
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year-2015 & A Health Update

Thank you!  Thank you!

I just wanted to let you know that
I am still above ground!

Thanks to all of you that have reached out
and left me comments.
Thanks, too, to each and everyone that sent me
emails that tell me that you are
praying for a speedy recovery for me.
You all are
Who knew that bloggers could, and would,
care so much about each other?

I am sorry that I seldom responded to 
your comments and emails.
I have been dozing off and on
and watching old movies.
I can't even read because it is hard
to cough and read at the same time.

They ran blood tests and lung scans
I only hope everyone has a doctor
that is as good as the one I have.
She leaves no stone unturned.
I will continue on another 
round of treatment
for two more weeks.

I have some new, stronger meds
that I hope will nip this 
thing in the bud.

I cannot believe how long this is hanging on.
I started coughing on 
December 7th at a concert
and have not stopped coughing since.

I have missed the parties
and all the Holiday preparations 
that  I so  love~
but I did 
with my family.
I hope to post a few pictures soon.
Let's hope that happens before
the 4th of July-
which will be here before we know it.

So that is the update and
with that being said~
I just wanted to wish you a 

I pray for 
for you and your families in the upcoming year,

And, lest you think I lost my sense of humor
I have been thinking a lot about
aging another year.
I have decided it might not be too bad after all!
Bet that doesn't surprise you in the least.

I will be back soon!
Pinky Promise!


  1. Happy 2015! Good to read that you are recovering. I mentioned before how I had pneumonia once and I remember how it wiped me out. I felt a bit short winded for 6 mos. afterward too. I'm glad your doctor is checking you out thoroughly and hope the anti-biotics kick this in the behind right away! Drink tea with honey :-)

  2. No it doesn't. Happy New Year. Thanks for always making me smile and laugh. Feel better soon.

  3. Bless your heart. I sure hope the new meds will help you and you'll be back to feeling wonderful soon. Happy new year!

  4. Hope you get well soon!!! Happy and healthy new year.


  5. In Spring I had bronchitis that seemed to last for months and several rounds of antibiotics. So, I understand how you feel about the cough that just won't go away! I was afraid of pneumonia. I hope you don't have that. and that you feel like your "ole" self soon!
    Big hugs!

  6. I sure hope you get better soon, Diana! Being sick is no fun at all. Praying for a very healthy new year for you!!

  7. Hope you're better soon and able to enjoy this wonderful new year.

  8. Wow, there lady...when you do something you surely do it in a big way....even catching a cold! Hope the new course of meds does the trick and you are up and at 'em very soon. Praying for you! Jane

  9. I am so very sorry that you have been sick. Prayers for a complete recovery for you. Happy New Year to you and your family lovely lady. May God bless you all this new year. HUGS!!

  10. Oh, Diana, I am so sorry that you have been under the weather for so long! I hope your family has been good to you and pampered you during your illness. I hope that as soon as you get over this that your 2015 will be illness-free the rest of the year. Hugs to you and bless your little pea-pickn' heart.

  11. Hi...I found you through Preppy Empty Nester...I did not go back to read your other posts, but when I read how much you have been coughing...I needed to share just in case....2 years ago I contracted whooping cough (WC) at the age of 49...I started coughing and didn't was not diagnosed until about day 35...I am a school teacher so if you can imagine I had been to three different doctors and none considered Pertussis...I had a coughing fit at school one day and fainted...the school nurse insisted I get in an ambulance...I was finally diagnosed at the emergency room. The cough lasts for a long time, but what kept me going was that knowing the diagnoses I knew it would eventually end...Good luck...I hope it is not WC as I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but hope someone might consider just in case. Praying for you.

