
Wednesday, May 3, 2017


First of all,
I want to thank ALL of you
that left me comments and opinions
on opening my
Etsy Shop.

I had it all planned out-
header made, items listed, etc. 
Isn't this a cute banner?
I have had it on hold for over a year
as MyHero's health wavered.
Every time I would get ready to 
something would happen;
there would be a setback.

So, I thought that might be God's way
of saying,
"Don't do it!"
However, being the stubborn person
I am-and the eternal optimist-
I thought maybe I 

So, I turned to my good friends,
and blogging buddies, to get 

Many of you left comments on my blog
and I so appreciate that you did that.
Several of you emailed me directly
to tell me your stories and experiences.
After reading all the comments,
and taking everything to heart,
I came to the decision that this is 
for me.

I had over 100 listings and have been 
paying the fees for over a year,
but yesterday,
I pulled the plug and closed the shop
before it ever opened.  

I have decided to donate all the 
'household goods' 
to a charitable organization here
that does not sell anything.
They use it to help young and/or single mothers
get on their feet and 
furnish an apartment to help them
 succeed in life.

Some things I will take to an antique dealer
and some of the things--
that don't fall into either category above--
maybe-just maybe-
I will offer on my blog

So- there you have it-
Thank you all for your opinions and input.

Thanks especially to 
and to my friend, Donna, that no longer blogs.
They were both so helpful in the past 
as I was struggling with setup and help with 
learning the Etsy ropes.
I really appreciate the help they gave me.

Good luck to all of you that have
Etsy shops.
Maybe this will help someone else 
make the decision
that Etsy isn't for them after they read
all the comments I got on my blog (here)
or give them the courage to close a 
shop that is causing them stress.
On the other hand,
it may encourage someone to move forward
and open a shop of their own.

At least now I can start packing things up
knowing I don't have to 
I can clean out the bins and boxes of STUFF
and maybe I will find some 
of the things I do not need.

Maybe I will get my butt out in the
YARD and do a little SPRUCE UP.
Or maybe I can encourage 
MyHero to get off his butt
and do a little clean up.
Remember this?
Yeah--he's skinnier now so it
should be even easier for him...
Right?  Right!

Heck, I might even deep clean the house...
maybe not........


  1. Glad your decision has been made and that you feel at peace about it. I have had difficulty letting go of some sentimental things and have recently decided to donate them to the Humane Society. I pray that you will have a very nice day. xo

  2. Well done on your decision. It must not have been easy, considering the time you put into it already. Your Hero can now fit into all kinds of tight spaces? Imagine the cleaning that can be done! :) -Jenn

  3. What a great choice you made by donating your stuff. Your just that kind of person. Sweet, giving and loving. Im gonna keep my shop open for a while. I guess as long as nothing is selling, then its not costing me any thing. About once or twice a year, I clean up my shop and the baby things that do not sell, I will dontate to the less fortunate.
    Now, get out there spruce up that yard! Its beautiful out there!

  4. Getting advice from others who have gone down the Etsy road was the smart thing to do. I love what you are doing with your collection and how it will help others. Bless you.

  5. I'm happy that you made that decision for a selfish reason, Diana. You'll have more time to write blog posts for all of us to enjoy. BTW... LOVE the header! Good luck getting everything ready to donate. Have a good week.

  6. I think you'll be happy about your decision and blessed for all that you do. The donation will be appreciated by so many people in need. And it's really the best feeling...way less stress. Easy peasy...and that's what you need right now. I'm very happy and will keep the process of getting rid of the stuff...and selling some of my prayers. Lots of hugs, Diane

  7. I think you made the right decision. That's not to say that Etsy might be in your future. It's hard to get rid of things, but I have to do that. And soon!

  8. Your decision sounds right.
    I'm getting ready to host my book club and I amaze myself at my "all of a sudden" desire to deep clean when I know good and well that I started too late and don't have time to do all the ridiculous deep cleaning tasks that see so important at the moment. As soon as the book clubbers go home, I'll start cluttering things up instead of continuing to dejunk and shine things up! Oh me.
    Who knows? Maybe your house will sell before you have to get knee deep in yard/garden dirt!

  9. Oh Diana, I love that you are always able to bring in humor and here you have even made your hero the literal butt of it. I like your final decision to give away the things to moms in need. Blessings, blessings for them and for you. I'm sure they will love the treasures you have and will take good care of the things. That spot with the chair and spruce tree looks so inviting.

