
Friday, May 17, 2019


Well, I don't know about you 
but I have been  SO SICK 
of winter that I could fly...
and would if my broom 
weren't in the shop for repairs.
I am starting to feel like the 
Wicked Witch of the MidWEST.
I don't want to grow one more icicle
or cultivate one more snow drift
or have one more cold cloudy day!

So, here's the deal.
I am going to show you 

some gardens and you all
get a chance to vote on your favorite.
And, once again, I must remind 
some of you that  

Here's the set up-
The house can be anything of your choice.
Behind your house you are given the budget 
to do any one
of these projects/yards.
WHICH ONE would YOU pick?

A beautiful oasis with steps leading down into velvet greenness. 

Flowers and plants among rocks and steps

(the couple is an extra option and not included in the purchase price)

A darling little corner of someone's world

A serene little informal oasis

A wonderful study in form and function

Can you smell the "green growth" here?
Okay, folks!
Let's dream of 
Which is YOUR dream garden?

Now- This 
-It is from the movie
As you can see-After a hot day in the
steamy outdoors you would have your
very own hairdresser.
Like I said-


  1. Well it was a struggle to pick between #1 and #2 but ultimately I’m choosing #2 because of the flowers! 🌸🌼🌺

  2. #7- it seems open, plus food is growing there! :-)

  3. Number 7 in a snap, take care my friend, I think of you often, hope all is going well.

  4. I love all of them, but I had to choose #3 as it reminds me of a magical place that I stumbled upon while walking through the woods behind my grandparents house as a little girl. I spent the whole day there. Never found it again. That's why I say it was magical.

  5. This is much tougher than your tables, Diana!! I love the structure of #1, and the glorious raised beds of #6 (bet they don't have to spend all their time edging and weeding!). The colour in #2 is wonderful, but gardening on a slope has its downfalls. So... I will go with what calls to my heart and pick #7 with its rustic outbuildings and fences and already weeded rows of vegetables!! -Jenn

  6. #6 square deal not for the geometry, but for the open views.

  7. After much debate, and because I have a tiny yard, I decided to go with # 4. Small and Sweet. I do love flowers. We are finally warming up here. So don't lose hope!

  8. It was a tough choice but finally I think #2 suits me to a tee.

  9. I absolutely love the Square raised garden! I have always wanted one but we have no sun in our back yard and the only thing I can grow is mint and tomatoes on the deck. You are a peach for making our lives fun by doing this!

  10. Actually this was pretty easy for me. I loved #1 at first sight and even though the others were beautiful, #1 just speaks to my heart.

  11. I like #2. Flowers already bloomed. Colours make me happy. Yup my pick.

    We in Canada say Winter was too long.

    Have a nice weekend. We have long weekend Monday extra.

    Your blogs are very motivating.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. #7 because it has been so long since we were in one place long enough to see something grow! Just yesterday I told Sherry I could plow up the space where we were going to build and plant, IF,IF I knew we would be here in the fall! LOL NUMBER SEVEN! oLD BUILDINGS, FENCES and all!

  14. This is hard. I liked #2, but at my age, too many steps and gardening on a slop not something I'd like to tackle. So, I believe it will be #3. I can sit and enjoy the fish in this serene garden.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  15. Bocephus and I choose #7, flower gardens are pretty but he and I love our veggies.

  16. Today, its #7...I feel rustic...and want space more than the other gardens give. I want my eye to wander and my feet to follow...and getting dinner along the way would be lovely.

  17. There are several I like but couldn't walk in so #4 looks about my speed. Small, flat and really pretty!

  18. #3 ~ Feed the Fish for me!!
    I don't care about the couple, but the bench they are on MUST stay, and I DO want someone to perform all the garden and pond services ;)
    Thanks for the delightful twist on your Table theme!!
    Hugs ~

  19. ...after retiring from 50 years in the landscape/nursery business, these all look like too much work for me. I was working in the yard this morning and now I can barely move!

  20. Without a doubt number 2. We could actually do that out back where I live.

  21. I am going to be the weirdo of the bunch and say #7. My dream is to be in the country and that's about as country as it gets! Now....who can I get to help me take care of this fabulous garden....??? :D

  22. I thought it was going to be easy.....I love #1, but I want a few of the flowers in #2. Will I have to plant them myself? Ok....ok....Sticking with #1!