  12. Hang in there! I know it's been tough for you. Hugs!

  13. oh so glad you are giving us an update, Happy new year and may it be the best! Keep healing and I will keep you in my prayers,

  14. So good to hear from you this morning and that you are improving. Hurry and shake that bug and get back to making us laugh

  15. Happy New Year! Glad you are feeling better. I hope and pray you keep improving every day.

  16. You poor thing! I know how hard it is to bring you down like this. I sure hope you get this kicked and SOON! Take care and try not to worry about anything! Happy New year sweet friend! You are in my prayers. Hugs, Diane

  17. Wishing you a Happy New Year and a speedy recovery!

  18. Wishing you a speedy recovery Diana!!!
    Happy New Year!

  19. Prayers for a happy and much healthier 2015!!!

  20. Not in the least! Ha! Coughing is miserable. I sure am praying that you are on the mend and that that pneumonia takes a hike for good. Many Blessings in 2015!

  21. Praying for a year richly Blessed with good health, happiness and prosperity for you and your family. So good to see you haven't lost your sense of humor thru all the sickness. Hope new meds do the trick!

  22. Well it sounds like youre on the return trip to feeling better.. I hope!
    Happy new year!

  23. Feel better every day, you hear? And I echo the sentiment in that cartoon! Here's to feisty older women! Happy New Year.


  24. Ugh, I did not know - because I've not been visiting blogs as often as I used to - that you've been struggling with that crud! I hope you are feeling MUCH better very soon, take care and rest up and drink plenty of fluids. Happy HEALTHY 2015 !

  25. Oh boy. Still? I was hoping that you were all better and vacationing in Tahiti! I am praying and sending positive thoughts your way, Diana!! Feel better super soon and Happy New Year!!! :)

  26. somehow i didn't know you'd been under the weather...but i hope you're finally on the road to full recovery and back to your ol' sassy self real soon! we were blessed on 12/21 with our newest grandson, and then i got bronchitis (sp?) but i'm well now and we're taking lunch to her family and spending lots of time with that precious angel.

    Happy New Year Diana!

  27. All good to know. Happy new year Nana

  28. Hi Diana
    I'm so sorry that you've been so sick, and over the holidays, no less. You are in my prayers for a super quick recovery. Get lots of rest, and don't worry about responding to all of our comments, we will still be there when you feel better. And so glad to see that you still have your nutty sense of humor, that is one of the many things I love best about you! Big get well hugs!
    love you!

  29. Diana,I'm so sorry this has hung on so long! I do understand because I had a similar situation several years ago. I was in the hospital, in isolation, for seven days. Pneumonia is no fun! Do take care and follow your doctor's suggestions! Sending love, hugs and prayers your way! Think of you often and miss your funny posts! Sending best wishes for a happy New Year!

  30. sending healing energy to you and wonderful wishes for a Happy Healthy 2015

  31. Get well soon! Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  32. God bless you Diana, here's wishing your cough will go away as the new year comes in. You are in my prayers :)
    If you feel at all like blogging, please come over and get in on my January Give-A-Ways.
    Three weeks of Give-A-Ways for my three years of blogging :)
    Get well, sweetie!
    Your blogging sister,
    Connie :)

  33. Glad you checked in. Praying the new meds help. Everyone I know that has gotten "that" cough has had a hard time shaking it this year. No fun, especially during the holidays. #2 will be having an IVP for her kidney stones tomorrow. Hoping it shows they are gone or have shrunk, as we leave to drive back to school Sunday morning.

  34. happy new year Diana. Hopefully the new meds will work out and make the cough go away. feel better and take care!
    Hugs, Julie

  35. Blessings for the New Year, Diana.
    My goodness, I hope that your new meds will kick in real soon for you.

    Sending much love and big hugs your way.

  36. Praying that these meds will work and for wisdom for your doctor...that is a long time to have that cough...
    Take care.

  37. MISS YOU! Poor thing! Go slooooooow. Happiest of New Years to you and yours!

  38. Hoping as the new year starts Diana you will begin to feel better. Happy New Year Sweet Friend. Wishing you a new year of health, happiness and much joy in your life. Feel better.

  39. No surprise there..Stay above's the best place to be !! You must have been very bad to be sick this long :) Thinking about you.. Happy 2015 !!

