
Sunday, December 9, 2018


Good Morning-

Thank you all for the 
prayers for the family
of a man we all loved.

In light of everything
going on this time of year,
I am taking a break
from blogging for a bit.

This is NOT a 
I will still pop in and out of
& I will still 
do posts for the business-

I am well but in a bit of limboland
with our move and 

I will be back soon
and promise to give you at least
one laugh per post.

Have a wonderful 

Love to all of you~


  1. Good morning my dear friend, I read this yesterday and my heart goes out to you! It is so sweet when one of the saints goes home, but so hard on those left behind. I'm curious about the book and if it would be one my hubby would like-not going to church etc.?
    Sending much love to you and prayers for a restful season-haha, I know you and it won't be restful.
    Love you Diana.

  2. Merry and blessed Christmas, Diana, to you and all your family.

  3. Take all of the time you need.
    Sometimes we just have to clear our plate before the next helping.


  4. Have a wonderful holiday season, Diana, and see you in the new year!

  5. Sending you thoughts of comfort and healing ~ along with TONS of hugs ~

  6. Take care, sweet Queen Diana! It's busy and my prayers are for little margins of peace for you guys! (HUGE HUG!)

  7. Will miss you but totally understand....Merry Christmas to you and hour family!

  8. Merry Christmas. Good to see you take some time off and take care of yourself. Hugs.

  9. Merry Christmas, Diana. Blessings for you, each and everyone you love.


  10. Enjoy your blog break as you rest and regroup, and see you upon your return.

  11. You will be missed, but taking care of yourself is far more important.

    Merry Christmas

  12. Diana, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. I understand your wanting a break. I may have to do one myself. But I love reading all the posts..even if I have not the time to comment or make a new post myself. I loved reading Kris post of the party you girls had together. What a fun time. You and your girls look like you enjoyed being there. Hopefully we can meet up again at Horton's come spring. I am hoping our lives with be much smoother by then. Blessings to all of you . Merry Christmas, Love you my wonderful friend, xoxo, Susie

  13. ♥♥♥ Have yourself a Merry little Christmas.♥♥♥

  14. You will be missed, but I totally understand! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!


  15. God's Blessings to You and Yours! May this be a peaceful Christmas season.

    We'll all miss you, but I pray this will be a wonderful time of refreshing.

    Merry Christmas! Net

  16. Love you take all the time you need. We'll be right here and I'll see you on Facebook..xoxo Dolly

  17. Understood that everything is quite overwhelming just now. You take good care of you and your Hero and your family. Because Jesus came for these very reasons, Christmas can still be a joyous one...not hap hap happy, but deep, true joy knowing that The Light has come. Sending much love and praying for all to find all the Comfort only He can provide. Gentle now...easy...

  18. Merry Christmas my friend! May God bless you at this time and I pray that you return to us quickly as you will be dearly missed.

  19. Merry Christmas to you 🎄. I will be here when you return. Hugs

  20. Merry Christmas Diana!!! Take care of yourself! xx

  21. Merry Christmas, Diana and Family!!!! Don't be gone too long. xo

  22. Merry Christmas to you and your family see you in the new year.

  23. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with many blessings! XO, Betsy

  24. I will miss you but understand you need a break. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the family.


  25. I am so sorry about your friend. Happy holidays to you and your family. I know it is a sad time, so that will be hard.

  26. And a wonderful, merry Christmas to you, too! I'm waving at you from the red plaid table! Looking forward to 'seeing' you again after things settle down. The peace of Jesus be with you.

  27. Have a wonderful, peaceful break. You know all your many fans will be waiting when you next write another post on your blog! Happiest of holidays to you and yours. xx

  28. It is good for all of us to take a break.You deserve one as you are so involved and busy. Wish I had your energy. Wising you and family a very blessed and healthy holiday season.

