
Thursday, December 6, 2018


This is a very hard post to write.
This man is soon to leave our
earthly realm
where he will be healed and whole again-
at least that is my belief.

He has been instrumental in healing
the hurts in so many 
hearts and minds, my own included.
All of us had
hoped and prayed for a
healing of his body.

Cancer has ravaged his body
but not his spirit.
This is his post  on FB from the 4th.
Last night I told my brother and family members I was going to see Jesus. That was true. Its exactly how I thought and felt. And it still is.
But I said the unsayable to my family and it was about time my desire to see JESUS takes precedence but hear this. Judy and I aren't giving up on fighting to live in the now. We're not planning to abandon the commitment to work hard to live!
I want everyone to pray Gods will be done and I am ready to be called HOME to see Jesus. If you were to actually see my emaciated body you'd wonder how I'm even here. But God is going to make the final call.
Quite an emotional roller coaster. Hard. Dark moments. Bright moments! Alive moments.
Just had a group of men in my room. Tremendous encouragement to live but permission to leave and see my LORD.
Thank you for standing and fighting that battle with Judy and me.
Love you! Gods Will be done and he gets the glory.
My daughter just texted me and said
that he is failing fast and it is just 
a matter of time now.
Originally he was given months.
Today that is shortened to hours and days perhaps.
His daughter is in Australia and
struggling to navigate traveling to AZ.
Other family is in the midwest.
Their bodies are absent but their hearts
are with their dad, grandad, uncle.
Jerry has been a pastor his whole life
and given of himself unconditionally.
He would want me to tell you that he
was a 
(and always beat MyHero).
He would smile reading this.
Soon he will be smiling with the angels.
I told him there is a great 
golf course in the sky where he will
ALWAYS have a perfect game.
God bless you, Jerry Price!

Please pray for his wife, Judy,
his daughters, his son and all the rest 
of his family.
If you are not a pray-er, please
wing your good thoughts and 
wishes toward them.
God bless you, Jerry.
Our loss will be Heaven's gain.


  1. Prayers for your dear friend, Diana. God is in control of our times, that's why it is so important to trust it to Him and live daily to honor and glorify His name.

  2. What a heart wrenching, yet heart warming and inspirational post. God bless Jerry and his family who loves him. Prayers going up for all of them. Thank you for sharing this, Diana.

  3. God bless Jerry and his family. Such a hard time to witness a loving friend suffer but blessed to know he will be completely healed in heaven. I say this from experience. My sister died of throat cancer nearly 2 years ago. A lot of suffering but she wrote me pray I can endure this and offer it up to Jesus. Patty McDonald

  4. Oh, so heartbreaking. Prayers to Jerry and his family.

  5. Prayers for Jerry and his entire family.
    Dawn Pinnataro

  6. I just read this and have tears in my eyes, not so much in sadness, but in Joy for him, know he is one of God's chosen.

  7. I will pray - we are losing three gals in our bible study. It is a rough time. I am thrilled they are Christians though.

  8. I'll certainly keep this precious man and his family in my prayers. So many to pray for...but that keeps us close to God. Sweet hugs my friend, Diane

  9. Prayers for this family! SO SAD yet happy that he will be with Jesus and the pain will be gone! Hugs coming your way dear friend!

  10. Praying for your friends, Diana. God's will be done.

  11. I admire the faith of a true Christian. What an amazing post for those who know and love him up close. Thanks for the touching reprint. Prayers of course, I see him winning the race!!!

  12. So sorry to hear about your friend. It is always so sad at a passing of someone we love.

  13. Prayers for an easy crossing for Jerry- he is going where we all want to be. May God bless Judy and his family and friends as they see him off on his journey there. Rejoicing in this post that he is man of God and a child of the King. Does an old heart good knowing his life was a blessing to others and he will be rejoicing with Christ soon. Love you, Diana. Prayers for all his friends and golf partners.

  14. You've made me cry into my coffee. Thank God for a wonderful Savior, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel -- God with us -- and for a Heaven in which to spend eternity with HIm. Hallelujah. xoxo

  15. There is no easy way to say goodbye to those we love and care about. Their suffering coming to an end is salvation for all ✝

  16. Dear Diana, Praying for the Lords peace and grace to cover your friends during this time. The angels are rejoicing that one shall soon be home, while loved ones are grieving. Sending loves and prayers.

  17. Saying prayers for this amazing man. He will soon see the face of God and be whole and without pain. Prayers for his family, Lord send them comfort and also to his friends send them peace.

  18. I said a prayer for Jerry and his wife and family. Such a sad story, and he sounds like a remarkable man. Thank you for spreading your concern and thoughts and love, as you always do, Diana.


  19. Just prayed for Jerry and his wife and family. My husband is also a pastor; he has sat at the hospital bedside and prayed for of an elderly lady from our mobile home park every morning for almost a week as she is passing from a major stroke and has no living family members anymore. It's so hard to pass alone; my first husband passed from a major stroke and I was the only family member who sat by his bedside. God bless Jerry's family; He has already blessed Jerry with a place to call Home when he passes.

  20. Praying for Jerry and his entire family. I don't know him, but how you are feeling I can understand that. A big hug for you. If I were there with you, I could have stayed with you the entire time.

  21. Prayers for Jerry, Judy, their family and friends.

  22. Prayers lifted and more promised for your dear friend and his family.

  23. Praying for this wonderful man. May God embrace him soon and bring him to peace and no more cancer or pain. I am praying for his family too. Judy his wife seems like a very strong and faith filled women and I hope that will see her through the heart ache of letting go.
    Hugs Diana I know you and John were very close to Jerry. I am sending prayers up for you and all of those that knew Jerry to find peace as he leaves our earth.

  24. Prayers for your dear friend and his family.
    God bless.

    All the best Jan

  25. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. How I hate cancer!!!! A good friend died two weeks ago now after discovering she had cancer just a month before...went to the dr. immediately upon having symptoms. It has been such a shock. She was a friend but also had been my principal and then superintendent. She was such a strong leader...I'm still having difficulty processing she is gone. Prayers for your friend's wife...and for you.

  26. Praying for your friend and his family.

  27. Comfort, peace, and even joy...praying.

  28. So very sad but he will suffer no more. Disease is a cruel thing. He sounds like a wonderful man. May he get a hole in one every hole. May he find peace.

    I pray for his wife and family. This must be hard for the ones that can't be there to say goodbye.

    I will pray for you during this difficult time.


  29. Oh this post brought tears to my eyes . Sweet friend , you are such a prayer warrior and so sweet to allow others of us that are prayer warriors to intercede as well . I will pray . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  30. He sounds like a wonderful man, Diana. His suffering will soon be over. God speed to him..You are such a good friend..xxoJudy

  31. Praying now for this dear man of God. Perhaps he is already in the presence of God as I write this, since I am late seeing this. Praying for his family. They will miss him so...but when we know our loved ones are with the Lord, it is such a great comfort. We KNOW we will see them again someday, and in the meantime, they are in the very best place ever and forever. May God comfort Jerry's dear family with this hope and encouragement.

  32. I am so sorry that you are losing a dear friend. May you and his loved ones find comfort in the happy memories you have of your time together.

  33. So sorry to hear this and so heart wrenching. Prayers for Jerry and his family. May god give them the comfort they need to get through this.

  34. This is a heart wrenching story but I admire Jerry for his closeness to his Creator and his assurance with Jesus. Sending hugs and prayers for him and his family...

  35. I saw that Jerry had passed. I'm so sorry! Sending prayers of comfort and peace to his family and friends. 🙏💝


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