  40. Diana,
    Thank you for the health update, keeping you in my prayers and hope this new round of Meds is what brings you back to full health. I'm dealing with a bad cold, coughing, sneezing, runny nose ... Hope to return to blogland with a post on Dec. 7th.
    Sending well wishes, happy 2015.

  41. OK the cold has me thinking like a moron I meant Jan. 7th!!!

  42. Hugs!!! You'll be out and about soon! I can't imagine anything keeping you down long. Hey my friend... you forgot to tell us the part about peeing every time you cough... I've been coughing and peeing since Thanksgiving, a nasty old sinus infection. Oh the joys of getting older. Take care! Feel better soon! Miss you :-)

  43. Hello, Happy New Year...
    This bug is a doozy and it is everywhere! Just rest and get better!
    Love, Roxy

  44. Sorry to hear you are still dealing with that, Diana! So much sickness in Minnesta, too! Hope you are feeling much better soon!

  45. So sorry to hear you are still under the weather. Here's to a bright and HEALTHY new year!

  46. So sorry to hear that you are still sick Diana. Praying for you to get well SOON.

    xo Danielle

  47. I hope you feel better soon. It really caught you this time didn't it.

  48. Happy New Year Diana, I'm so sorry you're sick. I hope you're good as new soon. Rest and take care of yourself.

  49. Ill take a pinky promise from you any day Diana!!! You r missed but most importantly loved sooo take the time you need to heal!!! I am very glad to hear you have a great doc!!! I wish YOU and your dear family Happy New Year! <3 Keep a GRINNING DEAR FRIEND, cuz prayers and well wishes are on the way! =)

  50. Happy New Year, Diana! I claim right now in Jesus' name - you're going to get well! I'll take that pinky swear too!
    Sending hugs,
    Shelia ;)

  51. Diana, I'm so glad to see a post from you again. I wish you a speedy recovery. Listen to your body, rest up, relax. Have a wonderful New Year with your family.

  52. So glad you're better-wishing you a quick recovery!

  53. It is great to hear from you here, Diana! I send wishes to you for a complete recovery and a healthy, happy 2015! xo Nellie

  54. You take care friend.....I missed the last post and am now just getting caught up. I am so sorry to hear that you have been sick.....You rest and take your time so that you are back on your feet soon. Praying for you!! Nicole xoxo

  55. Wishing you the best of health and happiness for the new year! Take care!

  56. Super that your Dear Doc, is on the ball.

    Hope this round of meds, does the trick!!!!!

    No worry about any comments or replies!!! No, no, no, no, no!

    Hey, perhaps this enforced break, from making constant comment replies-by-email, will convince you, that it isn't necessary???!!!???? -ducking, running and hiding- -grin-

    LOVE that "When I get old..." quote!!!! 'Course, I AM old. And that is WHAT they ARE saying!!! >,-)

    Wishing you a Happy and a Healthy New Year!

  57. I'm just glad you're up to writing a bit now. You're on the way back to healthy, I just know it!
    All kinds of flu here - so far I don't have it, but hubby's got a bad cold and I woke up with a slight sore throat today - yuck!

  58. Here's to a healthier year for us all!

  59. Oh Diana, I'm so glad you're feeling better. I've been thinking of you along the way. I can't believe you've been coughing for that long! Those coughs are nasty and sometimes last for a loooooong time. Stay in bed and rest, my dear. I was just talking to my brother about a good movie on tv called The Red Tent. It's a two-parter, so maybe you can watch it sometime.

    Wishing you peace and lots of love in the new year, Diana.


  60. I'm always thinking oh crap what's she up to now. so sorry that I didn't realize how sick you have been, sweet friend. I hope that you have a very hasty recovery from now on. xoxo Laura

  61. Diana, I just wrote a comment but it was lost. I am sorry that I have not been around for quite a while. I have not been reading as much. My energy level is not what it was. I am so sorry to read that you are so ill. Please take care of yourself as you are very precious. I will pray for you tonight. May I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New Year!

