
Sunday, March 27, 2022


 Well, I can't let Easter slip by

without doing a


So- You old timers 
(and I am NOT talking age here-just 
OLD readers-NOT talking age)
know the routine!
Pick ONE table to sit at with 
anyone of your choice.
I know SOME OF YOU have a hard time
picking just one---
but please try.

So---here we go!





So, there you go!
You know the drill.
Pick one table and let me know your favorite.
I'll be back with the results after I tally the votes.

Speaking of table settings....
Look how tickled little Anna Ireland 
was over a table setting.
 Maybe she is just praying before the meal, huh?

Sound asleep!

We are SUCH  a BORING bunch!!!
I sure do miss those baby days!

I will be back around soon.
Bear with me as I try to keep up
with your blogs. 
Life/health has been a bit crazy here.


  1. Testing, 1, 2...LOL. Yes it worked. Here I am. Well, as usual you have given us some very delightful but difficult choices. And as it appears I am the first one to comment, I don't know who else will be at any of the tables, so I guess I can be the very first one and we'll see if anyone wants to sit with me! LOL. I'm having a hard time deciding as usual, but I've narrowed it down to numbers 2, 5, & 6. You know my penchant for all things woodsy and nature like, and also that I prefer to be seated where I can see outside the windows. Since #6 doesn't have any dishes on the table, I'm not sure if we are going to actually get to eat or just pick at the eggs in the baskets...LOL. #2 looks like a lovely and delightful brunch setting and #5 has bunnies and carrots on pretty flowered plates. Eenie meenie miney moe, catch a bunny by his toe...I think my eyes keep going back to #2, because I can see some lovely rolls or bread or something already there, and butter...and juice and eggs...and it just looks like a happy, sunny place filled with laughter. Okay, that's it! I've made up my mind. "Just call me Mellow Yellow, Quite rightly!" Thank you for making this possible once again. I do hope you have a pleasant and joyful day. God bless you and yours, my friend.


  2. #7


    I love the toasted marshmallow in your header photo!

  3. ...they are all too fancy for this plain dude!

  4. Normally I don't have a problem picking one. I see it, love it and sit. But I am wavering between 1 and 6. I love the plates on 1 and the rabbit placemats on 6. Hmmmmmmm. Ok, I am going for 1!

  5. #1 is #1 today.. love the simplicity and the colors.

  6. I’ll take 5 please. It just says Easter to me. Love the bunnies.
    Have a great week!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  7. That is such a cute photo. I choose #1

  8. #6...I'll bring some pine cones to add to the decor! Hope you are feeling better each day. Take care and take it easy. Sweet hugs!

  9. Tom can sit at my table! It's not too fancy! lol

  10. For the first time I'm not really crazy about any of them. I decided to sit at #5 because I like the bunnies and because I see there are candy carrots at each place. I love those candy carrots.

  11. There's NO WAY I can resist that sunny, buttery #2. Now I want to resurrect my childhood egg cup for the season.
    Anna Ireland is precious!

  12. 1- what's going on with you? Prayers.

  13. #7 A Pop of Primary Pastels for me please! Those brightly coloured eggs in primary colours remind me of colouring eggs with my Mom and sister when I was a kid!

  14. Oh, they all have appeal, but I think Pretty in Pink is the one. The little foil wrapped chocolate eggs are calling my name! -Jenn

  15. OOps, correction, "Pink and Pretty"! Read it too fast! #4! -Jenn

  16. #5 Colorful Carrots!! Love the bright colors for Spring!!

  17. No brainer for me - #4 Pretty In Pink, because who doesn't want their own basket of candy at their place setting!

  18. I'm xhooainf Pretty in PinK, #4,although mellow yellow was very tempting. Hope you have a Happy Easter! I too miss the baby days, my youngest grandchild is now 6 years old. No babies here anymore.

