
Tuesday, April 18, 2017


We were lucky enough
to spend 
with my daughter, Mimi and her sweet family.
MyHero took at least 75 pictures.
This was the closest he came to having
and smile.
As you can see-
3 out of 5 made eye contact although
BigBoyE does not look too happy...
You know how there are bloopers?
We have at least FIFTY of pictures like this.
The kid in the dress is the goofball
that mugged for the camera.
I also have one picture
of three of my sweet grandgirls-
Look how big they are getting--
and SweetCheeks has glasses!

And their Mom, Tara---still beautiful---
shown here with her brother-
our youngest son...
fondly known as "Mama'sBoy"...
And here is his little guy..
flying off to see
Jack Sparrow @ Pirates of the Caribbean...
He was pretty excited when the
Captain asked him up to the front cabin
and let him sit in the pilot's seat.
No pictures of my oldest son
or his family.
Like me- he hates having his picture taken
so I only get pictures when his wife
shares them with me-lol....

For those of you brats that always ask
Next time I will brush my hair first....

Hope you all had a blessed Easter
and now we can move towards
Mother's Day!

This mama is off to the VA this morning
to mother a few veterans!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. I love family pictures even the ones that aren't perfect! All your grandchildren are adorable! Glad you had a chance to visit with them. I know how it is to have to travel so far just to have a get together. I think this is the first time you mentioned Hubby traveling with you to visit. He's looking good!

  2. Lovely pictures, Diana! I love group shots, but it's so hard to get everyone cooperating. I'm glad you included a picture of the three girls so we can see how they've grown. -Jenn

  3. Beautiful pictures of your family including you, Diana! It is always so heartwarming to see how close you all are as a family!!

  4. Love this post, Diana! Such a beautiful family you have and the pictures are great, silly faces and all. The one with you and your husband is most dear.

  5. Beautiful, beautiful! Now you did a fantastic job of getting the family photos. Your little granddaughter is a natural...look at that pose! And thank you for getting into the invisible woman today...excellent.

  6. Beautiful family pictures, Diana! The kids are getting so big and you and your husband look wonderful! Take care, xoxo Maria

  7. Beautiful family! Those babies are like little prince and princesses. All just too sweet!
    Safe travels today and enjoy your time mothering.

  8. Beautiful family photos and it is great seeing such a sweet and bonded family too!
    Happy Spring and everything!

  9. Beautiful family Easter photos Diana....I know it was a beautiful day for you all!

  10. Wonderful, beautiful and excellent photos! I used to not want my picture taken until I realized how much pleasure it gave others to take my picture. Now I just think of them and not worry about how I look. Seems you had a simply wonderful day and I'm so glad you got to see your family and your grands. Especially the one in the dress who kept messing up the pictures. (ha, ha). Have fun with those boys at the VA Hospital.

  11. Hi dear friend. What lovely pictures. I cannot believe how the grands are growing up! God bless you today. xoxo

  12. Aw! Such good photos! You're a cutie, ND! I love the boys' Easter duds!

  13. Diana, I love the family photos. I can see how the little ones are growing. Missy's boys are really looking taller. You have a beautiful family. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  14. Love my extended family photos.

  15. Oh Diana, you have such a beautiful family! And you, my dear friend, are absolutely radiant!

    Hugs to you!

  16. You have such a beautiful family...and always having fun together..Thanks for sharing..Have fun with the boys..I know they just love you!!

  17. Oh Diana! What a beautiful family you have. I think that little one might be a lot like her Nana! It's nice to see a family pic of you and your husband in there. So glad you had a happy Easter and you made it home safely.

  18. Hi Diana...
    Great family shots...just are very lucky indeed!!
    have a great week...
    Linda :o)

  19. OH MY GOODNESS THE BEST PICTURE IS THE ONE OF ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think everyone looked beautiful and someday that picture will be very, very valuable! Love it. sandie

  20. The last picture is the best! Love the one of your trio of grand girls. xoxo Su

  21. Wonderful family pictures, Diana, and little miss SweetCheeks has glasses! It was good to see her again.....and great to see a pic of you too. It's nice to see our blog friend's faces once in awhile. But I'm like you, and it happens only once in awhile. : )

    love, ~Sheri

  22. Thanks for sharing these photos, Diana. It's so great to see pictures of your lovely family. You look great! And your beautiful daughter is the spitting image of you (do you ever wonder where the term "spitting image" came from?). Your grands are so cute. Love the little mugger. She's a little charmer, for sure. xo

  23. AWWWW. I love when you share all those lovely folks you're Mama to, Diana Dearest. So glad you had such a wonderful TOGETHER day.

    Someday our paths will cross. Someday.

  24. Beautiful pictures of all of you. I think you have another Sweet Cheeks in the making.

  25. I love these pics! Mimi is so beautiful and her family is just gorgeous! I love her cardigan too. I've pretty much become addicted to buying cardigans. Lol. I have one in almost every color and I wear one over my outfit pretty much every time I go somewhere. They just seem to "dress up" any outfit. :) And we even got to see a picture of you! Gorgeous! You have such a beautiful family. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter!

