
Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Jason has a very rare form of brain cancer.


I thought I would let him speak for himself

on this.

Their plans are still to sell their house in

Omaha, Nebraska

and move back to 

Carmel, Indiana.

That is where their hearts lie-

and it is "home" to their three kids,

who spent most of their lives there.

Here is Jason's post:

The picture is of him and his good friend, Owen.

Please keep him and the family

in your prayers and send

healing wishes and thoughts.

We are looking for a miracle........

Brain Cancer thought and update.
Hello from Omaha. I wanted to reach out to you as supporters during a time in the Noel house we never expected. Nearly 3 weeks post brain tumor removal surgery I am healing well. No pain and I am walking daily averaging 4-5 miles and starting to get the needed rest for my body to heal. After the walk I’m cooked for the day. Lol 😂. We spent our fair share of time this last week at the hospital visiting doctors, specialist, MRI’s research studies and beyond.
We’re still waiting pathology reports that will help understand short and long term diagnosis, root cause and related items. Either way it’s not going to change my attitude to beat cancer’s ass a second time, live life, care for my family, enjoy my friends, have faith, get back to work and stay the course.
The support, prayers, meal trains, phone calls, visits, text, cards and beyond are making a significant difference for our family and me personally. Thank you very much! I am humbled by it all and know it’s going to be a driver's success in the treatment process.
We have identified next steps in this journey in the coming weeks along with a world class medial team of true professionals at the Nebraska Medical Center. These people are bad ass. Although I haven’t been to the casino or bought a lottery ticket, the number 42 continues to show itself as a significant and meaningful part of this experience. The tumor most likely started growing when I was 42. I had 42 staples holding my head together and just found out that I will have 42 consecutive days of oral chemo that starts on September 20-21st. This will coincide with targeted radiation over 6 weeks too.
No matter how dark this experience could be, three things remain intact - We must be:
1. Do’ers: sitting around isn’t an option. Keep your mind going, body healthy and push forward in all you do
2. Donors: obligation to your family, community, church, friends and beyond must remain at the forefront of who you serve
3. Door openers: how can we, you, and I open the door to better others, their lives and related situations
We look forward to working through the next steps from a medical perspective, getting the house back on the market, relocating to Indiana and getting back to work. It’s been great over the last week having family, friends and co-workers visit. My brother, brother from another mother, mom, sister and others.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Upward and onward. In it to win it!
May be an image of 2 people, including Jason Noel, people standing, outdoors and tree


  1. May God see the need and heal you, I know everyone cringes at the word Cancer, but God has the ability to stop it.

  2. He's an inspiration, I wish him all the best in his recovery. His attitude is wonderful!

  3. He is a strong and uplifting soul. I have no doubt that he will beat this. I will continue to pray for him and your family as he mounts his fight. xxoo

  4. Praise God! May the peace that transcends all understanding keep you strong, and help you through the days ahead. I survived a brain tumor, and uterine cancer....God is good!! xxoo

  5. Diana, what a gracious young man. He has a great out look and that is undeniably the best medicine. All the best to everyone..Take care..xxoJudy

  6. You raised a wonderful man Diana, and he’s a fighter. He will beat this. Love to you all. ❤️

  7. Diana,
    Wonderful post and a great attitude....It was my nephew's attitude and he lived his life to the fullest even though his diagnosis was poor and he lost his battle...Sending prayers and all kinds of good wishes for your SIL and Daughter and their entire family including you , my friend!! Cancer takes a toll not only on the person who has it but on everyone who loves that person so please take care of yourself to as you try to be there as much as possible for your daughter and her family.......
    Many Hugs,

  8. Prayers for your family Diane. He sounds like a fighter.

  9. Diana, He is an uplifting inspirational young man! Jason I was thinking oh my I'm sad when I first saw this but after reading your thoughts at this time I felt better. I/we will continue in prayer for all of you now and during treatment.
    Love you Diana

  10. Wow, I'm overwhelmed with his testimony. So wonderful to hear his own words. Thanks Diane for sharing. Sending more love, hugs and prayers.

