
Monday, November 15, 2021


What a whirlwind the last few weeks

have been!

As most of you know,

my grandgirl, Alana, 

was accepted into the 


Many of you watched her grow up on my blog as


I have a timeshare in Florida

about an hour from Disney.

I left a week early to spend some time

with her before she starts the program.

As most of you know,

once they enter an away-at-school program

they never really ''come home" again.

We had a wonderful few days hanging out

at a resort on the ocean.

Her mom, my daughter, Tara,

joined us for the last two days 

before we headed to Orlando.

What a wonderful, wonderful experience.

The three of us spent 2 days in 

The Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

We ate our way though Epcot

and enjoyed all the rides in both places.

Then we helped Alana move into her new apartment

right on Disney property.

They are state-of-the-art apartments

and beautiful.  

The campus is like a resort.

Alana will be working in 


Her first day is tomorrow and she is really excited.

The unexpected bonus was a wonderful roommate

They connected and 

have spent lots of time hanging out.

As we know, that kind of connection 

doesn't always happen.

I was gone for two weeks and my 

son and his wonderful wife & Carlisle took care of


for me and kept tabs on John while I was gone.

Scruffy after his initial 


punished me for two days by ignoring me. 

LOL- Now he is back to his usual

nose on my leg-where are you going demeanor.

I just got home and turned around to go to a 


but I will let another blogger share that first.

Thanks for bearing with me. 

I hope to be a better blogger 

during the next few months.



  1. Oh my word Scruffy is so CUUUUTE! I love his necktie! Please tell me where I can get one for Rizzo! xoxo

  2. So glad you got to spend such a special time with your daughter and granddaughter! Congrats to your granddaughter, too!

    Scruffy likes to have his people around, I guess--no gallivanting around without Scruffy, people! ;-)

  3. Welcome home, Diana! I'm glak you were gone for those 2 special reasons ~ Hugs

  4. Excited for your granddaughter . . .
    And for you to hear all about each of
    her adventures, and to tell us all the news!

    Happy your are home, oh wait, sounds
    like you are taking off again.

    And Scruffy . . . poor dear,
    I would give pause to you as well,
    long time to be without “momma!”
    Oh that face, love, love!

  5. That Scruffy is adorable! I know that you had a wonderful time with your daughter and granddaughter. What fun she will have too! Happy Day to you dear lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. It's ALAWYS a good thing when I see a post from you!

  7. So happy for Alana. What a fun and delightful place to work at. Frontierland is one of my favorites. It's nice that she has a lovely apartment on the Disney property also. This is a cute picture of her and her Mom. So glad you got a chance to visit with Tara too. Oh, the Magic Kingdom is loved by many. This will be a good experience for her. : )


  8. I'm so glad you had a good trip and enjoyed some sunshine! And that's Little Lulu? Hard to believe! I'm wishing her the very best. Sweet hugs to you and John!

  9. That sounds like a wonderful time! Florida, Disney, and getting to spend time together - all the best stuff! Glad to see Scruffy didn't leave you any "presents" when you got back!

  10. She's going to have a ball!! So many kids from around here have done the Disney program and I'm sorry to say, you are correct, they don't come home. The weather is fabulous and the people are wonderful. Some have been placed in permanent positions and moved in with friends, some have even fallen in love. They don't say it's the happiest place on earth for nothing! Haha. xxoo

  11. No need for apologies. Lots of things going on in your world.

    How good to have time with Lulu and your daughter. I'm sure that you all were blessed by it.
    I know nothing of this Disney College. I'll have to do some research.

  12. Scruffy is adorable! Is he some kind of cocker spaniel cross? Oh the beautiful blues of the seaside photo. And both your daughter and her daughter are beautiful! Seems like Lulu has a dream come true job.