  10. I started one years ago. I never posted anything till last year. I always think that I will stop when my inventory dwindles but I seem to keep buying and selling.
    You have great ideas on what to with your things.

  11. I'm sure it was hard to make that final decision, especially since all the work you'd put into it in the banner, badge, etc. It was such a cute idea. But Etsy I guess is not for everyone. Good luck with sprucing up. Maybe if I didn't have an Etsy shop I would spruce up more. :-) (or maybe not). Have a great Wednesday, Diana. Thanks for sharing your banner, etc. with us. Really very cute!

  12. Good takes a lot of time and work and competition is fierce...I had a sale yesterday and was so excited! Now spend your time on things you love and do.

  13. Diana, I hope you feel good about your decision. I know you will feel good about donating to help young moms get set up in their lives. I do love the little banner of Anna. You should keep that on file for her when she is older...who knows maybe she will open a shop. Hey girl, I get bored plenty....but to the point that I ever "want" to clean house. Oh I do it because no amount of sweet talking is going to move Ted into cleaning. Bless you sweet friend, xoxo, Susie

  14. It is so hard to make that decision but happy to hear you have and you seem relieved. I was when I closed my Etsy shop and realized that it wasn't for me. I've also sold or donated most of the items I had kept for years and will continue to do so. I find I love the hunt and the thrill of a bargain but not the selling. Hugs!

  15. Congrats!

    This is great news! I am so proud of you.


  16. Glad to hear you took a final decision, Diana! Opening an Etsy shop it's been always in the back of my mind, so I'm heading off to read that other post to learn more about it.

  17. You know you are a go get type of gal and type A - I can tell - because I am like that. I worked on my blog for hours a day. For years. And i burnt out - it became a job. I never figured out how to do it a little bit. I had to go to everyone else's blog that followed me and answer all the comments. I got a lot of wonderful friends, but I couldn't keep up. So i quit. It was so hard at first and I still miss it. Have gotten busy with my church. I still visit and look at them at times and rarely write a post. I don't want that for you. You are blogging, working, HAD a sick husband, house for sale, a busy family life - how can you add an Etsy and not be stressed - that is my concern for you. When does all that become work and you burn out - you are much stronger than I am! I think it is the right decision especially with what you are doing with it and you feel okay about what you are doing. Maybe God did say no. Love, sandie

  18. Grab that boy and run off on a spring breeze. Have lunch out or pack a picnic and do try to sneak in a hot fudge sundae somewhere. 🍨

    Isn't it great to have a thing come clear after a time of wavering? Sounds as if you have some wonderful plans for those items.

  19. While I am sad you are not going to open your shop.... I am happy to hear you came to a final decision and one that I think or should say KNOW the Lord was leading you to do. I completely understand where you're coming from and I greatly admire you for listening to the Lord.

    Hugs to you!

  20. I think you made the right decision. You have so much on your plate with work, baby setting, and taking care of John. You need to have some ME TIME, to do what you want.

    Have a great rest of the week my friend.


  21. The online world is a tough one, and you have to be really dedicated to it, I think, and with all you have going on in your world, it is a tough thing to keep up. I think you made the right decision, plus working in the yard is much more enjoyable I think :) It is wonderful that you were able to have different ladies share their experiences with you, that helped with your decision. The charity shop will surely appreciate your generosity!

  22. Doesn't it feel good to have that decision made? I bet you feel free as a bird!!

  23. I know you must be feeling relieved just to have made that final decision. I say - spend every minute you can with your dear hubby and enjoy life to its fullest.

    Have a great Wednesday.


  24. Sometimes it just feels good to make a decision! Good for you! Now go do something fun and deep cleaning is not one of them! ;)

  25. I think in your case, there was no bad or good choice. It is just what is right for you. I considered Etsy a year or so ago, but decided it was not for me.

