
Monday, March 6, 2017


All Wintered Out!
I don't know about you but I thought
February would NEVER END.
Then March 
We had several inches of snow.
Snow that glitters like diamonds-
so bright and dazzling 
that it would hurt your eyes.
Feathery soft,
white as an angel's wing.
coating every surface with 
shimmery sequins.
As pretty as it is, however,
I am not a SNOW person.
I am MARCHing towards Spring.
I am always  TIRED of winter!
Tired of snow!
Tired of cold!
Tired of the frozen tundra.
Give me snow for Christmas Eve
and Christmas Day and then
take it away----please----

I am MARCHing towards 
St. Patrick's Day with my potted Shamrock...
the plant of  my father's mother
and her mother before her.
Other years found me
 MARCHing to the sink
 to wash the 
Irish China that my girls gave me.
As we are preparing to downsize,
I let the girls arm-wrestle over
which one of them would "inherit" the
they had gifted to me a few years ago.
Before this morning is over
 I am  MARCHing myself 
right over to 
STARBUCKS...where I will 
and order a latte.
A drink to warm my bones.
 While my heart 
longs for Spring,
my body is stuck with a
Dreary Winter Day.

I was thinking (that's dangerous)
and I told MyHero I might order 
him a nice little
for Saint Patrick's Day.
I'd been looking at costumes
 and I thought I 
finally found the right one.
I was all set to order until I saw that it said-

I am back home but will only
be here for a few days
before going to visit
my daughter and sweet grandkids.
Oh! Look!
One is dressed and waiting for me
on the steps already!
Have a wonderful Monday.


  1. "I was all set to order until I saw that it said-COSTUME ONLY!" Hahahahahaha!

  2. You always make me laugh, Diana! That last big storm missed us, and I must admit, for Minnesota we have had a wimpy winter! But March isn't over yet lol.

  3. Yes, I could have written this all except for the Irish china and Starbucks part. I am so ready to be done with winter and I especially hate it when March shows up all snooty and says, "Ha my little pretties, you think that winter is over, don't you? Well I'll show you!"

  4. I'm over winter and ready for more Spring!

  5. I'm not a winter person either, boy do I live in the wrong area of the country for that... I do love Nova Scotia though, I guess that's why I tolerate the winter. . . I do love my spring that shows me summers on the way xox ♡

    We don't have snow but it's been really cold lately ... brr

    Have fun with your grandchildren ♡

  6. I have a set Bleak from Ireland I don't use anymore. I'm going to try to sell it. Service of 12 cups and saucers and cutest matching dessert dishes.

    Love your little with his St. Patrick's hat. Have fun


  7. Diana, Glad you are back home safe and sound (?) hehe. I love those dishes and all your adorable leprechauns. My Teddy Bear would need a serious set of man spanx to fit in that suit. :):) Stay warm Florida girl. :):) Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  8. The children's photos are so adorable! I'm with you, bring on Spring and keep the snow away, lol. Those dishes are beautiful!! I bet they hold quite a few memories as well. Enjoy your visits and safe travels!


  9. This year we actually had winter so I can totally understand your wish for winter to be over. I do too!

  10. I'm with you . . . we still have snow hanging on . . . and I'm tied of it. This has been the whitest winter that I ever remember in our neck of the woods. So, I'm joining your march, I'm sure you'll get enough to make a parade, many of us are longing for spring weather :)
    Have fun with your grandchildren.
    Connie :)

  11. Your grandson is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well i hate to tell you, but winter is over here in Georgia - we are in full bloom and allergies!!!!!!!!!!! Love, sandie

  12. Diana, I'm surprised you're not a snow person. Don't you have snow a lot through the winter months? Oh, I love that Irish china. The girls will be fighting over that. And I'm glad you treated yourself to a Starbucks today. How is that going, by the way? Sometimes that just makes our day. Your little leprechaun grandson is too cute, love that outfit he's wearing. : )


  13. We were up in your area 3 years ago on St Pat's Day and it snowed so hard we had to turn around and head back down to Illinois to get out of the blizzard. Was not expecting that, but then two dumb Texans do not belong in that much snow.

  14. Love the pics of your sweet Irish babies! I'm thinking of marching over to Starbucks myself. :) Hope spring arrives soon for you! We've already had to fertilize the grass and mow several times. Ugh. Summer is pretty much here in Texas.

  15. Darn! Too bad that costume doesn't include the model! Ha Ha! I think I would feel like you if we had constant cold temps and snow too. I like a little bit of snow but then it gets old. We are not equipped to handle it here in the south so it's kind of a big deal when we have snow. It has been warm here (for the most part). Sorry to rub that in your face. I certainly don't intend to brag. But, we have had a mild winter with only one weekend of snow this winter. It is currently 66 degrees and sunny here. Flowers are already starting to bloom which is causing allergy season to begin much earlier than normal. I won't like it here in May. That's when my rag weed allergies kick in. Hope you have warmer temps soon! I think a quick road trip southward would cure all that ails you. (wink).