  23. Number 2 looks the most like an English garden, so number 2 it is for me!

  24. I think this is way tougher than picking a table. I like so many of these. #7 would be awesome to have all those vegetables growing right in my back yard but I'm thinking that might be too much work for me. I better go with #4 small and sweet. I think that's probably much more manageable for me.

  25. I pick #7! The REAL garden!!

  26. My favorite is #5 and I would toss a few fish in there to keep down mosquitoes.

  27. Number three. Feed the fish. You can keep the couple!! Tough choice..I found myself thinking about the upkeep of each of these. You didn’t mention whether they came with the gardener or not! Hugs

  28. Hi Diana, If I can get some help taking care of it, #7 for sure. Otherwise, #4, Small and Sweet. :-) Thank you for your recent thoughtful comments on my blog. About email, I am reluctant to use it with the blog due to some unfortunate incidents in the past. However, feel free to leave me any comments you wish. And I would not say that if I didn't already have a sense that you are a kind and thoughtful person. Take good care and have a fine weekend ahead. John

  29. Love #2 but would probably fall down the stairs
    so will happily choose #4. Thanks for the fun again.

  30. Hi Diana, I’m with you and ready for warm days to stay; we get teased and then we’ll get clouds, rain and even snow-yuck. So I would choose #2-love it.

  31. 2 or 3 for me - fish or flowers? Flowers of 2 please!

  32. OK I have decided. I want the house #6 with the yard and garden #3. I want those people out of my yard!!!
    But, Out of Africa can join me even though he (oops, I mean them) isn't included in the price. I'll pay whatever it takes. He makes me steamy even without the weather......

  33. Most definitely "Feed the Fish"! For me, a water feature in a garden is a must-have. It adds another dimension, sound, movement, and LIFE! However, I did have to take another looksee at #1 because it's so cool, quiet, and lush..... :)

    xoxo Laurie

  34. Number 1 for me, but I'm going to steal some of the flowers from #2 and plant them in pots at the dead of night so no one will know. Love that hidden garden look - like The Secret Garden!

  35. Hey NanaDiana. Without a doubt, number 7 for me.

  36. the Step It Up is very nice, but I LOVE #1, lush garden.

  37. I absolutely love Number 2, but if it were to be in my actual backyard, I would need something a little easier to maintain, so I'm going with Number 4.

  38. Hi, Diana! I'll choose #4! Now, all I need is someone to come create it! - xoxo Nellie

  39. Number 2.....I love color! Besides, all those stairs will keep me healthy 😁
    #7 I would never choose. I grew up with a huge vegetable garden and even had one of our own for many years. They are work, no fun, nope never do I want one of those again!! I’ll get my fresh veggies from a road side stand where someone else did all hard stuff 😊

  40. Well, Diana -you did it again! These are all gorgeous! But since it's "make believe"...I chose #2... the steps (which I could never do anymore) guarded with such pretty flowers would be me! BUT if this was real...(ha) then I'd do #4.. a little corner of my world!! Hope I have not confused you! LOL #2 it is!


  41. Let's pick not an option.

    What a silly name for a choice

  42. Number 2! Love all the bright colored flowers amongst the rocks, definitely speaks to me. As for number 7, yeah no! reminds me too much of my childhood and all the rows we had to weed, yep, no that one speaks nightmares to me. 2 is the one for me!

  43. Can I have Robert Redford washing my hair PUH-LEEZE?????? :) I don't think Alex would mind a bit! (if I don't tell him hee hee) ;)

    #7: A REAL GARDEN for me!

  44. Well, Diana, since you spoiled it for me by taking away "ALL" of them, I will choose #1. On a hot day the green will cool you off. Speaking of hot! Robert Redford, always has been and always will be an option!!..xxoJudy

  45. Well I have to pick Number One because it looks pretty identical to the gardens here in Charleston!! HOWEVER.......I surely do love those pretty backyard ponds with the pretty orange fish and the little waterfalls and all!! Now, if that Robert Redford guy was holding that big HEAVY WHITE PITCHER over MY HEAD........ let me tell you, he would surely DROP IT and knock me plum out!!! hahahaha LOL----my luck! haha It would cease being a lovely and romantic moment. Hope you are having a nice weekend, my friend! It's warm and sunny here, in the low 80s, still tolerable but I know the DREADED HEAT IS ON THE WAY

  46. #3 but the couple has to go. 😂 I want it all to myself. Nope not going to share with them. It looks so peaceful.

