
Thursday, May 3, 2018


Right after the first of the year
I signed on for a new venture!
My son thought this old dog (me)
might still be able to hunt
so he asked me to partner up with him,
another friend, and MyHero
for a two year period.

At the end of two years
MyHero and I will bow out 
and the "boys" will take over.

MyHero has had his broker's license 
since 1976.  
In WI you have to work under a broker
for two years until you can become
a broker--
--thus the two year commitment
on our part--
Although MyHero will continue to work 
as a chaplain at the hospital.
I will work full-time at the office.

that's the background.

We rented offices downtown that needed 
First I will show you something 
and then I will get down to the 

That sits on top of my file cabinet-
no candles yet- they are still at the house...sigh...
The rest of the place 
is pretty much rustic and retro thanks to 
The Boys!

These are SOME of the before/after shots.
I will do more of them as we get the rest
finished and decorated.
There is a conference room
and another area not shown here.

My office:
The Back Room:
The Entry Hall:
This is a reverse shot-before is looking down the hall-
after is looking in thru the door that replaced the 
solid wood one.
Don't you love the old ribbed glass?
The main office:
My office is the "window" 
on the right side of the before picture
 just this side of the 
server/bar area.
Old office torn out-
New Seating Area:
My son worked round the clock
to get this up and running.
In between all the remodeling 
he managed to make
5 sales and list properties.
I am so proud of how hard he works.
Our daughter-in-law also 
got her license and we have
another new man starting this week.
We will cap the office at 6 people
at this point in time.

I forgot to take a picture of our sign
and our website is just up but not
functional yet.
Here is the link to it if you want to take a peek.
In between all of this I did manage to 
sneak away to Florida
for a few days!
And just to leave you with a smile-
My Irish Princess Daughter 
decided a party
was the perfect time for
everyone to wear their old prom dresses
or bridesmaid dresses.
This was her prom dress in 1996--
and Bright Eyes wore her pageant dress-
another princess in the making?
Have a wonderful day and
bear with me as I get back into
of blogging.
I have thought of quitting but then realize
that I love all of you guys so 
So---for the time being you are 

ps- I have SO MUCH to tell you 
and will try to do that in the 
upcoming days!


  1. That looks like a lot of work!

  2. Oh I am so happy that we are "stuck" with you! I was on Facebook and saw your link when you posted, I stopped at once and came over to read it. I am so happy for you in your new business! I'm sure you will enjoy it.
    Love all the photo's and I am going over to the link to "take a peek".

  3. Best wishes to all of you. How exciting! Thankful you will continue to blog when time allows. We all love you!

  4. Congratulations on the new venture! Nice renovation, too -

  5. Love your office ! I really like the seating area and how the colors all flow together! Good job and congrats to your hero!
    Oh and dont give up blogging. I Love hearing your stories. Cant wait to hear more!


  6. Congrats on the new endeavor. Knowing you, you will give your all and it will turn out to be quite successful.

  7. Wow - i love seeing before and after photos!! What a difference. And that coffee table is adorable! Well done!

  8. Good for you and congratulations! I hope you will be successful and will also have fun in this new endeavor.

  9. Diana!!
    Good luck in your new venture!! Your office is looking very lovely!!!
    And we are so thrilled that we are still "stuck" with yo, my friend! LOL!!

  10. Beautiful job on refurbishing the offices! Really refreshed and updated the tired old look!

  11. Good luck on this new adventure!!!!
    You have such a touch for decorating, my friend.
    So happy you are staying here!!!!

  12. You sure wear a lot of hats...but you look good in them all and you always do a fabulous job no matter what you undertake! I'm rooting for you! And can't wait to hear keep on blogging girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

  13. Glad it is all up and running and you can now sit at the desk and enjoy the office.

  14. Wow! What a lot of work was done, but your office looks wonderful and worth the effort for sure. I'm glad you decided to stick with blogging. I think it helps us when we are busy to focus a bit. Your princesses are beautiful and that Florida sunset is wonderful.

  15. The office redo looks absolutely amazing! What a wonderful family venture for you all and so sweet of you and the Mr to help your son get going! Best of luck. XO

  16. I say old dogs know all the tricks, they don’t need to be taught.

  17. Oh wow, Diana - this is amazing! A lot of hard work, for sure. All the best to you on your new adventure!

  18. What a transformation Diana! I know how much work it was, but the end result is so worth it.

    Congratulations on your new venture and much success to you all!

  19. Diana, I love all the after shots. Those old dark worn colors in the before ...snooze. I hope you and John had some relaxing times and some really fun times while you back in your old stomping grounds of Florida. Wishing all of you great luck with the new business. Blessings to all. Love, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. your girls are so adorable in their fancy dresses.

  20. Hooray!!! I'm loving the "before" and "after." Can't wait to hear more details about this latest adventure. Never a dull moment with you girlfriend!! PLEASE DON'T STOP BLOGGING!!! We would miss you too much!!! You're stuck with US!!!!! Sending hugs from Missouri!!! More pictures please :)!!!

