
Monday, June 4, 2018


I can't take credit for this
but I can sure 
spread the word.
Let's hope it works for some of us anyway!

Fix to Blogger Comment Issue

Housekeeping post today.
So, Blogger is having a bit of a hiccup at the moment. For some reason, comment notifications are not being sent to my email. Since this is the easiest way to reply to comments, it is a problem.
After some research, I found out three things: 1) This is a widespread problem 2) After no response on the Blogger Product Forum all day, one of the experts finally replied that Blogger is working on it 3) In the meantime, there is a fix that is working for me. At the bottom of your post's comment section, check the box that says notify me. This basically subscribes you to all comments on that post and they will show up in your email inbox. You will need to do this on every new post.
Hope this helps! And share this too :-)


  1. Let's see if this actually works!!!!!

  2. Diana, I hope this works. Pilar told me about it in her comment today. I truly hope blogger fixes the problem. Thank you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Okay- Susie's email came through-but came through as a No Reply and went into my spam folder....better than nothing!

  4. Same with Pom Pom...she came through but the comment went into spam and she showed as a NoReply blogger.

  5. Thats what I do! Hope they get this fixed soon. Also, I think if people are subscribed to email notifications when you post, they do not get a notification eithere. Not sure about that but I think thats happening.

  6. Not exactly sure what the problem is....I don't get that many comments on my blog but I am able to comment on other blogs, so I am okay with that. There was a time I could not comment on other blogs and that was so frustrating, now I can. Personally I would rather see comments on my blog rather then emails. I don't always go to my emails. That's just my preference though.

  7. Thank you so much, I'm doing it right now. I'm hoping it works for me too.

  8. First time I noticed this was today!
    I posted earlier comments in my email...I will look into this! Thanks!
    I reply to the comments right on my blog...
    I tried to comment on your lovely Lilacs, and it wouldn’t let I am telling you here...beautiful!
    Enjoy your week...
    Linda :o)

  9. Thanks for notifying us of this fix. I hope it works.

  10. Aren’t you a clever one! Great workaround.

  11. I thought it was something I did and I'm glad to find out it is Blogger and not me. Although it is a big pain not getting notified. I will try this out for sure.

  12. Kudos to you for doing this research! Thanks! I hope Blogger fixes this soon for everybody.

  13. I haven't noticed this problem yet

  14. I have never received any notification of comments by email...I simply checked my blog. I would only get an email from a blogger when I posted a comment on their blog. Am I on another planet?!!!! Thanks though.

    Have you heard anything recently on Mary in California? I'm praying she is okay and on the mend.


  15. Diana,
    Thanks for posting this. I will try it and see if it works. I have just been monitoring the comments from each post on blogger and responding that way. I actually did this anyway because some comments never came through in an email and I always checked to make sure I did not miss any...

  16. I had already done this and it came in my emails on my computer but not in the same email on my iPhone.
    I know weird isn't it.

  17. I did hear about this. I have started to get comments but like you said, they are coming through as noreply. I don't know if this is just a fluke or if I inadvertently made this change and didn't realize something is different...also getting them on my phone! Thanks for posting!

  18. Thanks for this. I don’t have anything to blog about right now, but I will try it as soon as I do.

  19. Thanks for spreading the word about this, Diana. I have had problems with email comments for a while. First, they were being sent to me and snagged as spam. Now, not sent at all. I read this fix on the Blogger blog, of all places, where they were touting their new features that are soon to come. Not so sure about having new stuff when important old stuff is broken.

  20. Thank you for passing the word about this workaround. It is hard to remember to do something on every post, but I will try:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  21. I hope they get it fixed soon. It sure seems odd to have so few emails in my inbox...I can almost keep up with them! haha! Enjoy your day sweet friend and thanks for the info!

  22. Thank you and I will try it ! I do miss the emails! Hopefully blogger will so fix it!

  23. Morning, Its good to have a fix for this problem, but the bigger problem is the exclamation point in the circle before many address bars of each persons address of their blogs! I think this may be a new law fron Europe that blogger is saying we must comply with. Been working on this one for weeks!
    Have you seen this and had any feedback on this? Have a great day, Roxy

  24. you always get to the root of a problem! what would we do with out you!!!!

  25. Thank you! I read that they were not going to adjust the email system....that it is going to remain this way. Maybe I read incorrectly.

  26. I do not use Email for comments, so not an issue there for me. I do have several issues and know nothing about how to fix them. I cannot get the "cookie" thing added to my blog. Seems it is an important thing, so I sure will have to give up blog. You cannot contact Blogger to get help. If I could, probably would not understand it. Glad you were able to fix your problem.

    1. LV if you will contact me I'll show you how to put that new cookie mess on.

  27. That is what I have been doing and it is working so far. Have to remember to do it!

  28. I have been wondering what on earth is wrong...I thought it had something to do with that new privacy thing they kept talking about. It is SO frustrating because there is no ready support for blogger. Thank you for sharing this, my friend. You are a blessing!

  29. Ha, I was pulling my hairs a few days ago because I couldn't find a comment! 😠 Gotta give it a try. Thanks Diana!

  30. Thanks for spreading ti.. you are such a sweetheart..

  31. I did this and I couldn't get it to work. Still getting no replies -- not mail saying no-reply, just no mail. Ugh. Blogger did post today that they are "working on it and hope to have the system fixed by next week."

  32. Thanks for this info. I knew something had changed. For years I never got the comments in my email, but suddenly I did when I switched to gmail. And now they have stopped coming. I'll see if I can try what you have come up with.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Thank you I will try that. I wish they would not change things like that. It is very annoying
    Luv Janice


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