
Monday, July 30, 2018


Yesterday, Sunday,
I felt compelled/driven
to make contact with my friend,
Mary F.
Her blog, 
has not been active
for a while.

I was in contact with her
at least once a week
until a few weeks ago.

She has had several health issues
in the past few years-
heart issues and COPD.
However, she was a bright spirit 
and full of life.
The last time I talked to her she was
scared because she was having
so much trouble breathing
and they wanted to do a procedure
on her heart.

Yesterday, I was determined to 
contact her.
Her phone was disconnected
and I left a message for her son
(I think I have the right number)
on his phone.

Lastly, I went to her FB page
and starting visiting contacts
that I thought looked her age.
I found one that had a picture of
herself with Mary.
I sent her a message.
This morning,
I heard from her.
Mary passed away YESTERDAY
while I was searching for her.

Do YOU think WE are not connected
by some force beyond this earth?

I will miss Mary----a lot.
I hope someone takes her two pups in
that she loved so much.
She also had a roommate and I am
sure the roommate is reeling
with all of this, too.

Please pray for her son, Shaun,
and her granddaughter, Kelly.
They were the most important
people in her life.

I am comforted knowing that she is
to breath.
Although my heart aches I 
know she is no longer in pain,
no longer anxious, and
no longer struggling.

"A death is not the extinguishing of a light
but the putting out of the lamp
because the dawn has come."

RIP, dear Mary, you are in my heart!


  1. I read the news on Kris's blog this morning. So very sorry for the loss of your friend. Will be praying for the family.

  2. Sorry for the loss of a friend, Prayers for her family and friends.

  3. I, too, had tried to reach Mary....such a good, loyal blogging friend. Her health had not been good for quite some time and, like others, I am thankful she is walking and talking with our Savior and having only happiness now.

  4. Such sad news...Blogging keeps so many of us connected and it is so heartbreaking when we lose a blogging friend. She will be missed!

  5. I'm sad to hear this. Blessings...

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for her family and friends. You are so right that we are connected.

  7. I do believe in women’s intuition. I think that is because we connect to people much easier than men. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Her pain is over, her job is done. May she Rest In Peace.

  8. So sad yes sometimes I think the Lord taps us on the shoulder. Sorry for your loss.
    Hugs Janice

  9. I really enjoyed visiting her blog and having a few conversations with her. She will truly be missed. Praying for her family!

  10. Yes, rest in peace, Mary.

    I didn't know her, but saw the same kind of breathing struggles in our family.

    God bless her son, and granddaughter.


  11. Tears........I loved Mary. That is sad news, Diana. My heart is heavy reading this. She was a wonderful lady filled with life, and mostly color in her life. Even at her age, she enjoyed doing many things. And she loved her garden, especially those beautiful roses of hers. She had such a wonderful blog too. I will miss Mary more than I can say.

    love, ~Sheri

  12. I didn't know her. Sorry that she has passed. It is a God thing that you were thinking of her.

  13. I'm glad you found out, you are resourceful. It is sad the outcome though. So sorry about the loss of Mary.

  14. I'm sorry to hear, Diana...and yes, I believe in connections...

  15. Mary was one of those true sweet bloggers. Beautiful soul and so kind. I will miss her.

  16. Oh Diana.....She was such an inspiration for those of us who aspire to "age gracefully". She was a bright spot in this otherwise often dreary universe.


  17. I am so sad to hear this as well and will keep her family in my prayers. How amazing that you were thinking of her and trying to find her. We are a close knit group of special friends. What a blessing we are to each other. Hugs, Diane

  18. I'm so sorry to hear of Mary's passing! Yes, I do believe we are connected to those we care about and have experienced similar instances myself! Prayers of comfort to her family and friends.😍

  19. My condolences, Diana. To you and to Mary's family. I hope someone does take her pups. Maybe her roomate?



    "Do YOU think WE are not connected
    by some force beyond this earth?"


  20. so sad,, its really amazing that you were thinking of her, trying to reach out just when she was leaving this world,, you certainly had a connection,, my condolences to you and her friends and family,

  21. Such sad news. I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend and for her suffering. My mother died from COPD and it’s not something I wish on anyone.

