
Wednesday, May 22, 2019



I am FINALLY getting
all the votes tallied.
I had one as late as 2 minutes ago
(thank you, Benita!)

Wow- So much fun & diversity.
So---here we go--
if there is shame attached to your name...

There's Barbara (wants NO ONE ELSE
in the garden with her-oh-wait-except for a landscape team because SHE DOESN'T LIKE GARDENING!), 
Cheri-(her GA weather is so hot she doesn't want any water to attract 'squitoes to her garden...and her flowers look at her-wilt & die (hmmm)
Debbi(minus her crystal ball) and afraid if Robert Redford washed her hair he might drop the pitcher and knock her out!)
Judy (thinks Robert Redford is HOT-garden or not)Tete, Nonnie/Connie, Lorrie-(stealing flowers from Garden#2 in the DEAD of the night-kinda makes you wonder who what else she has planted in her garden in the dead of night (bodybag involved?), Diane-(is also going to plant flowers), the other Connie,
Kathy, Vivian, Sugar, Janice and 
OUR DEAR RON-will provide cocktails at 5.

Cindy-(wants someone to PUSH HER up the steps), Jan, Laura-no water feature for her she is afraid of drowning, Betsy, Pam-(don't tie her to a rock(wonder when that happened to her as a child-HMMMM)
Susie-(mentioned Snakes & her husband in the same sentence and that's all I'm gonna say 'bout that)
Saimi-(NOT #7-too much gardening as a kid)
Gert-(might need help with the steps)
Doris-(will get her exercise on the steps but NO #7 kind of exercise-thank you very much), Denise, Noreen, Laurel, 
Kay (reminds her the gardens of England), HappyOne, Sandie, Carol, Dawn, Liz(here for the flowers) AND
bj(Sweet Nothings)...who wants Harrison Ford sitting on a bench with margaritas and a smile...I am assuming the way she said it that clothing is optional)--Hey I don't make this up!

Jill, Lisa-(with a morning cup of coffee)
Cecilia, (wants the garden to herself so will kill off the couple-my idea) 
 Laurie/HeavensWalk-she doesn't blog anymore but you can still her amazing gardens on her old posts)!
Missy-(whining because there is no gardener mentioned), bobbie says "get rid of the couple but keep the bench"(should team up with Cecilia to get rid of the couple-but Cecilia would probably do her in because she wants the garden all to herself), Lorraine (likes a flat yard), mxtodis (reminds her of the magical garden of her childhood).

 Cindy, Sally, Leena, Nellie (wants someone to make the garden for her), Martha-(really wants to be in #2-but is keeping it real), Phyllis (also wants to be in #2 but is afraid of falling down the steps-if you were at #2 bj would probably push you down the steps so she could be alone with Harrison Ford)-
Ann is here (only because #7 is too much work),
Linda/LaCarte, MA & Benita.

There is a small, sweet party going on here!
Rose (will add fish to keep the mosquitoes down),
Kate, Anonymous, Susan, Linda & Lisa.

Anonymous-Likes the house and we would like to know who YOU are so we can visit!
DJ-just gonna post what she said-
OK I have decided. I want the house #6 with the yard and garden #3. I want those people out of my yard!!!
But, Out of Africa can join me even though he (oops, I mean them) isn't included in the price. I'll pay whatever it takes. He makes me steamy even without the weather.  
Wow- DJ and bj are both pretty hot to trot!
Gay-confused me with a peach--too much wine---shhhhhh & 
Dear Vee-likes the open views.

Karen-(always wanted a garden-it's never too late),
Carla-(wants no veggies & all flowers), Linda/ItsyBitsy, Theresa-(reminds her of her childhood gardens), Terri, Carolyn, 
Rain(send her Robert Redford-says her hubby won't mind),
Henny Penny, Ellie(and her cat), John-(would like this one if he has help-volunteers?  Anyone-anyone-anyone?), Linda/LifeJournal, Debby-(says she is a weirdo---okay---), Jan, Nancy-(says she has a wandering eye-maybe she should throw her lot in with DJ & bj & Rain?) Jettie (and her dog-or two dogs-she's not fooling me), Jack & Sherry-(they will wave driving by in their motorhome), Louise, (Canadian Laurie not to be confused with other Lauries), Sandi & Jenn (who named every other garden before choosing this one).

Tom- In the landscaping/nursery business his whole life--no thanks-he wants to wander the backroads and beyond and take photos now~

Katie-Only wants the hair washing at the end.
Adam-Thought the "Let's Pick" was just kind of silly (he's right-the results get even sillier, don't they?)

So--there you have it!
I am sure I missed someone even though I checked it twice (including FB).
What do to you think?
Are the results getting 

Let me know~
Otherwise I will continue the silliness
on into the foreseeable future.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.


