
Sunday, March 26, 2017


I love it when people I know
ask me to post a 

I have been following this sweet lady
and her family for quite a while.
She is just one of the sweetest people
I know!
This is JILL from
Isn't she pretty?

I took this picture off her sidebar 
so it is not MY photography skills, 
this time, folks!

Her blog is warm & welcoming
and full of family life.

Jill is having some pretty extensive 
abdominal surgery
She is a woman of faith
even those of us that are full of faith
have times when we are scared---
when all those horror stories 
we have heard about surgeries gone wrong
assault us.

Please pray for a successful surgery 
and please pray for 
for Jill.

To add to her anxiety,
her oldest daughter has been having
a lot of health issues and they 
cannot nail down what is wrong.

her husband has an injury that is going 
to require surgery in the near future.
That is a LOT going on in one family, folks.

Isn't it true that when

Please SHOWER THEM with
If you are not a PRAY-er,
please send up good thoughts 
and  well wishes.

They do have one 
their sweet red-headed daughter,
She fills their hearts with joy.
Thank all of you that
are such faithful and wonderful
My blog would be nothing 
without all of you.
YOU are part of my BLESSINGS
and I have come to know 
and love many of you
on a more personal level!

I will be back with the results
of the 
in a day or so.

Still time to pick a place!


  1. Diana, I am praying for Jill and her family. There are times when it does seem to pour. Sending hugs to all. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Praying for the family! That is a lot going on but God is faithful. Yes, we all have times when we are afraid but God has promised never to leave or forsake those that put their trust in Him.

  3. Prayers going up here for this precious family.

  4. Oh I had no idea. Yes, I will certainly be praying for Jill and her precious family at this challenging time.

  5. I will add Jill and her family to my prayer list....hugs...

  6. Bless their hearts...prayers for all.

  7. Prayers for Jill and her family. It does seem like we sometimes get more then we can handle, but then God is always there for us. Hugs!

  8. I will be praying for Jill and her family. Such a precious picture of Kathleen; she looks very happy to be baking in the kitchen.
    So thankful for you, Diana, and your friendship through blogging. God bless you.

  9. Praying for Jill. Thanks, Diana. ❤

  10. God be with her and her family! I will pray for Jill. She is pretty on the inside AND the outside!
    Love her pretty red haired daughter, looks like she is going to bake something for us! xx

  11. Praying this Sunday Morning for Jill and family. I will have to go visit her blog. I have a special place in my heart for Jill' youngest, and redheads....Sending love and prayers.

  12. You are such a kind-hearted person for putting out prayer requests for your friends and family. I will say a prayer for Jill and her family. Heartbreaking when you hear how some families have so much going on at once.

  13. Wishing them all the best during this difficult time.

  14. My thoughts and prayers go out to them. Keep us posted.

  15. Oh gosh, that is a lot for this family. I will be praying for her throughout the day!

    Hugs to you,

  16. Got it girl, Praying for her and the entire family. Yes, surgery is scary! May His strength hold them up and cover them with His grace.

  17. Praying for this precious family. All of this is scary in itself, let alone all at one time. You are such an awesome prayer warrior. Thanks for all you do.


  18. God is in the healing business.....fret not, God's got it!

  19. Her entire family is in my prayers today and in the next few days. Do let us know all went well, as this is in our Merciful God's hands!

    Her daughter has the best hair - oh I so love that color. ♥♥♥ And she has the sweetest smile. And it looks like she is about to make a delicious treat, so she is EXTRA special!!

    Please pray for one of our church's religious ed (for elementary aged children) whose only child, a daughter was in a horrible auto accident and died yesterday. She was on the circular loop around the city- and her car just stopped working - and she couldn't get over in time and a semi hit the car and it rolled. So sad, just in her twenties. The entire Parish is heart-broken.

  20. Her entire family is in my prayers today and in the next few days. Do let us know all went well, as this is in our Merciful God's hands!

    Her daughter has the best hair - oh I so love that color. ♥♥♥ And she has the sweetest smile. And it looks like she is about to make a delicious treat, so she is EXTRA special!!