  62. Diana, I am so glad to hear you are getting to the drs. and getting your meds. This has been a horrid cold/flu/pneumonia. I am praying for you to be yourself soon. Blessings to all of you. xoxo,Susie

  63. get well soon Diana! And all the best in 2015 :-)

  64. So sorry you are still not feeling 100%. Down in our end of the state it is crazy w/ the amount of people who have some sort of deviation of this bug. We were all on Tamiflu in our house for Type A flu, and we all DID have flu shots. I am so ready for Spring! Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing when you are able!!

  65. Thanks for the update, StinkerBelle...keep resting and I hope the treatments are working. Our son is finally better but still has to go in for one more chest xray and CT. Stay in bed for as long as you can. I know your Hero is taking good care of you, right? I'm sure the girls are helping out, too. It's a shame that you missed out on all your favorite holiday things, but your health demanded it. Get well soon, sweet friend!

  66. I'm really, really, really, truly, truly,truly wishing you a happy and HEALTHY New Year's!

  67. Oh my I feel terrible, I did not computer was out of commission the entire month of December. Sending you a hug, you sweet thing. Do you need a nurse? I can run right up! wish I could,

  68. I'm glad to see a little update, but sure am sorry that you have not yet fully recovered! It sounds like it got you good! Are you trying to make up for being such a healthy lady? Maybe this means you will get is ALL out of the way and remain totally healthy for many years to come! So glad you were able to celebrate with your family. Will continue to pray for you to get better! Blessings for a wonderful 2015~~

  69. I have been thinking about you and am so glad to hear you are a little better. Have a Happy New Year...hugs...

  70. Oh I hate hearing this!!!! Pneumonia is nothing to mess with, it doesn't go away quick like a cough with a cold, as you know it will kick your butt for a while....But, I promise you will turn a corner and slowly recover....said Carol (a nurse a 100 years ago) We hate having you down.....It won't be long and you will be up to some crazy crap again and we will all be here anxiously waiting to hear what it is!

    XXOO Carol


  71. Geez Louise. I had no idea you were sick. That's cause I've spent the last two weeks holed up with flu and pneumonia. Scary, scary. Get well.

  72. Sending prayers that the sweetest and kindest blogging friend finally gets over this illness and back to her old self. Missing you and sending wishes for a very Happy New Year!

  73. I'm glad you are finding answers, and that you are on the mend. You are a valuable and appreciated member of this blog world - you are missed. Happy New Year!

  74. I was just talking about you. I was telling my husband about how you would help us plan a vacation to Door County. :-) I have been praying for you. I do hope you will get well soon....before the 4th of July. :-)
    I love your funny about aging...that is the best.

    Happy New Year

  75. I am so sorry to know that you have been so ill, I will be praying that the new medication helps get you on your way to a speedy recovery. You are good people, kind and helpful to all. You are missed throughout blog land dear lady, take care and get rested so you can be back to your self as quickly as possible.

  76. Hi Diana, so glad to hear you are on the mend. This sure has been a rough month for you. Just take care and rest. You are missed and have lots of prayers coming your way.
    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year and better days ahead.
    Sending hugs and good thoughts!!

  77. Oh, that's a long time to deal with a pesky cough! Sounds like your doctor is on the ball with getting you back to normal. Glad you got to celebrate Christmas with family. Love that cartoon! Happy New Year!!! May 2015 bless you with tons of love, perfect health, and happiness!

  78. Hey! I hope you are getting better now!
    Remember me telling you how sick I was in October, coughing my head off? So, like Bill Clinton said, "I feel your pain". (And you know I can sound just like him! HA!) Take CARE of yourself, my dear, and get well soon. xx

  79. God bless you, GF. Being sick is always awful, but being sick through the holidays is REALLY awful. Hope your meds are kicking in and that you are well soon. We've had lots of sickness through the holidays too. I'm ready for a new year!

  80. Hope it goes away soon and that you get feeling all better. I had it for 3 1/2 weeks back in November...and it was no fun!!

  81. Don't even think about responding to all these comments! Just know we're thinking about you and hoping you're much better soon. Hugs.

