
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Still Working On My Projects

Just as I promised-
I am back this morning.
Guess what?
I am about 80% done
with projects.

I have been using up paint.
This used to be BRIGHT BLUE.
and was a roadside find years ago.
It was dirty-dirty-dirty
and was used in the garage for 
storage for at least a decade.
A little elbow grease and a little paint
and it is clean enough to use again.

I had some Seafoam paint left over
 and that is what is on the outside.
The inside is another can of
GREEN that I had.
It is still wet there as you can see..

I am moving my basement area 
Crap Craft/Sewing area to a little room
that MyHero had built into 
one corner of the garage
when we moved in.

It was supposed to be to start plants
in sun-filled windows 
and to pot things up.
It faces North and gets NO sun.
Bad idea-bad, bad, bad!

Well, I am taking that baby over.

I found some material I had stashed that
I had about 5 houses ago.
Look how good it matches the picture
my grandgirls gave me years ago.
Now, I might have hit a little 
snag this weekend.
A little

I know how to FIX him.
Just one misstep and this is what happens here!
Still misbehaving, huh?

Well, buddy, I warned you.
Down you go-
as they say in 
No use to look through and try
to "cute" your way out.
Nope- Not gonna work here!
Just milk and cookies for you and

Bet Mom & Dad won't let him come back!

So, I am almost ready to reveal one of 
my projects.
I just need a day or two more.
I won't get anything done today
because I am headed to Milwaukee
this morning to see my 
little BigBoyE
(is that an oxymoron-or am I the moron-
don't answer that)
Anyway, he is off to kindergarten.
2 hour drive down-and then back
and an appointment in town at 1
and a meeting tonight that goes until
about 10.  
I might not get around to visit-
ya know what I mean?

Hope you all have a great week.


  1. Of course I'm loving that green! Can't wait to see all the fruits of your labors.

    Been missing you,

  2. Aw c'mom.....I know you're not that mean grandma. :-) I am tired from reading about your drive to Milw so am going to take a up way to early this morning. Have a safe trip!!! Can't wait to see some finished projects.

  3. Kindergarten for the Big Boy E! Have a safe trip!

    Can't wait to see what you're up to!

  4. You've been a busy one! That cabinet is looking hood! I have a feeling you have high mileage vehicles! That room you're taking over sounds like a perfect spot!

  5. you always leave us guessing!!!!

  6. Pretty color. Glad you're finally getting a place of your own. If it weren't for the grands, you could take over that cute little playhouse.

  7. LOVE the color! Your grandson is such a cutie pie. Good luck with your 20% of projects left!

  8. Diana, You have been busy. I love the little picture. Is the charlie? He's growing. And "E" in kindergarten. Where did that time go?? I have missed seeing pictures of all your grands this summer. Can't wait to see your new Craft room. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  9. Nice cabinet. It's fun to bring a piece back to life.

  10. Like your sea foam green ~ I also like saying sea foam 10 times fast,
    (okay I can only get it out 5 times fast) !
    Have fun on your day trip and will look forward ti seeing your crafts in the future

  11. You do pack a lot into your days!!!!

    Good for you, long as you have the pep for it.

    And you do! :-)


  12. Kindergarten already??? Wow! Time flies! Wishing him the best of luck on his first day and throughout the year! I love that fabric and it's amazing how well it goes with the cute bunny picture! Hope you get a little time to relax today. :)

  13. Love the color and what a cute little time consumer!


  14. What a cutie! The cabinet looks great and I'm looking forward to seeing your new space!

  15. You are such a busy lady! Hug your big boy and enjoy! Love your cabinet.

  16. Cute, cute little one, Diana! Hope you have safe travels today! Love the progress on that cabinet! xo Nellile

  17. Oh glad you are back ~ I needed to follow you around this morning and get a few chuckles. Love your projects, and what a cutie behind bars...So you're the jailer..HaHa. Love and Hugs

  18. I am so GLAD that you are back. I really missed your witty posts - they always cheer me up and I look forward to hearing about the grands.
    The cabinet looks good in the color you mixed up. I can hardly wait to see some of your finished projects. Glad your back dear friend.

  19. Great find and very pretty! No way a little one THAT CUTE could misbehave!

  20. Hi Girl, So glad to see you here-I missed yesterday's post-lots going on with me. But I've missed you my whacky friend!!!!! Love your find and what you've done with it-your new area(hide out)will be perfect. That grand of yours is so cute!

  21. I was just thinking about you and wondered if you were back from your break...Yea! Love to see what you are up to! Hum...So sorry about the no sun in the sun potting room...Good news...Now you get yourself a craft room!


  22. Love your cupboard! Have fun with that little cutie too :)

  23. Can't wait to see your new crafty space! A nice cupboard to start the process - love the colors. This post reminds me of an old Doris Day- Rock Hudson movie where they kept one of the kids in an upside down playpen- cage. It was hilarious. Can't remember the name..... Anyway, he's a cutie pie, even behind bars. Happy Birthday to your very lovely daughter and handsome SIL, too! Enjoy your trip to send off your sweet little Big Boy E. They grow up so fast..... xo Karen

  24. Busy, busy, busy...You make me tired...Love that seafoam color...Can't wait to see your "craft space"..Nothing stands still around you..You know that Mom and Dad will let little cutie come back..If not, they'll have you to contend with.. Safe trip!!!..

