
Sunday, December 24, 2017


I wrote this several years ago
but thought I would share it 
again in case you didn't see it before.

There is a legend old as time 
about the Christmas Rose,
If you've not heard it e'er before~
this is how it goes.

The night sky glowed quite splendidly,
and the girl could see a Star.
It brightly shone upon the land 
and beckoned from afar.

She left her door step quietly 
without a backward glance,
She knew that she must follow it
and take the risk-the chance.

She had heard the shepherds talking 
about the child so near,
That would change the world forever-
that could comfort every fear.

She watched behind a hillock 
as the Magi took their place, 
With their gifts of myrrh & frankincense
& gold in a fine case.

She wanted such a special gift 
for this baby oh-so-dear,
But she was poor, had nothing, 
and she cried a silent tear.

She quickly searched the countryside~ 
a flower was her thought,
But the winter was cold 
& damp & mean-
no flower to be sought.

She earnestly began to weep 
and softly shed each tear,
While an angel watched & marveled 
at the love she held so dear.

"Why are you crying, my child?" she asked 
as she met her on the ground 
"I long to give something to this child
- but nothing have I found."

The angel touched her tears 
where they lay upon the earth,
And a Rose sprung up beneath them-
a green & silent birth.

Now go and give your roses, child,
your gift of heart & tear,
And the Savior child will bless you 
& comfort you, my dear.

She gently picked the roses 
and took them to the place,
Where the baby lay in splendor
in His lowly birthing space.

She stared upon his countenance-
this ragged, humble child,
And He turned his little face up 
and looked at her & smiled.

Yes! That's the story of the Christmas Rose-
it's been heard by many ears,
But the Blessing it brings at Christmas time 
will carry us through the years.
~©Diana Kosmoski~

God bless each and every one of you 
this Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
and all through the holidays
and upcoming year.

Thank you ALL for being such
a beautiful part of my life.
I have made so many friends in blogland
and feel like I know so many of you 
on a deeply personal level.

I have laughed and cried for you
and your families and feel as 
connected to  you as I do to
"real people".
My kids are 
when they say 
 are not the same as

Using an old phrase
coined by SweetCheeks I say

Merry Christmas my friends!


  1. Happy Christmas Eve, Diana. This is lovely. Your friendship through blogging is a real blessing to me. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and many blessings in the new year. xo

  2. Merry Christmas, Diana!Have a asafe and happy holiday weekend!

  3. Merry Christmas, Diana to you and yours (from the heart of a blog-friend)...:)JP

  4. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas Diana!

  5. I love the poem, Diana. I feel the same as you, so many dear ladies have become part of my life.
    Merry Christmas my dear friend!

  6. That was beautiful Diana!

    Merry Christmas to you and a healthy, joyous New Year! You make blogland a fun place to be!!


  7. It was beautiful...Merry Christmas to you and your family. Give Sweetcheeks a big kiss and PFFFTTTT!

  8. Beautiful, enjoy your family at this special time of year.

  9. That's your most beautiful poem yet, Diana! Wishing you every joy of the season!

  10. Diana, I loved your poem. It's beautiful. I am glad to be thought of as a friend. I too have grown close to many others here in blog land. We seem as family to me, at times. I love all I have met here. Merry Christmas to you my friend, love to all, xoxo, Susie

  11. If I ever heard this forgot. What a great reminder that it is the little things in life that are important. You have been a joy to me when you take the time to stop by my place. Always look forward to seeing what you will do next.

  12. What a beautiful poem!!
    Wish you Merry Christmas.. you are such a sweet heart.. love n hug

  13. Merry Christmas, Diana! That was a lovely poem you wrote! May we all be attentive to the ways we can bless our wonderful Lord in the coming year!

  14. You never ever fail to make me laugh, dear Diana.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  15. God be with you, good Diana! Merry Christmas!

  16. Merry Christmas and wishing you a love filled day!

  17. Amen, Diana! What a beautiful poem, Thank you for sharing it again as I had never seen it! Merry Christmas!

  18. Diana, that is a beautiful poem and a stunning rose. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

  19. Merry Christmas to you!
    I feel the same way about all the wonderful people I met through blogging :)

  20. Beautiful post, dear lady.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones~

  21. as always. moved to tears.
    merry Christmas Nana D! xo

  22. Beautiful frost-tipped rose and poem! Merry Christmas, Diana!

  23. Merry Christmas dear dear friend. Love to you and John and the family. Our friends whether blogging or next door are each and all an integral part of us. I see you as my friend. I always will.

  24. It is amazing that a collection of words on a page can bring so many together and create a bond and love through it. It is true! WE are real people and real friends!! So happy to have you as mine!

  25. Wishing your family peace and love at Christmas and always.

  26. Have a good Christmas tommorow

  27. Just beautiful my talented friend!! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas xoxo

  28. Merry Christmas dear Diana, and loved reading your wonderful post.
    Happy holidays and best wishes for 2018

  29. Pffttt indeed.I consider some of my best friends to be my blogger buddies..even you.. seriously though, I think we could talk about just about anything
    It's amazing what kind of bond you can build with someone you've never met. Maybe someday we will meet. Wouldn't that be fun? Merry Christmas. Have a wonderful day Xxoo

  30. Good to hear we are real! Enjoy the holidays.

  31. you wrote that?---that's just lovely! a really really good one! Hope you have a real nice Christmas and get to be with loved ones, hear some Christmas music, eat some yummy food, and get a fun present or two!

  32. Diana, what a beautiful story and your write it. You have an amazing ability to write beautiful stories. You are such a lovely woman with so much heart. Your gift of humor is priceless. Merry Christmas to you sweet friend. Thank you for being part of my life,


  33. Beautiful story Diana. Have a great and wonderful couple of days. Hey I think our friendship is a good example of how we can meet in blogland and instantly become life long friends. It happens! So blessed to call you friend. Merry Christmas sweet friend.

  34. You know I don't remember it but what an amazing story.

  35. Merry Christmas Diana, may it be full of wonder and good memories with safety and love for 2018.

  36. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, sweet friend. :) God bless you!

  37. Lovely Christmas poem that reflects the season as well as the authors sweet heart. Merry Christmas wishes to you and your precious family! Tell John hi! All the beat in the New Year to you all! XO

  38. Beautiful, both the poem and the friendships we have here in Blogland! I am thankful that our paths have crossed and I truly appreciate you and your kind words you have left on my blog:) Have a blessed "day after Christmas" dear friend, HUGS!

  39. What a beautiful poem! We have Christmas roses here! As cold as it's been, I've seen many bushes in full bloom! Spectacular! I hope all had a wonderful day! Merry Christmas my dear, REAL friend!

  40. Oh, you know how much I love the rose, and this one with snow on it made my heart sing. Yes, I've been told that too, that blog friends aren't like real life friends........they just don't know, do they? Keep writing poetry, Diana, you're so good at it. : )

    love, ~me

  41. You are the very first person to follow my blog. I truly feel like I have known you for a long time and consider you a very dear friend.

    That was beautiful and I have never heard it before. Thank you.

    Lots of hugs,

    PS I;m back home now....


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