  29. Enjoy your break! Will miss you. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays to you and yours. Xxoo

  30. Enjoy the break and have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    lOVE FROM FLORIDA. Heading for NC in the morning.
    Sherry & jack

  31. I will miss you, too!! Understand, though, so enjoy your break and come back when you can! Hugs!

  32. Many blessings to you and yours. You will be missed, but when you need a break, you need a break. I will think of you often! Jane

  33. Take your break, Diana. You certainly deserve it. I will look for you to come back soon.

  34. I hope your holidays are good, Diana and I look forward to seeing you back in the new year.

  35. Wishing you dear Jann the Merriest of Christmas . I hope your break gives you sone time for just you dear friend . During a hectic holiday season i try so hard to slow down with a tad of me time . It’s my time of reflecting . On memories past and memories to come . On Christ and s He has done is going to do .❤️ Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  36. This time of year can be difficult for a lot of people...I think we put too many expectations on ourselves. It’s always refreshing to take time away from the blog and social media in general. I want to thank you for your sweet comments on my post(s). For some reason comments are not showing up in my email anymore, so I have to keep reminding myself to go back and check the blog. It’s not a big deal, but it’s one of those things that tends to make me doubt this whole blogging thing. Oh well, enough grumbling! It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and blogging break!

    Warm hugs,

  37. Blogging breaks are always a good thing. Enjoy the holidays. This time of year there are so many things going on. Enjoy your down time.

  38. My heart goes out to you at the loss of your friend. It's always hard, but this time of year makes it even harder. What better time to take a break than now? Enjoy the holidays with your special family and we look forward to hearing from you in the new year! Love and hugs, Kathleen\Our Hopeful Home

  39. You will be missed. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.

  40. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  41. We take a blogging break, when we need one.

    Enjoy your break.

    Have a lovely and peaceful Christmas.


  42. I love you, Nana...have a well-deserved break...see you in the New Year

  43. Merry Christmas my dear friend. Thank you for all the encouragement this year of change for me and my family. Sam will be home the 21st for Christmas.
    xx oo

    Happy Birthday my 12/12 birthday pal.

  44. I don't blame you a bit! Enjoy your time away. Hope your Christmas season is joyful and restful!
    Hugs, Cecilia

  45. I have been in that spot myself and took a break. Take as much time as you need to replenish your heart and soul.

    Merry Christmas and I will miss you.

  46. Merry Christmas and abundant blessings to you and your family! XOXO

  47. Merry Christmas to a wise woman!
    Love to you,

  48. Merry Christmas my friend. Enjoy your time with family and I'm so sorry to hear about your dear friend. xoxo

  49. Oh, I’m sorry Diana-I will miss you very much. I’m praying for you and hope life settles down for you soon.
    Merry Christmas my friend🎄


  50. Keep seeking smiles and sunshine.

  51. Diana,
    So sorry for your loss...Take some time and take care of your loved ones.... Hope to see you soon! Merry Christmas! Thanks so much for always stopping by!!

  52. I am so sorry that you and your husband have lost your dear friend, Jerry. My heart goes out to you. Please take good care of yourself during this stressful time...the loss of your friend, moving, and the upcoming holiday all can really take a toll on you. {{hugs}}

  53. May you have a peaceful blogging break.
    My thoughts and good wishes to you and yours.

    All the best Jan

  54. I will miss your posts but totally understand. Merry Christmas and God's blessings to you and yours.

  55. Good for you!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Don't worry about us...we are out here in our own "limboland"...I totally understand. I told a lady in Walmart today when I almost ran over her with my cart that my head was in "la la land". She smiled and accepted by profuse apology.
    Blessings to you and yours. Rest while you can.

  56. Enjoy the season, check in when you can with us, and you will be missed till your return!

  57. Sending hugs and blessings for a wonderful Christmas, Diana. Enjoy your break, but come back soon! xo Karen

  58. Diana, I hope your break leaves you refreshed. I too am now starting a 3-week break to fully enjoy the Christmas season. Be blessed dear one!


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