
Sunday, October 19, 2014


I apologize to those of you who
were here earlier but I feel like I need
to really ask for prayers for a desperate family situation.
Here is Roxy's post from

Our Grandson, CLAYTON, is missing in the Colorado Mountains
He is lost, we need prayer now!!
Please Pray for him!

He has been missing for over 12 hours now! It has begun to snow!

God Help us!!


This is day two still no sign of him!

Horses will be able to go in at first light!
He is only 13 years old...

Pray for the rescue people
Pray for him to be found
Pray he is not hurt
pray please I need your prayers

The chopper will start searching at 9:00 AM

Please keep praying.....

Thank you
His Mother is now on her way up to the mountain; she needs prayer also
His Daddy and Grandfather have been searching all night
Hundreds of rescue people, no sign as of yet

I am also asking for prayer 
for my friend, Laura.
We met many years ago on an
MSN women's group.
She is a very private person
but has asked for prayer
and sent me a picture of herself.
It's a thumbs up for her even though
she has lost her hair due to chemo.
She is now dealing with a serious
lung infection and they have
stopped her chemo treatments.
Please pray for a healing for her.
She is a wonderful person and 
has such a sweet spirit about her.
Pray that the lung infection clears
and that she can resume her
chemo soon.
AND pray that the chemo

Thank you-I know that is lot
this Sunday morning but I 
also know that we all care
about each other's struggles in life.
Bloggers are a good bunch!


  1. Consider it done. I just prayed now and out I go. God Bless you Di this Sunday morning. Love ya!

  2. Oh my goodness! I trust that by the time I write this that the young man is found and back in the loving arms of his family. My only question is "why oh why was he alone?" I'll keep him and his family in my thoughts. Keep us informed. And special hugs to your blog friend who has cancer. Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  3. My husband and I are both praying for this dear boy. Please let us know when you hear something. Sweet hugs, Diane

  4. Praying for both, God able! Yes, please post results!

  5. Oh no - prayers being sent over and over and over again.
    Snow setting in - please please please let him be found ok.

  6. Praying here, Diana. Thank you for bringing these two sweet souls to our attention.

  7. Diana, again, thank you for asking. Lifting up Laura in prayer for complete healing. Praying for Roxy's grandson's safety and for the entire family. Also, for all searching for him. May God be their eyes and ears. May God also comfort her sweet grandson and wrap a hedge of protection around him until he can be found safely.

  8. I'm praying for the boy to be found healthy and safe and your friend with cancer. Have a nice day today Diana.

  9. praying Diana.....In the name of Jesus, I ask you that this missing young boy be found safe and sound....give direction and wisdom Holy Spirit for those who are searching for this child. Keep him from harm and cover him with protection from your angels above and he will be found soon! Amen. And Lord I ask you for complete and total healing to Dianas friend....give her faith, strength and peace with this situation and know you are the HEALER! We thank you Lord for answered prayer in these situations..amen.

  10. Diana, I'm here to add my prayers. Since Don and I are sharing his computer (mine died and haven't got a new one) I'm not on the computer as much to visit...usually just get a post done. But I will keep both these families in my prayers, and look forward to updates. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Please don't apologize ~ these are critical needs my friend. Of course, I will pray for both! I'm thanking God right now for His grace and mercy.


  12. Diana, I just said prayers for Roxy's g.son. I pray he is found safe and soon. xoxo,Susie

  13. Prayers sent up for Roxy's grandson to be found very very soon, safe. Prayers too for Laura.

  14. I wanted to post these so Laura could see them. These came in before I changed my post and added Roxy's grandson to my blog. Thanks.