  19. Sorry for the typo, that is meant to be choosing #4

  20. They all say Easter for sure but my heart is with number one the nest napkins got me! I wish those baby days were back too. Have a great start to the new week. xoxo Kris

  21. No contest for me ~ table #1, please! Simple and non-foo-foo
    Hugs, dear Diana ~

  22. Good morning Diana..thank you for taking the time to do this�� Well….. I LOVE "yellow", but…two is overboard…five is perfect…however #1 just spoke to my heart♥️ See you there as you table hop��


  23. Well, is there anything sweeter than a sleeping baby? Adorable. I will choose table #6 please. I just love those bunny placemats. Happy Weekend!! xo

  24. I liked all the tables but no 5 is my choice

  25. #7 for me as I am ready for color!

  26. Number 5, says Easter for sure. Love the bunnies.

  27. I want to sit where you are sitting. Guess there’s not much chance of that since you don’t sit. I will pick number one. Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your week. Hugs

  28. #5 Colorful Carrots, I am ready for spring. Love the cheerful colors and whimsy. Happy Sunday. xoxo

  29. #1

    Which is surprising since I love yellow. Guess the need for calm is high just now. Thanks, Diana.

  30. I’m not an orange person at all, but I’m going for #5. It looks so cheery! Thank you, Diana!

  31. I will be at table #5, what a fun, fun table.

  32. Woodland Wonder for me, #6.. I can garden and eat at the same time.
    Ha Ha Ha Ha!

  33. I think I'll go with table #2....the chairs look very comfortable and it seems like the sun is shining into a lovely sunroom!

  34. # 1, the Bird Nest! This was the hardest one yet to choose because I love them ALL! WHERE do you find these?

  35. What lovely choices you've given us.
    Pink and Pretty for me please ...

    All the best Jan

  36. They each have something I love . . .
    Like the light colors of #1 and
    the bright orange in table #5 . . .
    Lots of kiddos around us at Easter and they
    would enjoy #5 . . . BUT . . .
    my heart is with #1 . . .
    and the light colors and the “napkin nests!”

  37. You probably know already, but #6 is my table.

  38. Please put me at table #1!


  39. I'll take a seat at #3 please! Those little feather nests are so cute! Keeping you in thoughts and prayers! Hugs!

  40. #1

    Like em all but that is my favorite.
    xoxo Dolly

  41. I Love the colors of #1. Simple and sweet! I miss blogging <3

  42. I’ll choose #1, Diana. I’ll make it easy for you to make those blog rounds…I’ve not posted since mid-February! Just can’t get around to doing it. Always sending you good health wishes!

  43. I love #1, those teal plates are stunning!

    I'm sorry for the losses and memories of loved ones you've experienced recently. I feel a connection to you because I can relate. Plus I'm a believer, my youngest daughter's name is Diana and my granddaughter calls me Nana. :) Praying things get better and that the Lord comforts and heals you.

  44. #1 for me!!! I just love that setting!! My Logan has a gift for napkin folding. My dining room table is already set for my company this week and Logan folded the rose colored napkins into roses! She si so good at this!
    I notice I will be sitting with Sandra of Mad Snapper!! We will try to keep our voices down but I am so EXCITED!!!

  45. It wasn't hard to choose this time -#1 for me! Love those napkin nests. And the teal plates. Just perfect!

  46. I liked the table with all the bunnies, but, I'll pick table #4, Pink and Pretty, please, because I spied foil covered chocolate eggs at that table and I just can't resist chocolate eggs! :D

  47. Before I tell you my choice I have to say that when I saw Feather my nest all I could picture was a feather in every bite.
    Now my choice, after a bit of a debate since you only want us to pick one, was #5 colorful carrots. I thought the bunnies were cute and then I saw the hyacinth, my favorite spring flowers.

  48. Little Anna! You adorable baby. :) I love the first table set up please.

  49. #1 for me:) Simple and pretty! Oh I love those little baby days. One of my Granddaughters turns 16 today! Time sure flies by. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  50. I am having a terrible time deciding. I was all set to pick from 1-2-or 3 -- and then I saw 6.

    I'm going with 6. Love those bunny mats and the long centerpiece. But this is the first month I'd be happy at more than half of them!

