
Sunday, August 19, 2018


Good Morning!

Up to another day of 

I will get the 
Pick Your Favorite Table
results tallied today
and posted tomorrow.

Have two grands sleeping
in various spots here this morning.
Going to be a warm, humid
wonderful day here~
Hope YOUR DAY is 
wonderful, too!
~Love to you~


  1. Ahhhh, I love it when we have GRANDS sleeping in various places. You too, have a great Sunday, the best.

    Sherry and jack

  2. Diana, So fun to have the grands stay over. I have not had any little stay forever. The greats are too young yet and the grands evidently are too old. Waaa. You know how I feel. OMG, packing and purging you ever fell like just leaving it all and moving? LOL. That is exactly how I would love to do it. I wish you luck. I think we want things and we need is all that" stuff " that get in the way. LOL. WE are to get a bit of a cool down this coming week. Oh my daughter in Carmel is moving also. They raised the rent , plus she says her AC there runs lots and doesn't cool. Probably needs feron. She will still be living in the city, even closer to downtown. Blessings, xoxo, Love you,Susie

  3. Purging and packing. Wish I had the energy to do that. Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy those grands no matter which various places they are in.

  4. Looking forward to my coffee. I just started drinking coffee after my pacemaker inplant in March. I actually like it, but I know that I should probably leave out the cream and sugar. Small luxuries😉Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  5. Purging and packing!!! You go girl. I know how organized you are and you will make this move a little less stressful. You know I have purged and downsized a few times in the last few years and I have to say while overwhelming in the end it is so much better to get rid of "stuff"! It is almost like losing weight it just feels good to let of unwanted things. Now if I could just be better at purging weight off my hips lol!!! Have a good Sunday. I will talk to you in the week. So happy your journey to the new place will be happening soon. You deserve a nice big vacation after it is all done this fall.

  6. Having gone through purging and packing and moving twice in 2016, I know all too well how busy your life must be right now. It will be wonderful afterwards though! Remember to take care of yourself along the way, Diana!

  7. Good luck with all of the packing up of the house. I do hope you are getting a lot of help with all of this. :)

  8. Have a blessed Sunday and enjoy those grands!

  9. What a joy to have your grandkids camping out in your'd love that...but I only have one grandkid, and he is now 18 and lives 1500 miles away...but I'd still love to have him come camp out in my house anytime.
    Good luck and many blessings upon your move. Praying it is a "smooth move"...LOL. Sunday Blessings to you too.

  10. And Happy Sunday to you too:) My granddaughter (12) spent the night with us last weekend. She hadn't slept over in awhile so it was sweet to have her here. Grandson (15) has gotten to old to want to spend the night:( I dread the day when we'll have to pack up our house and move, but I know it's probably coming. We built our house when we were very young (and didn't know anything) and we built a plan with all bedrooms upstairs! I have done a lot of decluttering though in the past few years so that will help...but still so much accumulated after 48 years of marriage!!!! Hope you have a lovely week.

  11. Oh boy...purging and packing. That sounds like a lot of work. We really should purge a bit. It’s amazing how much stuff we a accumulate, isn’t it? Enjoy your day and I hope the work goes by quickly...and enjoy those sleeping beauties!

  12. It doesn't get much better than having the grands sleep over!! Enjoy!!

  13. Purging and packing . . . just think how good you'll feel when it's done!! xo

  14. Oh, I am enjoying my coffee right now, dear one, reading my favorite blogs. : )

    love you.

  15. Have a wonderful Sunday, Diana. Those grandkids grow up so fast.
    xxx Sylvia

  16. Happy Sunday to you too! I love your header, and that little glowing sunshine in the center has got to be a granddaughter. She is adorable!

  17. You have a lot on your place - enjoy the grands and your Sunday! sandie

  18. Same to you Diana...
    Linda :o)

  19. Busy girl! How I love to purge which makes for easier packing! Just remember Sunday is a day of rest, so don't over do it and take time to enjoy your coffee and your grands!
    Happy Sunday to you as well

  20. The word "humidity" scares me. Today was the perfect summer day...gentle breezes and low humidity, bright blue skies and soft puffy clouds. Have fun with those grands...

  21. Happy Sunday to you. Have a great week!

  22. I'm a little confused. Are you moving or staying put? Last I read I thought you were staying. I might've missed something as we've been in chaos for a few weeks. Set me straight will you?

  23. I cant wait til one day I can have little grands spread all over the house.

  24. It has been a very hazy, hot and humid summer for us. So happy you have grands with you. Such a wonderful quote. Hope you enjoyed your day.


  25. That's a big job, I know that first hand since I have been helping my Daughter do the same! Keep at it and it will be done before you know it! Have a blessed and productive day dear friend, HUGS!

  26. I wish you the best with all that purging and packing up. It's a job for sure ! I had a birthday party for one of my grands yesterday and then a different one spent the night here and I'm enjoying his antics this morning. Hope you have a wonderful Monday !

  27. Nothing better than grand's and now for me, greats, being here and sleeping peacefully.

    Love back to you.


  28. Hope the packing and purging is going well. I know how tiring that can be. Enjoy the week!

  29. Happy Day to you too. We had the grands over and they swam their little hearts out. xo

  30. "Purging and packing" made me giggle. A little. Today is a day of doing the former and not the latter, in preparation for a procedure tomorrow morning, if you get my drift. Ugh.
    Love having our grands sleep over. The house seems filled with their breath and the walls just seem happier.

  31. Your beverage is beautiful! Keep at it -- hard work I know but you can do it!

  32. Argh! I hope the packing is going okay! God gives us the oomph to do it when we need to. Don't you love "grand" mornings? They feel very purposeful and the house is full of fun.

  33. Your life sounds pretty busy at the moment . . . don't over do, sweet friend.
    God bless you.
    Connie :)


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