  82. Oh sweetie ~ I'm so sorry to hear that you've been so sick! I pray that God lays his healing hand on you and that you are back on your feet soon. My hubs has been very sick, also. I think he might have even had pneumonia at one point, but you know guys....they never want to go to the doctor. So I've been playing Nurse Cratchet to him while trying to stay healthy myself. That was...until tonight. I'm sneezing and hitting the Puffs box. Ugh. 'Tis the season, huh? Bless you!!!

    xoxo laurie

  83. Oh Diana I am so sorry to hear your still not feeling well...I've been so busy the last 2 weeks with the kids home on break!! Take care of yourself my friend and feel better!! I'll be thinking of you... xo

  84. you are auntie mame. and oh auntie mame. she never did anything by halves. so . . . PEE NU MONIA is what it is!
    NO. what it WAS!
    we're holding ONLY good thoughts here.
    once i had something similar. i lost my voice for a solid 5 months. so do just as they say. REST! dearest bean. rest well.
    and get better soon!
    great hugs to you. and a wonderful new year. xoxo♥

  85. Prayers for you to get well soon. Pneumonia can be a hard one. Hope the stronger meds will do the trick.

  86. I sure hope you feel better soon. That is no fun having to cough all the time. I have had pneumonia twice in my adult years and coughed so much. Was in the hospital for a week the first time and I was pregnant with my first child. Happy New Year even though yours is not starting off that way.

  87. Glad to hear you around to celebrate the New Year with us! I had 3 colds pretty much one after another and thought I had it feels so good to be well again. It sounds like you have it much worse, so I'll keep praying you are soon enjoying the pleasures of wellness with me again! Have a beautiful 2015!

  88. My bug lasted ten days with a nose dive into bed on the 26th and waking with a miracle recovery on the 27th.
    I wish you a morning miracle too, Sweet D!
    Seasons Blessings!
    Happy New Year!

  89. hello
    Que le chemin de l’année 2015 soit parsemé d’éclats de joie, de pétales de plaisir, qu’il soit éclairé par la l’étincelle de l’amour et la lueur de l’amitié.
    Bonne et heureuse année !
    et une meilleur santé pour vous et votre famille
    edith(iris) FRANCE

  90. Glad to hear you have a good doctor Diana! I am praying that you recover soon! Happy New Year and I am glad to see you still got it! xoxo

  91. hoping you feel better soon, diana. take good care of yourself. happy new year to you!

  92. Thank you updating us....we all love you! :)

  93. Glad you have a great Doc and that you're on the mend! Sending healing vibes your way!

  94. I do hope this treatment works and you are back to your old self really really soon. I have not been keeping up with blogging so I wasn't even aware that you were sick - but I will be praying now that I know. And - I'll be back to blogging soon. I don't know how soon. I just started a birth and bereavement Douala course and it will be taking up a lot of my time. I didn't plan on this. My assistant NILMDTS Photographer encouraged me to take this class and while I felt I should take it, I really didn't want to. So - I applied for a scholarship and told her I was leaving it in God's hands. Then - God got my attention by arranging for me to win that scholarship. I really thought I had no chance of winning and thought I was pulling a fast one and getting out of doing this. LOL I guess you can never really out-smart God. Silly, silly me for trying. But - the course starts Monday and I have already done much of the reading and am learning stuff I never knew. And it will be helpful to the NILMDTS families that I serve.

  95. Diana, I wrote this post yesterday and thought you might enjoy it and/or want to share it:

    It seems to be resonating with a lot of my friends and followers <3

  96. There she is.................. I am so happy to hear from you. You know how much I miss your daily laughs. You are on the road to recovery! Take care. Be in touch, my friend. xo

  97. I'm so sorry that this old bug has gotten you down for so long. that doesn't surprise me though because my husband had the same thing a few years ago and it seemed to take forever to finally be rid of it. I'm not saying that to bring you down but rather let you know that it is normal to experience symptoms for a while. it's just the nature of that illness. Rest and meds is the best thing for it too. Sounds like you're getting that right now. Hopefully, your health will be restored to normal this year........sooner rather than later! Hang in there!

