
Friday, October 17, 2014

Finish It Up Friday- My Random Five

One of the things I have been working on
whilst I have been "recovering"
is sorting pictures.
(speaking of recovering- I am having
my stitches out today)

I have so many odds and ends-
Nothing to make a whole post out of...
but perfect for
Finish It Up Friday.

This post might be
This hangs by our steps
It's THE IRISH in him!
Doesn't he look like a little leprechaun?
Remember the other day when I posted this
and called it 
That SweetCheeks was no longer dressing up as 
I was wrong!
Guess what she picked to wear for 
Halloween this year?
My words usually come back to bite me!

Dining Room
Mantle Left and Right 
Table Centerpiece
That basket belonged to Gramma Stella.
It has the original green paint on the handle
and is in excellent condition.
The MIX sign is from the cattle stock yards
in The Valley in PA.
I have a
for MyHero when he gets home today.
I have a 
for his office door.
Wait till he sees the lock I installed on the


He's gonna be in there a LONG time........


  1. Happy Friday! Thanks for the little photo tour, I enjoyed it.

  2. Diana, You have your little princess back. I love SC's new costume. That was a cute photo of Big boy E too. We used to have mental hospital a few towns north of here...when I was a kid I would hear people talk about, it seemed scary. Poor Hero. :):) Hope you have a great weekend. You can practice winking with your stitches removed. xoxo,Susie

  3. Oh no someone's in trouble lol!! I love the corn garland on your stairs Diana...have a great weekend!

  4. sweet cheeks looks beautiful so does your mantle and I love your gramma's basket that is a treasure, the sign or your husbands office, well, sometimes you scare me, lol!!!! just kidding!!!

  5. Those two boys are so cute....... and Snow White is lovely! Have a wonderful week end....hugs...l

  6. Oh I need one of those signs, lol, I've got a lock. May just have to make one....

  7. Great post, Diana!! The corn banner is so cute. The kids are even cuter.
    I hope there's a big space under the door so you can slide food under it for your hero once he's in there. I have a feeling he'll be in there for a while.

  8. Sending wishes for stitch removal! Sweet Cheeks is darling! Poor Hero! Sounds as though he is in big trouble.:-) xo Nellie

  9. Loving all your fall decor. You are never too old to be a princess (or at least that is what my girls say ;-) Hope you the door has at least an inch of clearance so you can at least slip him some food. LOL

  10. Stitches? It sounds like I have missed something. I'm glad to hear you are recovering, though. And your decorations are beautiful. And how do you get your blog to post on your facebook. Do you do it daily? Or is there an automatic method?

  11. -giggles- Either your husband has fun, with his always-interesting-life, with you.


    You drive him up a wall. -gigggles-

    My bet? A little of both!

    -ducking, running and hiding-

    Hooray for stitches out!!!!


  12. hahaha!
    You have the funniest sense of humor. Love the 'insane asylum" and the lock idea... and the grand kids are all adorable.
    I like post like this...but my word, I'm so wordy, it just seems like I make individual posts out of all of them, and it gives me something talk about on the blog! Hahaha!

    people probably click over there and go WHOA...she has a lot to say!

    cute post...
    have a great weekend.

  13. Oh you are too funny! I hope you are feeling better and healing. Rest up this weekend and the kids are just adorable!

  14. Best wishes with your stitches and continued healing. Love that Sweet cheeks is still enjoying Snow White. Hugs to all your beautiful grands.

  15. Ohhh this is all sooo much fun Diana!!! What goes through your mind in a day! Yikes, do u sleep much??? TeHeHee!!!
    I hate to think what might be next for Mr., NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!! Muahhaha! Well wishes on the Eye! Happy Friday!<3

  16. Great post my friend . Love it all. May you have great reports back from your stitches out. Then we will all have to look out what your going to surprise us with on next blog.

    I am stuck in Mind thinking if it is possible with me as what to put in for my daughters 50th album. I am starting early,early until always leaving it to the last.

  17. Love your little photo bomber! I bet you're so glad to still see SweetCheeks dressing up as Snow White. She sure makes a beautiful one! Love your fall decor and that insane asylum sign is hilarious!!! He better watch out! ;) Hope you're continuing to feel better. I know having the stitches out will be a relief.

  18. Hahaha, SweetCheeks had to dress up one more time as Snow White. Just when we think they are growing up, they do something like this, right? My kids still do silly things now and then at 30! She looks so sweet here, she will be the cutest girl at Halloween. Oh my gosh, tell your daughter that is the cutest picture ever of her and the boys! I think that one needs to be framed.

    Have a fun weekend, Diana. So glad to hear the good news about your eyes.