  13. this is an amazing tale and I enjoyed every word, so happy for you and your daughter and granddaughter. Congrats on the school and new roommate.. scruffy is adorable

  14. Congrats to your granddaughter! I know where you were in Chicago!!

  15. Sounds like you all had a great time. Best wishes for your granddaughter.

  16. How wonderful to spend quality time like that with Tara and Alana! And what an amazing opportunity for Alana -- wishing her much success and happiness at the Disney College Program!

  17. What a fun time to spend with your beautiful granddaughter. I'm curious about your event!

  18. SWEET! Enjoyed the entry do very much. Pictures are very good. Funny isn't it, Dara and Lulu could be sisters. Both are beautiful.
    I think congrats are in order for Miss Lulu, that is wonderful.
    Sending love from just up the road from Disney in Leesburg.
    Sherry and jack, we are dug out of the sand and set up....
    Love ya!

  19. You are a wonderful blogger and blessing to us all. Never doubt it!

    My son's family just returned from a week with the Mouse in Florida. Our grand-daughter's first time! We lived so close to Disneyland, back in the day, that we could hear the fireworks nightly and could watch them if we chose to hike a block or two up the hills behind us. Good memories! I know your "little girl" is going to be a great addition to the Disney cast. She and your daughter are just beautiful. Hmmm, wonder where they got those stunning looks?!

  20. What a fun time you had!! How exciting for your granddaughter!! I've missed you! Welcome back!! xo

  21. How lovely to spend time together, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    Well done to your grand-daughter, I wish her the very best of everything.

    All the best Jan

  22. Hi,
    What a fun adventure for you!! That is special memory making time!!!
    What is Disney College? You will have to fill me in.

  23. Sounds like a wonderful time. Glad you got to spend time with her before she started.
    Scruffy is too cute for words.

  24. This is so exciting. I’ve had a former student and a nephew be a part of the cast as a singer/dancer. Those were fun times. I’m so glad you had time together. She’s beautiful as are her mother and grandmother.

  25. I'm not sure I understand "Disney College". Will have to do a Google search after I post my comment. Terrific photos of you all, and sweet, sweet Poochie.

  26. How exciting for your granddaughter who, btw is beautiful like her momma and nana!
    I know whose party you went to! I can't wait to read all about it!

  27. OMG, that sounds like a magical time! I know you enjoyed it so much. Enjoy your day and give Scruffy extra snuggles:) HUGS!

  28. Can't beat quality time with family! I can relate about Scruffy - I was in Florida for a week, and when I came home, Sadie was happy to see me, but then? Gave me the cold, furry shoulder. Have fun in Chicago!

  29. I never heard of the Disney college program, Diana, but how exciting for Alana. How fun for the three of you to spend time together in Florida. Scruffy sure looks cute and I’m happy to know that he’s back to his old, loving ways!

  30. What a wonderful opportunity for your grand daughter. So glad you got to visit with her and your daughter too! Also nice to enjoy some warmer weather for awhile. It's been cold with snow here. I don't know where you might be going next and hope you share your next adventure soon. Take good care and keep healthy and safe.

  31. Dear Diana, I love getting caught up on what is happening in your life. As for blogging, I’ve got to get on mine and post some photos of Emmy. Enjoy each day my friend.

  32. Scruffy sure knows how to pose. :) Best wishes to your granddaughter as she begins a new chapter in her life.

  33. Missed you lady!! Glad you had a good time..You certainly have earned some fun time! What a great opportunity for" Lulu"..Such fun for her..Good to hear from you..Welcome back to reality.!!!Hugs

  34. Such a fun getaway Diana. Congrats to Alana for being accepted. I know the three of you had a blast. Scruffy is adorable, pouting just like children. I cannot wait to hear about Kris' party. I know it had to be so much fun. xoxo

  35. Welcome back, Diana!! Wow... what a wonderful experience for your granddaughter! Oh to be young again. So happy that you had such a wonderful time in Florida. Have a wonderful week.