  26. Glad you know what your going to do, it feels aweful to be in limbo sometimes! Move on and do what makes you sing and smile!!
    Always, Roxy

  27. Isn't it good to have that decision made? Sounds like you saved yourself quite a few headaches. And I love that you're giving the household goods to such a great cause! What a wonderful organization for you to support--that sounds right up your alley! :)

  28. It's a good thing when a decision comes into clear focus. I love what you are going to do with your items, Diana. One less thing to worry about is always a good thing! ♥

  29. I understand the stress that comes with a shop and whether you should close it or not. I have donated lots of stuff now, too. It's a relief to take all the pressure off yourself. Xoxo

  30. You made the right decision! Sometimes selling at 2 shops is a tad stressful. Happy for you!

  31. Diana, how very nice of you to donate everything to such an organization. I have stopped donating to Goodwill and some of the other organizations because of the high paid CEO's and such. Anyway, that's another story! I'm happy to know that your items will be used to help someone struggling or just starting out, to have lovelier surroundings. I think that selling in general, whether it be on line or a physical shop space, is often stressful. I have been rethinking my shop space as of late, and have come to the realization that it is more of a stress maker than a fun thing! It always feels good to make your final decision. That was a really cute name and header it!

  32. Oh Diana, You are so EVIL. That poor saint of a man really does put up with a lot! I still laugh thinking of the picture of the piece of fruit on his head while he's napping.

  33. Hi Diana, I had no doubt your shop would have been amazing, but at the same time, making this decision sounds right!! Giving your items to those in need will be a blessing not only to the recipient but for you as well. Letting go of the pressure to sell can make a world of difference. In the end, it all works out for the best.
    Enjoy time for you and your family. The deep cleaning can wait!! Thank you for the sweet mention too.

  34. LOL that last photo...( yep went through the Etsy thing too as you know :) Oh well it is live and learn in all things is it not

  35. Hi Diana
    I can understand your decision, you have alot on your plate. As you said, it may have been God's way of telling you "not now":) That is wonderful you were able to donate so many items that will help others out. Etsy is going thru so many changes right now, and not good ones! So maybe it is for the best. I went almost 10 weeks without a sale (which is unheard of for me), and many, many other Etsy sellers are dealing with the same thing. I finally had two sales in the past week, yippee! At any rate, I am trying to come up with some other avenues to sell. Who knows, maybe some day in the future another door will open for you to sell:) And you are more than welcome for the ideas:)

  36. Sometimes things don't always go as planned. I have an Etsy shop, not a lot of sales, but good mental health. Good luck getting that yard work done.

  37. Diana, I'm sure any shop you open would be a success, but I think your plan to benefit charitable causes is a good one, and I admire you for making that decision. Your yard looks very inviting. I think you should spend time out there. Hugs, Nancy

  38. I think you made the right decision..Your plate is overflowing as it is..Nice that you are going to donate your things to Charity..That's you!!!Good luck with the yard work...Tis the season..Just take the time to enjoy your family..It all goes so fast..xxoo

  39. Completely understand your decision! Some sell on Instagram and have specific sale days or evenings. They send a bill via pay pal, and then ship it. That might be an easy option for you. Sheila

  40. That's good .. you made a decision.. I know it's hard to let go after all the efforts... But now you're feeling good that is the best.. A big hug for you.. XOXO

  41. Sounds like good decisions all around...I especially like the donations to a charity that helps people, not just making money. Your Hero wouldn't know what to do if you didn't pester him a little...ha! xoxo

  42. Since you've decided it was not the right time, Diana, I absolutely love the solution you came up with and you will love knowing that someone is making a home from things that have been in your own home. I know you feel a relief in having made a decision.

  43. Today it was about 83 here in Oregon where I live! Beautiful! I am one who enjoys a garden, just not working in it! :^)

  44. Diana, I'm proud of you really. That was a courageous decision and was hard to make I am certain. Sometimes there will be looking back over your shoulder but I don't think you will see anything that truly beckons you back again. I feel instinctively that you mad the best choice for you. xx

  45. Doesn't it feel good to finally have a firm decision?! I think it is the right one for you. I like the idea of donating things that are not resold but help others.

  46. I have never had a shop. But there has NEVER been a time I have not loved what I have purchased on Easy. Overseas or in this Country. Always quality +.

  47. It's always good to make a decision one way or the other. Gets rid of the stress of trying to decide. I love that you will donate to a place that helps those who need it! I have an art site and haven't sold a thing. I'm thinking it's just not the right avenue right now. Maybe I'll pull the plug.

  48. I think you made the right decision. Timing is everything. I like the sounds of the place you are going to donate to that doesn't sell the items and helps young women get a start. I went to our Women's Resource Center and found everything to be priced so high that I was discouraged. How could a young person with little money afford what they offer. I'm enjoying getting outside to do a few things around the garden but I sure don't move like I used to!