    I'll keep her in my prayers sweet friend. Have a blessed Sunday. Sweet hugs, Diane on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    ~Lavender Dreamer~
    at 7:58 AM

    I will certainly keep Laura in our prayers, I don't know anything about the MSN groups but its always sad to lose touch with friends, on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    Laurie M
    at 7:48 AM

    Diana, I will be praying for Laura . I pray for all that are need of a prayer today....Pray for their families also. xoxo,Susie on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    at 7:26 AM

    Sending prayers for Laura and for the end of cancer everywhere! on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co.
    at 7:20 AM

    Diana, Ohhhhhh sending prayers. I am a big believer as you know in this power of prayer chain. So prayers are being said for Laura. Kris on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    at 7:13 AM

    Done... will definitely keep your sweet friend in my prayers. on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    Katie Clooney
    at 6:42 AM

    sending up prayers for Laura right away. xoxoxo! vivian on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    at 6:13 AM

    My thoughts are with your friend Laura. Hugs on this last warm day in The Netherlands. Linda@Wetcreek Blog on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing
    at 5:52 AM

    Prayers sent! Hugs, Deb on Laura Needs Prayer For Cancer AND URGENT PRAYERS NEEDED Roxy's Grandson Is Missing

  15. Diana, thanks for sharing-you are a wonderful friend! All of these people are now in my prayers!

  16. Prayed for the lost boy! Please let us know when he is found

  17. Oh, so alarming to hear all this. For the woman with cancer and for the young boy. I sure hope they find him!

  18. Praying for the boy and for your friend. Please keep us posted. I hope that boy is dressed warmly and knows a thing or two about survival. If so, he's got a good chance. But - I hope they find him SOON.

  19. I just prayed for the lost child...that must be the worst for parents, OMG!!! I'm so praying right now, and for your friend. Please update us on the child.

    Hugs and hope you are better, my sweets,

  20. I linked this up to Family and Friends Facebook too

  21. I just sent up a prayer for the lost child to be found safe ad healthy. Also, for the lady with the lung infection. Her battle has to be so difficult.


  22. Prayers and more prayers. I pray your friend feels healing and the little grandson and his family.....pray that is he is found and is ok.
    Keep us updated....

  23. Oh gosh, Diana! Prayers for both. I really hope they find that boy soon.

  24. Prayers on the way for this boy and this dear friend Diana! May our Lord extend His Strength upon them as we remain hopeful in prayer<3

  25. on my way to church, will add the two names to our prayer circle,

  26. Praying for your friend, Laura, and continuing in prayers for this boy, Clayton. May God have mercy.

  27. My prayers are with your boy, I know Colorado is doing all they can.

  28. I pray God's everlasting arms are protecting Clayton as I write, and that God would direct the search parties to this young boy. This has to be a parent's worst nightmare.
    Mary Alice

  29. Consider it done, they will be in my daily prayers.

  30. I just read on the Internet that Clayton has been found. Is that correct? Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  31. Please let is know about the little boy - he is the same age as my grandson - prayers to him and to your friend Laura - what a brave woman - and I pray her lung infection goes away and the chemo kills the cancer!

  32. So glad the little boy was found. I know Roxy must be been beside herself! O my goodness. Prayers for Laura too. Thanks for always sharing your requests and those of others.

  33. I was happy to see the child was found. Thanks be to the Lord.

    Prayers going up for your friend; may He grant her mercy and grace as no other can.

  34. So happy that Clayton Jones was found, and I did a double take on his name, as my friend has a son, who also has that name, though he is a grandfather, not a kid.

    May God Bless Laura as she fights this, I put her name on the prayer list at our church, and she is always in my prayers. She is a beautiful person and it seems as if I've known her forever. We met many years ago, on MSN group.

  35. Prayers for beautiful Laura!!!!

    Hugs and wonderful week,

  36. Happiness and peace for Clayton and his family. Now continued prayers for Laura.

  37. will pray for your friend's prompt recovery.

    Annie v.

  38. Whispering a prayer of thanksgiving for answered prayers.
    "Thank you, Lord for taking care of this child while he was lost. Thank you for ministering to the loved ones. Please, be with Laura. Take care of each need that she has. Amen. "
    To you, my blogging friend, thank you for your prayer requests. May God bless you and those you love.


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