  19. So glad you have recovered and getting those stitches out today. Fun post today. I like your sign for husband....I need one of those for mine. hahahaha have a great weekend and continue to recover a little bit longer, enjoy it whilst you can. :)

  20. Hahaha! You make me laugh, Diana!

    I love to see all the pictures of your family and all the things you are doing. That photo bomb picture is great! Aren't kids so funny! They love those little moments of silliness.... I think Snow White is still pretty even older! It's good that they stay as young as they can. I love the Fall decor you have. It just makes any room cozy! Oh my and that sign for your hubby is priceless... I hope it's comfy in his office. ;-)

    I'm glad you are doing better and yay for no more stitches!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  21. Thanks for the laughs this morning! Happy Sweet Cheeks is still Snow White. Best wishes (witches) with your stitches today. Jane

  22. Happy Friday Diana! Your sweet lovely (I want it) corn garland ... GEEZ my nuked out blue nailed crazy as a loon wanna be pet squirrel would invite all his friends and pick that apart in record time. I don't think me misting all the white vinegar in the world would help!!!
    I truly adore seeing photos of your sweet grands and love that you share of them, your heart, your wicked humor and your home. Mantle and centerpiece über Havest cool. Now holy crap Diana ... Another thing in common ... My Father's Mom, my Polish Grandmother's name was Stella!!!!
    Funny sign your Hero is a saint!!!
    Big hug and many kisses on a day when stitches have been removed

  23. Diana,


    Hugs and happy weekend,

  24. Fun post! I ready like the corn garland, so pretty.
    Happy that your stitches are coming out . . . that means that you are on the mend.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Connie :)


  25. I missed the part where you had to have stitches?

  26. Hahaha! You are always good for a chuckle. I love the things you do to your Hero.

  27. Nice variety of topics, Diana. : ) That little guy is too cute! My granddaughter went to the doctor the other day for her cough and was told she is a "goofball", and he looks like he would fit in with her quite well. Love that basket. Hope you are feeling better. Have a great weekend!

  28. I love how you innocently take us along and then, Bam! I am laughing uncontrollably! Such cuteness with the family photos and Sweet Cheeks' costume choice! Love your Indian corn banner and fall decorations - so nice to have your Grandmother's basket. Great signs you've got there! Glad you are recovering well. xo Karen

  29. Yay for stitches coming out! Sweet Cheeks is so grown up- she's a beauty. Your photo bomber is hysterical. :)
    And your Hero has done it again, I see. LOL

  30. Well...I can see you haven't been behaving yourself !!! I'll bet you feel better with those stitches out!!!

  31. Love the corn garland and your fall decorations. Cute family pics and SC has a plan and looks so cute.
    Hope the stitches coming out went well. Did your Hero like his office door sign?? LOL
    Have a good weekend.

  32. Diana, You may be out but girl you'll never be down. Praying your appt went easily and the stitches came out without a stitch-lol!!!
    Seriously, love that you are still keeping us entertained, watch out for your hubby though.
    Hugs, Noreen

  33. Awww, I love your random musings! The corn garland is such a great idea and is such a pretty Fall decoration. Your mantel and centerpiece are lovely! You have so many pretty things that have such a special meaning! Sweet Cheeks is a precious Snow White! There is always room for two Snow Whites! Your hero will love his sign and I'm adopting your new motto! :) Have a great weekend!

  34. Hahahaha, I hope his cell (er, I mean "office"), is padded! Love the pic of SweetCheeks, she is a natural as Snow White. And I had to laugh at Big Boy E's photo bomb, too cute!!

  35. I like all of your Fall decorations. I think the sign you found will be funny on your husband's office door too! Glad to hear that Snow White isn't retired yet. She looks so cute.

  36. Beautiful decor ~ including the office sign! Hope you took a photo when he saw it.


  37. As always, you had a most eventful week...and love the sign...I hope you let us know his reaction...!!...Have a great weekend!

  38. You are in a good mood - glad Sweet Cheeks changed her mind. The sign is adorable. The photo bomber is so cute!

  39. A great roundup of randoms. Diana! The sign at the end cracked me up! Hope you are feeling better, and glad to hear that your stitches are coming out. Hope you've gotten to sleep lying down!

  40. So glad you have your little princess back.Your Big boy E is too cute and pretty good at photo bombing! We lived by two famous cemetaries, Bachelor's Grove and Resurrection Mary,,, quite a few scary thing going on there all the time. It always scared the heck out of me! Pretty scary. I hope your stitches come out easily!

  41. The corn wreath and fall mantle are lovely. Your grands are just adorable!

  42. Hello my friend. Love your Friday five's. Ohhhhhh how sweet that sweet cheeks is going as snow-white. She looks so cute. All the pictures are wonderful. Glad your stitches are coming out today. Have a wonderful week end.

  43. LOL Just love the random glimpses of your life! They range from lovely to loony! The kids, of course, are the best! Sweet Cheeks is a charming Snow White! Love the boys too, and their pretty mom! Poor grandpa, though! Lots of time to sit in solitude in the "loony bin" and think about his "crimes!" I could use one of those signs over here too!

  44. hahhhaa...great post, Nana...
    What an adorable Snow White and the boys with their cute.

  45. You are so bad....... great pictures. Hope that everything is okay and the stitches are out. Let me know what your Hero says LOL

  46. I love that sign! I could hang it on our front door year round! Hugs, Leena


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