
Friday, May 8, 2020


I am sure that many of you
know and love
Debby Ray.
She has always been a
delightful blogger and an even more

You might know her by her blog
As many of you know,
she has been struggling with some health issues.
In the midst of her health issues,
they sold their home,
bought a lot close to family,
moved into an RV and are
building a new home.

Debby Ray asked me to share this with you-
“I will be taking a break from blogging for a while and am not sure at this point when I will be able to return. I have no idea how to even begin to write a blog post and there are still so many unknowns ...all of the details are not really important at this time. I have been diagnosed with cancer of the liver bile duct... most of you know I have been fighting this for quite some time. Through the years we have brought our many prayer requests to each other and I have felt yours and have been so grateful for them.
So after 13 days in NC, it looks like I will be able to get out for Mother’s Day. I will be returning to TN the first of the week to get a treatment plan in action at Vanderbilt. Thank you for your prayers! I hope to post updates as often as I am able. Much love to all!”

Debby is such a dear heart-
please pray for her and all she is going through.
Life is uncertain enough during these times
without the added stress of worrying about
something besides CV-19.

Please leave a message here for her
and she will pop in to read them.

Thank you all so much!
As always, if you don't pray,
please wing healing thoughts and well-wishes
her way.

Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
Stay Safe!


  1. We tend to forget with this virus that life goes on for us and many are suffering from other diseases. Debbie will be in my prayers and hope she is able to find a good treatment plan that works for her. Praying for a return to good health and happiness. So many had treatments delayed because if thus virus and hopefully now they can be continue.

  2. Oh I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for sweet Debby now. I have been praying for her for a while as I knew she was having tests run. This is difficult news to take, but our God is bigger than any diagnosis, and we will pray pray pray. Thank you for letting us know.

  3. I hope and pray things go well for our precious friend! She has been such an inspiration to me over the years and I'm sorry she has to go through this. Thanks for giving us this update. Hugs and love to Debby! She is in my prayers always!

  4. I'm so sorry to read this. Debby, you are such a bright light in this world. Praying for wisdom for the doctors as they plan your treatment and for God's healing touch on your body. Hugs across the miles.

  5. Oh no about Debby. She is such a sweet and giving person. Let's pray and have hope they can take care of this and she will have better days ahead. Prayers , prayers, prayers.

  6. Prayers for Debby and her doctors and family/friends. Prayers the doctors will find the best treatment and that the virus will stay far away from all concerned ..

  7. Prayers for Debby and know that GOD hears every one of them

  8. Thank you, Diana, for posting this for Debby. I will definitely be praying as she has been so good to pray for me. As for leaving a message, I plan to be bugging her directly and momentarily.

  9. Oh no. God bless her....sending up prayers. That is just too much.

  10. I don't know Debby but will certainly pray for her! We are all joined together via blogging. Thank you for sharing this prayer request!

    Debby, Vanderbilt is a wonderful hospital! I will be praying for you as you start your treatment and HEAL! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

  11. Debby, I am so sorry to hear this news. I will be praying for you and lifting you up before our Heavenly Father. You have such a sweet and cheerful spirit, and I'm sure this whole corner of blogland is hurting for you and asking for healing. Love to you sweet friend. xo Deborah

  12. Oh Debby, you sweet lady, this is heartbreaking news to hear. I pray that the healing hand of our Lord is on you and that you have the best of care, along with comfort and peace from our Father.

  13. I'm so sorry to hear this about Debby. She is a dear person, and I will be saying a prayer for her right now. Thinking of her at this difficult time and I am sending her thoughts of comfort and love. : )


  14. I am so sad to see this. Decades ago I was a volunteer at Vanderbilt Hospital and saw miracles. Prayers for another one for Debby Ray.

  15. Praying for you during this difficult time.

  16. My heart breaks for dear Debby! She has been one of my long time blogging friends and has been very active on Facebook. I knew she was ill but now we know how to pray. I pray she will feel God's arms around her and the love He has for her and as well as the love we all feel for her. I pray for her comfort, peace and successful treatments to bring our dear Debby back to health.
    Shelia :)

  17. Lifting prayers for Debby! I believe in miracles and the good folks at Vanderbilt.

  18. Praying for healing and for peace as she travels for treatment. I don’t know Debby, but will pray for her. Blessings!

  19. Oh, I love Debby! She is very very special! I will remember her in my prayers.

  20. Prayer for healing. It is hard for me to understand the shock of a diagnosis like that.
    Yes prayers....
    Sherry & jack

  21. I always enjoy Debby's posts and will keep her in my prayers going forward! Do please keep us posted. Her blog is on my reading list in case she checks in. Thank you, Diana, for being such a good friend and letting us know. xoxox

  22. Prayers spoken. Difficult times.

  23. Oh my, I’m praying for Debby! I know God answers prayers. God, protect, heal and bless my friend Debby.
    Thank you, Diana.

  24. Debby, I just sent up a special prayer for you...for healing and for peace and comfort for the journey. Diana, you are such a sweetie to always be thinking of others. It is such a difficult time right now...more difficult for some than others. We all need to pray for each other, or as you said at least send out good, positive thoughts. God bless us all.

  25. Sending up prayers for Debby.

  26. Sending thoughts and prayers

  27. Prayers, healing thoughts, sent with my caring Debby . . .

  28. Praying for a good outcome. Debby, You are in the hands of a great hospital and staff and may that give you confidence that everything will be OK.

  29. Oh indeed I will say a prayer for Debby..I know this is one hard time to fight this type of cancer as my father had the same....may God bless her everyday...

  30. Prayers and healing thoughts for Debby. May she have the strength to fight this cancer. Diana, you are an angel to ask for prayers for Debby. Xoxo

  31. Dear Debby, I am so sorry to hear of this diagnosis, but now they can start working on how to fix and manage the symptoms! Remember in those down moments of all these sweet ladies and others praying for you!!
    You are so loved and your wonderful friendships with so many will be a source of comfort in this time of unknowns and medical issues.
    But you are strong in Christ, and He will get you through this fiery trial!
    Hugs, Roxy xoxo

  32. I've been blogger friends with Debby for years and she is on my prayer list already. I will continue to pray for her and her family.

  33. Prayers for Debby I followed you for quite awhile

  34. Much love to Debby! I know it is a tough time to be sick! May all the love and joy you have brought to us come back as healing power in God's love!

  35. My prayers for your friend.


  36. Oh I have been praying with our friend Debby on this journey in her life and well, she knows....But my prayers daily for her and she is such a joy in my life. We've never met face to face but we have become the dearest of friends. Thanks for posting this sweet lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  37. Thank you, Diana, for posting this for Debby.
    I am saying a prayer for her right now and will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

    All the best Jan

  38. Since being away from blogging I didn't know of Debby Ray's current situation, I am sending much love, and thoughts, with many prayers for complete healing.


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