
The thing I loved most is the thing I spotted as I was leaving
this little not-often visited
thrift shop..I don't know if you can tell or not
but the inside is opalescent
and beautiful.
Not a mar on it..
I won't tell you how little I paid for it
because you wouldn't believe me anyway.
Isn't it gorgeous?
Going in my china cabinet SOOON.
Before you-know-who notices!

Now, I have to tell you..
My friend, Debbie
over at
had me wondering what all the hoopla was about
over Shabby Chic sheets at Target.
I have looked at them several times over the years..
but I thought 250 count COTTON?
They must feel kind of like burlap..
Did you ever buy cheap 250 count cotton sheets?
Yeah...they feel like they were smoothed with a Brillo pad!
However, Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic sheets are not cheap..
But I couldn't believe the would be much different from others
with that thread count..
long story even longer...
I got a rain check last week for some King sized ones..
because MyHero is a king-sized kinda guy..
He likes to spread out in the bed..
And I sleep hot..
Like a little warming oven...
Even warmer when it is hot and humid..
but that is not the point here.
The point is..
I cashed my rain check in and bought some sheets
like Debbie!
I cannot believe
How silky and fine they are.
What have I been missing all these years?
I took those suckers outta the package
and quick as a wink put them into the
washing machine and washed them with
When I heard about Meyers and found it
I thought-
This is pretty expensive stuff.
But I read the instructions..
One/half cap of detergent?
One/quarter cap of softener?
It does the trick and my laundry has
smelled so good.
The sheets are outside on the line drying right now..
because I love sheets that are sun dried.
As soon as the wind and sun dry them
I will rush to get them on the bed
before MyHero gets home.
He will be so surprised.
As soon as MyHero climbs into bed tonight..
He is gonna be one happy guy!
And that's all I'm gonna say about that!


  1. What a lot of fanatastic finds! Great post as always, I just love how you've worked in the male/female point of view :))

  2. I just love reading about you shopping and hiding stuff just like I do. I always thought sheets with lower thread count would be scratchy, too but the good ones are soft. I buy Pottery Barn sheets on ebay or at Home Goods and they are soft, too and have a low count.

  3. Hi Miss D~~~~soooooo you like the sheets, huh?
    I love both sets(the pink rose bud ones, and the white). Don't you just love how they look with the ruffle folded down over the covers? Laurie had the white ones when we stayed at Heaven's Walk. That's where I fell in love with them.
    By the way....the check IS in the mail!!!
    That dish you found is just beautiful!!!! I'm liking your other finds also.
    Have a good evening Babe from Green Bay!!!
    Debbie@houseatthelake newest obsession is the white bedcover...the one with the ruffles....sigh.
    It never ends.

  4. Debbie- I saw that there too...the white bedcover. Now, they probably won't go on sale again until late Fall. Let me know if you want one and I will watch for you. Hey~What are friends for?

    Yeah...I am hooked now too! Dratted girl-you!

  5. I laughed my way through this post! So
    funny, and rings so true to my home
    also! Love all your could
    you resist any of it?

    Flora Doora

  6. You are a crazy lady! I love it! Love your finds - I've got junk in my trunk too. Both kinds. : < >

  7. Hi Diana.. You are cracking me up... No decoupage is not a popular word to the men is it, I wonder why?
    The little desk is fabulous... even better that it opens! and the dish with the sweet roses... gorgeous! It looks like you had a very sucessfull day:-)

  8. LOLOLOLOLOL! Diana....(wait! gotta stop laughing so hard first......!) YOU are one goofy gal, you know that? And darn it! I forgot to hit the loo before I read your post again. Ooops! :)

    Ok...I did tear up when I saw the beautiful blue and green of that glass. So pretty! Oh my...and that adorable table? Just adorable! And now I'm going to have to look for Meyers laundry detergent, you trouble maker. What does it smell like? Where did you buy it? Does it come in Lavender? I'm ALL about lavender since Debbie visited, ya know. She got me hooked like I got her hooked on those wunnnnerful sheets! lol! I won't buy any other sheets but Shabby Chic. Love the deep corners and they are suprisingly soft. Mmmm mmm good!

    Oh, and one more thing....luckily Hubby was not at home when my Reve slips were delivered. Whew! lol! Hope he's at work when my latest treasure nabbed on eBay arrives! (hehehe!)


    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  9. Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog! You have a new follower too! I love all these great things you found! I have to take a break from any is a little tight! So I am going to work on the projects I already have here in the house!!


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