
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome To The Fairy Garden---All Are Welcome

I grew up believing in fairies and
"little people".
There was something joyful about
knowing I had little friends flitting around.
I never had a 
when I was a child.
I have one now! 
The three grandgirls put it together.
If you remember from an earlier post the
had moved in over the winter.
They were NOT very good stewards of 
My three sweet helpers
worked their magic in no time flat.
Lulu (the oldest) made a clean sweep of
our rusty trusty old wheelbarrow.
She did an awesome job!

Then they  got busy!
Many hands makes light work!
There are some special things in the fairy garden.

There is a little cross for their sister, Anna Bella,
their guardian angel in Heaven;
a bee skep that was one of my Mom's salt and pepper shakers;
and a water feature-using glass pebbles.
And the vinca vines hanging over the edge?
Well,when those grow down a bit the 
"fallen fairies" can use the vines to climb back up.
I can't wait for the plants to fill in and 
make it lush and lovely.
Oh- Yes- All is sweet and peaceful and restful in 

Wait!  Wait!
WHAT is THAT I see?

Who has been waiting at the table to 
I think there is trouble brewing!!!!

Hope YOUR day is trouble free!
Happy Saturday!


  1. Diana, The girls did a fabulous job on the garden. I like that they all worked together on it. It really looks nice. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Oh how cute! I sure could use those tiny bodies to help me fuss with mine! They're going to love watching it through the summer months. They did a great job!

  3. The girls did a great job! How pretty! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I want a fairy garden, but only if your girls will come help me!

  5. Little girls are so much fun!! They did such a fabulous job!! Mary's 11 and still loves fairies. I hope she never loses that sparkle.

  6. Fallen fairies? Perhaps Jack of Beanstalk fame? Yup, looks as if someone is moving in to Fairyland. What a great project for the girls and what a meaningful way to honor a little sister in heaven.

  7. Nicely done, Diana! I have a small round container here that I've tried my hand at with fairy gardening. There is a nursery not far from me that actually has loads of fairy garden things, including plants. Maybe when we get this patio done I will go and get some stuff to put another container or two together.

  8. awwww, that is so sweet, they did such a good job, beautiful!!

  9. Lovely Fairy Garden! It appears that some invading is underway.:-) xo Nellie

  10. So sweet! There's always something fun going on at your house. No wonder your grandkids always look so happy! I giggled at your "many hands make light work" statement! That was a staple in our house growing up...I hated hearing it, because it usually meant that chores were ahead. Of course, now, as the mom, I say it all the time! It's usually met by groans. I guess that means I'm doing it right! ;)

  11. What a wonderful project to do together! It looks darling and will just get better ... unless of course the boys get their hand in there!

  12. How fun! I've been admiring fairy garden accessories online. The girls did an awesome job and there are some very special pieces in their fairy garden.

  13. I've never had a fairy garden before. I don't think I had even heard of them before blogging! They are so cute though. I love the concept for kids wanting to plant one and take care of it. I like yours in a wheel barrow. That's a nice big one!

  14. As children, my sister and I had a favorite fairy book that we could look at for hours on end - dreaming.

  15. Love the fairy garden! The girls did a wonderful job creating it. What a good idea to put it in a wheelbarrow too. My mom has a fairy garden in her backyard and I have a little wooden fairy door with a crystal knob on it at the base of the big bald cypress tree in my backyard. We obviously love fairies! :)

  16. Oh how so must have had so much fun creating this garden along with the girls....such memories you are making!!!

  17. Oh-oh look out for road construction!!! Man is always disturbing the peacefulness of Fairy Gardens!!! Maybe move that Mickey Mouse Cone to another place so the construction workers will lose their way???? Walmart has some Fairy Garden kits, just noticed them the other day!!

  18. What fun! My little man would have a ball!

  19. The grand girls did a lovely job on the fairy garden!

  20. You are teaching those girls well Diana!! Their Fairy Garden is darling - can't wait to see it mature and fill in. Lovely way to spend a day.

