
Wednesday, June 26, 2019


While I LOVE being home,
I also LOVE to travel.

I took Thing Two & Thing Three
on a little get away.
I LOVE the ocean
and so do they!
Sorry-not such great pictures
but you get the idea!
They rode thousands of waves!
They also had plenty of time to
as I jumped the waves.

After tiring of the ocean
we retired to the pool-
I made
late every afternoon
and made all the tables near us
This is

Take 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks,
1 cup of lemonade
1/2 cup of coconut MILK (canned)
Add: Stevia (or sugar to suit yourself).
I use about 3 T of Truvia (stevia).
Put in blender and process until 
thick and creamy.
but addictive-trust me....

We only had one day of rain
and spent that watching movies/shows.

Atlanta Traffic...
Sorry Atlanta-
I HATE driving through you!
Coming home I took an alternate route-
It was an hour further west BUT-
being as it took me 
I figured I saved at least an hour
taking the longer route!
Who says blondes are dumb?
Have a wonderful day!
Sending love your way!


  1. Looks like a fun time for all! And where is the picture of you in your itsy bitsy bikini, pray tell? Hot-lanta is a NOT a fun place to drive in! What beach did you go to? And oh my...that drink looks fabulous!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful time. And those girls, wow...look how they've grown, such beautiful young ladies!

  3. Oh my, who doesn't hate Atlanta's traffic? We drive out of our way too, to avoid that mess. Your pineapple whip looks SO good! Glad you had a nice get-away with the girls!

  4. How wonderful you got a beach break with the girls...sounds lovely and I enjoyed living vicariously through you!

  5. Sounds like a great time! Glad you had fun!

  6. You made some good memories with your sweethearts! Yum on that fancy drink!!!
    Thanks for the recipe!

  7. Looks like a fun trip. I heard that Atlanta traffic is horrible Glad you found another way. That pineapple whip looks really delish!
    Have a great week.

  8. My sherry would have loved to spoil some girls. She only had one grand girl and we did the best we could at spoiling.
    I enjoy seeing those female bonds, it makes such wonderful ladies. My girl was a mama's girl.
    Now Atlanta? OUCH come to think of it, car or plane, it can be a pain.
    Loved the entry with photos.
    Sherry & jack

  9. I hate Atlanta traffic too - I always make appointments out of rush hour.
    Made a copy of that drink.
    The girls are getting big.
    Glad you all had a nice time.

  10. So glad you had so much fun together on this getaway! Very very special memories made for sure! That pineapple drink sounds wonderful, definitely will be trying it! :)

  11. That looks so relaxing. The pineapple whip sounds yummy. I'm going to have to try that. I hate driving in traffic like that. I'm a two lane highway kind of

  12. ...NO ONE loves Atlanta's traffic!!!

  13. Smart gal! Whatever the alternate route to THAT would be preferable. 🙂 That pineapple whip sounds amazing. I am gathering such recipes. The girls are adorable. So glad that you had time together at the beach.

  14. Looks like aside from traffic, you had a great time. I love going to the beach. Only live 20 minutes away by subway, but don't get there often enough.

  15. I’m just over here thinking how brave you were to take two teenage girls to the beach!

    The whip looks good! I’m pinning it for later.

  16. Sounds like you had a fun time! Gees 2 hrs. to get through the Atlanta area! Good move on the return home taking an alternate route.

  17. Hmmmm, you may get two comments from me. It kicked me out but anyway... what I said was:) Sounds like the perfect getaway, they pineapple slushy sounds yummy and Atlanta traffic sure stinks! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  18. Sounds like a great time. Sounds like great weather too. My kind of lady, find another route instead of sitting in traffic.

    Thanks for the drink recipe sounds great.


  19. So glad you got away and had a nice trip to the beach. It is one of my favorite places, but one I rarely get to expect for my imagination. So I thank you for the pictures! That pineapple whip looks wonderful. I'm going to have to try it out! We've finally got some heat and humidity here in Ohio so something cool and refreshing will definitely hit the spot!

  20. Traffic drives me nuts. It's why I don't live in a big city! When we go to visit the kids near Detroit everything ramps up -- more lanes, more speed. I'm looking forward to escaping to the lake!

    But it looks like such a good time and with your girls -- that's the best!

  21. Atlanta traffic can't be worse than LA traffic....but either way, it's the pits ....
    Hope you are all well and rested after your trip....looks like you had a great time....

  22. Hello Queenie! That sounds like lots and lots of grand fun! Pineapple Whip? Gotta make some! xo

  23. Glad y'all had a good time! That Atlanta traffic? Reminds me of Nashville; I doubt I'd ever try that again. :)


  24. Oh the beach... Making memories and enjoying the wonderful cool, refreshing drinks! I always look for the out of the way route! I do not like the crazy drivers, truly no one has manners anymore! Love the pic of beautiful Monroe,
    She was not stupid, just Hollywood overload fame and fortune for a pretty gal!
    Can you believe 4th of July next week (WHAT)?
    Hugs, Roxy

  25. I should make this since we now live on the beach. Summer Paradise 365. p.s. I agree, Atlanta traffic is horrible

  26. Looks and sounds like a great time! I have never been through Atlanta's traffic, but I've heard about it. I can't stand Chicago's traffic, and I've heard Atlanta and LA are even worse. No thanks!

