
Monday, April 1, 2019


Is This Possible?
Can I take an almost 
and bring it back into
bloom in less than an hour?
They say a picture is worth
a thousand words.
See for yourself!
Here are the step-by-step
Try this yourself and see what happens.
The plant started out like this.
As you can see there are a few
spindly, waxy looking leaves.
First you must cut them all back.
Save these-you may need them later.
 Your plant will now look like this.

Next- Take a 1875 WATT
blow dryer.
Place it 7-1/2" from plant
and turn it on 
Set your timer and 
apply blow dryer for 47 -1/2 minutes.
After time is up
Add 1/2 cup water
Once again apply blow dryer
for an additional 9-3/4 minutes.
Make sure it is 2" from the plant.
If no green has appeared add
1/2 cup of filtered Spring water.
That should do it.
Stand back and gasp in awe.
Your plant should now look like this.
Within 5 more minutes
you will find that it has bloomed
and it should look like this.
It didn't work for you?
Ummmmm.....sorry I mighta lied because
it is, after all,
Hope yours is happy and relatively

I am still 
but wanted to give you an
April Fool's Day smile~


  1. You caught me, (as I am saying to myself, are you serious) . . .
    Thank you for the smiles and my first April Fools of 2019!

  2. I wondered where you were going with this lol,, but I reminded myself WHO we were dealing with lol,,,very good, you had me going for sure lol,,

  3. You had me going there. My granddaughter had given me a geranium a couple years back and I felt so bad when it died. Was wishing I had this knowledge back then...And then I came to the end of your post. Good one.

  4. If there was going to be anyone out there in blogland to pull an April Fool's joke, it was going to be you, Diana!! I can only imagine what pranks you pulled on your own children when they were young! (If only gardening took so little time!) -Jenn

  5. I'm gonna put mine under a hooded dryer...Yeah my arm gets tired holding the blow nut! xoxo Dolly

  6. Actually! Joking aside this could well be possible!
    Nice to see a it's proper place, in the
    ground, in the the hedgerows and fields,
    NOT! Cut! And put in some silly vase on a widow~sill..
    Thus cutting it's half..I'll say no more! :).
    Oh! HeHe! April Fool Jokes..finish at mid~day..of
    course your not there yet!

    Just looking through some old pranks...

    In 1975 Australian television announced the country would be converting to metric time. There would now be 100 seconds to a minute, 100 minutes to an hour, and 20 days in a month.

    The town Hall was shown with a 10-hour metric clock face. The deputy premiere played along with the prank and extolled the virtues of the new system....

  7. Ok I am not going to lie you had me going for ONLY a short second. But not until after the blow dryer! BAHAHAHA! You stinker. You are so much fun gf. Love you!

  8. Girl, you got me!!! Always up for a good laugh, this was hilarious!

  9. I looked at this and said it was impossible. I know a lot about plants and I had never heard of this. But as you went on, I started to believe it. Figured it out before the end though. You had me for awhile there.

  10. Good one!!! I thought it could be a miracle!

  11. I have a couple I’d like to revive, but me am smart and would not try this! đŸ€“ Happy time away...

  12. Diana, Please don't take this as a are good at telling lies. OMG. I thought when I read the title, you had bought a sickly plant and it perked up on the ride home. LOL That was before seeing the pics. You kill me girl. Hope you had a fun filled time with the family. Hug the other grands for me, this week. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  13. I was shaking my head in disbelief while reading.....You're SUCH A NUT!!

  14. Thanks for the April fool joke. It truly made my day! Lots of laughter here! It's also the first joke of the day so it's looking like Monday is off to a great start ! Hope your day is full of merriment and laughter !

  15. Ha ha ha....I knew what you were up to!!
    Happy April 1!! No fool here...well about other things, maybe...
    Hope its a lovely day for you.

  16. You had me until the 47 1/2 minutes! ;) Happy April!!

  17. When you fool with plants like I do, I realized real quick you had flipped your lid.

  18. OMG you're a riot, Diana!!! You nearly had me with this one!! Enjoy your break and thanks for the Monday morning chuckle!!

