
Sunday, April 30, 2017


Many of you 'old' bloggers,
and by OLD I mean those of us that 
have been blogging for several years,
know Vicki from

She was away from blogging 
for quite a while as her family dealt
with her daughter-in-law Alicia's 

Alicia fought the battle for 
but, sadly, 
lost her race against the disease recently.
You can read Vicki's final tribute to 
Alicia here.

This beautiful young woman 
left behind her husband and 
two beautiful children.

Please pray for all of them
as they walk this fresh path of 
grief and heartache.

Sometimes our words 
just seem so inadequate,
don't they?
They can't begin to convey how deep
our emotions run or how sad we really feel.

That being said, please lift this family in prayer,
if you are a pray-er-
If not a pray-er,
 please send your good thoughts
and well wishes for peace of heart.

Another blogger wrote to me this week.
Her name is Nancy Comer.
You will remember her from
Nancy's Notes
She is such a lovely gal 
and we connected immediately.
Several years ago her husband 
had two strokes
and she has been caretaker 
and soul mate to him.
Now, she needs prayers for herself.
There is a mass in her lungs 
and on Friday 
she had a PET scan 
to see if anything 
shows up in other areas of her body.
Next Wednesday she will have biopsies done.
As we all know, this is scary business.
Please pray for good reports for her
and pray that they don't find malignancy
when they do the biopsies.
I will keep you posted 
when I hear from her or her kids.


Update on DownOnTheFarm,
Robbin's mom:

She is asking for specific prayers
for her mom as she is back in
the hospital dealing with 
complications from her cancer treatment.
You can read more about that here.

Thanks to all of you that pop in here
and take the time to read and respond
to these requests.

Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. My gosh Diane, As you said in your post, sometimes we don't have the words.. Im looking at all these beautiful people and all they are dealing with.. All I can think to say is that I will pray for all of them.. God bless you and I hope everything is well with you XO.. PS.. I may be putting my blog back on blogger but for the time being its over at on wordpress.... Sending love XO

  2. It is times like these that make you realize how fortunate you are if you are in good health and your family members are as well. It makes your troubles seem trivial. I am sorry for that young family who has now lost their mother / wife. My thoughts are with everyone who you described in this post, Diana. -Jenn

  3. May God lay his healing hand on all those in pain and suffering. It breaks my heart to see familys broken by this ugly disease.
    Prayer to all.

  4. I will keep them in my prayers, Diana. Have a good Sunday.

  5. Prayers and well wishes to all....

  6. Prayers and love.
    May her her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

  7. So much to be thankful for and so much to pray for. We lost a member of our family to cancer last week and it's been hard. Thank you for caring about your blogging friends so much!

  8. So many sorrows lately. It's hard to remember that life does go on. Thanks for keeping us posted Di. Our prayers will go out to them.

  9. Diana, It's so heartbreaking to see so many people hurting and yes, it's hard to express in words how we feel in our hearts and I pray for all of them and their families. I do remember Nancy and often wondered what happened to her. I will hold her in my prayers that her biopsy reports are good. Thank you for posting.


  10. Oh so sad. I will send some prayers there way. My son's young friend lost his battle as well. Why can't we find a cure???? Hugs

  11. Oh, D- so many sad things to be praying for - they/you can count on me. They're in good Hands. ♥

  12. Diana, One day I hope to see a cancer cure. In the mean time we lose loved ones. What a loss for that young family. I will pray for that family, for Nancy and for Robbin's mom. All need many prayers. blessings to you and your family , xoxo, Susie

  13. Prayers for all involved, Cancer is a dirty word, and hard to understand its use in our world.

  14. No words, Diana. Just lifting up prayers for all. Hugs.

  15. Diana - Praying for all of these precious families. I could never tell you how much encouragement and peace I had from all of the prayers and emails when John was sick and after he passed. So much love from people I had never actually met.


  16. Prayers all around and surrounding them all with hugs and peace. xoxo

  17. Sending prayers for comfort and healing...xo

  18. will be praying for all those w/this pain and heartache. Counting blessings everyday is so important bc you just never know...

  19. Alicia's poor family must truly be heartbroken to have lost such a beautiful soul. My heart truly aches for those precious children. I will lift all of these ladies up in prayer and I recently learned of a classmate that is dealing with cancer after just standing by his daughters' side as she dealt with breast cancer and a child that is less than a year old. How scary that must be! God knows the need!

  20. I will keep them in thoughts and prayers. There is always someone out there battling something. So sad! It is scary how we are all just an illness or accident away from battling something difficult. I hope these families are able to find peace again.

  21. There IS healing in the Name of Jesus. Hard to understand the struggles we go through in this life...but it's all for a reason and a season. Hopefully we grow closer to Jesus in our struggles.