  47. Well, since I can't have Robert Redford (sigh), I definitely choose #1. Oh the lushness of it all! That would be so cool and relaxing. Definitely couldn't choose the ones with the water features for my backyard here in GA...mosquitoes would eat you alive!!! And I am definitely not a "form & function" kinda gal...too much work. I do love me some flowers though (even though most of them look at me, wilt, and just go ahead and die before I kill them!) Wish I could send you some of this hot GA weather we are having already!

  48. # 2 please. Although I can't strike a lick at a snake and hubby has a bad back it's the most enticing to me. Hope you get some spring soon. I'm afraid our spring is over with here in Western N.C. Summer temps have crept in and the humidity to go with it. Your weather sounds like ours last spring. We jumped from winter to summer in May. Have a nice weekend. xoxox

  49. Hi Diana,

    All beautiful gardens and love no 1 and 2 but the real garden would be great with all the vegetables growing.
    Hope you have some lovely spring weather there and you are enjoying the weekend

  50. I'm late getting here but I have three I like with #7 being first on the list.

  51. #6 because of that white house that seems to go with it.

  52. What a fun idea! You're so creative! I love number4! Hope your weather improves! Hugs!

  53. I choose #7 because it reminds me of what it looked like out the back door at my childhood home:) Enjoy your Sunday dear friend, HUGS!

  54. HAHA...I would be so interested in seeing which one you think I would go with...haha....but be honest and tell me if you thought I would go with number 2? Cause that one just grabbed me. Ponds are great and I like the sound of the water flowing but I have that in my creek. I love flowers, and stones. So that is why I went with 2. Thanks for sharing and doing for us to play along with. What would you go with?

  55. Oh and by the way.....I would like to not be TIED to a rock so I could jump over to some of the other yards and visit. HAHA....I like playing in others backyards!

  56. #1 with its lush green and privacy, assuming it's also very quiet. And to be very honest, I don't want to share #1 with anybody. Since we're dreaming here, I'd also have the money for a landscaping team to come in and do this for me because I don't enjoy gardening all that much.

  57. #2 for question...and when I climb to the top of those stairs, there, sitting on a bench waiting for me, Harrison Ford, with a pitcher of grilled Pineapple Margaritas and a big smile.....

  58. Im going with #3 feed the fish.
    I would love to have a pond with some fish and turtles. I would walk down to it every morning while having my coffee.

  59. Hi Diana....#2 had me at hello...gorgeous!

  60. I'm picking #2, but only because I would stumble and fall into the water in #3 and drown. LOL xo Laura

  61. I do enjoy these type of posts from you … but I'm just dashing out the door so will be back later to choose and also catch up on older blog posts.

    God bless.

    All the best Jan

  62. I am going with #7 .. but no veggies.. rows and rows of flowers.
    Love, Carla

  63. #2 please. Have someone to push me up the steps. Steps are tough for me


  64. Here I am back again (see my comment above).
    I had to go and get some more LCHF food, we keep eating it and the larder and fridge were getting a little bare! LOL!

    Aren't gardens such a lovely place to be? I'm going with number two please.

    All the best Jan

  65. I think the feed the fish option I would choose..... though I like them all ;-) I hope you are doing well and had a wonderful Mother's Day!


  66. I've got to go with #4, small and sweet. So pretty!

  67. Thanks for that visual, Diana. I am going to dream of Robert Redford washing my hair all night long!! Have a great week.

  68. # 7 is my dream. I have always wanted a veggie garden. Such a great movie. x Karen

  69. Number 1 reminds me of a home where my Nan was housekeeper.I played there as a child. So that would be my choice.
    So many lovely gardens

  70. I have already signed up for my fave, just wanted to thank you for your visit. Sounds like you had a good solution for the bad couch. Where there is a will there is a way!..Happy Wednesday..xxoJudy

  71. No 2 or 4, if I'm not too late! I don't know why your posts are not showing up in my feed! and hugs!


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