
Saturday, January 14, 2017


I know that MANY of you bloggers
know and love
She is a beautiful person inside and out.
Did you know that her name was Diana?
Yep!  She and I are bonded that way.

many of you also know that
has been terribly ill.

He has needed full-time care and that
has fallen to Sissie.
They are at their wit's end.
Not only physically and emotionally 
but also, sadly,

I have NEVER DONE THIS before.
I have never sent out a plea 
for anyone for funding
but, as a blog sister,
I feel I have to share 

You never would guess, 
looking at her blog 
that there is so much heartache buried there,
would you?

They need help in a 
What has happened there is too much
for any one of us to help-
BUT if we can all help 
well, mountains come out of molehills

Please go read his story.
If you can't donate a cent-
don't worry about it...
could you PRAY for him/them?
If you are not a pray-er...please send up

Sissie- Just to say- 
God bless you and strengthen you-
You can and will do this because,
like many of us,
you are a MOM that loves her child.


If nothing else,
please pop by her blog to leave her
a word of encouragement.
Sissie's Shabby Cottage

Thank you-
Have a blessed Sunday!


  1. I will definitely pray her son and her... this is terribly sad Diana :'(

  2. What a heartbreaking story. I gave what I could trusting that the amount will multiply as others read their story.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this and my prayers will be with Sissy and her family.....

  4. I love Diana aka Sissey. She is the sweetest and I knew she had things going on with her son but did not know the whole story so I will go over and check it out. I hope I can help her in some way. Thanks for being the super angel you are to post about this. You my friend are the biggest angel heart I know.
    Love you,

  5. Kris is so right, you are an angel. They say that angels come into our lives unaware and I think that you are heaven sent. Not only do you help so many others, but you yourself have walked in the shoes of a troubled Mother and Wife that knows the heartbreak of illness. Thank you for sharing Jeff's story. I'm trying to type this through tears because your kindness and the kind words of others have overwhelmed me. God Bless you and thank you so very much.


  6. Oh, I didn't realize this, Diana. I know Sissy but haven't heard from her in such a long while. Now I certainly know why. God bless them and you, my sweet friend, for letting us know about her son. I certainly will be praying for him and the family.
    You are the sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. I don't know Sissy, Diana. You are so sweet to come to the aid of your fellow bloggers. I will keep Sissy and her family in my prayers. ♥

  8. Diana, Would you be sure Sissie knows about this (she may already)...

    Obtaining financial assistance to cover all health costs can be challenging for those who need it most. If you need help paying for medication or insurance co-payments, there are several things to look into.
    In some cases, pharmaceutical companies offer patient assistance programs which provide help to those who need financial support in paying for their medication. Please note these programs usually apply to those who are uninsured. To find information on the various patient programs providing assistance for specific medication, the links are: (215.625.9609) or (401.729.3284)
    In addition if you have insurance that requires co-pays that may be too costly, the Patient Access Network Foundation provides financial assistance to people diagnosed with Crohn’s disease who cannot afford the out-of-pocket expenses associated with their insurance coverage. For further information on the fund and the application process, their contact phone number is 1-866-316-PANF (7263). A similar program is offered through the Patient Advocate Foundation for Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis patients,, 1-866-512-3861.
    Also the Modest Needs Foundation provides one-time emergency grants to financially needy families or individuals. For more information on this foundation you can visit:
    Additionally, if necessary you can get free or low cost medical treatment at community health centers, which are funded mostly by the federal government. You can find the centers in your area at this link:
    For information on ostomy supply assistance you may contact the following organizations:
    The Ostomy Group: W: , E: , P: 530.432.9607
    Friends of Ostomates Worldwide: W., E:
    United Ostomy Associations of America, Inc (UOAA): W: , P: 800-826-0826
    Convatec- Access Program: P: 800-979-8716
    Hollister: , P: 888-740-8999
    If, after reviewing the information and you have further questions, you can contact the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America at 1.888.MY.GUT.PAIN (694-8872) or to get more information on medication and health insurance resource information.

    Carla from Kansas

  9. Sending up prayers now and will continue to do so. You are so kind to put this out there. Prayer works and miracles DO happen. :)

  10. Diana, just sent you an e-mail. :)


  11. You are such a sweetheart! You know the encouragement group I belong to has sent Jeff so many prayers and cards and notes of encouragement. You know life can take some difficult turns and often no one understands, unless you have been there and done that yourself! we know firsthand the stress and sadness of caring for for someone with an illness. Recently my hubby's good friend Harold and his wife Dianne who were born in Montreal, Canada but lived and worked in the USA. The had retired a few years ago and retired to Florida only to have their only child, their daughter, become ill, in Montreal with cancer. Because she can not work, Harold and Dianne have spent every cent they worked for, which can be gone in a heartbeat when it comes to cancer care. You often hear this glowing stories of socialized medicine and the miracles of it. This phamily would tell you, there is so much more behind socialized medicine then meets the eye. They are both looking for work to continue to help their daughter with her mounting bills. So sad. Please pray for them as well. My 19 year old niece Shelby struggles with Crohn's disease. It is so wicked. Many prayers all around. You are a true friend and kind heart. xo

  12. I just read the post this morning, Diana. I knew Sissie's son was ill but not to this extent. It is unbearable, I'm sure, for Sissie and her husband to see Jeff in this pain. And his life has been turned upside down with the pain and treatments.

