
Wednesday, September 27, 2023


I don't know about 
where you live
but I can feel
Fall in the air.
I noticed some of our trees have leaves 
that are tinged with color. 

Remember before Pinterest?
I had books-
lots and lots of 
loose leaf books.
They were full of ideas 
and things that I love.
I am digging a few of them out for 
Most of them came from 

Outside, I am smitten by this.
Fall is moving in 
but there is 
lots of green left.

I would love to have 
chairs and plants
that looked like this.

How about a little corner 
of the garden
decorated like this?

At the end of the day
 what could be better than 
hanging out by a firepit?

Know what else is magical 
about Fall?
A Fall Fairy Garden?
Do you remember when 
the  little girls and I
used to put together a
 Fairy Garden 
of our very own?

Here is what it looked like 
when we first made it.

Want to know how it looks 
decorated for Fall?
We let the fairies 
take care of their own garden.
Can you spot the house?

Stinking Fairies!!!!

Hope you have a 
wonderful day and 
enjoy every last moment
of pre-winter weather because
will soon be upon us---
ready or not! 


  1. Fall is NOT FALLING here yet!--- but I am hopeful......

  2. our fall weather is we went from 97 to 89 for our daily highs and our lows are 78 and 79 intstead of 82 or 84. that i love but will have to wait for November to get any cool air. we just get subtle changes in temps, pretty much the same look. w we feel fall instead of seeing it.

  3. I'm seeing more and more signs of fall every day. I love this time of year but I detest what comes next.

  4. I love fall. Falling leaves, pumpkins and comfort food. The days are cooler and the nights are great for good sleeping. xo

  5. I love Fall, but it is still too da** hot here in NOLA. Send me some cool weather.

  6. It feels like fall here. Leaves starting to turn colors and that cool crisp air has arrived.

  7. Thank you for the splashes of Fall. Lovely. I have my decorations up, and the warm colors of Fall and the scented candles and fairy lights just make a home a little cozier!

  8. Ahhhh! a poem in picture's and word's. We loved it and yes we would love some places like that. BUT Thank the Lord, we can look around us and see his hand. ?We will miss the Fall colors in NC, but we sill enjoy the picture's like yours and in our memories.
    Thanks for allowing us to visit and dream...
    Sherry & jack smiling a little.

  9. Yep! The world before Pinterest. How did we survive!?! I love all these cozy fall images you have shared. Thanks so much, my friend. Have a relaxing evening.

  10. Diana, I know there's a Bazillion things to see on pinterest...but I miss those good old days of Better Homes and Gardens. Gathering clippings from magazines to save. I took a drive by the old farm house to see the fields of beans are now bright yellow. Fall is working on the trees too. Some are changing it seems over night. Hug John for me. Blessings to all of you. Love, xoxo, Susie

  11. The past few days have truly been, FALL DAYS.
    Beautiful time of the year.
    Today when I mowed the tractor was
    picking up more leaves than grass.
    Tinges of red, orange all around us.
    Enjoy . . .

  12. Hi Diane! I love Fall. Last Fall I was stuck inside my house from September - January with a bleeping broken leg. This fall I am going to buy every stinking pumpkin I can find. Love you tons.


  13. Our trees have not begun to turn but we have had some cooler rainy weather. Next week it will be back to 80 so fall is not quite here. Loved all your fall scenes and getting ready for fall. I'm ready!!

  14. I'm laughing at those stinkin' faeries!! It was fun looking through magazines for ideas back in the day!! I remember!! Happy Fall!! xo

  15. The Fairies say that it's so hard to find GOOD HELP these days!

  16. What a clever post! I like all the fall looks!

  17. Happy fall, Diana. The trees are really turning colors here in northeast IL now. I am in no hurry at all for winter, that's for sure.

    How is John doing?

  18. I'm from Bucks County Pa which is closer to Trenton NJ ( Just over the bridge) We are about 1/2 hour from Philadelphia!

