
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Chateau de Ledgeview. WHAT is behind Door Number TWO?

Yesterday I showed you
Lulu's room here
The other girls' room is
next to hers.

Ria wanted a blue room.
SweetCheeks wanted a pink room.
Mom made them both happy by painting
three walls pink AND one wall blue.

They have twin beds that blend but 
are not perfect matches.
Here is the room BEFORE:
Yes-They have a balcony!

While Lulu (here) is all about Paris
her two sisters are all about Disney Princesses.
Ria loves Cinderella.
 SweetCheeks loves Snow White
They share a nightstand with Tinkerbell
and other little princesses that surround a lamp.
They also share a view and
even on a rainy day!
That is the city of Green Bay in the distance and
they can see Lambeau Field from here.
the only reason my son-in-law bought the house
See this little picture?
This is one that hung over my bed 
when I was a baby.
I don't have much from my childhood 
so I love that my daughter has it.
They have a pretty  chandelier 
to light their way to bed.
And their names on old window panes just in case they forget who they are.
Auntie Mimi made those for them.

And-another little peek at the corner of their room.
also lit by a little chandelier.
Yep- These two sisters share a room 
and love each other.

 Ria (on the left) likes to sleep with a mask on.
Did you notice it  hanging off her bed post?
She's in good company!
MyHero and his little buddy like those sleep masks, too!
I think I will make them a set of 
for Christmas.
What a nice surprise THAT will be!


  1. The room turned out beautiful. What a great idea to paint it two colors. It suits those gorgeous granddaughters perfectly!

  2. The girls' rooms are positively darling. Love that there Mom uses the art of compromise with such skill! Have a wonderful weekend, Diana!

  3. Another gorgeous room. Everything is so pretty, and I think it is so sweet that they have the picture from your childhood.

  4. Another darling room. I love that little picture you had as a baby. You know that's an antique!

  5. Oh..I must leave a big comment here! First their house is gorgeous! The refurbished rooms are amazing! I can see why the girls would be in love with them! Looks like you had fun with them being at your house...even if there were only "heads" in the

    Blessings to your day!

  6. LOL on the masks, I'm thinking one with a boa for the guy.

  7. Wow ~ both of the bedrooms are just precious, just like the girls who will occupy them. You and your daughter have put a lot of work and love into making them special. One day Romeo will come along and they will have to fight over who gets to talk to him from the balcony! : )

  8. Another very special room with an incredible view. I like that the beds are not the same, though they complement the other. Hope that the girls are very happy in their room!

  9. Again, I would have loved a room like that as a little girl. They are very blessed!

  10. Nope, I didn't notice the mask, but I noticed the little picture (of yours). I love that pic. Their room is beautiful also.

  11. ha. i wonder if that's why she uses one? what a sweet room. my twin and I shared a bedroom for as long as I can remember. love that!

  12. The girls bedroom reflects their different tastes in such a lovely way.....the pink and blue look perfect together! That pink sleeping mask is toooo! Hugs, Penny

  13. So enjoying the house tour. The girls room is a little girls dream room, love the pink and blue together. How funny Ria wears a mask to bed, how did that start?

  14. Love those chandeliers....and the sleeping masks!

  15. Such a perfect princess room! I noticed the picture with the two babies right away, so I'm glad you shared the story behind it. I love that the girls have it in their room now. You know, I think I might need to start sleeping with a sleep mask too. :)

  16. Cute room- just like a little girls room should be! How cool they have a balcony and a nice view- they're never going to leave this home! That was nice of Mom to give them both a bit of the coloring they wanted. Learning to compromise isn't always easy! I grew up sharing a bedroom (#4 of 4 girls). I remember we had a hot pink bedroom with hot pink and lime green bedding in the late 60's. We were so thilled when the older sister's moved out so the last two of us got our own bedrooms!

  17. Oooh, I love the girls' room! One of the first things I noticed was the adorable vintage print of the babies. It makes it extra special knowing that it was in your room as a baby girl. (not that I am saying YOU are vintage!!) I also love the gorgeous chandeliers, and love the fact that their beds don't match but are painted the same creamy color. That makes it so much more interesting, I think. And what a view the girls have! Bet they are thrilled with their pretty rooms, mom (and you, I bet) did a beautiful job decorating it!!

  18. Darling room. And that view! Amazing. The girls look so much alike.

  19. I love the idea of the two together. What cute princesses! The chandeliers are beautiful! I love the vintage baby framed print!