  11. Sending thoughts and prayers for everyone Diana.

  12. 42 prayers, wishes, thoughts . . .
    “In It To Win It” sounds like a great theme . . .
    Thank you for your SIL’s message Diana!

  13. God bless you and your entire family. Prayers and love 💕 being sent every single day

  14. What a warrior spirit he has! Sounds like he battled cancer before. Praying for the Lord to lead in every detail and give peace to all. May His healing hand touch him and heal him.

  15. Prayers for Jason and his family and for all of your family. You sound like you are prepared for this battle Jason and I pray now for you to have the stregnth to kick this cancer to the curb

  16. He's so strong. He will win and beat this. Continued prayers!

  17. He is and will remain in my daily prayers! I love his attitude and know it will see him through this journey to healing. Thanks for sharing Jason's own words with us, Diana. Love & hugs.

  18. I needed his words and I’m not sick! 😊. Praying for him daily and for his medical teams. I cannot wait to see the significance of 42 in this journey.

  19. He has a wonderful attitude. I'm not sure if I could be so positive and upbeat facing the same situation. Prayers that he is victorious in kicking cancers ass again :)

  20. He is amazing Diana and it is going to help so much that he is so positive. Praying they get that miracle and he is cancer free and able to move on with his life. Such a scary time in their lives but I know with how strong both Jason and Mindy are they will give it a great go and hopefully win this battle. Keeping all of you in my prayers. xoxo Kris

  21. Thanks to both you & Jason for keeping us posted. I'm still keeping all of you in my thoughts ~
    Huge hugs ~~~

  22. It may seem a long and difficult road ahead but he is a blessing for others in his attitude and outlook God uses all situations to help people and Jason is such a positive example for us to learn from. He knows the score, lean on the Lord for strength, remain positive and look ahead and worst case he knows where he is going. Lets pray that wont be for a very long time and there is good health ahead. Thank you for sharing the news and I pray it just gets better. Lots of love to you all
    Hugs Janice

  23. A wonderful attitude and I continue to pray for a complete recovery for Jason.

  24. Attitude is everything when you're dealing with cancer - and with his positive attitude, I am sure good results will prevail along with mighty prayers. Thanks for updating - I was wondering how things were going. I hope their move back to Indiana goes well.

  25. Oh, Diana! I'm so sorry your SIL has gone through this but bless his heart, what an attitude. He and his family will continue to be in my prayers. Our God is so good and He sure does answer our prayers.
    Pop in to see me sometimes as I started a new blog.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  26. He is strong.
    Continued prayers.

    All the best Jan

  27. Thank you for posting Jason's GREAT Optimistic and positive blog entry. Walking 4-5 miles is amazing this soon. WOW
    Prayers and positive thoughts his way.
    Love ya and this was a good visit, thanks
    Sherry & jack

  28. Prayers going up. Blessings coming down.

  29. Prayers continuing as you travel this road of treatment!

  30. Such a positive message. Continued prayers for healing and grace for the journey.

  31. I am praying for complete healing for Jason and admire his upbeat Christian giving attitude. In it to win it.

  32. With this attitude, he's beating it already! He's a true inspiration. Continued prayers for complete healing, a smooth move to their new home, and continued love and support through the Grace of God.

  33. Amen! I pray for Jason every day. Love his attitude!

  34. What a remarkable mindset. Ongoing prayers!

  35. I love this post for it's positivity in the face of a huge mountain of unknowns. Jason is an inspiration to wake up and face each new day, one at a time!

  36. Continuing in prayer for your dear son in law and his family. Moving is a big deal, but pray that being back in familiar territory will be a blessing to them during his time of healing. Praying for healing especially. God is able, and we will continue to pray with you all.

  37. Will continue to pray for Jason's complete recovery and for his family who love him. xoxo

  38. Praying for quick healing. He has a wonderful attitude- ready to fight! Thanks for the update. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  39. Diana and Jason, thank you for the update. You can include West Virginia among those friends who are praying for your success in kicking cancer's ass this time. God bless you and your medical team.