  25. Hi Diana,
    It's so good to see your back from your blogging break! I missed you as well as all of Blogland! Things ain't the same without "Our Nana Diana!"
    I like your cabinet and the green paint looks good. I'm sure you are going to share your new creative place with us. The little one is a real cutie and I bet he can "cute" his way out of anything.
    Have a good trip.


  26. Diana,
    "The big house" oh how you made me laugh with your grands cherub face ... Ha ha the big house. Welcome back to blogging, welcome to fall.
    From the bottom of my heart thank you for your kind words expressed in your comment on my post.

  27. Yep---I figured you got a lot done while away and enjoying your summer Diana! I really love that cabinet and it's new color. I love tall thin cabinets like that. They will fit almost anywhere won't they?
    You make me laugh whenever I come by and read your life sweetpea!
    I hope Tara's B-day was wonderful!!!
    hugs... the new profile photo!!!

  28. Hmmmm. At first I thought that was an illusion. Looked like a door standing outside in its own.
    Your sweet grandson is adorable and I think he can work his way out of anything when Nana is around.

  29. Looks like you have been the color of the cabinet...nice job! I can't believe your grand baby is already headed off to time does fly!

  30. I like how you painted the cabinet! I love the picture of the little one looking through the hole that is way cute!

  31. Cute little monkey there! I love the cabinet! Gotta get busy myself!

  32. Cute cabinet. But - if you just found that out in your garage I have to wonder what else you have stashed out there. Show us garage pictures! You've probably got a whole bunch of interesting pieces you haven't yet told us about.

  33. I'm loving that green and your fabric is wonderful. Can't wait to see more. Enjoy those grands!

  34. You are one busy lady!!!...but time spent with the grands is time well the color of the cabinet!...

  35. Love all your projects. Your grandchild is so cute. You just want to kiss his cheeks. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  36. Your projects look amazing! It's always more fun to play though! See you soon.

  37. Time flies! Big Boy E starting K ~ wow!

  38. The unknowns can cause a project to stall. But he is a cute distraction!

  39. Hi Diana - I'm so glad to see you back on the blog. If you find the time, I would really love to hear about 3rd grade with your youngest. I do think it would help. I have found much laughter and encouragement from you over the years and do value your opinion and experiences. xo

  40. What a busy lady you are! I hope you get some rest after today!! Lol


  41. I love that painted cupboard!
    Can't wait to see the finished project, too.
    Such a cutie you have there eating all the cookies and milk and Nana's!
    my very first grand baby started kindergarten this year... I miss him everyday.
    have a great week!

  42. I don't know how I survived without your sweet humor, Diana :) Your cupboard is great and I can't wait to see the craft in a day or two.

    Hugs to you!

  43. Milk and cookies was the perfect "punishment" for that face :)
    xo Laura

  44. I've never met a lazier person in my life LMHO !!!
    I'd expire with your schedule - really Diana - I couldn't do it !
    Have a great day

  45. I wish you would find something to keep you busy.

  46. LOVE the cupboard!! Can't wait to see more of your projects. My neighbor always use to say," Give a project to a Busy person and it will always get done" You are living proof of that, my friend!!

    Thanks so much for dropping by and don't forget to take care of yourself while you are moving at the speed of light!! LOL!!


  47. The painted cupboard looks great!!! You sure are busy! Have a great day.


  48. hello
    vous étes bien occupée , peinture , garderie , rangements :::::::
    le temps passe trop vite
    moi je m'ennuies un peu des fois
    bonne journée
    tendresse et gros câlins au petit garçon
    edith (iris) France

  49. Diana,
    I cannot wait to see your new craft area. I know with all your hard work it is going to be fantastic.

  50. So happy to see you back blogging...Loving the green. We went to see our darling boy get on the bus the first day of kindergarten last week. How nice that you were able to see all those grands head out for their first day of school.

  51. So glad you are back. Well you have been busy. I have to make a start now myself. I have been lax as always in the project department. I have sort of lost interest in garden art at the moment. Garden is winding down and soon time to pack stuff away. Might do some painting first and then to get the sewing machine out. It is time, way past time to start CHristmas projects

  52. I love your project! The color is so pretty! Kindergarten? WOW! Time sure goes by fast...

  53. So glad to see you back, Diana! You cabinet looks beautiful, I just love that color. Looks like you have a cute little helper:) And I am SO glad to hear that you are taking over the space and turning it into your craft room! Now you will have a room with a view!!

  54. OH LOL...that cute boy behind bars just cracked me up! I have a grandnephew who sure needs to be in your kids place too!
    I can't wait to see your new craft's terrific girl friend, lucky you!

  55. What a fun post. Loved it, specifically the badly treated little fellow. I am sure he made a game of it.

  56. You just stay busy, busy, busy Diana! I do love the green(s) you used on your cabinet! I believe in using up what you have. I will be looking forward to seeing your finished project soon! Blessings, Cindhy

  57. that boy...he gets cuter every time I see him.
    Fun projects going on at your place...don't work too hard. :)

  58. What a cutie! I think if anyone could be busier than you, it would be him. :) You are so fortunate to have a room all to yourself! Love the cabinet and the colors in the fabric. I'd say it's going to be fabulous!


  59. So fun to see 'Nana Diana' pop up in my inbox again! You've bee busy! Have a wonderful weekend!


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