  22. Such sad news Diana about your friend and yes I do believe we are all connected, how can we not be. I hope the pups do find a new home.

  23. I am so sad. I feel like everyone we blogged with that is older is dying. My heart just can't handle it right now. Losing my Momma put me over the edge. She's in a better place...but no longer with us. :(


  24. Diana, I am so sorry. hat is sad....something was telling you to contact Mary. I will pray for her family. I have had that bad feeling when I do not hear form our blog friends, that is something wrong, are they okay? It's our family to me. Blessings to you, xoxo,love Susie

  25. oh that feeling of emptiness when ya loose a blogging friend. Ive been there. It hits ya right in the heart. It will even make ya not feel like writing anymore. Not a good feeling. So sorry you lost a blogging friend.

  26. Diana, I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend Mary and I will pray for her family. It's so sad when we hear of those we care about and love pass on. It's hard to understand but somehow we must.It's our faith that gets us through and knowing that one day we will meet again.


  27. Oh so sad. I pray her family and friends will be comforted in the days ahead. And yes, there's a connection if we will just pay attention to it. Hope the dogs will find a good home. They will miss her too.

  28. I was so sorry to hear this news! I followed Mary for a brief time, but never connect and her blog fell by the wayside with me. We never know when the last time we say goodbye might be the final time. Praying for you and for her family.
    Hugs, Noreen

  29. I just read about this on Kris's blog and I too have experienced Mary's kindness in her wonderful comments that she always left on my posts.... She will be missed... So sad but she is not suffering any more and in that we can all gain comfort..

  30. So very sad to hear of Mary's passing. She was a special, dear heart. Prayers for her family. Jane

  31. Yes, there is connection...absolutely. I am sorry for your loss and have said a prayer for Shaun, Kelly, and pups.

  32. I am so sorry about your dear friend - you must have had her tugging your heart. It is so hard to lose someone - but the breathing illnesses where someone can't breathe have to be terrorizing. You know. I will send up a prayer for her family and you. sandie

  33. I did not know the lady, but you did a nice tribute for her. I am blessed knowing someone with a heart of gold like you.

  34. So sad to hear of Mary's passing, and yes, I do believe that we are all connected.

  35. I am so sorry, Diana. You were truly kindred spirits to be looking for her as she was preparing to leave. Prayers for her family and for you in your sorrow.


  36. Sad to hear of your friend's passing - that passage is a beautiful way to describe it... the dousing of the lantern because the dawn has come.

  37. I remember a while back when you asked for prayer for her. There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit placed her on your heart at that appointed time. I am so sad for her family and her fur babies will surely miss her greatly. She is now in perfect health now. God bless you for keeping her encouraged, Dianna.♥

  38. Isn't it miraculous the nudges we get? God bless you Donna for always listening to God's voice. I'm sure it was meaningful to her friend that others in the universe were connected to her as she passed.

  39. OMG rest her soul. So sad to hear about Mary's passing May prayers comfort her family and friends. I do believe in connections. Such a sad post to share. xo

  40. Very nice post Diane, remembering your friend Mary.
    Sad for your loss Diane, thankful Mary is resting in Peace and not struggling with her breathing/health issues.
    I too hope her pups are being cared for.

  41. Oh Diana I am truly sorry. I had the same thing with Beth Marie..whom I loved as did many other bloggers. We were very close and I was on the phone with her up till within a week of her passing. It was a particularly vicious cancer. Her loss still resounds in me and it has been a good four years.

    I will pray for her family and for your peace.
    Love you Diana.


  42. So sorry for her and her loved ones, Diana. Funny how you get those feelings. Sort of like when you are thinking of someone and they call,or you run into them somewhere, even though you haven't been in touch for a long time. I hope her pets go to a loving home, as well. -Jenn

  43. I am truly sorry for your loss. I hope her pups are being taken care of. Nice post. We are indeed connected

  44. So very sorry☹️. And I do not believe in coincidences. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  45. Maybe her spirit was letting you know. Things like that happen sometimes! Prayers for her loved ones.

  46. I’m so sorry to hear this about Mary . I was friends with her on blogger but never really got to know her . This breaks my heart . I will be praying for her family . Thanks so much for sharing . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  47. Oh so sad! Incredible that you had her on your mind the day she died! Definitely a special connection between the two of you! Will be praying for her family and for you, such a loss!!