  40. Jason has the fight in him, which is sure to play a strong role in his recovery. Praying for continued strength for Jason and his family. May healing come speedily.

  41. Diana-thank you for sharing Jason’s post. What a great attitude he has. He sounds like such a strong and optimistic young man. This really helps one face the challenges of life. My thoughts and prayers continue for him and his family.
    Hugs and Love coming your way,

  42. This is a beautiful, gracious post. I'm grateful that part one is over and now on to the next. Thanks for sharing this update -- as you know, the prayers will continue for recovery and healing.

  43. Diana, Jason is brave and smart....not to mention kind. All of you are in my prayers. These things involve the whole family, even our family of friends. Blessings to all. Love you, xoxo, Suie

  44. What a wonderful attitude he has. I hope he heals nicely from the surgery and he gets all the answers and treatments that he needs during this time. I said a prayer for him, Diana, and all the family. love to you,


  45. What a tough thing for them to go through, but his positive attitude and spirit is amazing and inspirational! Praying that as they transition back to Indiana that will bring a source of comfort to the family to have support there.

  46. Diana,
    As I read his words...I am crying. For all of you...what a special guy!
    I am crying too because my dear friend of almost 40 years is at home on hospice due to cancer...
    Our prayers go out for your family too...

  47. May God bless you and help you get through this difficult time. I hope that you can find some peace and joy during the next few months of chemo and radiation. You seem very upbeat and resilient. Your positive attitude will help others encourage, support and love you more. My son was diagnosed with an astrocytoma on his brain stem. He is doing well. Even during the most difficult times, remember there are people who have never met you that are praying for your complete recovery.

  48. He has such a wonderful attitude about this! Please let us know what the pathology report says. Do the doctors think they got all of it?

  49. Your son has such a positive attitude, I don't see how he could possibly fail. I'm so glad he is doing so well and moving forward with his life. Praying always for you and your family.

  50. WOW.. what a powerful attitude. I love it.
    Praying for all.
    Love, Carla

  51. I read about this wonderful man on your Facebook - still praying for God's mercy and healing!

  52. Such a great attitude and determination. Kudos and great respect for Jason. He is so right. You have to fight for yourself and not give up. I have fought cancer three times so I understand. I am praying for healing and peace as he continues with his treatment. Much love. xoxo

  53. I send my hopes for recovery for Jason and strength for his loved ones. It seems like you all have a lot of support and love, which is so important.

  54. Wishing all the best for continued recovery and good health.

  55. Praising God and praying for great days ahead. His positive attitude will help him as he travels along this journey! You got this Jason! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  56. Continued prayers for him and your family��������

  57. He's an inspiration to all. May God continue to Bless him. Prayers continue for him and all of you.

  58. Continued prayers for Jason! He is a strong man and I am sure he will do great!

  59. It sounds like he is on the road to recovery (previously typed as "toad" to recovery--a fun but jolting journey, perhaps). I hope there is plenty of good news coming his way, but he seems to have a great approach to life and that counts most of all. Hugs to all of you as you confront this challenge.

  60. What a wonderful message and a wonderful attitude he has. May God bless him and his family in this journey.

  61. I will keep him and family in my prayers. God bless.

  62. God bless Jason and his family as they go through this journey.

  63. What an amazing man Diana. I will continue to keep him and the family in my prayers. xo Laura

  64. I am grateful read each and every word. I wish I could see the picture but it says unavailable, Nonetheless, have prayed for him and I am so grateful that he, himself wrote this for us all. God bless him every single day and may his journey be a beam of hope to every one else reading this.

  65. My heart is going out to all of your family. God WILL heal and take care of all of you. This is a certain, we must just be patient and let Him do His work. Prayers will go out to ya'll daily. Hugs...

  66. Diana, I just left a comment on your last post...and it is comment number 42! I'm not kidding!
    Please let Jason know how your blogging friends are praying for him! And I am just one of them!
    Take care!
    Love, Kay G.


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