  19. I like the looks of fall, but, not the falling temperatures! Loved the fairy garden and how they grew those tall canes around their house! :D

  20. Beautiful inspiration! The one thing I miss about moving to Florida is the fall.

  21. Loving all these fall places. You know I am a summer girl but boy am I looking forward to fall.
    Have a great rest of the week. Hugs. Kris

  22. Such pretty images! I do love the look of fall but always hate to say good bye to summer. It's gotten cooler here and we've seen some leaves starting to turn. Wonder what fall and winter will be like in our new location? We're still close enough to the shore to stay a bit warmer, which is good. I don't like freezing! Have a great day! Hugs!

  23. You're sending shivers up my spine. :) I see you were testing, hope you passed. :)

  24. Fall is such a nice time of year and I hope you have a great one!

  25. Our trees are showing off.. we took a ride up to Eagle River and it was beautiful. :-)
    Happy October in just a few days... I cannot believe it will be October!!

  26. I always feel such joyful relief when autumn arrives.

  27. I have always wished to go to the New England states for fall color! It is so lovely!

  28. I have always wanted to go to the New England states to see the wonderful fall colors!

  29. Fall is making an effort but summer won't give up..60's or lower las week..Back in the 80's next week..I hope we have a fall!
    Don't be picking on those fairies...

  30. We've had the coolest summer and fall on record. But next week we are going to see some warmer days, which I am very thankful for. I don't like being cold. Take care and hope you have a pleasant fall before winter comes.

  31. Fall is certainly in the air and yes, I miss looking through the magazines. Pinterest is not the same. I hope you are having a nice week and enjoying your Starbucks!

  32. Fall/Autumn is such a lovely time of year.
    I enjoyed the images in your post.

    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  33. Lol, I have notebooks of magazine pictures too. I rather miss those but Pinterest is fun to browse through.
    Right now, I’d be very happy to see Fall or Winter. I’ll settle for temperatures in the 80’s though. Ugh. Summer here is like winter there. Too long and too harsh. My son’s wedding is Saturday and the temperature is supposed to be 95. Ugh. And yes, it’s outside, so ugh again. Lol. At least there are big shade trees! Enjoy your fall; I’m waiting on mine.

  34. What lovely photos. The leaves here in New York are not turning much. We have had a lot of rain. The temperature has gotten cooler. Love those pumpkins you have displayed. Thank You for sharing.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  35. Those fairies! Ha! I still save the pages from mags.

    Your fall is ahead of ours but I hope to see more next week when we go north. I love your photos. Your outdoor sitting area is so pretty and I love that firepit!

  36. We are still hot in Texas! The green is fading and now looks dusty so we only have green and then brown leaves. We've had brown ones for some time now since it's been so hot and no rain. They have been dropping since July!

  37. Oh Dianah. No matter the topic it is always a joy to be here!

  38. Hi Diana, Absolutely love this post and all the fall colors. Thank you, as always, for sharing! John

  39. I love the colours of autumn but I'm never ready for summer to end.

  40. It has been super nice here in Florida in the mornings but most often the heat starts cranking back up by mid day. I have noticed a few trees with different colors though and loved it. I love fall colors. Happy October to you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  41. It's the most wonderful time of the year! xoxo

  42. Diana,
    All such beautiful pictures that just scream Fall...The leaves are starting to change here... Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words!!

  43. Fall is my favorite season, but Mother Nature has yet denied us the weather for it. Finally some good news after yesterdays pouring, flooding rains...a cool down. I, too, believe that winter will be here soon. Fall didn't get it's chance this straight from summer to winter I guess.

  44. A fairy garden sounds like fun! Fall is here for sure. The leaves are all falling, the air is crisp, I love it! ☺ Plus - NO MORE MOSQUITOES!!!

  45. Fall has already arrived at your beautiful garden.

  46. I love all these Fall ideas, Diane. Very creative, and I especially like that little space with the chairs and orange pillows. Jess just got two of those chairs and a small one for Francesca. I remember you putting together a fairy garden. I still pick up one or two garden fairy items if I see them at the stores. They are just too cute not to. Yes, Winter will be here before we know it. And it's gets cooooold where we both live. ; )

    Happy October, Diana, and a pleasant week ahead.


  47. I love to look and dream about Fall and fall garden themes too! Your fairy garden reminds me of what my garden looks like in the fall - overgrown, and in bad need of remediation! But, the harvest this year has been incredible, and for that I am grateful! Many blessings to you dear friend, your posts always bring a smile!


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