
Tuesday, August 28, 2018


These are the times I miss
because I live several hours

How cute is this?
Little Miss Bright Eyes!
She goes to a Christian pre-school
and is just delighted to be there.
Now- Here's the funny part.
SHE might be delighted
look at the little girl's face
as she is looking at Anna.
is that funny, or what?

Not to be outdone--
got glasses!
Mimi said he took them 
off and put them on about
ten times 
as he gauged the difference
between blurry and crisp vision.

Off they go for another year
of school adventure.
They look like Irish lads,
don't they?

And WHAT, pray tell,
is Mama Mimi,
the beautiful Irish colleen,
doing with all her
now that the kids are in school?
Why-she is drinking wine 
and taking selfies with
Miss Peggy Sue.
As you can plainly see,
she is a 

Don't you just feel sorry
for Mimi?
Look how sad she looks!

Meanwhile, I am still in the process of
Purging & Packing.
If I don't show up in a day or so
send someone to search for me
among the boxes and packing paper.
I may have taped myself in a
box somewhere!

Whew- here is ONE job I 
won't have to do this year!
I hate raking!
I thought it might be easier to MOVE--
I was wrong!

Have a great week!


  1. Bright Eyes is so adorable and I bed she loved her first day at pre-school. That little one next to her sure made a face! Charles in charge is handsome no matter if he has glasses or not but I bet now he’s amazed at the difference! I’d help you pack but the commute would be a bit much! I can’t even begin to imagine packing up all we have! Enjoy the week! (P.S.- did you have tornado warnings last night?)

  2. We've thought about moving but packing up this house would be a nightmare! So here we stay. You are one brave lady, Diana.

    I remember when Bright Eyes was born and now she is in Preschool? Time just flies, doesn't it. And Charles in Charge is very handsome in those glasses. No, the fact that I wear glasses doesn't influence my opinion one bit.

  3. Diana, I know you miss your sweethearts here in Indiana. Me and Bright Eyes. LOL. Just kidding. Bright Eyes and the Cute boys. My gosh talk about growing...Look at Big Boy E and Charles. Poor Mimi...:):) She will miss them even though she is smiling. I think of the days my girls were in grade school and I did worry for them , to learn, have fun, and make it home safely. That was mostly because I worked during those years .
    Hope it is going well with the packing and stuff. All our young lives we gather things, then on the back side we get rid of all that. Why? Strange when you think about it. I wonder if we could start a company of people to go help others toss and shred and pack and donate and on and on. LOL. It would be like driving a school bus...not enough money in the world could get me to do either of those jobs. LOL.
    Take care, stop packing long enough to get a coffee. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

    And Peggy Sue looks sad that the children are not around. Either that or shes been in the wine too.

  5. The kiddos are so bright and look so happy to be returning to school. And Peggy Sue seems content! lol

  6. so precious! i hope everyone has an amazing school year.

  7. Love seeing your “grands” . . .
    “Momma Mia” too . . .
    I agree, look like two Irish lads . . .
    Wonder what the little imp next to your piggy tail charmer was thinking about!
    School days, school days . . . may they love school!

    My first year of teaching kindergarten in West Allis, Wisconsin . . .
    The children were lined up outdoors to come through the door when the bell rang . . .
    One little girl got sick . . . 13 others also urped at the sight of her!
    Oh my . . . what a “first day!”

  8. How cute the little ones are! My grand daughter started college last a blink of an eye! Don't work too hard my friend. Pace yourself!

  9. My how those children are growing! So cute. I guess I would rather do just about anything than move....even rake leaves!

  10. Like you I love to get those precious back to school pictures. It's such an exciting time for children. They don't mind getting older at that age. It's we who see life pass by in a flash right before our eyes. I downsized and moved but have two huge oaks one on either side of the house that will make for many falling leaves. I don't rake much but mulch them up with the lawn mower. They say it's good for the grass. Mowing days turn into mulching days for me when the leaves fall. I think it was almost Thanksgiving when I could put the mower away last year. Hang in there with the sorting and will eventually get there !

  11. So cute! You are so blessed to have these grandchildren!

  12. What a precious family you have! Love them all!

  13. I love how happy they look! My Grands love school also.

  14. The kiddos look so cute for the first day of school. Little Anna in preschool looks adorable. That pic of the girl sitting next to her with that look on her face. Oh my too funny! Peggy has Mindy all to herself for a few hours. It is all good! Have a great day today.

  15. The future pictured here and in our kids as they begin school. Fresh little sweet faces eager to grow up. Bless their hearts! A happy school year for all of them and Mommas as they enjoy a little leisure time! Haha!!

  16. HI Diana...
    Sweet pics of sweet grands...
    Good luck with your packing...
    Linda :o)

  17. They are just beyond precious Diana....such a fun and enjoyable post...have a wonderful day!

  18. Ugh....moving....your poor thing. Purging can be kinda fun, I've been doing that lately....decided to go for less stuff about....and since we are having the big family room painted along with the bookcases, I decided to purge books too!!

  19. BrughtEyes looks so excited starting pre-school. A cute picture of Mimi and her dog. School is starting already, oh my! I saw them all walking this morning with their back packs. Such brave kids, aren't they? A sweet picture of the boys.
    Hang in there with the moving. You'll be in your new place before you know it. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  20. Can't believe school is starting already. Brighteyes is such a cutie. And those two Irish lads of yours are pretty cute too. I don't envey you with purging and packing that is for sure. Try and enjoy the rest of the summer with what's left of it.

  21. Loved seeing your bunch of cuties, especially the one who gets to stay home and take selfies with the dog. I remember back to those days when school finally started in September for my three little girls...tho the middle one just turned 40 yesterday and they all three swear I'm too old to think back that far!