  19. You stinker! I was hoping that was true -- till I got to the pink blooms and remembered the day! Very funny, you!

  20. You just want to make sure we are busy while you are off having fun! I ditto Jeanie...YOU STINKER! hahaha! Happy April! Don't take any wooden nickles!

  21. You got me looking and thinking oh wow. Then you got me April Fools Day. You stinker Rue. Guess what. I dont have that plant.

    I have artificial ones or cut flowers.

    And in May. I can walk in the park behind me and enjoy the Landscapers blooms and the wild flowers.

  22. I'm sure ready to see some flowers are here. It has been a LONG COLD WINTER in Missouri. We had rain and sleet and snow on Saturday. YUCK. Come on springtime!!!

  23. You had me up till the 47 minutes!

  24. Good one! I'm not a plant person so was only paying half attention. It was not something I would ever be interested in! LOL You got a chuckle from me though!

  25. I was believing you, Diana. I have never had a geranium to come back over winter and this isn't an April Fools joke. I left mine sitting outside all winter and the leaves died, I still didn't have the heart to pull it up out of the pot and throw it away, now I am glad I didn't, the leaves are coming back on it. I have bought them every year for years and never had this to happen. This IS the TRUTH!
    Hugs, Sylvia

  26. Oh your really had me on that one Diana. Haha My daughter also tried a April fools trick on me too! You jokers. Hope you fool your grandkids today. Have fun. Julie xo

  27. OK girl, paybacks are tough. But I did have the pleasure of getting here before Sherry and caught he with it on my computer. She sits 3 feet from me and leaned over to follow as I read it. She bit as hard as I did.


    Sherry & jack

  28. You devil you!
    Enjoy your week....
    Linda :o)

  29. I gotta tell you, I was on to you halfway through. You bad girl! Funny. That is the first April Fool’s today!

  30. Your a stinker!
    You had me but only for a minute.

  31. You are something else! That was so good. I fell for it! Good one!

  32. You had me questioning you when you said to hold the blow dryer on it for 47 1/2

  33. Oh my that is hilarious. You had me going until I had to hold a blow dryer for 47 minutes. That's the best April Fool joke ever!!! Btw, I just got back from flying a hot air balloon to Hawaii!!! I can spin a tale too!!!HaHa

  34. I thought that sounded to good to be true!! :)

  35. You're trying to keep us all on our toes. I fell for until keeping the leaves. I said to myself, self she's pulling a fast one. Think of her sense of humor. This is why I think you're awesome. NO not an April fools joke


  36. I can't believe I fell for that. Actually I can. My middle name is Gullible. I was already trying to decide if I had the energy to try this.

    You're good, Diana, really good!

  37. You nut, you crazy nut...I was all ready to have to tell you that that hair dryer would never work until I realized it was April Fool's day!! My birthday is in April so naturally it's a month for fools! Guess what, my hair dryer died recently, had to buy a new one...My new one is so pretty, I might do a post about it. Yeah, I don't get out much.

  38. All it takes is a green thumb

  39. I KNEW it!!!! Hahahahahahah!

  40. That's a good one Diana!!! I was about to get my hair dryer out 😂😂😂 thanks for a good laugh today!!!

  41. Oh, you're a witty one! Great joke!

  42. Oh my Goodness!! The hairdryer had me guessing but what do I know about saving plants. They aren't safe in my care. Great joke! Love your humor!

  43. You tricky li'l devil! Had me going for a bit but I did catch on. Growing up my dad always said my middle name was Gullible. He also said I could not walk and chew gum at the same time. But I could!! LOL

  44. it is so funny!!! you really fooled me. I really started reading very seriously.. ha ha ha ha

  45. I am pretty gullible:) You had me there for a few minutes, hahahaha:) Have a blessed and beautiful day and thanks for the giggle. HUGS!

  46. Thank you for verifying at the end that you are not crazy, just full of good humor! Such use of the blow dryer would burn it out, even if the Geranium were to benefit.

    Good one, Diana!

  47. I am so utterly concrete you had me going there in the beginning!

  48. Awe, you had me going from the get go. I was ready to jump up and try it on some other plants. LOL Happy April sweet friend.