  16. Spring has arrived here and all the trees are in bloom. However, as it is spring, the temperatures are up and down. I am heading out tomorrow for Atlanta to see my grandchildren. Ca't wait and I know you can't wait to see yours too. xo Laura

  17. I'm sitting here in short pants, and thinking oh please NO SNOW in March in Arkansas. We have had it in March....
    Glad you made it home safely, and now you tell us you are running away again.

  18. I'm like you. I'm not a snow person. I like to maybe see it once and that's it. I love the warm weather. I cant hardly wait til spring then Summer. Id even go as far as saying I'd choose Easter over Christmas.
    You have the cutest leprechaun waiting on you. As far as the costume, Looks like a rip off (no pun intended) haha :)


  19. Ha! I'm sure your hero will look cute in his leprechaun suit.
    How DID we end up with SO many dishes?

  20. We are still in the midst of winter, in fact today is snow, cold and quite windy. I really wouldn't expect anything more than this kind of weather here. :)
    Your Irish tea set is gorgeous, so dainty, and your little leprechaun is adorable sitting there waiting for your arrival.

    Bless you ♡

  21. We are still in the midst of winter, in fact today is snow, cold and quite windy. I really wouldn't expect anything more than this kind of weather here. :)
    Your Irish tea set is gorgeous, so dainty, and your little leprechaun is adorable sitting there waiting for your arrival.

    Bless you ♡

  22. It's still winter here, Diana, and like you, I'm over it at this point and ready to get some time in the garden!

  23. Hi Diana, I remember those winters and how they linger on forever. I know you are a warm weather girl like me.
    Love the Irish China. Such a pretty pattern. My shamrock plant is up in the garden and blooming pretty white flowers. I love it too and it comes back every year here. Being Irish this is one of my favs. Too bad about the costume!!! haha
    Have fun visiting the sweet kids. Your grand is adorable dressed in the green waiting on you.
    Enjoy the week and blessings to you. xoxo

  24. You are just a 'hoot'! :) We haven't had enough winter this year in southwestern Pa for me to be tired of it at all. We have had winter / spring / winter / spring / winter spring all season. What I DO have right now is a runny nose and THAT can go, yes, lol!
    Love that Green Grandkid! :) Enjoy :)

  25. I'm just smiling at tour St. Paddys day header, Diana! I know those winters well, having lived in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan. They do drag on and on, don't they? Your little leprechaun waiting on the steps for your visit, is too cute for words. Enjoy your visit!
    What great news about your Hero! I'm still praying....xo, Kitty

  26. You already have your own little leprechauns waiting for you, Diana! And they're unbelievably cute! I'm sure with you on that snow business. Right now we have no snow on the ground, but I hear we're supposed to get more this week. This is the problem with Wisconsin. As beautiful as it is May through October, our winters are just TOO long. While some people think that spring begins on March 21, we know better. If we're lucky! it will begin on April 21. Hope we can survive until then. Today was chilly and damp. Brrr. xo

  27. I had much rather enjoy a latte than wash china! I do remember that gorgeous shamrock china. Love that last photo; so very precious. Have a wonderful visit with family.

  28. cute post!! We really didn't have winter..The bits of snow we had never totally covered the grass..It's colder this week than it has been all winter but in another day or so it will be back in the high 50's and back in the 20's over the weekend...Crazy!! Have a Happy ST. Paddy's Day!! I'm sure you have your pick of leprechauns ..Your poor hero ;)

  29. Cute! Anxiously waiting for nice weather too. Nancy

  30. I too am over the snow and what makes it harder is this up and down from 60 degrees to 14 degrees over the last few weeks. I know better than to wish winter away too soon in NY though....just have to wait it out. Meantime, I am decorating for Spring! No leprechauns here, although my husband would probably wear that outfit!

  31. I'm with you....waiting for spring!! With a little luck (maybe from your shamrock plant?) it will hurry up! Enjoy those kiddies. Too cute!! xo

  32. Girl, I know we are kindred spirits and joined at the heart, but I think we share Irish blood as well. I love your little guy-how precious he is. We will be having a girlie tea party on St. Patricks Day. I do wear green, but celebrate my heritage year round. You know what they say about Irish Girls be sassy-yep, that is me. Are you on FB? There is an Irish club you can belong too and it always shows staying with how much spunk we have.
    Sending love your way!