  36. OMG to see that beach and ocean. Heaven! Glad your Alana is in the happiest place on earth to go to college. I bet little Scruffy was so mad at you for being gone so long from him. Buddy does the same thing to me. Then they remember how spoiled they are with us and come around lol! Loved seeing you and the girls for the girlfriend party. Finally we could have it again. Happy New Week. xoxo Kris

  37. I'm so happy for your granddaughter! She is beautiful. Yes, pets will punish you for leaving them.

  38. You will learn all the secrets about Disneyworld! There are hidden things and places and such. She should have fun working there. It does get rather muggy tho!

  39. Always bringing up the rear, but Oh My Gosh! What a beautiful family you have. Congratulations to your granddaughter. She must be extra special and she is very beautiful. Sure runs in the family. It sounds like a fun time for you all. Glad Scruffy is speaking to you again. He is adorable. Glad you're back too.

  40. What fun times! I'm glad you did get to spend some time with Alana! How exciting it must be for her. I know you'll keep us posted!
    xoxo Dolly

  41. So thankful you had such a wonderful time away with your granddaughter before she started her grand adventure! So very exciting for her, although I know she will be greatly missed. Scruffy is as adorable as ever! Will look forward to hearing about your most recent adventure!

  42. Congratulations to your granddaughter, what an exciting time for her. Lovely photo of her and her mum. Glad you had such a lovely time with them. You are a great blogger Diana :-)

  43. How special that was you got to spend that time with your granddaughter and daughter-great memory makers!! Congratulations to her for getting a job a Disney! Good luck to her!!

  44. How nice that you got to spend time with your granddaughter. I hope she has a wonderful experience with Disney.


  45. How wonderful is that?! Glad you got to spend some time in sunny Florida with your daughter and granddaughter!

  46. So exciting for your "LuLu".. I know she will do wonderfully there and what an adventure for her!! I am sure she will have great stories to tell you as her life develops there. Oh, and that Scruffy, what a little scamp! Of course he missed you frightfully, and when you came back he wanted to punish you for leaving him, but now that you are there for good he is back to adoring you. So sweet. Love love love this story.

  47. How nice to have that trip to FL and your granddaughter going to Disney college! Scruffy is so adorable and my dog does the same thing with ignoring me for a day if we go away. I enjoyed looking at the photos.

  48. I think I know what party you went to . Congratulations to Lulu.

  49. Hi Diana! How wonderful to spend a few special weeks with your granddaughter - hard to believe she is 18 already! It sounds like she is starting an amazing opportunity. I am so glad you know who was able to have her party this year - I know you guys always have a blast. Jane

  50. Hi Diana, what a great experience for your beautiful grand daughter. She certainly has grown to be a beautiful young woman and Scruffy is just adorable. Such a smart little face..Happy Thursday..xxoJudy

  51. Diana thank you for stopping to visit me. Your Alana looks so happy and full of joy. Wonderful that you got to hang out with her and Tara. As for Scruffy he is absolutely too cute for his own good. I am thinking he just might get spoiled...I am sure if he was my pooch he would be. Well take care and have a good Thanksgiving-Hugs!

  52. Congratulations to Alana! It will be a good experience for her but I'm sure you and the rest of the family will miss her. She sure looks like her mom.

    Beautiful shot of the beach. Then you had to go back to cold and more cold. Scruffy knows which side his bread is buttered on.

    I was wondering about Jason. I pray for him daily, that the Father will perform a miracle and all will know that He did. Also pray for Mindy as I'm sure this is very difficult for her.

  53. oh wow how wonderful for your darling granddaughter
    your cute doggy lol

  54. So glad you had such a wonderful time. Our grandchildren are growing up way too fast. xo Laura

  55. So exciting for your granddaughter - a new chapter in her life! So glad that you got to enjoy a nice time, just the three of you. It is rather bittersweet when they go off on their own and you are left with all the memories, but now you will get to see the rewards of helping to shape her childhood and grow into a beautiful young woman you can be proud of. Sending hugs xo K

  56. What a fun adventure! I have always wondered what it was like to work at Disney. I always thought that if I were young and single and carefree, that is the job I would go for! I hope your granddaughter has a blast there!


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