  26. Lovey family, lovely pictures....This was a year of NO pictures, as the family was scattered...Inlaws, and outlaws, and me and Dad. Did spend a few hours with oldest daughter and her husband's side of the family. The Torres Clan...and clad it is..but nice time. Miss being the one to fix Easter Dinner all those years we were in the Church of came from wherever to spend it together.
    Please pray for my dearest, as we make another quick trip this weekend up North where he will do the funeral service for another dear friend who is celebrating Heaven.

  27. I love all of the photos you share of your sweet family, Diana. Your Hero is looking great in the photo of all of you! And so do you, my friend. I understand about not liking being photographed. You don't have anything to worry about. Have a nice evening. ♥

  28. I love looking at family pictures, but I hate being in them!! ;) The bloopers are the best, she is a ball of fire, that girl is going to have her name in lights one day. I hope you had fun with your family, they are all beautiful. And so are you! : ) xoxo

  29. Wonderful family photos! My Grandson is at the make a face at the camera age right now. So our family photos are often crazy as well.

  30. Oh, I loved seeing all the photos! You have a beautiful family...all of you look so happy together. So thankful you had a wonderful Easter and you were able to share it with the ones you love most! That little girl is just hilarious!!! SO cute! Thank you for sharing. God bless you, sweet friend. :)

  31. Diana, You have the most beautiful family-must be the Irish in you! Love the pictures and especially seeing you and your dear hubby. He looks so good! Praying he continues to grow stronger each day and that he will soon be over this long ordeal with his health.
    Sending love your way!

  32. Awe I love all the pictures and the ones we think are bloopers are always the best . Hugs and blessings , Cindy

  33. Sweet pictures! Love the bloopers. What a little diva, lol. Your beautiful daughter looks like you. Aw, the girls are growing up! Love Sweet Cheeks glasses. Beautiful family! I know you're proud of them.

  34. The blooper pictures are the best! Your hair is need to brush it!!


  36. Love this!
    How nice to see your smiling face...
    Such a lovely Easter!

  37. Beautiful pictures.. you have such a lovely family...

  38. Beautiful family members! These photos will always make you smile.

  39. Such a beautiful family, Diana, and so nice to see you included in the photos, too! The bloopers are the best! Happy memories. xo Karen

  40. Oh Diana, great post. What wonderful pictures. That Bright Eyes is really to cute, she is beautiful. Such a great family you have - all the kids are beautiful. Love the picture of all of you - you look great!

    So glad that you had a wonderful Easter.


  41. You have a beautiful family Mama. Be good until Mother's Day (if that's even possible).

  42. Nice pictures! Our Easter was pleasant!

  43. Well, I am thrilled to see you in the pics with your family! Little Anna is so funny. Mimi must have loved having you and John there for Easter. All your grands are growing up so fast! Beautiful family. :)
    xoxo, T.

  44. What a beautiful family you have, Diana - I can see where they got their good looks from! :)

  45. Lovely family pictures, smiles or not, these are all keepers! Such great memories being made! Blessings to you, Cindy xo

  46. Beautiful family you got there Diana! You are blessed!
    That sweet, goofy Bright Eyes...Loved it!
    Looking good...Now try and stay out of trouble if you can. Ha!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    Hugs, Amy

  47. Aww it looks like you had a wonderful Easter with your family. I enjoyed looking at the photos and of you especially Diana. Take care and have a nice week.

  48. was nice seeing all of these great family photos, bloopers and! You must be like me...barely getting in to any of the photos On purpose) or mostly because I am the one behind the lens! You have a very lovely family, Diana! Enjoy the rest of your week, my friend!

  49. Diana, you have the nicest family ever! Love the pics, it's always so hard to get everyone (especially the little ones) to all look the same way! Wow, Mimi looks great, I can tell she's lost alot of weight:) Love the pic of you, too, your are beautiful as ever!

  50. Diana, your family photos are so sweet no precious. Making fabulous memories. Looking forward to Mother's Day. Have a lovely weekend. Xo

  51. I love when I see photos, Diana, of your sweet family. What beautiful people you all especially, dear lady. However, that little "kid in the dress" sure takes the cake, doesn't she?!

  52. Hi Diana, Glad you enjoyed a beautiful Easter. Love all the photos. You have a beautiful family and I love seeing you in pics. You are a beauty my friend!! All the kids are growing up so fast. Have a great weekend ahead.
    Blessings and Joys, xo

  53. The bloopers are the best, I Love them! Little Bright Eyes is a hoot, and I see that Mama finally swept her into her arms to get a picture for the books, lol! Oh the laughs that might have turned to tears, I can just imagine, lol! You looked absolutely radiant and stunning Diana! And so good to see John smiling too, and looking so well... so thankful you all enjoyed such a lovely time together!


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