
Thursday, September 25, 2014

There is JOY In AUTUMN-My Favorite Season

 Just off the foyer we have a small
little "sitting room" with enough
room for a small love seat and 
the kids toys and books are
stored here.

As you walk into the room there is
an odd little "corner".
Give me a corner and I see 
storage and surfaces to decorate. 
Thus, the little built in. 

This is just at the end of our foyer
before you head into he main part
of the house.
Yeah- Yeah-
The one wonky cattail sticking out of the
has to go!
I just plunked it in there and now I
SEE it!

But -to the right is what I
want to show you today.
This is what is in that little niche.
The painting on top is one
MyHero bought in 1979 
when our youngest son was born.
It is by a WI artist, Robert Lardinois (Bob).
It has seen at least a dozen different homes
that we have lived in
and the frame has lots of nicks.
I could paint it but, like me,
it is showing its age-
and that's okay.
The slate on the bottom is one I painted
back in the early 80's..
That was during my "folk art" period.

But what I really want you to see is
Isn't she just precious?
Can you see the name JOY printed on the base?
In front of her stands a 
German paper mache turkey.
He belonged to hubby's grandmother Clara.
This is another one of her turkeys.
He is VERY HEAVY clay.
He is PERFECTLY imperfect.
His legs won't support him anymore so he has
a paper base.  I suppose I should 
cover it with leaves.

Speaking of turkeys....
No - I am NOT posting a picture of 
MyHero dressed up as a gobbler-
although that WOULD BE funny!
Hmmm...Now there's a thought for a
Halloween costume for him!

No- SweetCheeks asks me every year
where HER turkey is.
He's right there on the window ledge that
separates the little sitting area from the
Now THIS Ladies & Gennelmun
yes I know how to spell gentlemen
is THE most 
I have EVER seen!
Now if you are easily offended
you might want to sign off right here.
Well....I am going to show you a butt!
And because we all KNOW that 
SweetCheeks loves saying BUTT
I am going to show you 
And THAT, my friends
is the BUTT of the turkey featured above.
He moons me every time I go up the stairs.

Fall Decorating to show you.
I could do more pictures but
you know how I like to talk!
Yep- You'll just have to come back 
to see more!

Ummmm--dare I say it?
3 months till Christmas.
You're welcome!


  1. Dianna,
    Cute Fall decorating!! Fall is my favorite time of the year too!!
    LOVE your "JOY" figurine!! It reminds me of my childhood when we racked up all the leaves from our apple tree in the back yard and then my friends and I would jump into them!! Now that was JOY!!


  2. I see you've been busy with fall decorating too! The joy piece is so sweet! Yikes I don't want to hear the word Christmas yet!

  3. Sweet, sweet space to share your love of autumn. What fun treasures there!

    Hugs and happy weekend,

  4. Love the turkeys. I need to get busy, but all of that kicking and screaming I did getting dragged into fall has worn me out. Maybe I just just look at your photos and pretend I've done something :)


  5. You decorate so beautifully, Diana!! I love all the white contrasted with the yellows and orange of fall! But please don't encourage the snow. Lol

  6. Heartwarming! And what I mean is decorating seasonally with family treasures, not slick "perfectly perfect" decor that's brought home from an expensive store and plunked in the middle of a table with an accompanying, "There! DONE!"
    I adore that little hand made turkey and am NOT offended by a view of his butt - or even the mention of it! I have a grandson whose current favorite word is "butt," so of course I'm in love with it and can't get enough. (Even though poor mommy gets all flustered with him! Guess she thinks he'll interview for a job one day, saying, "Hi Butt Face!"

  7. How fat does a turkey have to be that its legs won't support him up anymore?

    I love seeing all your fall decor. But you're making me feel way behind the eight ball here. Inside the house I have one pumpkin and one owl and that's about it so far. I may have to get some more stuff out this weekend or you are going to totally outdo me on fall festiveness.

  8. Diana, I love the decorating. SC's turkey is a funny. My daughter hangs a scarecrow her daughter made in 4th grade..every year. Some things become treasures. I did a bit of decorating myself.Like you said it's only 3 months till Christmas. WOW. xoxo,Susie

  9. I had never thought of decorating with turkey butt! Seriously, I love your fall touches, and that painting is beautiful. I see some pretty built-ins, too.

  10. Sooo pretty, Diana! Love all your Fall touches!

  11. Your fall decorations are so pretty! Love the butt pic! :-)

  12. You've the perfect spot for decorating! By the way, the shopping has already begun here!:-) xo Nellie

  13. Diana I love the way you decorated your the painting your hubby bought and I also love the one you have leaned against the lamp! It all looks so pretty!

  14. Starting the day with a good laugh! Love the turkey(s)

  15. Beautiful Autumn decorating, Diana :) Fall is such a beautiful time of the year!

    Hugs to you

  16. Hey, that butt is one of the cutest I have seen!!!! -gigggles-

    No, you may not remind me of Christmas!




    I have not even fully gotten into the Autumn mood yet!


    No Words Of Christmas!

    We have Halloween yet. And Thanksgiving yet.

    -running, screaming, through the house-

    ,-) ,-) ,-)

    "Here there be musing" blog

  17. You have so many pretty Fall decorations! I do love Fall and your opening saying is just perfect! I have to pin that one! You're' very talented; I love the slate you painted! I also adore the painting your hero bought too! You have so many special items- like Miss Sweet Cheek's turkey! Gota love Nanas like you! :)

  18. Your folk art painting and the little framed piece are cute as can be. Turkey's butt...not so much! lol

  19. That little niche is pretty the way that you've decorated it. I think it's nice that you still have that little painting from all those years.