  98. I continue to pray for you and your health. Keep hope in your heart and the Lord at your side. I am also praying for my mother who has breast cancer and will have surgery January 12.


    Happy New Year

    This is what I dislike most about being a senior citizen our bodies take longer to heal from anything LOL

  100. Well, I can't say that I don't miss your daily dose of nuttiness :) So listen to the doctors and rest up and I'm sure you'll be back to normal (was as normal as you can be) soon !

  101. Oh, so sorry that you missed so much of the holidays.....I hope you are feeling better by now. Take care of yourself and listen to your dr, glad you have a good one!

  102. Dearest Diana, I can't tell you how often I have thought about you, but it's been A LOT! I hope this new round of medication does the trick. Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers. Love ya!

  103. So sorry you've been sick! Wishing you a speedy recovery and much love, health and happiness in 2015!!!

    xo Kat

  104. Above ground is good. So glad you are doing better. You are a great provider of love, laughter and encouragement. Much love and prayers.

  105. Oh my good friend, I am so glad to learn that you are still progressing toward getting better. This horrible thing has laid you low but it will NOT keep you down. Thank you for the update as I have been concerned. The Lord knows you and your heart and He knows you are faithful.
    xo Katie and Mommy, Ramblingon.

  106. Bless your heart! Pneumonia is a slow, tough recovery. Wishing you well very soon and on to better things in the new year!

  107. Hang in there. Hope you recover completely and soon!

  108. Hi Diana, hope you are feeling better as I type this, been taking a lot of bloggy breaks for the family at Christmas so I'm glad to be getting back to a regular routine. Hope your having a wonderful New Year!

  109. I hope you're much better now, sweet lady. I have been slow to read and comment, but I haven't forgotten you! Take care of yourself and have a Happy New Year filled with many blessings!

  110. You have a fighting spirit, dear friend, fighting for restored health and I am glad your doctor is thorough. You MUST be healed by July 4 (smile), well really, I pray you are healing right now. Happy New Year.

  111. I sure hope you will be feeling much better and am so sorry you've been sick. You are loved out here. Happy New Year sweet friend.

  112. Oh man. What a drag! Here's hoping the new meds kick in!!!!!

  113. Such a long time to be coughing and feeling bad! Sure hope you get well soon!!!

  114. So nice to see you are feeling good enough to give us an update, Diana.
    The cartoon fits you to a "T".
    Praying that this newest bit of meds kicks that illness to the curb for good!!
    Love you!

  115. Oh girl I hear your agony over being so I'll... I developed a cough a week before Christmas, and still am suffering. I ended up fracturing a rib with this cough. I was so sick, and am still trying to gain strength in the littlest tasks.
    Take care, as for good doctors, and meds I have had them all, even had to go through breathing treatments, inhalers, prednisone steroids, antibiotics, cough syrups, and Vicks rub downs, it just has to take its course.

    Take care, blessings your way.


  116. Praying that you get better soon. It seems to bad this year. I have a severe ear infection and its minor compared to what you have.

    We need you back healthy and I could always use some of your sense of humor giggles for the day!

    Take Care and Hugs,

  117. thats awesome to hear Diana! praying for a really wonderful happy and healthy new year for you and the family! :-) looking fwd to hearing about ur xmas!♡♡♡♡

  118. Tee-hee. Love your inspiration for aging. Amen, Sister! So glad you're on the mend, Diana. Don't be in too big of a rush to get moving and shaking again. Let your body rest and heal. We'll be here when you get back to your regular routine. Hugs, Nancy

  119. You've been on my mind today so I have been sending up prayers for you :)

  120. I'm so sorry you have been sick. Praying for a swift recovery.

  121. Diana I just now read this today. I've been hit and miss with being on the computer lately and I didn't know why but I haven't been getting your updates in blogger. I thought it was a little strange so I came over to your site to see what was going on. Now I see that you've been sick, I pray so much that you are feeling better. My heart hurts to know that such a dear person as you is feeling so bad especially this time of year. Lots of prayers going up for you today and everyday.
    Lots of hugs,

  122. I was just thinking about you tonight and wondered if you had posted any updates on how you were feeling....I hate to see an illness keep a great girl down! We miss you and are all praying for you!!!

