
Sunday, June 3, 2018


I apologize for being so sporadic
in posting lately.
Working everyday puts me 
a little bit behind.

I wish it would GIVE me a 
little behind-but that's another story.

Our growing season is a 
in Wisconsin this year.
My lilacs are finally in full bloom.
I don't know what kind they are
but they are highly scented.
A larger shot of the bush.
Aren't they just gorgeous?
There is another big bush next to that one.
I think it probably needs trimming
this Fall-pruned back a bit so it
produces more heavily.

Along the foundation under 
my bedroom window I have
Columbine blooming and
buds on the peonies.
I love the deep cornflower blue of the 
I look around and talk to myself
a bit- Oh-How-Pretty!
Yep- I am pretty happy
except when I see this....
the picnic table we move from
area to area.
Right now it is under the trees...
Know what I say to myself about that?
Hope YOU have a wonderful day...
as for me-this day is for the birds!
Next year these scenes will all belong
to my son and daughter-in-law.
It is kind of weird to think I won't be 
living here anymore....
but...such is life, right?!

I will tell you my son washed that table
and the patio set and all the seating
areas yesterday.  Good boy!!!
Kinda makes up for all the chores
he DIDN'T do as a kid....Kinda!!!!

Our Aleena had a
here yesterday.
She graduated from high school.
Isn't she a beauty?
I might be a tad biased....

I hope to get around to visit everyone
in the next couple of days.

Our Ria graduated from 
eighth grade and is off and running
towards high school....
where HAS the time gone?

I am so annoyed that 
BLOGGER has once again
changed the game...
Your comments no longer come through
to my email-which makes it much more
difficult to reply.

Just know that I do read and treasure
every one of your comments....
cuz I love you guys (or gals)..or....

Have a wonderful week!!!!!


  1. The fragrance of lilac seems to pervade the air everywhere now, and it is pleasant indeed.

  2. Our lilac has come and gone. It is a tree that I look forward to seeing and smelling every spring but it’s bloom time seems so very short. It makes it that much more precious.

    Leaving a home can be hard, but knowing it is being kept in the family must be comforting.

  3. Your grands are beautiful! Congrats to all. Our lilacs finished up last week - you want to trim them alittle in fall and lime them. How awesome that your home will still be "in the family". Where are YOU moving to?

  4. My lilacs are just now blooming too. I truly adore the scent and they’re pretty to look at. There are so many varieties now it’s hard to be sure which one you have. I read that you should trim them very soon after they have finished flowering because they set their buds for the next year so if you trim them too late you are trimming off next years blossoms. I am so disgusted with blogger about this issue of getting our comments sent to email like it always has in the past. Why doesn’t blogger respond to everyone’s concerns about this and fix it!! I hope things are going well at the new real estate office!

  5. Congratulations to all graduates! How wonderful and I have no idea where the time goes myself! Beautiful girls and beautiful blooms! xoxo Dolly

  6. These are fun family memory making days you are sharing! The lilac tree is the perfect backdrop for the cap and gown picture. :)

    You don't have to reply to me. This is crazy!

  7. I did wonder about no comments coming in my email, now I know it's blogger and not me that's made it happen. Your lilacs are beautiful. I do love their heavenly smell. Congrats to the graduates ! Such exciting times for them! And it sounds like exciting time coming for you too with plans to move next year. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. It's a beautiful day here !

  8. What? I didn't realize your son and daughter-in-law were kicking you out of your house :) Congratulations to the girls!!! Everyone is growing up!

  9. Diana !! How did those pretty girl get that old ? LOL...just kidding of course. Our grands had graduations too. Plus nephews and a niece and the neighbor kid. It's been busy here. I am not really liking the changes to windows or blogger...why can't they leave us alone. I ma not tech savvy , So I have a hard time getting all this...Plus you know I do not know computer cookies from brownies. Blessings to all of you, xoxo,love, Susie

    p.s. Love the lilacs, ours are finished.

  10. Oh yes, time is going by so fast, children grown up and grandchildren and soon I will be great grandma!
    Congrats to your grands graduation! Your flowers are so pretty..I think I can smell them way down south!

  11. Congrats to the graduates! I'm glad your home will be staying in the family!

  12. Lilacs are my faves -- always take me right back to childhood! Congrats to your "grand grads" and wishing them the best of luck! And yes, I hate what Blogger's done to comments too!

  13. Good Morning, I love the smell of lilac's and miss mine. Where has all of the time gone with graduations. I still have two youngest grandson's in school. Congratulations to your granddaughter. Now on to her next adventure. I wished my home was staying in the family, but it isn't. I just can't believe how fast I got a contract on it. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley

  14. Congrats to your grads!! Time DOES go much too fast. I LOVE lilacs and miss them here in Florida! I see your photos and can 'almost' smell them.

  15. Oh my gosh graduating from High School already. Congrats Aleena! What a beautiful young lady. 🎉 Wishing her lots of wonderful new adventures. Best wishes.

  16. Hi Diana, congrats on everyone graduating! It's such a fun time for everyone right now and a lot of changes. Your lilacs are so pretty. Hope you don't work too hard. I figured out how to do the disclosures and Blogger is sure making a lot of changes. I miss not getting the email notifications too.
    Hope you have a nice week

  17. I saw a woman at Barnes and Nobles today that reminded me of you... I immediately came by to wish you happiness and joy... and a refreshing shower of blessings... to you and yours!


