
Monday, September 22, 2014

The Rest Of The Story- Craft Room & A Lie I Told

Done enough that I can show it anyway.
There will be things to 
"tighten up"as I go along
but it is to the point where I can

Grab your coffee.
This is a LONG POST for me.

Here is a link to the first post I did 
about it.

This room is only 8-1/2' x 11-1/2'.
However, the ceiling is 14 FEET high!
The sink takes up most of one 8-1/2 foot wall.
I can't put anything next to it because the door
opens and almost touches it.
I mirrored the wall behind the sink.
AND I mirrored the wall behind the door.
These are both old mirrors and as
you can see the one has to hang over
the side of the sink because of electrical
outlets to the far right of the sink.
The tall one will be perfect for checking
out the fit of things AND I can see
anyone coming up the cul-de-sac behind me
when I am sitting sewing.
The tops of mirrors are just 
over 6' tall.
I did not buy one new thing for this room.
The light fixture above the sink is fluorescent
and has "daylight" bulbs in it.  
It is one I had and is turned sideways instead
of hanging from the ceiling.
It lights the place beautifully.

I have cable TV and a telephone here.
Coffee & water.
The only thing missing is a port-a-potty. THERE'S a thought....

The greenery in the corner is attached
to a metal "open weave" shutter.
It covers the mess of cords running to 
the TV and telephone.
Telephone is mounted to the right of the 
coffee cups on the wall.
The old piece you see is reflected 
from across the room.
It is so bright in here that it is hard to get pictures. 
The chair will be slipcovered this next week.
It is ugly but comfortable for sewing.

The material for the window treatments are 
from another house. 
I think I bought that material in
I still like it and it is perfect for 
Fall & Winter.
I shirred some on a rod to cover up the
opening left where a door is missing.
The old cabinet below is actually two pieces.
The bottom one rolls out if I need a 
larger work surface.
It came out of an old warehouse that 
MyHero's granddad owned and was
probably used in the old lumber yard.
It is a rough tough old piece and I am 
loath to take a paintbrush to it.
The mullioned "windowed cabinet" above
are windows from an old rectory
that we junk picked.  
We just built a basic open backed "box" that is 8" deep
and put shelves in it.
There is matching one in the garage that holds
gardening supplies.

I also shirred the same material on to cover the
open shelving in the cabinet.

I attached a yardstick to the front so as I am
sitting sewing or crafting I can quickly measure lengths.

Like I said- the room is small so it is tough
to get full pictures of anything.
Some of my materials are folded and 
in the cabinet.
There are more materials stored underneath.

Speaking of storage-
It sits just outside the door to my room
where it is handy.
It is full of things I don't need everyday.
Pulling back the curtain you can see what
is stored in the cabinet.
The sink has room for my serger when 
it is not in use.
There are a couple of changes I made
since I took my first pictures.
I hung my two favorite cups on the 
pegs above the coffee maker
I hung my sweet crafting apron on 
the back of the door.
I would like to say that the blurry apron picture
is my attempt at "arty" photography-
but that would be a lie.
It is just a crappy picture.

That brings me to the 
I didn't do it intentionally.
No indeedy!
I had taken a bunch of pictures from 
the back of our house and I posted this one
as being the view from my sewing/craft room.
Well, I lied.
That is from our master bedroom 
which backs up to the garage but
sticks out about 15' closer to the water.

Here is the REAL view from my craft room.
Still not bad.
As you can see it is so gray today that 
the water blends into the sky on
picture #1.
Do you see the little wooden boat on shore?
Picture #2 is take about 20 steps closer
so you can see the water behind that 
same boat.
So- sorry I lied.
Whaddaya gonna do?
Have me arrested?
Whoo Hooo-maybe I'll have 
Paris Hilton for a cellmate.
IF that happens
maybe I can ask her for a loan to 
EXPAND my craft room.
Just a thought.....


  1. Your craft room is a perfect retreat!
    I love that sink almost as much as the "TRUE" view!

  2. Good Morning, I love your craft room. A cozy place to spend the upcoming winter months crafting. I love your coffee mugs on the hooks and your pretty apron. I also love the amazing view, even if you did LIE!!!

  3. You are too funny! Your craft room is cute and functional which is a double bonus! One thing about fabric- it stands the test of time! Looks like all your storage is just enough to keep things organized. I like the mounted yardstick idea- that will be handy for many things!

  4. you are so silly! isn't it a beautiful thing when all of our crafting/sewing stuff can be in one spot and easy to find. good for you. you have the most beautiful backyard. your grass is so green and lush, what kind of grass is that?

