
Thursday, October 5, 2017


She's  the apple of my eye
Swing her low or swing her high.
She's the apple of my eye.

The original poem says HE but...
I took a little liberty there..
If you have never read 
you have missed something
My friend, Judy Tower,
(I have sadly lost touch with her-
if you read this Judy-please call me)
gave me this book and it soon
became my children's favorite.

Speaking of friends,
I was
to meet Susie,
from the  SheJunks blog.
You KNOW how sweet Susie is on her
blog and leaving comments in blogland?
Well, she is even sweeter in real life!

I don't think either of us felt
the least bit awkward when we met.
She is a very pretty lady
and a lot of fun!
I was lucky enough to meet her 
sweet daughter, too.

We met at Horton's in Tipton, IN.
Susie only lives about a half-hour from my daughter, Mimi.

We talked so much I don't remember
half of what I saw at Horton's
but it is a FANTASTIC PLACE.
I will write more about that another time.
Right now-
I need to get busy because I have been 
a bit lazy since I got home.
I left Indiana the day after Jason's surgery.
He is doing well and thanks
you for the prayers.

So...I will say..
TaTa for now
and head on down the lane--
just like little Miss BrightEyes.
She has two lines for me-
She wakes me up with 
"Good morning, Beeyoutuful"
and when she turns her back on
me like you see below
she calls out over her shoulder...
"Go 'Way, Nana"

So---off I go.....

Next week I'm gonna have a 
It might be one of these three!
Or....maybe not.....

Oh- wait---
almost forgot---
You have a couple of days to sign up
for my giveaway
on my other blog-
All you have to do is be a follower.
AND---I have added a few more 

AND if you don't like witches
I will have another 
coming up for Christmas.

I will have one of the
"apples of my eye"
draw a name on Sunday sometime.


  1. Ta-at to you, too. You're right about Susie. She is sweet and always has he nicest things to say. Like you. Maybe someday you'll make your way to Texas. Love the little pic of Bright Eyes from the back. So sweet. The trio of girls are mighty pretty.

  2. How exciting that you got to meet Susie. And see Horton's. I have never met a blog friend. That would be fun.

  3. I hope your friend sees this and will get in touch.
    All your grands are the apple of your eye.
    Glad Jason is doing okay!

  4. How fun that you and Susie met up...and going to Horton's, too!
    So glad Jason is doing well!
    I am loving my sweet little pumpkins!

  5. You and Susie must have had so much fun meeting! Glad you had such a nice visit:) I admit that I'm a bit envious, I still say you need to cross the "pond" and head on over to Michigan! Love the pics of Miss Bright Eyes. Good morning beautiful:)

  6. Love that you and Susie got together and you got to go the famous Norton's! I love that sweet.

  7. Dian, how awesome that you were able to meet a blogging friend... when I get to visit Andrea, my oldest, I want to connect up with you too... we'll see how I feel about having a picture taken, lol... only if I can approve the picture first... haha

  8. Oh fun to meet Susie. I follow her blog and love pictures, stories and her wonderful sweetness in how she visits and shares on others blogs. And to get to go to Hortons...When she post that I so want to go. She is beautiful inside and out, and you two made a lovely picture together.

  9. Oh, it would be so wonderful to meet Susie. She is a dear blogging sister and I just love her. She's the best, and I visit her blog almost daily. And you went to Horton's!! I would so love browsing through that shop, as I feel connected to it through Susie's blog. This is such a cute picture of BrightEyes, and I smiled at how she greets you in the morning. So glad your son-in-law is doing well, Diana.


    *I love this picture of you and Susie.

  10. That cute little one heading away is bittersweet. You want them to be good on their own, but maybe not so much. You and Susie look like sisters from the nose down to the lips.

  11. The book looks fantastic, Diana. I can't see the age level but I want to start a collection for Madelyn for when she comes over.

    I LOVE Susie, and i saw on her blog that you both met. Yay! I hope someday we can all meet up. I've suggested our cottage in Southwest Michigan. It's sort of central for all of us. Perhaps next year? You are both lovely. Your hair is gorgeous!

    Love the pics of your grands. I have to pinch myself at how fast they are growing!


  12. Diana, As Bright Eyes would say, "Good Morning Bee-you-tiful." She was a funny sweet little girl. I laughed at Sweet Cheeks facial expressions....remember when she was showing her sad face, then her mad face and they looked the same. LOL I felt as if all of you were family , after us blogging together for all these years. It was wonderful meeting up. I hope Judy gets in touch with you...we never like losing touch with friends.
    So thankful Jason did well and I will continue to pray for him and his dear family. Blessings to you my friend, love you, xoxo, Susie

  13. How fun! God bless you and your family.

  14. Wonderful that you and Susie met up, I know she loves Horton's!
    Bright eyes is so cute!

  15. I think it's wonderful that you two got together! Anyone who reads Susie's blog is familiar with her beloved Horton's, so it's kind of odd to see someone different blogging about it. You know, you two standing together in that picture have similar features. People could mistake you for sisters! -Jenn

  16. It's really nice when we finally get to meet a blogger for "real." I've only met two face to face since the beginning of blogging nearly eight years ago. When you do meet it's as though you've known each other for ever. She is a really sweet person. Love the picture of the two of you. I am so in love with your hair, you pretty girl. Also, your little girls are so precious. I envy you. I spend a lot of time praying that one day I might have a grandchild. Maybe I could rent one of yours! LOL.
    Have a wonderful week Diana.