  18. Diana, those granddaughters of yours are simply lovely. I like the purple robe and hat in front of the flowering tree! I had problems with comments, too. It has to do with the search engine you open Blogger with from what I can tell. On my old, not totally updated computer I open it with Google and there are probably other ancient things too, but when I open it on my laptop using explorer, it's fine. I love lilacs, too. -Jenn

  19. congratulation to both beautiful kids.. Yes, blogspot made it difficult/. I also want the comment notifications in my mail.

  20. Those lilacs are gorgeous. We don't have them in Florida, so I always love to see them. Wish I could smell them too!! You are moving? Did I know that? maybe I did, I don't remember... Congratulations to your graduates. Our only grandson graduates June 14th, in Maine. We will be there, praise God!!! Yes, they grow up way too soon.
    Take care and don't overdo it with work and all...

  21. Congrats to the full-time job has kept me not only from writing, but reading my favorite blogs. The lilacs look amazing. I can almost smell them. Take care.

  22. are behind us in TN on the blooming end of things. My Yucca and Hydrangeas are now blooming. All our trees have bloomed out long ago, along with iris and other stuff. I did do a post the other day of all the things going on and blooming in my yard. I am loving it all. As for Aleena, beautiful girl but the color of her cap and gown in front of that tree...MOST AWESOME PHOTO! As a photographer that is the combo we love to see. Congrats to her and the Ria on their graduations!

  23. Congratulations to those two lovely ladies...they do grow so fast, don't they? Your lilac bush looks like the very same variety as I remember having as a girl in Ohio...large bush with an amazing aroma. About the blog thing...there probably is light at the end of the tunnel...I saw this posted yesterday and it looks as though blogger is working hard to fix the mess. TONS of bloggers are complaining about not getting email notifications. Here is the link if you want to see it.!topic/blogger/zKv69yZNo6k

  24. I am jealous of your lilac bushes! I got two lilacs on mine this year :-( Oh, I feel bad that you have to leave all of that beauty next year. Congratulations to your sweet graduates. I haven't post in awhile so I don't know what blogger has done to my blog posts yet! I am still trying to figure out if I need to do that other EU thingy on my blog since I don't advertise??!!

  25. Oh how beautiful! Lilacs don't grow here so I've never experienced their fragrance but they sure look purty. :) Blogger is annoying with their change of not letting comments come through.
    Congrats to Aleena and Ria- best wishes to both girls!

  26. My garden is all abloom right now, too. Time seems to pass far too quickly and children grow so fast!

  27. Diana we have a lilac tree and it never blooms! I don't get it. Of course my husband pruned the sh*t out of one year and that might be why (I have to keep the hedge trimmers away from him). Your family is beautiful, you are blessed gf. Love and hugs.

  28. Beautiful flowers but even more beautiful grandgirls. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  29. Oh LILACS, so beautiful and smell heavenly! I am also annoyed with Blogger but comment and check mine occasionally. Supposedly they are working on it, I'll believe it when I see it:) Have a blessed day and week ahead, HUGS!

  30. Just a beautiful graduate! Congrats! I miss your posts....your Lilacs are so so pretty Diana!

  31. Congratulations to your graduates; yes, they are beauties!!! Love LOVE LOVE your lilacs; something that could never survive the heat of Florida. Birds....they also love to poop on my car. Grrrrrr.
    Take it easy working lady!

  32. We are all having that problem with Blogger. "They are working on it" what a pain! Lilacs should be pruned after they bloom. Not in the fall. They are beautiful. ours have been done for a couple of weeks now . Nothing else is blooming though. Congratulations to the graduate's ! Time to start a new chapter. Have a good week Diana.

  33. Great post and beautiful young lady . . . you must be so proud.
    I have not figured out anything about the changes in Blogger yet . . . I'm always the last to catch on, and the last one who laughs at a joke. It is interesting see what others are thinking about the changes.
    Have a sweet week dear sister.
    Connie :)

  34. congrats to the graduates! that's one bush I never planted and wish I would. happy summer!

  35. Hey send me some Lilac. You have my address. Thank you!

  36. haha ok na really, I love to see and smell lilac though I have never had any of my own. Conrats on your Aleena. She is a beatiful girl!
    Happy June!

  37. I couldn't figure out what happened to you and then realized Yahoo was sending you to my spam folder. :( Your family is growing up so quickly. xo Laura

  38. Hi Diana! So your son bought your house?
    Your lilacs are beautiful!
    Yay for the graduates!
    I know what you mean about blogger. It's a pain having to go to the dashboard and click around to publish the comments. Grrr.
    Don't work too hard, dearie dear.

  39. The lilacs are beautiful and I bet they smell heavenly. You are so busy, people understand that. It's too bad, Google has gotten rid of our email notification with comments. Maybe they shall return. Congrats to Aleena and Ria, well deserved. Have a great week. xo

  40. Aleena's photo with the flowering tree behind her matching the shade of her gown is just stunning! :)

  41. I heard that if you commented on your own blog and hit Notify me-that the emails will come through after that. I will let you know if it works or not...

  42. Diana, those lilacs are gorgeous and so are your graduates, Congratulations! So, you sold the house, where are you moving to? Florida. :D

  43. Congratulations on the festivities! That's a big deal. And your flowers -- wow!

    I'm so frustrated at blogger. But thanks for weighing in on Green Bay on my cities post. The comments were much better and more interesting than the original post! I've never been there but I think I'd like it.

  44. Congrats to the grads!! I love how the lilacs matched her graduation gown! So excited to hear your kids will be buying your home!! All these blogging changes are frustrating, but I will try your fix on my next post to see if that helps! Hugs to you sweet friend!


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