  1. Make it 3 dogs now, there is Copperhead, Bocephus, and of course the old man Buddyboowhodini.

  2. I will enjoy meeting these friends who love #7:) Thanks for all of your hard work, I appreciate you!

  3. Di, I love your snide comments in the results post so please keep it up.

  4. I love your silliness, Diana ~ keep it coming!

    Cecilia ~ please don't do away with me ~ dI'm sure we can work something out!!

  5. I love it! I enjoy reading all you write!!

  6. Love these posts. Keep them coming! Oops, please =)

  7. I think these are such a lot of fun, do please keep doing them.

    Thanks and …

    All the best Jan

  8. Lots of fun for me - keep them coming!

  9. Oh I love these posts so keep ‘em coming!

  10. I'm exhausted and out of breath. How are you able to do this? I would lose track of what I was typing. I love these posts. Robert Redford is going to be busy.


  11. Wow, that was exhausting! I applaud your skills on this one lol!

  12. It's good comic relief and you do it so well. Keep it up!

  13. Love it, you make it fun. Enjoy the quips, neat.
    I see some blooms on our real garden tomatoes, we may stay here long enough to eat a tomato.
    Thanks and thed best to you,
    Sherry & jack

  14. Cocktails at 5,6,7,8,9......................floor!!!!

  15. You must keep things like this going, I like to see who I am with and what kind of hunky guy someone has invited along with us! Harrison Ford with a margarita sounds good to me! xx

  16. I didn't know we could pick a cute guy to go with it!

  17. Love these posts-looking forward to the next one!

  18. I'll never tell....

    Love these posts and your sparkling answers! Hooray for a bit of silliness in life!

  19. Wow! Lots of fun. I like that group I’m in with! Thanks for a big smile!

  20. Oh my gosh how did I miss this????? How fun!

  21. Taking the path the least taken

    Thanks Walt Whitman.

  22. These are so much fun to read

  23. HAHA...I am sure a brother tied me to something in the yard at some point in my life! But...I was saying that cause on the last table you wanted to tie me to the chair to keep me from jumping from table to table! I do like to wander and I find it hard to just stay where I need to be! haha...I love that you do this but I know doing the votes must be hard with all the folks that play along. Great job.

  24. Well, thankfully I wasn't alone; that wouldn't be fun. I love these, Diana. :)


  25. Sorry that I missed this post. I have been working in my gardens and there are days that I am too tired to lift my iPad. I’ll take Robert Redford in all those gardens..

  26. 😂
    I, for one, love these. Silliness and all. Please keep them coming.
    Hugs, Cecilia

  27. Well done! Can I have a cup of ice cold lemonade while I sit in garden #2 and reread all your funny replies?

  28. All I know is, you have the patience of Job. I like these fun things you do. It is always fun to see who picks the ones I like. Thank you Diana.

  29. Hee hee...I love the silliness, this is always so much fun to read, please keep it up!!! :)

  30. These posts are so much fun Diana! Your fun comments along the way make it really a hoot :) Have a great weekend!

  31. Love this! Keep up the good work!

  32.'s interesting what people choose!

  33. So much fun! Sorry I missed this fun post as I too have been working in the garden. Loving #2. It's great to see people love participating. xoxo

  34. These are always the most delightful time, Diana!

  35. These are always the most fun! Happy weekend!

  36. I've been so busy lately, I missed the garden picking post, but let's face it, your who wants to sit where reveal posts are fun whether I'm "sitting" or not. For the record I would've chosen number 3. I'm all about the water! ;) xo

  37. Never too long ..lots of fun.. thanks for the bright spots

  38. I, too, was happy to find that I am not alone. When I am alone, I fret over what could possibly be wrong with me. Thanks for the fun!

  39. I love this fun way to get together and do hope you keep them coming! Thank you for putting this all together.

  40. Looks like in my absence from blogging I missed good one, Diana! Enjoyed seeing the gardens, of course #7 is my favorite, since I grow so many veggies. The comments you shared are such a great way for me to start my day! We would have so much fun as neighbors, you are such a fun gal!
    Thank you for your sweet encouraging comment.

  41. Girl, no one is safe with you:) And just as I predicted the 105 degree weather (with heat index) we are having is not doing my flowers any favors!

  42. FUN FUN!!
    Have a lovely weekend my friend.

  43. I would have voted for #2 Step It Up without question, but #3 was a close second!

  44. Hey long lost pal - missed yet another of your fabulous pickems!

    So I am late and my vote doesn't count, but has that ever stopped me?

    #2 and #4 are my favs.

    I wouldn't want RR washing my hair, haha. But even though he has some mighty strong liberal views and feels he needs to tell them to us, he is still a real looker. (moves eyebrows.) Celebrities should be silent with politics and stick to their craft. Just sayin. Just being famous doesn't make one an expert - wish peeps would just shhhhhhhhhhhhushhhhhhhhhhhhh.

    Hugs - enjoy your weekend. ♥


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