
Saturday, February 9, 2019


Good Morning~
We don't have a lot of answers yet.

I can't give you many details
because we don't know exactly 
WHAT is going on.

There is an exploratory surgery
scheduled for today.
Depending on what they find,
there may be a more extensive surgery
on Monday.
We are hoping/praying that
doesn't happen.

Please pray for this girl.
She talks like a walking
and is fully informed as to her condition.

Pray for peace of mind for all of us,
a surgery that gives finite answers,
and a relief from pain and for our 
SweetCheek's peace of mind.

I won't have my computer with me today,
so I won't respond until tonight or tomorrow.
When WE know more, 
I will tell YOU more.

Pray our little dancer is soon 
back to dancing again!

Thank you for all your prayers,
healing thoughts and 

If you are part of a prayer chain,
please add her to the list.

Love you all-
Bloggers and blog readers are


  1. Diana, my heart breaks for all of you. I pray the surgery will give you answers and that she will be on the mend soon. I know how stressful and scary this is for your entire family. Just know that we are all praying for you and your loved ones.
    She is such a brave little girl. God Bless.
    hugs and love,

  2. Good please bless this child, her family and the medical staff. Please give them the answers they need to make her well! Love to all!

  3. I can’t beleive this is happening to your precious granddaughter Diana. Life can be so unfair sometimes. I will pray that answers are forthcoming and more importantly that she is healed and pain free very, very soon.


  4. Dear Diana, Please know that I am praying for your Sweet Cheeks. Beautiful Julia, please know how many are praying for you!

  5. Continued prayers for your little one. Hope she is soon back to dancing ! Prayers for you and her family too. My heart goes out to all!

  6. Some positive news then..that's a start..
    Hope everything continues to go forward and
    good health returns quickly..!X

    Nice to read she loves to dance..Diana..I've just
    sent out an uTube video of young ladies dancing,
    to a remix of Elvis Presley's 'Latest Flame' if
    and when you it to her, she will love
    it..! :).

  7. Prayers for Sweet Cheeks and I hope you get answers soon!!! ����❤️����❤️����❤️

  8. What a difficult time for all of you! I hope there are answers and solutions soon. Best wishes!

  9. Still praying. Bless her heart. We do not like to see our loved ones sick.

  10. This breaks my heart - hoping they find the problem soon and that she is back to "dancing" soon,,,sending lots of prayers!!

  11. I am praying for this sweet child and the doctors attending her. Please Lord, relieve her pain, and yet, I pray the pain leads them to discover the cause and treat her. Help these doctors today as they do the surgery and be with little Julia and her family giving them peace and answers. Thank You, Father for Your tender care and healing of Your child.

  12. Saying prayers for God's wisdom and guidance over the hands of her medical team. May they all have clarity of mind and purpose in finding answers for your granddaughter and all your family.

  13. Yes yes yes - many prayers for Sweetcheeks; Dear Lord, please guide the doctor's as they try to determine what is wrong and how to make her completely free of pain and well again. xoxo

  14. Prayers for sweet cheeks! I hope they figure it out and there is a fairly easy fix and there will be nothing extensive. prayers for comfort and peace for you all! xoxoxoxoxo!

  15. Heartfelt prayers and love heading your way. May God wrap his hands around her and her family.

  16. Will continue to lift all up in prayer. Will also pray for her medical team. May God be their eyes and hands as they search for answers.

  17. I am praying for your beautiful granddaughter, you and your family, and the medical team taking care of Sweet Cheeks. May God be with you all and bring this beautiful young woman back to good health.

  18. Continued prayers for Sweet Cheeks.

  19. Prayers continue for this precious little girl.

  20. Praying right now for your precious Sweet Cheeks. God is with her, and He will guide the doctors in the right direction. Praying for a relief from the pain, and for answers that will bring peace and healing. God is able. We will stand with you in prayer. You are not alone.

  21. We are praying for her today. Please give her our love! Hugs, Diane

  22. Praying for your dear girl today - hoping you get answers and solutions and peace of mind.

  23. Amen to Karen and everyone above, prayers continue.

  24. I'm praying for Sweet Cheeks. I feel just awful for her and your family. ❤️

  25. Sending prayers dear friend. We have watched SweetvCheeks grow up and pray for the best for her. Will be thinking of you all.