  21. What a great adventure! The office looks amazing. Congrats to all of you!

  22. Wow, lots of hard work, it it will all pay off. You are a survivor and it shows in everything you do. Glad you got some down time, we just got back from Florida and New Orleans. Time to get back into blogging, since I have been away. XO

  23. Wow, this is all super exciting! Hard, hard work has changed everything to beautiful! Best wishes to you all XO

  24. Wonderful! Wishing you blessings on your new venture!

  25. to say you're busy is an understatement ,, wow,, this is exciting,, best wishes on this new adventure!! Looks great!

  26. Oh my goodness, Diana! I'm so proud of you and your family. Really!

  27. I love family businesses! The bond that grows is a true blessing. Thehubs and I have worked together forever, and still do. It takes a strong love for each other to have a bad day at work and leave it there when it is time to go home. Our biggest problem was working too much. We have to make ourselves not discuss work during family time. We get so excited about some of our projects! I’m so happy for you and I know God will have many, many blessings coming your way. ~jackie~

  28. Welcome back!! And congratulations on your new business!
    Hugs ~

  29. What a wonderful family business...wishing you much success. This is an extremely time consuming of luck to you all!

  30. Welcome Back and post whenever you can. LOVE your posts. Wow of the new business startup and congratulations all.

  31. Diana... your lost post's title was "Taking a Break." It doesn't sound like you took one. It looks to me like you worked your duff off. You have the touch, Diana. The offices look positively gorgeous. Now it's time to relax!!

  32. Oh my goodness dear friend, how exciting, a new venture coming up for you...congrats !!
    Great offices too, just perfect for the you lady. Looks like there will be little brakes for the next two years.
    Good luck and blessings!

  33. You have been one busy girl! The office is looking GREAT! Love the rustic flag!

  34. Wow, Diana, look at you guys go!!! That's awesome, good luck to your son - sounds like he's doing extremely well for himself!

  35. Oh how fun! Are you going to sell houses too?

  36. Who are you calling an "old guy", Diana!:)
    I am SO excited for you! Wow, what an undertaking it must have been to clean up and reno that office! Don't you miss that "lovely" brown panelling though? lol! Best of luck, I just know you all will be a huge hit!
    Glad you were able to get some much needed r&r in FL!!

  37. You sure have been busy. What a nice job you all did on renovating the new office. Wishing everyone the best as the business moves forward.

  38. Hi Diana, wow from the photos the office looks great. I wish you all good luck!!

  39. Oh Diana the office looks beautiful,how fun

  40. Congratulations. Your office looks wonderful.

  41. Ahhhhhhh love the new office. I am so excited for you to start this new adventure. Your son turns everything he touches into gold so I am sure this is going to be great for all of you. Have a great weekend.

  42. Wishing you all well in your new adventure! Looks like a lot of hard work and love went into getting the office ready. I love seeing a family come together in business.

  43. What a super makeover...y'all did a super job! Sounds like things are really starting to happen. Looking forward to the next update!

  44. Looks like a lot of work but a great makeover. I am sure that you would be missed greatly if you quit blogging. We love you!

  45. Thanks for taking time to stop by my blog, with all you have going on! Nice to meet you - especially at such an exciting time for you and your family! Can't wait to follow your progress!!

  46. STUCK with you is where we all want to be . . . you would be missed terribly :)

  47. Good luck with your new venture! Cheers from CArole's Chatter

  48. Oh my goodness .sich hard work , effort and patience . Everything is looking awesome . I’m so happy and excited about this new journey . Girl , you will be missed if you quit blogging . But i totally get it .l. Life has a way of moving in other directions for sure . But so glad you posted this . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  49. WOW....lady you are just the busiest woman! Everything looks great. Lots of hard work and it is paying off.

  50. How exciting! I am thrilled for you and can't wait to see more. Dolly

  51. GREAT job, Diana --- and congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you as you start this new journey! You will be blessing so many people with your wit and charm! :)

    xoxo laurie

  52. I did go to your real estate site. You all have bitten off a big chunk of work there but seem to be doing and AWESOME job. I wish ALL of you well and GREAT luck!

  53. Sounds like fun, and I think they definitely picked the right person to be Office Manager!

  54. The office looks wonderful! Hope all goes well with your new adventure! Love the Fairy Princesses. xx Karen

  55. Congrats on the new venture! Exciting!

  56. Wow, you did an amazing decorating job in the new offices. Love everything!
    I haven't blogged since October of last year. I just can't seem to get back. Instagram is just so much easier but of course, not as personal. I long for the good ole days!

    Have a wonderful weekend Beautiful Friend.

  57. Wow! What a transformation! My joints hurt just thinking of all the work you all have done. It looks fabulous. They are blessed to have you put your Nana Diana touch on everything!!