  33. LOL. I don't even know what to say about the big guy in the Leprechaun costume. The little guy in the Leprechaun costume is super cute. I especially love those socks! I am kinda wondering what he's holding in his hands though. That looks like a mouse tail hanging down from his right hand. Haha. Your Irish china is gorgeous. Have fun with the kiddos! xo

  34. Your shamrock plant is so pretty. Adorable little leprechaun...

  35. I, too, am not a winter with snow person and want spring to leap up and deliver lots of blooms!

  36. I am with you Diana, we have had snow, rain, hail and winds. I am ready for Spring to finally arrive.

    Hugs Diane


  37. I think we are finally going to GET winter this weekend ... about time! You are a stitch Di. Enjoy your visit. Love the china. <3 TTFN ~ Marydon

  38. Such a pretty collection of Irish dishware. I hope the girls don't fight too much. Love your Irish costume. it's a shame the package isn't included....LOL Spring is near. Have a lovely week. xoxo

  39. Let's hear it for an early spring!! Your sweet little grand-leprechauns look adorable! -Jenn

  40. I'm totally with you Snow on Christmas eve, and Christmas day and that's it.. Love..

  41. I agree with you Diana, after Christmas the white stuff can go away!!

  42. I'm happy about it being March, of my favorite months. Fun post, My Friend!

  43. We hardly ever get snow and Spring is a month early. I'm happy. The azaleas, dogwoods, and wisteria are in full bloom with the bluebonnets not far behind! Trees are leafing out and the grass is greening up. Hurray! Sorry you have more cold and snow to deal with. Looks like you've got some sunshine to look forward too (cutest grandkids ever!).
    Stay warm!

  44. I agree, this winter is one for the books! Even here where there is hardly winter....we've had it! Even today we had more frost....we never have frost into March!!
    I am ready for sun!
    I love that china....shame you cannot keep is so sweet

  45. Not fair..."costume only"...ha! Ugh,'s been pouring rain here...guess that's a tad better... The china is beautiful...knew a lady who had lots of it...gorgeous... xoxo

  46. February did seem like an unusually long month to me, also. It seems rather odd to me though since it has the fewest days in it. I think it must have had to do with the weather ups and downs. I'm ready for spring. I think I'll just live outside when it is truly spring. :)

    I hope neither of your girls were hurt when they arm wrestled for the Irish china! That made me chuckle!

    That little grandson looks as if he is quite anxious for Nana to get there.

  47. oh it for Christmas...etc. but not in March..
    awww cute little guy waiting on the step,
    love it :)

  48. I too can't wait for spring Diana! I hope you have a great time visiting your daughter and grandkids. :)

  49. Looking forward to Spring!!! Speaking of forward we set the clocks forward this weekend.
    Spring is on the way!
    Have fun visiting your family. Love that last photo...sweetheart!!

  50. Diana, what a cute assortment of Leprechauns you have..Yes, without wishing time away, I am very softly calling for spring!! Maybe it will come wearing that costume!! One can only hope..Have fun with all the kids..Happy Tuesday..xxoJudy

  51. You can order the COSTUME only, I will order that guy! HA HA HA!
    Yes, I think that February should be re named FEB U WEARY.

  52. Adorable and your grandson is cute too...haha. Lovely Irish China...I have been giving my girls all the tea "stuff" I have collected for 50 years. 10 hat boxes full. Yikes! I've never lived where it snowed. A California gal since birth. But my time in Oregon was Rain, Rain..etc......but was it ever green.

  53. I hate to tell you that it was 80 degree here today and tomorrow will be warmer.. I hate winter with cold weather. I would be happy to have it stay 75 all the time.

    Have a great visit with your daughter and grands. I am sure they are so excited to have you come for a visit.


  54. Right there with you. I was outside today. March winds made it a bit dodgy so didn't stay long. I just swept the path and surveyed the mess. Snow is gone but.......back this weekend they say. Bulbs are popping through so I hope they are wrong. I need to get out and shovel up all the old bird seed. Clean off the front porch and get out the Spring stuff. Maybe tomorrow, who knows.
    Hugs Janice

  55. good morning girlfriend! Ive not been in blogland for a couple weeks, so I need to do some catching up. we have had a very mild winter.. as in.. wow.. almost no winter.. very unusual. so I cant even complain.. but I am seriously looking forward to longer and warmer days full of sunshine ahead! I need my lake days! lol! Happy

  56. Well, Winter's not over here...not yet...predicting several inches Friday morning followed by another bitter cold weekend and more white stuff next week! YUMMY on that latte!...:)JP

  57. Winter... sigh. Yes, the snow is so beautiful, it does dazzle! We got 3" last night, and more on the way tonight. But, time is in our favor... the clock is ticking ever forward... spring shall be here soon :) Know you will have a wonderful time visiting with your grandkids, they are just the cutest!

  58. Our winter keeps lingering on, too. Rain and oh, so cold. Still, spring must come some time! Cute leprechaun(s), big and small!


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