  22. Oh my goodness how precious. She looks really happy to be there and Andy had to get glasses - once he put them on he never took them off - he wears contacts now. And the two young men do look Irish! Isn't there another little one somewhere CJ? Hey wine and being with the dog is what I do! Love, sandie

  23. I wonder if they'll get those dream jobs?

  24. I cannot believe she’s starting school already and Charles in charge grew up, when did that happen, where is the time going,, take care of yourself, day by day,, don’t wear yourself out,

  25. Back-to-school is always such a time for milestones...they grow up so quickly!

  26. Precious, precious children!! Back to school... so special.

  27. Moving and packing are a one time thing..hopefully.....Raking never ends..and it's not as rewarding ;)
    Back to school is always a fun time for everybody..Kids look so cute...I'm sure they keep you entertained..
    Mimi is probably more rested than you are..Go easy on that tape..We don't want to lose you..xxoo

  28. The kids are adorable (too funny, the preschool classmate!). Peggy Sue!! She looks like she's in heaven, and so does Mama Mimi! Cheers to another year. I don't envy you one bit! I'd rather rake leaves and wash windows than purge and pack!

  29. Diana, The years certainly fly by, don't they. Hard to believe your granddaughter is in preschool(I used to teach preschool and know she'll be blessed). My hubby just got his first pair of prescription glasses and I told him in all the years I've worn glasses, I've never lost a pair-so I'm thinking our family needs a pool to see who guesses when he'll loose them. You hang in there with purging and packing dear friend-it will be over soon.

  30. Delightful post. Your grands are such cute kids. Your granddaughter has your smile.

    And your daughter with the dog -- a girl after my own heart!

  31. The grand kiddies are adorable. Seem to be growing so fast! Carry snacks in your pockets just in case!!!! Would hate for you to starve in a box.

  32. Diana, the kids are so darling. That look on that little girl's face is priceless. I wonder what she is thinking? I bet Charles is just in wonder with his new glasses. Peggy Sue does look quite content. She looks like she feels right at home..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  33. Aww, Bright Eyes is growing up way too fast! Love her cute pigtails. And Charles in Charge looks very dapper in his glasses. Handsome guys! Love these back to school pics everyone is sharing...hope mama enjoys her free time!

  34. The photos are so sweet. :-) I can not believe Bright Eyes is ready to go to school. They do grow up fast.
    Good Luck packing. Love, Carla

  35. First day pictures. I wish we had thought of such a thing, especially with the signs, what a way to make history! SWEET!

  36. Those pictures of the children going off the school are so cute! That's a sweet bunch for sure. Oh, leaf raking time will be here soon and I've actually thought about moving rather than raking too.

  37. Cute pics of the kiddos off to school! Yes, Mamas need to get some much needed rest after the kids head off to school. Have a blessed day dear friend, rest when you can! HUGS!

  38. Yes they absolutely do look like little Irish lads! And the girl looking at Bright Eyes gave me a chuckle. Spending the day with a dog sounds like a great idea to me. At least B.E. only has half days? Gives Mom to adjust! :-) And yet it does seem like five minutes ago we were seeing baby photos of B.E.

  39. Adorable pictures. Nothing like the grands. I could eat them up. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  40. Oh my gosh, Bright Eyes is just too cute, and so happy! All the boys are such handsome lads, and Mimi indeed looks quite at peace!
    I read on down to the table post, and nope I don't have a cat...haha!

  41. And I just realized as I scroll through everybody's posts this morning that I forgot to comment on Charles and his new glasses. He looks quite handsome and I remember the day I got my first glasses, too. What a wonder to behold everything through new eyes!

  42. What a funny photo of the little girl staring at her. Seems to me school just ended for summer; now it's already time to start back up.

  43. Oh my goodness...that picture of Little Miss Bright Eyes and her "friend" is priceless! Wouldn't you just love to know what that little "friend" was actually thinking?! And what a handsome little guy...glasses are just so COOL! That's why I've worn them most of my life...LOL! HUGS!

  44. Oh my, these kids get cuter and more handsome every time I see them.

    That girl's face is priceless. Jealousy starts young now I guess. She is so proud to be going to school

    My husband and his brother and two sisters look like they should have shamrocks on their foreheads. When they were younger even more so.

    Packing and purging is a job. When we did for the move to this home I said to John, feels like someone keeps buying stuff and bringing it to pack.

    I was laughing about if you can't be found. Wish I was able to meet you Diana. You always make me laugh and I mean always.

    Enjoy your week


  45. All of your grandchildren look so happy and the start of school. Peggy Sue is so adorable. Good luck with packing up. Enjoy the rest of the week.

  46. Wait, wait, wait...I'm still sitting here stunned that Bright Eyes & Charles in Charge are no longer babies! Where have I been?? I can't take it. Time needs to slow down.

  47. Those are just the cutest kids, my friend. And I am having a hard time believing that Bright Eyes is starting school....wasn't she just a baby?! TIme flies!

    Hugs to you!

  48. They kids are growing up so fast! Love the pics- I think my favorite is Mindy and Peggy! So happy they have each other. I'm sure they both miss the kiddos but get to have all those good snuggles alone for a little while. LOL
    Hope the packing is going well and that it is finished soon....although then you have the unpacking to look forward to! UGH! xoxo, T.

  49. A special day in your world and theirs. It's wonderful you can be close enough to share these special times with them!

    Good luck with the packing. I don't envy you!

  50. Oh my your grands are so cute and looking ready for a great school year! Peggy Sue is so sweet, I love her face. She reminds me of our Beagle Archie, he just never got the chance to sport gray hairs around his muzzle. Sorry you have to pack but I guess it's a good time to start purging.
    Good luck,


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