    Happy weekend!


  21. Diana,
    The girls did an awesome job on the fairy garden. I love the vines that grow down so the fairies can climb back up if need be. Too sweet.
    Have a great day with your hero and all the wonderful daddy's in your family. Enjoy the day.

  22. I love that your grands did this for you....they will have a lot of fun watching it this summer. Love the cross-it is something my grands could do too.
    I believe there has been a little guy there.
    Hope you have an awesome weekend my dear friend and a wonderful Father's Day.

  23. your lucky to have all those little helpers to get your fairy garden in shape. Nothing like a bunch of grinning little girls.

  24. How sweet to have such adorable fairy garden helpers! Love the 'fallen fairy' vines and the little cross. So cute in the old wheelbarrow. xo Karen

  25. I think it's all such great fun! Every little thing is something special! Happy weekend my friend! Hugs!

  26. Hi Diana,
    Looks like the fairy helpers have been busy building a new community for the fairies. I can just imagine how it's going to evolve. Keep us posted. They are doing an excellent job.


  27. Everyone needs a fairy garden, I have some fairies but they have no home but I have no granddaughters so I will have to wait till I get some.

  28. Hello, I have a wheelbarrow out front and they would be more then welcome to come and build another sister fairy land! But with three boys around her not to sure what we might find added to ours! Imagination is worth so much more then we will ever realize till we get to heaven and see what He has planned for us! Happy Fathers Day to your Hero!!
    Love, Roxy

  29. The girls did a great job! It's so sweet that they have a cross for their little sister and something from your mother! Have the grandsons been puttering around in there? It will look so lush when everything grows out! You misunderstood me the other day when I said they had removed our balconies. They rebuilt new ones but I don't feel like starting all over again by buying a planter and lugging soil and stones. I don't have a car and it's inconvenient. Perhaps I could get a small coffee table planter, a flat one and do something again this year. I'll see. I still have all the fairy garden paraphernalia that I purchased online!

  30. They did a great job! Sounds like they had fun too. Hope your honey has a great Father's Day!

  31. Such a fun things for the children and they will enjoy its growth.

  32. Oh no, BOYS have been slipping into the fairy garden, that is even worse than gremlins.

  33. So cute! Last fall I (foolishly) set my old rusty wheel barrel out by the street with a 'FREE' sign on it. It was gone in moments...oh how foolish :) Enjoy your fairy garden! Blessings, Cindy

  34. Sounds like you and the girls had so much fun working your magic on the fairy garden! Love all of the special touches (well, not so sure about that orange cone!), but where are the fairies???

  35. What a sweet fairy garden!! They did a great job on the cross for their sister. This is something they will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  36. What a beautiful post friend! They did an outstanding job with your fairy garden! Please tell them it is wonderful! How precious that they put a cross there for their angel. That touched my heart. Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead... Keep us in the loop with the trucks!!! Nicole xo

  37. I love this fairy garden and time spent with your grand daughters is time well spent. Now...I wonder who might be driving his little truck through the fairy garden?!
    I'm glad its not off limits. ;)

  38. The girls did a great job on the Fairy Garden. I think a little boy had his hand in the garden, do you think? The girls really thought out the plan for the garden - how sweet.

  39. Diana,
    You have a fairy garden now! And it is lovely made by those lovely girls!
    I was reminded of my not very nice childhood when I was raising my own son too...sometimes I would say "I always wanted one of those as a child"...and HE would say, "NEVER mind, Mommy, you can have one with ME!" LOVELY boy, and now, he is a gorgeous young man! xx

  40. Good job girls..The fairies will feel right at home..

  41. Such a sweet fairy garden. Love the special touches and the working together on this is what memories are all about.

  42. That is so very cute - I think I need a fairy garden too.
    I have a feeling that the fairy garden at your house had a little male help!

  43. How fun Diana! So sweet that you and the girls created it together. My Mom loves her fairy gardens. I swear she has a tea party with them:)

  44. The g'daughters did a great job on the fairy garden!


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