
Friday, February 8, 2019


Please pray for our Julia.
I know many of you remember our
SweetCheeks from the time she
was a little girl.

I posted this plea on Facebook
but I know not everyone
visits there.

In the middle of a snowstorm
yesterday my daughter took
SweetCheeks to the ER.

She is in a lot of pain and
they cannot figure out what is wrong.
They have ruled out several of 
the big things.

She has a really high pain tolerance level
so for her to be feeling this bad
is kind of scary.

Pray they can at least figure out 
the source of her pain today.
I will keep you posted when
we know more.

If you are not a "pray-er"
please wing healing thoughts
and wishes her way.

Love my little girlie!!!


  1. Praying for Sweet Cheeks, aka Julia, right now. And for wisdom and insight for the physicians. Hugs, Lorrie

  2. Praying for Sweet Cheeks right now. Praying for wisdom for the doctors and comfort and pain relief for Julia. Praying for all of the family as well. God has this.

  3. Prayers here AND positive thoughts of healing her way With LOVE!

  4. Sweet Cheeks will be added to my prayers.
    I am so sorry for you and your daughter~

    Hugs and Prayers~

  5. You know I am praying and praying!!!
    Dawn Pinnataro

  6. I am praying and will keep praying.

  7. Oh Diana, I will say a prayer right now. I'm so sorry to hear this. Please let us know what's going on with our SweetCheeks. She's precious to all of us.

    love you,

  8. I am praying for a quick healing for SweetCheeks.

  9. Praying for your girl, Diana.
    An answer will come, and she will be well again.

  10. Yes, all the best to SweetCheeks! I hope they discover the issue and can easily fix it!

  11. Keeps us updated! Ill be praying they find answers. Hugs

  12. Diana, I saw the post on FB and I am praying for your sweet girl. I hope they find an easy answer super soon and she's back to her vivacious self in no time. <3

  13. Diana, I am praying for precious Sweetcheeks! God bless her little heart to be in so much pain. Praying for all of you.
    Hugs and blessings.

  14. Sending prayers and positive thoughts.

  15. Sending both hugs and prayers your way, Diana xoxo

  16. Praying for you all sweet friend! Keep us posted! Love and hugs!

  17. PRAYING!!!!!! Lord Jesus give the doctors wisdom to know exactly what is wrong and exactly what to do about it. Give this family peace and comfort and Your strength. Send Your healing touch in Jesus name. Amen!!!

  18. Prayers for wisdom for the doctors and that they will figure out what is going on quickly!

  19. Prayers, positive thoughts and hugs
    My good wishes too

    All the best Jan

  20. Praying now for your sweet granddaughter. Praying God will lead the doctors to find the answers, and that it won't be anything serious at all. Praying for comfort and healing and peace for all. Praying for you and your whole family while you wait on the answers. God is in control. He will take care of your precious "Sweetcheeks".

  21. I will pray! I am so sorry - I will pray for the doctors to find out what is wrong too. Now when they do - be sure and tell us. Hugs. sandie

  22. I'm saying prayers for Julia and that the doctors can find out what is wrong and that she will not have anymore pain. :)

  23. Prayers lifted for your dear Sweetcheeks! Please keep us posted!!

  24. Praying for some quick answers and for her comfort. God Bless, Liz

  25. I'm praying for this precious girl! Please let us know when you have an update and try not to worry. Sweet hugs, Diane

  26. Such a scary thing to's horrible when your child falls ill....hopefully it's nothing too serious!

  27. Oh Diana! I hope things get figured out quickly! My thoughts are with the whole bunch of you. Children should not be in pain. Please let us know when she's all better! -Jenn

  28. I left a message on FB but I'm leaving it here, too...I've been praying for your sweet, beautiful Julia! Much love to all of you. xoxo

  29. Diana, Yes, I am praying for SC. I love that little girl. Please keep us informed. Hug her for all of us. May God bless all of you. Love, xoxo, Susie

  30. Oh, Diana - I'm praying hard. Love and hugs xo Karen

  31. Oh, I will most certainly pray for Julia, we all think of her as Sweet Cheeks too, all of your friends on here! Please, let us know.
    I am remembering how you put something on your blog about a child being very ill and someone else read it and told them it was something they recognized and from that info the child was able to get proper medical treatment. Am I thinking correctly?
    Praying for Julia. xxx

  32. Praying now for your dear girl. Hope you get great news soon!

  33. Prayers for your sweet darling.

  34. Praying! Praying for wisdom and the Lord’s guidance to find out what is causing her pain.

  35. Gosh, Diana, I'm sorry! She'll be in my prayers!

  36. Praying for Sweet Cheeks! The Great Physician knows just what the problem is, and I am praying that He will touch her body, and relieve the pain! Do keep us updated as to how she is doing, I will continue praying! Hugs!!!!

  37. Oh,Diana, I am on my iPad in bed so can't do much tonight but will be in touch tomorrow xxojuudy

  38. I most certainly am a pray~er and in more ways
    than one..AND..l wish to wing my healing
    thoughts..and good wishes her way..God Bless!X

    'In God We Trust'..

  39. I hope they can find out what is wrong, the pain diminishes, and healing is swift.

  40. Dear Jesus ~ Sweet Cheeks is in your precious care. May she, her family and friends and the medical staff all see Your Love, Peace and Healing flowing through and surrounding her. In your precious name dear Jesus, thank you and Amen.

    Love, hugs & prayers ~ FlowerLady

  41. Oh Diana, praying hard for your precious Sweet Cheeks. Praying for your family for the strength you all need to get through this as well. Jane

  42. Praying that a remedy for her pain is soon discovered and that she'll soon be back to good health.

  43. Oh Diana, my heart is aching for you! What a scary thing to go through and have to wait for answers. Prayers and good thoughts going up today for you.

  44. Pray for that sweet girl last night after i saw your post on fb . Lifting her up to our Lord this morning . Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  45. Diana I'm so sorry I didn't get to this right away. Brought tears to my eyes. Sending many prayers and thoughts to all of you. Please know I will be thinking of you all. Seeing her in pain and not having answers and be able to help must be horrible.


  46. This has to be so frightening. Of course you have prayers and good thoughts and all that. Please keep us posted.

  47. My goodness! What on earth do you think is wrong?

  48. Hello Friend,
    How is she doing today?
    xx oo

  49. Praying for Sweet Cheeks. She's my favorite! I've enjoyed reading about her shenanigans over the years. Please keep us updated. I know y'all must be terrified!

  50. Oh my Diana.. Every healing thought that I can muster up is headed her way......i have watched her grow from a sweet little girl to a young lady.. I hope her problem is quickly found and easily remedied. I just found this post in spam...i will keep you all in my thoughts...Wishing for a positive outcome..she has to be OK!!xxoo

  51. Sweet friend you got it and I pray they can find the source. Such a sweet little girl and a beautiful woman. Hugs my friend.

  52. Father God, please guide and direct the doctors to heal this precious little one who is so loved by her family. Please also give this family your peace during these days. In Jesus' name..and thanking you Amen


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