  17. I love that you met up with Susie. Such a sweet lady. So many apples of your eye, and each one as sweet as the next. xo Laura

  18. Aw! That Miss Bright Eyes says some of the cutest things! I wish she'd wake me up in the morning.....I would love to hear that first thing! ;P

    Have a great weekend!


  19. That was so nice that you and Susie could meet up, Diana! She’s always been so sweet to me, as have you - you’re well matched!!

  20. Sweet post. It's always fun to meet up with blogging buddies. I'm glad Jason is doing well.

  21. I have two of those sweet apple's of my eye! Happy to hear Jason is doing well and that you can return home for a bit! Hugs!

  22. That is so cute and I love the pic of the little girl walking down the lane! ADORABLE! Great that you got to meet a blogging friend. I am always open to meeting new people esp if I converse with them some other way, like a blog. That is cool. Enjoy your day.

  23. So glad you got to meet Susie. She is so sweet. I loved our meet up to this past summer at Horton's. Oh bright eyes walking with those sweet pink boots. That picture is amazing and needs to be framed. What a beautiful capture. A picture says a 1000 words this one out does that. Beautiful beautiful! Happy Friday my friend. Have a great weekend.

  24. Oh what a thrill to meet another blogger friend. So far I've only met one, dear Kitty - and I hope to meet more as the years go by.

    Your sweet dumpling is by far one of the cutest children ever. You have the cutest family, Di - and I see the APPLES don't fall from the pretty tree, their Nana!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs. ♥

  25. What a great photo of you and Susie together! Two pretty ladies for sure. Good thing grandmothers have thick skin with some of the comments we get from the grands. 😉

  26. Kids do say the darndest things! Remember that saying?

  27. How fun that you got to meet up with a blogging friend! I'm sure you're exhausted since getting home...try to get some rest! Love what your sweet little granddaughter says to you. So cute.

  28. I am happy to know BOTH of you beautiful women! So happy that you got to meet up!
    I know about Horton's from Susie's blog but I look forward to seeing what YOU have to say about it too!
    Have a great weekend, my friend!

  29. I'm so glad Jason is doing good. And look at the two of you....I could just reach out and hug hug hug! Enjoy your weekend sweet lady. I know you must be exhausted! Hugs, Diane

  30. Awe, so glad to hear that Jason is doing well. I prayed for him. I love the pictures. How wonderful to meet a blogging friend. Hope you get some rest this weekend and take a little time for just you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  31. That's good news that Jason is doing okay. My son-in-law takes thyroid meds due to his going south after a bout with pneumonia a few years ago. What fun you got to meet Susie! I haven't been in Tipton in years. The picture of Bright Eyes is precious. Get some rest! xoxo

  32. So wonderful to hear that Jason is on the mend! So nice to meet up with a blogger buddy - I'm sure you both had a great time at that wonderful shop. Your little granddaughters are sweet as can be. Love the little pink boots and bows in the hair :) Hope you get to relax this weekend. Hugs xo Karen

  33. Yes, Susie is sweet and leaves such sweet comments on my blog. How fun to meet up with her. Is this a new series...Apple Of My Eye?? I love it!

  34. Oh my gosh, the back shot of your granddaughter holding the apple! So precious. I will be looking for that book! I need that for the grands library/liberry.

  35. ..I'm glad you and Susie got together..You are both very sweet ..I think you may be a little more evil ;) I would love to go to Hortons in person..Glad that Jason is doing well..Niice to see the girls..they are growing up so fast..Quite the young ladies by now....Hoe you are having a good weekend.

  36. OH my dear, how nice that you have met a blogging friend. That has been my hope for along time. I have met two so far and loved every minute. I wish I could meet so many more. I love seeing ALL the Apples of your eye, and they are fortunate as are you, to have one another. xx

  37. Oh I do hope that all goes well with your son in law. How nice to meet your blogger friend. Your grandchildren are so sweet and cute. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

  38. Hello,
    I am so happy to hear the good news about Jason. YES!! YIPPEE!
    I read about you over at Susie's ;-) so I already knew about your visit. LOL So happy you got to meet up.
    Have a fun weekend,

  39. That little Bright Eyes is something else - so darn cute.

    How nice to meet up with a fellow blogger. I have met 2 now, Julie from New York and of course our sweet Mona.
    I still think about her and what a fun time we had together. I didn't make it to her "Celebration of Life" reception - it was over 100 degrees an a long drive for me, so I didn't go.

    So happy to hear that Jason is okay,

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  40. I'm so jealous! You got to hang out with Suzie & go to hortons too! Those are two things on my bucket list. You two look great!

  41. I'm so happy to hear Jason is mending...prayers still coming for all of you! How exciting you got to met Susie! It looks like you had a great time! Congrats on your shop and it seem like you're off to a great start!

  42. Well Hello!! How fun that you got to meet a bloggy friend. What a great photo of the both of you.

    Bright Eyes is just so gosh darn cute! Even though she was being a meanie to her grandma. ;)

    Glad to hear your Son in Law is doing good, I sure have been praying for him and the family.

    Have a great week, Diana!

    Hugs, Amy

  43. I'm glad Jason ison the mend- how scary for you and him too! Bright Eyes is adorable and I'm sure not the least bit spoiled by you, right? :) I will put Jason on my prayer list. Have a blessed day!


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