  49. Diana I think it's a wonderful decision. I think once it's all gone you will feel such a release and many blessings to you for your generous heart. I do hope my mother will take courage and do the same. Your garden will be a wonderful healing place for you to spend your time in. You are beautiful.

  50. Diana, I read a lot of those comments and I think it helped me see that my daughter's desire to sell jewelry there might not be the way to go. I also have a lot of books and videos that I need to do something with. Sometimes it's not worth the trouble to try to get some money back. So often there isn't much of a profit anyway. I might just let more of my stuff go to Goodwill. I have found in the past that letting go feels WAY better than you think it will. Stuff can be a WEIGHT on our backs if we don't love or enjoy it. And feeling it lift as you let go is SO worth it!

  51. I think that's a great organization that you will donating your items to. Love those blue chairs in your yard and the blue basket flowers. Or are they Purple? : )


  52. Good for you, my friend.
    Decision made!
    Beautiful yard, too!

  53. There are no wrong decisions. But some just feel "righter" than others. Apparently this is one of those ;)

  54. Oh, MY!!! That picture!! How adorable! I am sorry the Etsy shop didn't work out, after all of the energy and time and money you had poured into it, bless your heart. I am sure it would have been a blessing, but the dear Lord knows best, and I feel sure the people who receive your goodies will be so grateful for your generosity. Through our long minimizing journey, we have surely proven Jesus' words, "it is more blessed to give than to receive" to be so true. I trust you will be given clear direction on what exactly to do with your things. Sending love and hugs to you, sweet friend. :)

  55. Well, I'm glad you figured out what you wanted to do about the Etsy shop and I bet you feel better now that you made up your mind :)

    Everything works itself out eventually, right ;)


  56. I am sure that you have made the right decision with expert advice and is right for you at this time. Have a great weekend Diana!

  57. Donating your things so that someone in need can enjoy that's a Good Thing! You have a heart of gold Diana!

  58. That is a great idea to donate your things to that organization. Someone will be very happy!!

  59. You are such a sweetie for nice! Deep/Spring cleaning...I so need to do that! I start and then life happens and I don't get back to it. Love your garden bike basket full of hydrangea...beautiful!

  60. Good morning, Diana! Wel, it sounds like you made the right decision. I struggled with the same thing and everytime I thought I was ready, something would happen, too. I finally decided it wasn't in the cards at the time. Never say never, though! You just never know what's around the corner. This is right for you, right now. Love you! xoxo, T.

  61. I always say to trust your gut and it sounds like you did just that. I find that if I keep putting something off, or keep having second thoughts, it's not the right decision. It'll feel good to donate to a very worthy cause too. Enjoy the weekend!

  62. It always feels good to make a decision. Donation is a good thing. xo Laura

  63. Sometimes decisions like this are hard to make...but the freedom of making the right one. I struggled for years on whether I use sell my watercolor greeting cards on line, and every time the door closed. Maybe because I love to give them away. Maybe when I'm daughters will set up shop and sell them. Loved your pictures and especially the "gardener". What a shot!! Hugs

  64. Glad that YOU are happy with your decision. You know I wish the best for you always.
    And when you finish deep cleaning your house, you can come and do mine too! xx

  65. Good for you, Diana, in making the right decision for YOU! I love your idea of where you are donating and it will feel so good when you do. As a friend once told me, that it's just "stuff", and we've used it, enjoyed it, and let it go, for someone else to enjoy.
    I did love your cute header and name of your shop, though.
    Happy weekend to you, sweet friend. You have such a kind heart.

  66. You have given me the courage to permanently close my Etsy shop. I was on vacation for a year, but no longer have the zeal to manage the shop. Rather stay close to home and sell from my booth. Blessings for you to donate the items.

  67. Well i couldn't give you ANY good advice about Etsy because i know nothing about it but i sure am glad to hear you made a decision and it seems to be the right one For you!! Happy for you!! Have an amazing weekend my friend!!

  68. Hello,
    Thank you for sharing. I like that you shared the process with us. I am like you, I can just keep trying and trying to make something work, when really, I need to step back and look at the situation again. And then boom, it comes together. ;-)
    I love the idea of the donations going to the cause of helping women get back on track. My mom has a friend who just recently ran away from an abusive husband. The importance of the finding help set up house was huge to helping her to start over.
    Love you and thank you again for sharing your advice.


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