  20. ...and I love turkey butts when they were molded by grands hands...:))

  21. Diana,
    Such happiness I feel today with this wonderful post. Your painting from hubby makes me happy in it's simplistic beauty and color range displayed in the perfect frame with the time loved patina. Love your folk art painting you did. It reminds me of going to Lancaster, PA every Fall. Joy is amazing! Love both the turkeys paper and clay. BUT Love, love, love the one Sweet Cheeks made. AWW the creative freedom expressed by children is always the best.
    Enjoy your day

  22. I love your fall decorations so far and can't wait to see more of them! Enjoy your day.

  23. Everything is perfect Diana. Great job and looking forward to see the rest of your decorations. I haven't started yet - it's just to darn hot here to do much and dragging my decorations out of the garage is just to much for this old gal.
    Have a great weekend.

  24. I have a whole flock of those pinecone turkeys! They are apparently a teacher favorite from pre-K to about grade four in these parts. I can't tell you which kid made which one and in what year, but I love them all. Off to set them out now...thanks for the reminder! ;)

  25. my ipad is giving me fits here trying to leave a comment
    lets see try # 3
    love the Fall decor so much !!
    Canon ha concentrating..he love his plane..

  26. It finally cooled off here, so I've been adding a few touches here and there. Love JOY!! Oh my, I remember those pinecone turkeys!! LOL

  27. Your painting is fantastic. You are so talented. We love our pinecone turkeys at our house. Love that special turkey from your husband's grandmother too. 3 months until Christmas! Eek!

  28. Sweet Cheeks is a joy, brings life and love in each of your post! Love her!

  29. Love the turkey butt!! At first I thought he was a spider so he can go for both. Isn't it funny how they remember and want everything displayed? I love it.
    Your folk art painting is so charming - great job!

  30. I love that you've had that pretty painting for so long! It makes it even more special. And I love that Sweet Cheeks looks for her turkey every year! Turkey butts always make me laugh! Hee!

  31. You are such a total joy and delight! You make the part of the day I get here, special. Thank you. xxoo

  32. I can always count on you for a chuckle. I guess that turkey makes your day. Fall is my favorite time of year. I guess I should do something about decorating. I don't have that much to do I have done the outside my Chrysanthemum will be done in another week and I'll have to replace them.. Have a good evening.

  33. It sounds like you have way too much fun at your house, Diana! Love your autumnal decor, it's hard to believe that fall is here already. Still feeling warm here. Just got back from "Baa Habba", wish you could have joined us!!

  34. Love your shabby turkey! And that wonky cattail... is it real? I used some one time in a flower arrangement and woke up to a living room full of white fluff... they exploded... who knew... NOW I know! LOL! Have a great weekend!

  35. Everything is lovely. Even the turkey butt :)

  36. Nothing in life is perfect, leave the cattail and smile every time you walk by it, just like you do the Turkey Butt! Love your little space! Blessings, Cindy

  37. Beautiful fall decor Diana, Love the little joy girl and the painting your hubby bought is priceless. Great niche to decorate and I happen to love the cattail off balance.
    Gotta love the turkey!!
    Happy Fall

  38. Love all the color! Your home is so pretty.

  39. I love seeing your home all decked out for Fall! The turkeys are fabulous. :)

  40. Beautiful! The different colors look so pretty against the white. Please don't mention the C word yet, k? :)


  41. Yes your decorations are pretty, but look her crack me up. First we see tomato butts, now turkey butts. I sure hope your Hero doesn't dress like a turkey for Halloween, because we don't need to see his....umm...well you know what I mean.

  42. That's the cutest turkey butt I've ever seen, but my favorite is Grandmother Clara's turkey. He's a real keeper. I can see why you have saved him all these years. Perfectly imperfect indeed.

  43. Your decorations are pretty girl, and I love your turkey and it's butt! I don't think I could give him up, no way! I love Joy too, such a sweet piece. I'd leave the one cattail, it looks kind of cute and holding it's own. Loving your fall decor, I've so got to get going!

  44. So pretty! I love this season, too. That's a cute turkey! And I love the Joy figurine.

  45. I love the stories behind your pieces pal! That is what makes the season so very rich and wonderful! Happy fall and happy memory making to you! Nicole xo

  46. Some where in my kid's childhood, there was a book with Turkey Lurkey in it. I truly think Turkey Lurkey really describes your little sweetie's turkey.

  47. Love your niche it is so pretty for fall. Love all the special pieces you have to decorate with. Ha ha on the turkey. That is the most precious of all your fall decor. Love that!!!!! Sweet cheeks gotta love her and her creative works of art. Precious. Have a great week end my friend.

  48. Turkey butt? Girl, you are so funny! I love Sweet Cheek's turkey. You are the most wonderful nana!

    When we lived in Michigan, I just loved fall, even though I knew it was leading up the long winter. Fall in the Midwest is awesome, isn't it?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  49. Joy is a gorgeous figurine!

    Well one of my grands likes to find tomatoes ( heirloom weird variety ) that look like BUTTS :)

  50. The chalkboard is AWESOME! Your vignettes are perfect! Joy is precious, and Sweet-Cheeks turkey is the BEST of all!
    The cattail...not so much.
    Love you.

  51. That is a perfectly decorated little niche! I love little charming areas like this in a home.

    I have to say I've never been mooned by a turkey before now, buy now I'm proud to say that I have. LOL

  52. The niche is a perfect little home for Joy and Grandma Clara's turkey and SweetCheeks little turkey is a true treasure.

  53. Love your holiday decor, even the butt!


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