    I know it must be very hard to ask for assistance and prayers are powerful. I hate to see a newly retired couple struggle. I plan to make a monetary donation. I don't think that many people know that even $10 can add up.

    Thank you for sharing, as always, Diana.


  13. Just read his story. My cousin is now on Remicaid (sp?) IV treatment for Crohns and severe Juvenile Arthritis,has been for years and he's in his early 40's. The Remicaid (I'm probably spelling that wrong) is an IV treatment every six weeks, and he says it saved his life. I believe it is the same treatment they are discussing for your friends son. I know he is tested regularly, as there is increased risk of organ issues and cancer. But, he lives a normal life now and is monitored closely. He's been on it for years, no major issues.

  14. Diana, Thank you for this request on Sissie's son's behave. Yes, I will pray for all of we know illness effects the whole family. I will go read his story now. Blessings to you and yours. xoxo, Susie

  15. Praise God for you sharing this story! I am unable to aid financially at the moment,but I will certainly pray for them.

  16. Praying for her son and the family!

  17. Praying...what a heartbreaking story. Praying for real medical solutions, for healing, and for finances. Peace and comfort, too.

  18. I am so sorry to hear this and my prayers will be with Sissy and her family.....very sad

  19. Diana, thank you for sharing Sissy and Jeff's story. I will most definitely say a prayer for them. I wish they lived here as I know a team of compassionate doctors that upon hearing their story would be willing to help in any way they could. I am glad he is receiving the care that he is, however. So many difficult decisions.

  20. Diana, you are a great lady and I will send prayers. I am off to visit her...

  21. I am a huge fan of Sissie's blog and feel like a friend to her also. I am so sad about Jeff and his struggles and have made a donation. It makes my heart so happy that you posted about it on your blog. I will add something to my blog on my next post also. It just takes a little from a lot of us to make a big difference. Hugs!

  22. I know how she is feeling. My husband had been disabled the last 9 years of his life (he died 4 yrs ago) and the last 6 of them with frontal lobe dementia added on top of physical ills. It was a long, hard road, and when he died I was left with only the house, which I had to sell. I was 60 then and had to start all over with just money from selling my home and many items and moving into a manufactured home. This past year went downhill in May when I had a horrible fall injuring my entire left side and then had to have a total knee replacement in July after 2 months of healing. Then spent a month in rehab and so weak as lost 45 pounds of weight, most of it muscle. Still trying to regain strength. I try so hard to keep faith. I will pray for her.

  23. What a sweet sentiment, how lovely of you to help out :D

  24. So sad for someone so young to be going through this. Both Crohn's and Hodgkins has affected my family so I know the ups and downs of those diseases. Sending prayers up!

  25. So sad to hear.. I'm sharing the story in my Facebook page, if any help comes..

  26. After sissies visit to my blog- it brought me to her site to then comment her and then come and visit you Diana for being Sissie aka Diana's earthly angel.... Yes my dear you are a force of loving kindness for extending so much love that you took charge and started the ball rolling to get them help.
    May you be blessed, many blessings your way.


  27. I don't know Sissy and haven't yet read about her son, but I'll put them on my prayer list. Off now to read. Blessings to you!

  28. I will go and read and contribute any way I can, in any case I will be praying.

  29. I have never met Sissy, but after reading her story, my heart just went out to her and her family! You have such a big heart for sharing her story here, and I pray that the Lord will bless this sweet family with all the help that they need for their son's expenses. Hugs to you today Diana!

  30. Wow he really is going through a lot. Prayers for all of them- it's devastating to watch a family member suffer like this.

  31. Thanks for letting us know about this. Sending prayers their way.

  32. This is so sad. I donated and will put this young man on my prayer list. There are just so many that need prayer . . . thankful we serve a big God. Bless you for sharing this with us sweet friend.

  33. Prayers will be sent for Sissy's son-in-law. I am so sorry and hopefully he will be on the mend soon. I wish I had extra money to send, you know that I would.


  34. I'm keeping this young man in my prayers. Thanks for letting us know about this situation. Sissy is such a sweetheart...just like you! Hugs!

  35. This is so sad to hear, my prayers go out to them and I hope he soon finds some relief from all the pain and discomfort. :-(


  36. Such a sad story, thank you for sharing. I can't do much but I will do what I can. I'll be praying, they sounds like a wonderful family. Sending hugs to them and to you for being an amazing friend xo

  37. Eek! I love it! I have to share this on my Facebook page! Is that ok? I love it.

  38. I was able to help a little financially but most of all, I am including him with my own son in my prayers.


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