  48. Mary was a sweetheart. She will be missed.

  49. It seems like this year has been a year of losses for so many people, myself included. I"m truly sorry for the loss of Mary and pray God will comfort her loved ones..

  50. Oh my heart! I have wondered about Mary. She was such a sweet lady. Yes, I believe we all have a eternally connection. Though we may never meet in person in this life we have formed a friendship through our blogs, and I firmly believe we will meet in heavenly relms. Thank you for posting about Mary. And thank you for all the good you do.

  51. Oh how sad, Diana! Mary was such a sweetheart, so kind, and young at heart. I was worried about her health, as I know the past year or so she really seemed to be declining. Hope her son and granddaughter are doing ok. I worry about her two dogs. Many don't believe it, but dogs really do grieve just like us humans do. I will miss Mary!

  52. Wow, that is SO uncanny. Yes, we all surely are connected. I have seen way too much evidence of that to not believe it. Unbelievable that she was passing away as you were searching for her and trying to contact her. Now, you can look forward to the day you meet her in Heaven. So sorry for your and Shaun and Kelly's loss. God comfort all of your hearts during this sad time and be near to all who grieve.

  53. very very sad news. I so enjoyed her blog. Can't believe she is gone. May she rest in peace and may God comfort her friends and family at this sad time.

  54. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. I hope that the happy memories of your friendship will bring comfort.

  55. Sadness. I've been wondering about Mary, too. God be with her family. She was so hospitable and friendly and had such an eye for beauty. Thank you for letting us know. I'll miss her.

  56. So terribly sad. I just hate to hear of a blogger's passing.

  57. She was on your mind for good reason. Yes, I do believe we are connected like that. Glad you were able to find out what happened but so very sad for your loss and will keep her loved ones in my prayers.

  58. So sad to hear of your friends passing. I do believe we are connected and God is in control always. Praying for her family and friends.

  59. Diana, thank you so much for sharing this. I had just been thinking about her and thought "I should drop her a note to see if they did the surgery." What a spirit that her energy brought us this need to connect. I'm sorry I didn't do it last week or before. And I'm so grateful she had your friendship.

    I loved her blog and her spirit, her visits, her warmth. She will be sorely missed by not only her family but her many friends, including those of us in blogland.

  60. Oh so sad and I am sure Mary would have loved to know you were searching for her. You can rejoice with her in heaven!

  61. Just reading the comment above, I think that Mary DID know you were looking for her on the day that she passed away. WE are connected and it is those connections that we need to celebrate. God bless. xx

  62. I'm so sorry for the loss of your blogging friend. It's amazing how we come to know so many dear people through the internet.

    God must have spoken to your heart to be thinking of her at the moment she needed it the most.

    Prayers for her dear family and friends.

    Blessings to you, Net

  63. I'm so sorry to hear about her passing...she was a sweet lady.

  64. I'm so sorry about your friend. I had never seen her blog. She was a sweet looking lady.

  65. Thank you all for the wonderful thoughts of my friend Mary. I will miss her as will my whole family. Phyllis

  66. Oh, Diana, such sad news. I guess a while ago when we were trying to contact her, knowing she had been ill, there was an inkling of what might have happened. It is such a loss of a beautiful person but, like you say, she is in a better place not feeling all the pain she must have felt. What a hard time for her son as I know he was concerned about her being alone in her home. I have just returned from the kids after 10 days and I got a message from Kris on my old IPad that Jake gave me, but I wasn't able to contact her back so will go and do that now. Thanks again for all the support that you give to the blogging community in times of need and I will certainly miss the friendship that I received from Mary. She loved her dogs so I hope that they will be taken care of.xxoJudy

  67. How sad to lose a dear blog friend. We learn a lot about each other and often become close in thoughts and linked in heart.

  68. Hi DIANA, I am so sorry I missed reading this post about Mary. I was wondering how she passed away. I miss her so much and was so happy when I was able to meet her back in 2015 while my family was in CA on vacation. I now know a little bit about how she passed away. I was just thinking about how Mary loved Christmas and how she enjoyed decorating her house for it. May she Rest In Peace.


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