    Please pray for one of our church's religious ed (for elementary aged children) whose only child, a daughter was in a horrible auto accident and died yesterday. She was on the circular loop around the city- and her car just stopped working - and she couldn't get over in time and a semi hit the car and it rolled. So sad, just in her twenties. The entire Parish is heart-broken.

  21. I started following Jill just as she and her family were moving to NC...not far from where I am. I didn't know about these health issues that are going on. Thank you for posting this prayer request, Diana....prayers are on the way!

  22. Hi Diana, thanks for letting us know of this need for prayer. I am praying for Jill and her family . . . times like thee can bring fear into our hearts, but the Lord is in control. He not only loves us but He likes us, too . . . and I know that he will be right there in the surgery with her.
    I like what Louise said, God's got it!

  23. I'll keep her and her family in my prayers too. What a difference we can make...praying for each other. Sweet hugs, Diane

  24. I recently "met" Jill and her sweet daughter Kathleen. Thank you for letting me know about her surgery. xo ♥

  25. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Yes, when it rains it pours. That is Murphy's law I think. I don't like Murphy.

  26. I adore Jill, and am coming to visit you from her blog.
    Thank you for this post.
    So nice to meet you!

  27. Diana, I will stop now and pray for Jill's surgery tomorrow, for God to give her doctor's wisdom and for her to feel a deep peace of mind. Thank you for passing along this to all of us.

  28. Diana, I pray for Jill that God will Bless her and keep her strong for herself and her family. You are always so kind to spread the word and help those in need. Thank you for sharing Jill's story. I'm reminded to be more thankful for my situation when I see that others are also in need of prayer and understanding.

    Bless you Angel.

    PS. I will be sending your package out soon.

  29. Awww, I feel for the family. Prayers and healing thoughts to all. That is a lot on one family's plate. Thank you Diana for writing a post about this sweet family..
    P.S. I just finished Lisa D's blog makeover. I hope she loves it.


  30. May God's love, peace and healing flow through and surround this little family. In Jesus name, Amen.


  31. I said a prayer for Jill and her family, Diana. May God be with them all during this difficult time. And I admire her so for being a stay-at-home mom. What a wonderful thing this is.

    love, ~Sheri

  32. I pray she has good surgery and successful tomorrow. I know it can be scary. Her daughter is beautiful. sandie

  33. I pray everything goes well. Life sure does test us all. I still can't comprehend why these things happen. It isn't right and always want an answer as to why good people seem to be dumped upon with so much


  34. Hi Diana, I saw this post in my inbox and had to take a moment from vacation to leave my comment of love and prayers for Jill and her family. I have known Jill for sometime. She and her sweet family are truly precious. I am so sorry to read the challenges set before them at this moment but I know God will see them through it all. My prayers will be on going for Jill's surgery to go well and she recover quickly.
    Thank you for posting this Diana. I know the thoughts and prayers from blogland will make a difference. xo

  35. Sending positive thoughts to Jill and her family <3

  36. Oh, I know that fear of surgery so I extend my prayers to your sweet friend Jill and her family for what they are all going through. It is just as hard to sit in the waiting room during the surgery as having it! I hope someone near to her gives her some peace about it all and that she really knows her faith can see her through to the other side of it. You are so sweet to start this prayer chain for her! xoxo

  37. Praying for Jill and her family. There are times when it does seem to pour. Hopefully the rain will let up and some sunshine will be coming soon. Sending hugs to all. Blessings

  38. Hi Dianna, I am praying for Jill and her family. xoxo

  39. Prayers going up for Jill and her family, Diana. xo

  40. Wishing for the best in her surgery!! I'm sure that little redhead is a bright spot in her life. All the best to them in this difficult time.

  41. Saying a prayer right now for Jill and her family!

  42. I know about that rain, both in life and in reality! I offered up prayers.

  43. Beautiful tables, Diana, saying a prayer for Jill as well. Blessings, Martha

  44. Will add Jill and her family to my prayer list. You are such a wonderful person Diana and I am so glad that you were my very first blogger and my special friend.


  45. Of course, I will say prayers for Jill and her family.

  46. Praying for Jill. You have such a kind heart. HUGS

  47. Sending prayers to sweet Jill and her family that all will be well. xx K


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