  5. It looks great, Diana! It sounds like you thought things out carefully, too. Love all the natural light you have. So, what are you going to make first? : )

  6. That is a great space! What a fantastic idea to have a sink in a craft room. You have all that you need except a daybed. You must be itching to make something!

  7. That is the perfect little space. And guess what? I had to laugh at the size because that is basically about the size of my galley kitchen :) I remember trying to get photos of that kitchen for a post ( ages ago ) and you are is hard to get photos in a small space

  8. Love this room and the shape of those coffee mugs!

  9. Your craft room looks great. I love the storage pieces you have. BUT, my favorite thing is your view. I don't care what window you're using. How beautiful to see that water every single day.

  10. well I think it look wonderful, you have a very feminine romantic style in decor, I'll post bail, you can call me on me!

  11. Very cute craft room! I love the view from you bedroom. Can I move in?...LOL.

  12. You do goooood work, my Dear!

    Can tell that you have such a history, with fixing up places and turning them over.

    It's an Art, to see what-could-be, and make it happen.


  13. You must have put a lot of time and work into this and it's simply wonderful! I love all of your storage solutions and the mirror makes the room look much larger. And that view! How can you get anything done?!

    Jane xx

  14. Such pretty work you've done, and no, I don't think that lie will end up putting you with Paris, in jail.

  15. I bet you're loving having a craft room! It will really come in handy with all the holidays coming up. I know I always get inspired to craft more this time of year. And I love how you were so smart to attach that yardstick for easy measuring!

  16. Love love love your craft room. Beautiful view and beautiful place to work. When I come up you will have to teach me to sew in that wonderful space or maybe I will watch you sew and look at that beautiful view. Yep I think that will work too. My fave is the sink in there. So gorgeous.
    Have a great day my friend.

  17. It looks both pretty and functional. And I love the view. But - that photo looks more like Lady Di to me than it does Paris Hilton. I'm not really sure as I don't keep up with the stars at all. I'd be quite content without tv reception. A kids movie every now and then is plenty for me.

  18. The room looks perfect for you, and I agree, I would not paint the old cabinet. It adds a lot of character as is.

  19. Oh my gosh - I SO loved touring your enchanted new crafty room! It's so light, airy and feminine! As for the "lie" you told, I thought it was something entirely different. When I spotted the first picture, I almost gasped. My vision of "an old dark corner inside the garage" was definitely NOT this one! I guess I expected a workbench from some old crates and a bare light bulb dangling above it! This place, my dear, is a "home away from home" (we can work out the bathroom details later!) and even without that stunning view, I'd LIVE in there in a sec! Happy crafting to you!!!

  20. Perfection! I personally think the size is more than adequate, especially with such tall ceilings!

    The view is lovely, but if I had one like that I think it's safe to say not much crafting would be taking place ;).


  21. Your room is wonderful . . . I would love to have a sink in my studio, maybe someday:) You, young lady are very go at organizing and filling all the little nooks and crannies. Have fun with your new room, it is adorable:)

  22. Diana your craft room is amazingly beautiful. I can just imagine you sewing away there. I love the old cabinet and I love the sink too. You have made it a very special place.

    xo Danielle

  23. Amazing craft room, Diana! You will enjoy the time you spend there with all your projects. xo Nellie

  24. Lovely views from both rooms. Your new craft room is adorable. I can see you whipping some awesome crafts and projects. What a delightful space to craft in. xoxo

  25. Diana your views from your kitchen and craft room are absolutely gorgeous. Can not wait to see what you create in your new room.

  26. I don't care where the photo(s) was taken, the view is exceptional!! You craft/sewing room is fun and I'm sure you will be spending lots of time in there are the temps cool off this fall/winter! Enjoy your week! Blessings, Cindy

  27. Good afternoon, Diana! I absolutely love that your craft room has a coffee pot! I think I might need to add one to my craft room :)

    Your room is beautiful and I know you will enjoy many fun hours in there. Hugs to you!

  28. Shame on you, Diana! (I'm just saying that because I"m jealous of BOTH views! :)

  29. Diana, You know that Paris doesn't what crafting is. LOL. Love that the coffee pot and cups are handy. You have made yourself a nice place to sew and not have to put it all away before you are done. Love that. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  30. I doubt that there are any "bad" views of the water from your property....all the views I have see are awesome! Love your new craft room, esp that sink unit.....would love to find one for a certain space I have that needs that! Have a blessed day...hugs, Penny

  31. What a view! It would be a pleasure to sew and craft from this room with the view on the inside and the outside. I adore the piece that stores your fabrics. Enjoy sewing and crafting here.

  32. I'm late to the sewing room reveal. It's absolutely fantastic. So many lovely detsils. That view is the icing on the cake.