  27. Oh this must have been a fun time with the grands...memory making for sure!
    That traffic sounds like something I would avoid at all costs, too...even if it was longer timewise.

  28. You are such a great grandma to take your grandchildren and drive to FL to the beach. Looks like you all had a great time. Traveling in the summer is fun!

  29. Sounds perfect ass does the pineapple whip! Sounds like a virgin piña colada .. Looks like you had a fun time. You are a good Grammy. Glad you got away for a little bit. Hugs

  30. I'm so happy that you all had such a wonderful time, Diana! There's nothing more healing than being at the beach. :) And oh, girl! That Pineapple Whip sounds so delicious! Definitely making that this weekend to sip while I sit out in the heat manning my garage sale. Lol!

    I hear ya about Atlanta. We never drive 75 any longer just because of how busy it always is. We take 65 or 69 or something like that, and then across 10 in FL. It does add on a couple hours, but well worth it!

    xoxo Laurie

  31. We haven't made it to the beach this summer and probably won't I'm sad to say. Just life happening! Sitting on the beach under an umbrella with a cool drink and a good book...that's almost Heaven:) ATLANTA TRAFFIC...#$%@#%!!! I seldom go by way of Atlanta but when I do I pray...A LOT!!! Hubby drives like a bat out of h---; says he has to or will get run over. I bury my head in a book or crossword puzzle and just pray that I live to see another day. Glad you had a fun time with your girls! What beach did you hit???

  32. I'm with you, I DON'T DRIVE IN OR AROUND ATLANTA, I stay south of the city.
    No you're not dumb, smart thing to do.

  33. It sure looks like a fun vacation...HOT but FUN! We don't go through Atlanta any more either. We would rather take our time and go the backroads any day! But then again...I'm a natural blond too! heehee! Glad you had fun with the girls! Enjoy your day sweet lady!

  34. So glad you and the girls had a get away together . The sound of the ocean sure holds peace and quiet for me . The girls are adorable and that pineapple and coconut treat looks yummy . Atlanta traffic is horrible . Makes my nerves bad thinking about it 😂 Higs and blessings, Cindy

  35. I envy you the ocean views, but certainly not the traffic!

  36. Is there anything better than beach days. What fun. They are re-plastering the pool in the complex and I can't wait to get in it. Not the beach, but it's just down stairs. So no complaints.

  37. That looks like so much fun Diana! I love that drink! Oh my gosh the traffic shot made me shudder!!!

  38. Sounds like your having fun.
    Oh that traffic. Another reason I like living out in the middle of no where!. : )

  39. I looooooove pineapple, but it doesn't like me... I learned early in life it causes my apendix to flare. Odd, I know. So I'm careful and just have a few chunks in the pineapple/chicken/rice skillet I make. Being a blonde myself... we are definitely not dumb lol. Glad you had such a great time with Thing One and Thing Two! Hugs and blessings, Diana! ♥

  40. Looks like y'all had lots of fun. Yeah, I hate that traffic too! Beautiful pics, now you've gone and made me want to head to the beach! xoxoxo Dolly

  41. Looks like a wonderful get-a-way with your girls . . . they will carry this memory of their trip with grandma forever:) Traffic like that would drive me insane. Remember to plan your next trips going the second route:)

  42. Looks like a super fun time with the girls. :) I'll take some of the pineapple whip please!

    Oh Atlanta - yikes! We drove through it helping Darling Daughter and Son in law move...we came home through the mountains. Just saying. That city is a nightmare to drive through. I will never do it again if I can help it. ugh.

    Have a wonderful weekend Diana!

  43. Sounds like a wonderful time, Diana, except for Atlanta!
    I want to try your drink. Yum!
    Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  44. Oh, the girls are getting so big, Diana. I'm so glad they got to experience surfing. I am from a family of surfers, and here in California there are many good surf spots. The pineapple whip sounds so good with these hot days we're having. I didn't know you were traveling through Atlanta. Did you stop anywhere else in Georgia? I'm glad you had a great time with the girls. Road trips are the best.


  45. That pool looks fantastic! Sorry about the traffic. Cheers from Carole's chatter

  46. Glad you and the girls had fun at the beach. I would have panicked in all that traffic.

  47. I'm with you on Atlanta traffic! It's horrible and people are rude. Had to go through there today bringing our daughter to summer camp! We took the backroads home. SO much nicer. Glad y'all had a fun time! That pineapple whip sounds so refreshing!!!!!

  48. Atlanta traffic is the pits. When my Mom was still with us and I'd visit her there, I never stopped asking: "why DO people live here?" It's horrible driving anywhere any time of day.
    I'm glad you had a nice beach vacation and your pineapple whip sounds REALLY good. I think some Vodka in there might have made the silly comments from the girls a bit easier to swallow. :)

  49. LOVED the pictures! Think the pineapple drink has to be to die for and I'm trying it!!! And you couldn't;t pay me to drive thru Atlanta any more. I quit in the 80's.


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