  51. Colorful carrots for me. They're all cute, but I love anything with bunnies. Take care, my friend!

  52. May I please sit at the #1 table...and where did you get the glasses?? I love those....I love the color of the plates too....hummm, I don't need anymore plates...I wonder if I could find them at TJMaxx...anyway, I hope you feel better soon...being "off" is no fun....

  53. Thank you!!!! Fun to pick one, but #5 with its colorful yellow and carrots wins my old-timin vote this time. Super cute. such a happy table.

    Little sweetie asleep in her high chair - priceless.

    Hope all is well, praying for good health and some peaceful days ahead for you. Big hugs.

  54. What cute Easter tables Diana. Please sit me at #5 Colorful Carrots.

  55. Well this old timer picks #6, Woodland Wonder! LOVE IT! I gotta tell ya though...that picture tickled me so good of that sweet girl. But, I really think she was praying. LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  56. The one with the feathers or woodland for me. Can't pick which one is best.

    And Anna Ireland is precious.

  57. I wasn't coming but Sherry says we will and sit at table #1. I know it is crowded, but Sherry said since I will be eating soup......... BUT Annie I is Beautiful and very satisfied....
    Thanks for letting us visit. From the Sun,
    Sherry & jack

  58. I am late getting to the weekend's posts but I want table #2 with the yellow placemats. I have those same placemats and could use two more, so after dinner, I need to make a distraction and snatch a couple of them before anyone notices. Don't tell on me!! xo

  59. Diana,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    My choice is Number 5!! I love all of them but I love that one more!!

  60. I can't decide! I LOVE the bright yellow because it reminds me of sunshine at the beach! But I also found the sweet Feather My Nest so simple and sweet.

    Can I bunny hop between the two tables?? Lolol!

    xoxo Laurie

  61. Pink & Pretty, please. And I'll sprinkle some jellybeans on the table for good measure.

  62. Love the tables. Me, prob the first one. I think I like the simple look of it the best.

  63. #4 Pink and Pretty

    I am so in a pink ruttttttttt....

    I'm having trouble with seeing new posts, on my Blogger Gadget too. And can't add any blogs, to it. Whattttttttttttt's going on????????

    💚 💗 💚

  64. Orange you glad I participate all the time??? I would like to sit at #5 Colorful Carrots, please.

  65. Number 5! Because I love those striped candles!-- we have some of those and I just love them!cute carrots too. I am bringing hula hoops for all and my green tambourine full of swirly ribbons! I'm also bringing coconut Easter eggs and peanut butter ones as well. I dont like jelly beans but I'm bringing a bunch for those who do! I will also bring a big big bowl of my "tater" salad. Gypsy music so we can dance around the campfire---there WILL be a campfire right??!! LOL. I also have sparklers for everyone--- grown-ups can have fun too right??!!

  66. Oh, Diana, don't be bothered about the time it takes to get back around. 75 comments!! WOW!! I can't even keep up with less than 10. I will pick #5. I love colorful carrots, but will only eat orange!..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  67. Well for me it’s #5 Colorful Carrots! Might as well have something to munch on before you’re fed! 🥕🥕🥕

  68. Colourful Carrots for me!!! That table setting is beautiful! ☺

  69. Please kindly seat the pirate at table number ONE! Those bird nests and the pretty colors are just too too darling for words. I would have chosen table six, woodland wonder, but there were not any plates and that had me worried. So ... bird nest napkins it is! There had better be something chocolate. xoxo

  70. I love #2. The colour yellow tells me spring has come.

  71. This was a tough one, but please make me a place card for #2 - Mellow Yellow!

  72. What's up doc, as Bugs Bunny would say, lol! I would love to sit at the carrot table, #5! Jane

  73. I have to go with # 7 !!!

  74. Nearly late to the party.... Hope there's room for me at #4!

  75. I'm so late commenting that the chocolate has probably melted on those tables. I think they are all cute so I am not picking. xo Laura

  76. LOL I know that I'm late to the party, but the pink and pretty table has candy on it. I pick that one!


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