  33. Great job.....and (again) your journaling really has me in stitches (no pun intended here....)!

  34. Hi Diana, what a wonderful craft and sewing room. You have everything you need right there. I love the vintage sink. I grew up with one like that. I guess that makes me vintage. LOL Love your views from any room they are wonderful.
    Now I bet you are going to be designing all kinds of exciting treasures from your wonderful space. Can't wait!!
    Enjoy and have fun!!

  35. Diana, you have a wonderful craft room! The vintage sink is a great piece and just perfect for this type of room! The tv and coffee pot are a fabulous idea! I don't think I would get much done with your stunning view! Wow! I know you will enjoy this area; you have it furnished and accessorized beautifully!

  36. Girl! I love that old cabinet that has the glass doors on top. Now, when you get arrested, let's hope your roommate is Parris Hilton and not Lindsey Lohann. I bet if you pimped out Parris' little dog carrier, she would fund anything you needed. LOL!

  37. What a sweet room, Diana. The first thing that came to mind was this- I wonder when Sweet Cheeks is going to declare ownership???! LOL
    I think I would just enjoy the view and not get much done. If you run into Paris, please tell her I don't like that hamburger commercial at all. ;)

  38. Good job I love your craft room. And it's the same size as my second bedroom which I use as a den! It looks like you have just about everything in there. I love l The old cabinet with the glass doors. I'm glad it hasn't been painted white, yet.

  39. First of all, I LOVE that old wood cabinet with the glass doors. The trim on the light you hung on the wall, instead of the ceiling is awesome! You did a great job with your room, Diana. The only thing that's missing, is a bed! I think I could live there. Have fun with it, girl.

  40. I love it! So many great ideas and the furniture pieces are wonderful. I can't imagine having everything so space is so limited. I really doubt I would get much done...I would be enjoying the view.


  41. Well, you certainly have all the "comforts of home" in that wonderful craft room!...So many conveniences that will allow you to do so many great things...and that view is breathtaking....I love that you are on the lake...I would never tire of that gorgeous view....great job on the room Diana!!!

  42. Your craft room looks great, Diana, and your views are spectacular!!
    Mary Alice

  43. Love your craft room...and what a beautiful view!!

  44. It looks amazing friend! I love the pieces you have in that space and the yard stick attached to the hutch is brilliant! What an inspiring cozy space to make! And that photo of the water and the blue blue sky is gorgeous! Happy week to you!!!!!

  45. What a great place and I love the high ceiling! You have two cups so I see you are ready for me to visit. Lol

  46. What a fantastic space. And I'd take the view from either room!

  47. You are so funny!!!!!! I LOVE your craft room.
    Looks wonderful and my goodness..... all views are fantastic. You are blessed!
    Love your hutch too. What a great work space.
    Can't wait to see your new projects that will pop out of that place.

  48. Diana,
    I envy your creativeness and reusing, reinventing and turning a small room into a precious charming space. The mirror works beautifully and your clever storage is amazing. Your view from the sewing room and bedroom are breathtaking beauty.

  49. This is a wonderful creative space, bright and cheery...and the wood cabinet you created with the windows is gorgeous!

  50. Does that sink have water run to it? You've created a wonderful space that is pretty, has sentimental attachment and functions well. Well done! I know you don't take personal credit for the view, but you did have the good sense to buy that beautiful property.

  51. Oh I wish I had a room to create in. I have a friend who has three buildings outside. She and I are going to get busy.

  52. Diana, I love your craft space. So light and bright and I especially love the fact that you repurposed things that you already had. What a great place to be when the snow is flying this winter. xo Laura

  53. So special to have a dedicated space to be creative, isn't it? Your view. Wow. I've told Jim the only thing that could ever get me to leave our Village is a house on the water. Heaven.

  54. I just love all the special touches in your new sewing room. My house is 108 years old and I have the old sink and metal cabinets like you are using. I love them. That fabric cabinet is awesome! Love the old wood. What a great workroom.

  55. Amazing! Just love the metal sink and the cabinet is beautiful. What a wonderful place you created. Tv and cable too? You should be arrested for that! LOL

  56. Love your craft room!!! I bet you don't have a bad view in the whole house!!!~~Angela

  57. Your craft room is full of such Vintagey Wonderful things! I love that you didn't buy a thing! Have fun in there!

  58. The view... Oh! From your Imagination Station, wow, a sweet little spot you have crafted for yourself. The soon-coming wintertime hours of enjoyment are sure to feed the soul... and scratch that crafting/sewing itch! Congratulations on some fabulous ideas that are not only practical but lovely. Good job, folks!

    Hugs and happy weekend,


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