
Sunday, September 1, 2019


I wrote this a 
and thought you might like to read it.

Did you ever wonder why Labor Day
Was formed to give us rest?
Did you wonder how it happened
Why someone formed the quest?

The year was Eighteen Ninety-Four
When the railroad union took a stand,
They refused to switch Pullman cars,
Throughout this grand old land.

They struck for higher wages
When their income was reduced.
Their cost of goods still stayed the same,
And they couldn't be seduced.

George Pullman talked quite loftily
Something they didn't like,
It finally took  US Marshalls
To step in and end the strike.

When George Pullman later died,
His wife and children sobbed,
As they encased his coffin in concrete
So his grave would not be robbed.

After the strike was ended,
Grover Cleveland had his way.
He declared a day to honor workers,
And they called it Labor Day.

Thank you to my forefathers
Who worked the morns and nights,
To create an easier world,
To ensure I had my rights.

I am so very grateful,
That I can have my say,
I know that working is a privilege,
As is celebrating Labor Day.
©Diana Kosmoski/2011



  1. I absolutely love this Diana. A truly perfect post for Labor Day!

  2. Happy, happy, happy Labor Day Weekend to you. Been a busy one so far for me but thats okay cause I finally am starting to feel like me again! Have a great one.

  3. Love it! After many years of Union membership declining, it is on the rise again. People are beginning to see that the disparity between the wages of the folks who do the work are not equitable with the outrageous salaries of the CEO's (just like George Pullman). Not only did the Unions push for child labor laws, but also work safety, the 5-day work week and the 8-hour day. And because of fair wages, America's middle class was created. Happy Labor Day.

  4. People take labor day for granted.

  5. Great poem, Diana! Now labour and rights are under attack and serious erosion in our own times. The country is run by people just like Pullman, if not worse.

  6. What a great poem. Enjoy your long weekend, we had our Bank Holiday last weekend.

  7. Diana, I love your poem. It's perfect. I used to smile bigger about labor day when I worked. LOL. I did spend a great part of yesterday with my daughter Angie and granddaughter Ted went on a weekend fishing trip with his brother Mic. Hope you and your family had a fun weekend. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  8. I enjoyed the visit. Yes we are enjoying Labor Day near Oak Ridge, TN. It is nice to be out and on the road, even for a short run.
    Good poem!
    Sherry & jack

  9. Girl, you are a Poet and you know it!!!! Hope you have a fun and relaxing Labor Day. Ours this year will be quiet and uneventful.

  10. We are grateful for all those before us for fighting for the privileges and rights we now have. Unfortunately, those rights can be taken away and we can’t let that happen.

  11. ...a interesting new story fo me.

  12. Interesting story, Diana, thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful holiday.

  13. Super post.
    Happy Labor Day … happy September too.

    All the best Jan

  14. This is absoulutely wonderful. A perfect poem. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your labor day.

  15. Very interesting post. Hope you are having a great holiday weekend.

  16. I remember this post and grateful for the Labor Day holiday. I am leaving my blog address to see if you can leave a comment there. That blogger is a naughty one. Good to see you my friend. HUGS and LOVE

  17. This is SO good .... I'd not read this before! Grateful!

  18. I am thankful to have worked for 30 years and appreciate all who are still out there working! It is indeed a privilege! I hope you enjoy this day! Happy Labor Day dear friend, HUGS!

  19. Interesting Diana..thanks for sharing..Happy Sept and Happy Labor Day..Hope you aren't laboring..xxoo

  20. I did not know the history, thank you for that! Happy September, Happy Labor Day.

  21. Thank you for sharing this! Happy Labor Day! ;)

  22. Wow! I thought there would be a credit at the end to some author, even though I read at the top that it was something you wrote long ago. Diana, very well written! You took dry historical facts and crafted it so that I just had to read every line to see what happened. Super impressed here!

    Happy Labor Day!

  23. Perfect tribute to those who understood the rights of the laborer!

  24. Diana,
    What a great post about Labor Day!! This is the first year in a very ,very long time that i do not have to work either the Eve or the Day of a Holiday!! Ironically, Joe is working to today!!He never had to work Holidays before he retired but he did not mind working today so someone younger could have it off. We celebrated the Holiday yesterday anyway....And I got to spend a nice quiet day at home relaxing,,,enjoying MY retirement!! LOL!! Thanks for stopping by, my friend!!

  25. Didn't know that story of how Labor Day got started. A great poem you wrote about it!!

  26. A wonderful poem that says it all. Thanks for sharing this and I hope your day was terrific!

  27. Nice blog and poem. This was my first Labor Day not working.

  28. Great poem! Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting! I read on your "About Me" that you are in Green Bay. I got all excited because I attended UWGB! Small world, isn't it?

  29. Diana, I love this. You are so talented and it makes sense! I didn't know that you painted (this is coming from one who traces!) I would love to see some of your Santa's. You should do a post of them. Thanks for your visit. Summer is winding down, and I hope most of the "hot" goes with it. I look forward to fall weather and wish it could stay like that all year long..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  30. Great poem! hope you had a wonderful labor day and a great week!



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