    XXOO Carol

  123. Thinking of you and praying for a super quick recovery. And, BTW, I also want to be that little old lady that is up to no good. :) xoxo dear friend!.

  124. prayers for you ! Thanks for posting words that bring a smile to so many of us posters on here. Get Well Soon !

  125. This playing hookey is going on far too long! So sorry to hear the bug is hanging around. Mr. C. has been coughing for about a month. It's a horrid thing. We're all praying for you and cheering for you, Diana. We need you back in blogland!! xoxo

  126. be safe, it's been a nasty time of year for influenza. both my parents have had flu and's frightening! take good care of yourself!

  127. Hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year.

  128. Omg!! I am so sorry!! You hang in there, and know we are all thinking of you! You are missed, but take all the time you need and get better. ((( hugs))))

  129. A lot of nasty bugs going around. Hoping you are on the mend.

  130. Oh I do hope you are feeling better soon Diana! No worries on responding to emails. (I can see you have over 100 on this thread alone!) Just focus on resting and getting better and please know that you are missed and that there are lots of well wishes being sent your way.
    XO Barbara

  131. Sure hope you are feeling better! Praying for you.

  132. Oh sweet friend, I'm sorry I didn't come by before to visit, it's just that it's been a very nonstop season for me up to yesterday.
    I'm so glad you are in the mend, it's been so hard on you! My mom went through the same for up to just now, but she is 85. Awful!
    Hope you have a wonderful, healthy and very happy 2015 angel.

  133. I'm back, checking on you....and tickled to see you are getting better and your sense of humor is still hanging on. :)
    Mr. Sweet has what you have...and, at 80, it is sure making him sick. Coughing his head OFF...he keeps saying "I'll go to the doctor if I don't feel better by tomorrow..." Hasn't gone and don't know if he will....

  134. Hi Diana, stopping by to say hello and hope to find you feeling a bit better. My prayers remain with you and raised on high for you!!
    Have a peaceful weekend.
    Hugs and Blessings

  135. Hi...Hope you're OK! Been thinking about you...

  136. Hi Diana, I was away over the holidays, and just now catching up on blog reading. Hope by now you are feeling MUCH better!

  137. Diana, it's good to hear that you're improving. Sorry it's been such a long road. You have such a good attitude, and I love that your sense of humor is still intact! Love that cartoon!

  138. OMG…Are you okay. I'm worried about you girl.

  139. Diana,
    Where is my blog sister? I miss you and hope you're doing ok.

    love, ~Sheri

  140. Hi Diana, Thinking of you and holding you in my prayers. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  141. Diana
    Add me to the list of your friends that are praying for you-Poor Dear!!
    Tim is going through the same thing now. He's on his second set of meds.
    A CT scan next week...
    Take care!!

  142. Diana, are you still improving? Are you able to let us know or perhaps your hero can? Prayers and love dear Diana.

  143. I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I didn't know because I haven't visited in a little while. I pray that you recover from whatever it is that is ailing you and I will begin praying for you. Blessings to you, dear...

  144. I hope you continue to feel better and better. This last Christmas was a blur to us, too, since Mom fell on Thanksgiving and spent 25 days in the hospital. Just beginning to get back into a routine. She's home but not so strong.

    Shake this cough, honey. Everyone misses you@!

  145. Just to say I hope you are feeling so much better.
    I made Peanut Brittle recipe is just like the one you use. I cooked mine a little too long...this new microwave is so much stronger than my older one in the olden time, I will adjust the time better. I love PB to the moon and back and now....I'm about to make your peanut butter fudge. O HONEY

  146. So sorry to hear that your illness lingered over the holidays! That's never any fun. I really hope that the doc gave you meds that finally kicked this thing out! It seems that with these things, even after you feel better, the cough can linger forever! So annoying! Feel better and know that you're in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs, Leena


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