  49. that was a good one...glad I didn't fall for it. But I did fall for that beautiful cobalt blue cream mother had one just like it. Love it!!! Brought back memories...of dead geraniums and my mother's cream pitcher. Thanks for sharing them both. Brought a smile to my face.

  50. I thought MAYBE you had something until the part of putting the hairdryer on it for 47 1/2 minutes! You are too much of a jokester to get anyone to fall for that! Did anyone? :-)

  51. Hi Diana,

    Haha! You are a trick and thanks for making me smile.
    Hope you are having a great week


  52. OK, I'm a plant gal and ya almost had me.........are you kidding? YES. How funny! Great prank. and to think I wanted to give it a try. lol
    love n' hugs from up north where the sun shines on my geraniums...for real.

  53. What a fun post, Diana! Wouldn't it be great if it worked like that! LOL

  54. Diana, you silly girly! I was on to you (almost) from the beginning..xxoJudy

  55. Well, you had me lady! I have to tell you that my first reaction was, "Lord, Bless my friend". She is dang sure serious about keeping that flower alive! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  56. HA! HA! this was so funny! I knew there was a catch, I wasn't looking forward to holding a hair dryer for 47+ minutes, Enjoy your break.

  57. I kept reading and thought; has the woman completely lost it? When I started seeing the blow dryer for 47 1/2 minutes, I knew you had. lolol

    You're a trip, lady.


  58. You had me going ...Naughty girl...( Ha Ha) Although I had doubt in my mind ... I was intrigued at the thought of using a hand dryer to warm the plant ...How can this be?... My wheels were really turning... ANyways you made me smile...THANKS.... HAVE A GREAT WEEK-END...HUGS

  59. You just about had me going there girl! When I saw the time I had to use the hair dryer I began to question this whole thing, I mean really, who's going to hold a hair dryer for that length of time to revive a plant?! Haha! 😉

    I pinned your delicious looking French onion soup recipe.

    Enjoy your time away ♡

  60. Girl you are a CAUTION! I was laughing so hard at this. Mainly because any plant that gets carried into my presence is surely doomed to die and no blow dryer is bringing it back. Haaahahaha black thumb over here. xoxo

  61. Ha ha ha It was so funny! Have a nice evening hugs from Nina

  62. Still chuckling over this, Diana! :)

  63. Fun, fun, fun …

    Happy April wishes.

    All the best Jan

  64. You are crazy, girl! I was like, with my mouth hanging open, WHAT? No Way! You are good!

  65. OH YOU BRAT! I was wondering what was up with the 1/2 minute and exact inches. I am a wanna be green thumb, but no luck yet!
    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  66. Aren’t you a tease! I have to admit I was eagerly reading even when you used the blow dryer BUT the 47 minutes I didn’t swallow! But it would’ve been great to think it could work! That reminds me I have to go downstairs and water my geraniums!

  67. Haha! I was almost a true believer! Hope you are enjoying your break. Hugs x Karen

  68. Shut. Up. hahahahaha! I fell for this hook, line and sinker. My only concern was how you used the dryer that long without it overheating and burning out but I figured, oh well, she did it so it must be okay. Very funny - you got me!

  69. Girl, you had me hopeful there for a minute!!! I buy a geranium every year (because I love them and they look great in the wicker planter on my porch), but soon they look like they've been beat with an ugly stick! I think I either water too much or not enough!!! Or maybe it's just the awful GA summer heat! I said I wouldn't buy one this year, but guess what!!! Yep, lookin' good in my wicker planter:)

  70. Had to stop in and say hello. I miss chatting with you but I understand how busy life is. Hope all is well on the Wisconsin front. Have a beautiful day my friend. HUGS and LOVE xo

  71. Hi, do you know if Tete is okay. She hasn't posted in 3 months which is not like her at all. If you know something you could share, I am sure others are missing her too.
    Beth J.

  72. I was with you until the leaves and blooms! Have a wonderful Easter!

  73. Love this post. You almost had me.. but then once i read 47 minutes I figured 'throw out that plant and buy a new one'. LOL.


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