  58. Wow! What a transformation!! Sounds like you will be pretty busy, but apparently happily so with your family surrounding you!! Sounds like fun!! Love your daughter/granddaughter in their pretty princess dresses! Such fun! I don't have any of my old prom dresses, but even if I did, I doubt I could wear them! I do still have my wedding dress...but I'd have to rip out the seams to get into it...but that just made me smile to see them like that. I love to play dress up. Have fun in your new adventure!!! May God bless your business venture greatly!!

  59. That's a very big job! But so wonderful when all is said and done. I believe in having one's office be a place that gives them joy because we spend so much time there. Lovely photos, all. Welcome home.

  60. Everything is looking great. This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for everyone, Diana. :)

    The prom dress and the little so adorable.


  61. Oh, and the website looks great!!

  62. Good luck Diana..Your daughter sure looks like you in that picture..Everyone has put a lot of work in to the transformation..and a good job for sure..I'm sure you will do well..Great of you to commit to two years..That's a long time at "our" age..Enjoy!!

  63. Oh wow! That looks like it was a lot of work but love the transformation! Love the pictures of your daughter and granddaughter in their fancy dresses. So cute!
    I've actually thought of quitting to but haven't decided to pull the trigger yet. Guess I'll keep it up for awhile longer. I've quit following blogs I wasn't getting any feedback from or lost interest in so my to read list is a lot shorter.(You've obviously made the cut, so you're stuck with me!) I'm working hard on my art so I just don't have time to spend reading for hours. Glad you're sticking around - I always enjoy your posts!
    hugs, Cecilia

  64. Diana, how exciting about your new venture. I'm happy you are going to stick around. I'd miss family updates and Miss Sweet Cheeks.

    Best of luck to you and the gang.


  65. Wow, you're one busy family! I checked out the website and it looks fantastic.

  66. Congratulations my friend. The office looks amazing! I just peeked at the website. Best wishes to all of you.
    xx oo

  67. Oh my goodness! What amazing changes. You've made the place beautiful. I love that last picture of your daughter and granddaughter.

  68. What a gorgeous office! You are so busy you put me to shame! Please, never stop your blogging, the world depends on you too much, my friend! xx

  69. I would like to have some of whatever you take! As usual, you are so busy, but what fun to be involved in the projects with your son and super hero. Amazing transformation. Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful and so sweet in their pretty dresses. Glad to see you back.

  70. Congratulations and the very best of luck. So glad to hear your Hero is feeling better.

  71. The office looks so nice! What an exciting venture for you and your family!

  72. oh my goodness that office is sure looking great and I wish y'all the best of luck on this new venture!! cant wait to hear more!!

  73. GIRL, you have been busy! Great rewards for all of that hard work, it shows! Love that picture of the two princesses! Beautiful girls! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  74. Please don't quit blogging I would miss you very much and would never know "the rest of your story" of luck with the new venture and it looks lovely. I would enjoy decorating it.

  75. Hi Diana! Oh, how nice to hear from you! Oh, this will be exciting for you and you'll make that office just sing! Your daughter and little grand are just adorable. Oh, I so understand as I've almost stopped blogging but like you - the folks! So I'm gonna try to be a better blogger from now on. I just can't quit completely. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  76. Diana, looks like you are in for a busy time, but that is always good for business. So far it looks like you will be the rose between the thorns until all come on board. Wish you all the luck and don't forget to visit us in between the busy..Happy Weekend..xxoJudy

  77. I'm glad you stuck with blogging... Happy to get 'stuck' with you :)
    Wow, that's a lot of work but the office looks so good. Wishing you great success in this new adventure!

  78. Good luck with all that is going on...loved that last picture! :)

  79. Diana, I read this last week, but apparently did not get a chance to comment. Congratulation. I knew you had something wonderful up your sleeve. Best of luck to you all...

  80. Oh I am so happy for you. Congratulations on your daughters engagement. I don't know if I mentioned that Shaun asked Kim to marry him the week that I went into the hospital the first time. She is a wonderful person and they are so happy together. So we now have a terrific wedding coming.

    Thank so much for being my great friend. Love you lots and thank for the prayer request. It's off to bed now as I have to take a nap to go to bed..... LOL

    Lots of hugs,

  81. Such an exciting adventure Dianna! Your son has worked very hard to get this off the ground and running, and with you and your husband's help, that will really be a blessing and help to him as well! Hopefully this is not too much extra work for you, I don't know how you do it all! Blessings and hugs to you sweet friend :)

  82. Diana, this is all great news! Your son's new project, your daughter's engagement and you and your hero being the back bone support! Wishing you all the best.
    Oh, and I know transforming that office wasn't an easy task.. three weeks ago I was doing almost the exact same thing for my daughter... She got an empty office and I was there building stuff and making it look pretty.

  83. Great renovations! Girl, you stay SOOOOOOO busy!


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