  22. I'm so sorry to hear all of this, Diana. A prayer will be said. Love Nancy from Nancy's Notes. She's a sweet blog friend of mine as well.

    love, ~Sheri

  23. Prayers for all of them, Diana. Deep prayers. God bless. x

  24. Thank you for sharing these requests for prayers. Will remember each one in prayer. God bless you and yours, also.

  25. Hi sweetie, You are such a faithful prayer warrior-I so appreciate you! I have lifted up each of these requests; please keep us updated.
    Have a great week.
    Hugs, Noreen

  26. Oh my, so many are hurting out there! Prayers going up for these precious people!

  27. As one of the lucky breast cancer survivors, it breaks my heart to hear of one so young and with a young family losing her battle. She and her family will have a special place in my prayers, as will your other friends. Hugs.

  28. Diana, so many hurting people...we can only pray and hold these folks close to our hearts. xoxo

  29. Diana, been away from the blog lately as we were on vacation and trying to take some time to grieve losing mom. I am so sorry to hear of so many dealing with heart ache as well. A young mom, and children left behind. The dreaded C word rearing its ugly head once again. My heart just aches for these families. My pastor preached a message today, and in it said there are times we question God...why are these things happening to good people/families? We need to only trust that He has them in his ever loving arms and will see them through. Trust He will finish what He started. Thanks for asking us to pray!

  30. Yes. Praying for each need here. My heart goes out to Alicia's family. She is walking with The Lord and I know that Heaven will be so very real now that the family has one of their dearest in residence there. Praying for Nancy to have a clean bill of health...though tests are unsettling. And praying for this precious mom and the family who love her and want the best for her. May the comfort of The Lord rest on each heart.

  31. Oh how very sad. I will pray for these precious families, Thank you Diana for bringing us these requests.

  32. You are such a thoughtful and caring person....these people are lucky to have you in thier lives!

  33. Hi Diana, praying for all of these needs. Bless you xoxo

  34. This is heart wrenching. I feel so bad for everyone. I know Nancy from Nancy's Notes through blogging and this is upsetting to read. Praying for everyone here.

  35. Oh, dear Lord, have mercy on these dear, broken hearts. You are such a gem to care so much, sweet friend, and to pass along these needs for prayer. Love and appreciate you so much!

  36. So many prayers I am doing now. I do not mind, just wish all could be hallpy and healthy. I have a friend who just found out last Friday that he has prostate cancer. A year ago his wife passed from cancer and now he faces the battle. Prayers being said for him as well.

  37. That was a sad list - but there is joy in the Lord - you never know why something like these things happen - but they do - maybe someday we will understand - maybe not. I don't know. But I will keep these people in my heart and prayers. Love, sandie

  38. Oh how sad that she passed. Sometimes is better if there is no cure and they are in terrible pain. I feel so sorry that he has to raise those two beautiful girls by himself. Hopefully he has family to help.

    I wondered what happened to Nancy. Prayers will be said nightly for all those people.

    Thank you Diana. How is Jill and family?


  39. My heart breaks at the loss of this beautiful woman leaving behind her husband and darling angels. I know that is husband was widowed when our boys were 2 and 3.

    I've missed Nancy, who I consider a huge blogging friend--I had no idea. Thanks for being an angel n your own right in keeping us in the loop.

    Love you,

    Jane x

  40. Sending my prayers and hugs to everyone. Thank you for taking the time to let us know, Diana. xxx Maria

  41. Oh Diana, there is so much heartache in this fallen world, and so much goes unnoticed in our busy lives. Thank you for bringing these dear people to our attention so that we can pray for them. xo

  42. I am sorry to hear of all this sadness and tragedy...prayers for these people and the families. xoxo

  43. Oh my goodness. So young. Many things we just don't understand. All these are in my prayers. THANK YOU for sharing the prayer request for my mother. My heart is so full. Mom is still in the hospital. She is a tiny bit better and we are PRAYING she gets released to go to the hotel today. I'm planning on driving back down there tomorrow and PRAYING we can bring her home Wednesday or Thursday. I believe getting her home will help her truly get better. I love you dear lady!! I am lifting all these needs to our Lord, and asking for special prayer for you and The Hero!!

  44. Diana, thanks for sharing these heart-wrenching stories. I am going to be praying for each of these families.

  45. Oh, my heart just breaks for these brave and wonderful families. I will be praying hard. xx

  46. Cancer is such a thief! My heart hurts to think of the precious two little girls left behind, that is the hardest part of it all! And your other dear blogging friends and their needs I will add to my prayer list today. God knows just where they are at and how to help them through these difficult seasons! Thank you for being such an angel and listing their prayer requests here where many can read and pray! Hugs to you today dear friend!

  47. This just all breaks my heart as I read this. Such sadness and pain. We are dealing with so much of this as well within my church with different church family and it's heartbreaking. One day, oh one day, there will be no more pain or sorrow. Praising Him today in the midst of all the storms. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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