  26. You will have my prayers for as long as you need them.
    Hugs and Prayers~

  27. Prayers for “sweet cheeks”. Keeping her in my thoughts today. Prayers also for the family as they await the outcome. 🙏🏻

  28. Sending prayers and hugs🙏🙏❤️

  29. Prayers Diana for Sweet Cheeks. I know you have her in good hands with the best doctors in Green Bay. May they go in today and find out the cause and be able to fix it. Keeping you and your family in prayer and thoughts.

  30. It breaks my heart Diana, that she is sick and no one knows why. I prayed for God's healing and giving the doctors wisdom to find out what is wrong. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. God is good and faithful, trust Him!

  31. Prayers from the Webbers out to Julia. Diana have you ever been out to the Shrine in Champion? We go at least once a year. Very powerful .

  32. What a shock. Have not been on computer much lately due to other needs. She has always been my love. Such a precocious lisle lady.

  33. More prayers coming. Exploratory surgery sounds scary and she sounds very, very brave. As much as I hate to see anyone ill, I hate it most with kids. Sending loads of love and prayers for your all.

  34. Our Heavenly Father hears...

    He's there by her


  35. Yes, still praying. Though you and your family don't know what is happening with your girl, God knows exactly what is going on. SweetCheeks will be dancing again very soon. Girls bounce!

  36. So sorry, so hard :-( praying now!🙏🙏

  37. Prayer for her. I cannot find words to write. Hope she will be better very soon.

  38. I wish she would just be okay. Then of course that they find something. Fix it. Get well quick. Prayers for the family, the doctor, and your sweet girl!

  39. Holding you all in my heart and thoughts ~

  40. I am praying that her health crisis is solved and she returns quickly to great health, in Jesus' name.

  41. Dearest, I just saw this post I am praying now for her and the whole family! The not knowing is tough! I love you and that sweet young lady!
    Will watch for the update...
    Hugs and prayers!
    Roxy xo

  42. God bless all of you, Diana, and prayers for your darling Sweet Cheeks.

  43. Oh My!
    Holding Your Sweet Precious in my heart and prayers.
    Caring about you and her family Diana . . .

  44. I'm praying for your precious Sweet Cheeks.......xoxo

  45. We will continue praying, and also pray for the medical team, that God will give them wisdom and discernment.

  46. Diana, I sit here with my coffee and thinking of you all. Praying that God hears all of our prayers and answers them soon. It makes us hurt when they hurt and you can't say why. I feel as though she could be one of my many adopted grandchild as I have watched her grow up. I am praying for a successful surgery and that you get the answers telling you what is wrong. Thinking of all of you. Hugs and Prayers Love from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  47. Oh Diana, I said a prayer for SweetCheeks yesterday, and will continue to pray for this precious child. And a prayer of comfort to you and the family as well.

    love, ~Sheri


  48. As I pray for my mother, I will pray for your darling Sweet Cheeks. My mom had a stroke a week ago and now her leg and arm is not in good coordination motto, but can move it, it's being hard on the two of us.
    God will help them both, I always confide in Him with all my soul, love and heart !
    Big hugs,

  49. sending positive mojo healing your way...and I talked to God about it too!

  50. Lifting this precious girl up to our healing, loving Jesus. RISE AND BE HEALED IN HIS NAME! God Bless you, Diana. Your faith will sustain you I am certain. Love to you all. R

  51. Prayers continue and I am looking forward to a positive update on her condition!

  52. Diana, keeping Sweet Cheeks and all of you close to my heart with prayer.

  53. Diana, I have just this minute read about Sweet Cheeks and I am stunned. So very sorry for her pain and all the heartache you and her family are going through. I will certainly pray for her. Hope all goes well. I look forward to hearing more news as things develop. Keep strong and hang in there. Life is so unpredictable!

  54. Dear Diana,

    So very sorry to hear about your sweet Julia. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers and hope all goes well and she can be healthy and back dancing again. Such a gorgeous, precious little girl.
    Hugs and love to you

  55. Oh Dianna I am just seeing this! I'm am so sorry to hear she is going through this! I will definitely be saying my prayers and if there's anything I can do please let me know!! Please keep us updated... this just breaks my heart. Big hugs being sent to you and your family.


  56. Good news, prayers are on going.

  57. Diana, I will be asking friends for prayers for her and I will certainly remember you as well. I pray that the doctors find answers for you and that your sweet cheeks is well again soon. How scary it can be when children are sick!


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