
Saturday, February 21, 2015

FEAR - Giveaway & Happy Birthday to My Brother & My Best Friend Sandy

Last week there was an opportunity to sign up
for a book by 
If you signed up here or
 on Facebook
your name went into two drawings.

The winner here is...
drum roll please...

Kay G
Kay has a blog called

Kay-please email me 
your full name and  address and I will
pass it along to Jettie

If any of you would like to purchase the book
you can do so on Amazon HERE.
You can download it to read on your computer
or you can purchase a hard copy.

Thanks to everyone that entered the contest.

 Happy Birthday to my dear brother,
Charlie, gone two years this month.
He lives with the angels now and 
celebrates a heavenly birthday instead
of an earthly one.
Miss ya, bro!
You were one of the kindest
men I have ever known.
The angels are lucky to have you
but I wish I could have had you just
a little while longer.

Happy Birthday to my dear friend
She has seen me at my worst and
at my best-whatever THAT is-
This was at my daughter's wedding.
Love ya, Sandy!
Have a great Saturday
I'll be back tomorrow.


  1. Congratulations to Kay and happy birthday to Sandy! It is a meaningful tribute to remember Charlie today, as well. Sending hugs! xo Nellie

  2. Hi Diana, I am happy for Kay. I know you miss you sweet brother. I am worrying about my brother Mark, so I understand. Hope you are having a good weekend. Maybe if we can get through this next week or so, our weather may be nicer. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo,Susie

  3. congratulations to the lucky winner,
    I know you miss your brother, what a lovely man, good golly you are a beauty Nana Diana,

  4. Yay for your winner....loved seeing your pretty bride daughter and your friend and your pretty self.
    How blessed you were to have this good man for your brother...he's up there walking and talking with our sweet Jesus.

  5. Happy birthday to Kay. Your brother has some good company in Heaven. It's so had missing them. Hugs. Love that picture of three pretty ladies.

  6. Congratulations to the winner of the book!
    Happy Birthday to your brother.
    LOVE the photo of you three ladies. are beautiful inside, and out!

  7. Congratulations to the winner of the book!
    Happy Birthday to your brother.
    LOVE the photo of you three ladies. are beautiful inside, and out!

  8. Happy Birthdays! and winner congratulations!

    gorgeous pic of you, my Dear!!!! with your gorgeous daughter...

  9. Hello Sweet D!
    I have missed you!
    Thank you for your prayers and support for Mr D! He is home and doing well...with the exception of boredom!
    We see his doctor on Monday. Hopefully, he can return to work before long.
    It's amazing that we have been friends since well before the sudden passing of your dear brother, Charlie.
    How special and beautiful is that photo taken at your daughter's wedding! Thanks for sharing it!

  10. Congrats to the winner and Happy Birthdays!!

  11. Congratulations Kay and Happy Birthday to your friend! I know you must miss your brother terribly. I'm sending you my love and prayers.

  12. Happy birthday to your brother Charlie! I love the picture of you, your daughter and friend.

  13. Happy Birthday to your dear brother, Diana. I know you miss him so much. And Happy Birthday to your best friend! Is that you on the right? OK, I still think you look like a young Farrah Faucett.

    Have a fun weekend, Diana. Me and Jess are going shopping today, and I hope I find some goodies.

    love you, ~Sheri

  14. Diana,
    Happy Birthday to your brother, he is in heaven with my brother Mike. Gone too soon but living in our hearts and visiting in dreams. I purchased your friends book and look forward to reading it. A big birthday wish goes out to your friend Sandy, I often ask where would we be without our friends. Probably hanging at animal shelters adopting zillions of pets! Oh wait ... I am crazy cat lady with only two!

  15. Happy birthday to your brother in Heaven and to Sandy. Have a great rest of your weekend. xo Laura

  16. Very sweet of you to remember your brother's birthday and give him such a nice tribute on your blog, Diana. Happy birthday to Sandy. Love the photo of you three beautiful ladies. xxx ~ Nancy

  17. It's so great to open my computer and see you are back blogging! You've been missed.


  18. Hi Diana. Happy Birthday to your dear sweet are so lucky to have such wonderful brother! Jane

  19. It's hard to believe your dear brother has been gone for two years, Diana. I hope his birthday wasn't too sad for you. You were blessed to have such a close relationship, and I think he must be looking out for you now in heaven. Great pic of you and your daughter and friend!!

  20. I know you miss your brother. (I lost my mom about the same time. It's been very hard since January, just remembering her last months.) It's good you have such wonderful memories. I do know they help. Hugs from VA to you.

  21. Your so cute!!! Happy birthday SAndy! I can't believe it has already been two years since your brother died, I hope his family is doing well...So tragic and way to young!


  22. Hello,
    Happy Birthday to your brother, a special post.
    xx oo
    I love the photo of the shoes. :-)) We did one with our family this Autumn in the leaves.

  23. Congrats to Kay! Also, I know you miss Charlie! The angles are blessed for sure! Love the wedding photo- you had beautiful curls then too! You just don't age, my friend! This is lovely photo! Have a wonderful Sunday! Hope your cough is better! I just talked to my contractor and he said, he was "sick, sick, sick!" This stuff likes to hang on!

  24. Sweet birthday wishes to your brother! I know intellectually that those in Heaven are so blessed and happy ~ it's just so hard to deal here on earth. At least we know we'll see them again! Great photo ~ 3 beauties.


  25. Oh, I understand those anniversaries of the heart when the day of someone we love happens along and we feel we'd love to be celebrating instead of missing them. Your brother has the kindest eyes visible to even me, a stranger. He has a lovely sister and I imagine parents, too. Gone too young is what I say whenever anyone dies. Even the very aged are too young in a way.

    Love the young pic of you. Beautiful always.


  26. You are SO good at posting. So is Tessa and I am so terrible. I guess I tend to ...drift.
    Happy Birthday to your dear brother. It's so terribly hard to lose a family member or a dear friend. Even one you have never met in person.
    Big are a sweetheart. LOVE that hair of yours!!

  27. HEY I am so tickled to have won this book!
    I had to work a very long day yesterday, so I am just now seeing this. So nice to wake up to this news this morning, you have made my day.
    I am remembering that you lost your handsome brother and that the anniversary of his birth is in February. xx
    I love that photo of you and Sandy and your daughter, all gorgeous women! Happy Birthday, Sandy! Lucky you to have Diana in your life, I am glad to have her in my blogging world!
    Thanks again, Diana. You see, living in HOPE really works. xx


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