  20. The room is beautiful and so are your granddaughters.

  21. What beautiful smiles!
    The room is a dream - what young princess wouldn't love it?

  22. What a sweet bedroom! Gorgeous view! xoxo

  23. My, what an adorable bedroom and I love the picture that hung over your bed. That is a lovely family heirloom :)

  24. Both of their rooms are so sweet all dressed in pink. I'm sure they're happy to be settled in their new home now.

  25. Pretty room! I bet they love it. That view is fantastic! I can't wait to see the other rooms. I bet there are some beautiful woodwork and other things interesting from when this house was built.

  26. I shared a room with my mom and dad till I was 5, then got my own room when grandmother left. Never saw her again til I was 18. Loved playing in my own room with my vogue dolls. My mom always thought there was someone in the room with me, cause she would hear different voices.........ha!

  27. Diana, That is also a cute room. Nice that they worked the color scheme out for both girls. They are pretty girls too. xoxo,Susie

  28. What an adorable room! Great solution to I like blue, I like pink dilemma! Beautiful view too. Just loving this series. Thanks for sharing with us.

  29. Diana the girls room is so cute. What two little cutie pies.

  30. What a pretty room just fit for two pretty girls.

  31. WOW their rooms are great also. Special rooms for special little girls. Love seeing all the beautiful rooms and can hardly wait to see the rest of the house. Yes, I think you should make your hero pink masks also. LOL
    Have a great weekend.

  32. What an awesome room for those two! I am in here catching up, so I have more looking around to do, but love the colors and the view. Oh, yeah, the balcony...every princess needs a balcony!

  33. Diana,
    A Disney room.........Jess and Nel would love this! Tell the girls that they are going to Disneyland tomorrow here in California. Where do I start, everything looks so nice. The chandelier is so pretty, and that picture from your childhood is a treasure. Tinkerbell is sweet too. They just have to get something with Beauty And The Beast for Sheri cause that's my favorite.

    I always love to see pictures of the home and get ideas, so thank you for sharing these with us, Diana. Your daughter has done a great job decorating these rooms.


  34. That's a sweet room! Love the two color walls and all the Disney Princess touches. Lambeau! I almost had to stop and put my hand over my heart!

  35. Omgosh, it's so good to be back here! Had a spurt of busy-ness myself to get over. But anyways, I loved seeing that girly-girl room and those pretty princesses - and no, I do NOT mean the ceramic ones on the dresser! Oh, and those chandeliers are the perfect finishing touch! And below the balcony is a perfect place for the girls' audience to gather. Football stadium? What football stadium? Who cares? We came here to see the PRINCESSES!

  36. Both of the girls rooms turned out so sweet!!! I'm sure all three girls are as happy as can be with all of the special touches added "just for them".
    Lots of work, but a labor of love, I'm sure.

  37. What a darling room for these two sweeties! I love the compromise with the wall colors. Perfect, just like the view.
    Growing up I shared a room with my sister. It's a very bonding experience. '-)

  38. I am thinking that if my husband can no longer stand the sight of me, I am giving him a mask! HA! Not that Barbie Doll YOU has to worry about that, Diana!!
    Love the girls room, and I love the compromise of the pink/blue walls, that's sweet and clever. LOVE THE VIEW!!

  39. a beautiful room for two beautiful girls! And, yes, the view is pretty incredible!

  40. These girls have very creative women in their lives-they are all very lucky. I love the individualism of each girl and how their momma has shown such appreciation for them. Lovely, rather beautiful home. I know they will have many years here and make lots of wonderful memories.
    Have a great weekend my friend.

  41. Such adorable decor for the room! And such lovely girls who share it.

  42. I love the picture of the babies from your childhood.

  43. REALLY enjoying seeing these gorgeous rooms, Diana! And those granddaughters are true beauties, what sweet faces! xxoo

  44. Darling bedroom and the girls are getting so grown up looking! Great idea to paint the bedroom 2 colors. My daughter just bought a new house and her girls are arguing over yellow vs pink. I think I'll suggest they do a pale shade of both and go back to loving each other!

  45. So pretty! I'm glad they can share a room and be happy doing it...some girls are just not into that. :) They must be pretty close in age...they kinda look like twins. I've never tried a sleep mask but Ria's is great! Thanks so much for sharing!


  46. I can not get over how put together everything is already! I mean...their room and that view and their beds are perfect! Like a dream! I am putting my girls together and I hope it goes as well as your little sweeties! They are adorable! And just think....when they get married they can get pictures in their dresses on that balcony!!! Like a movie!! Happy weekend pal! Nicole xoxo

  47. All 3 of them are girls after my own heart...Paris, Cinderella, pink-the list could go on and on! That house looks amazing and I can't wait to see the rest of it!


  48. Ahhhh, their room is sweet. And they are beautiful, too.

  49. Love the two girls - I always wished I had a sister.

  50. That is a beautiful room for precious girls. How fun!

  51. So adorable! The girls must be thrilled to bits with their room! I think the little night/sleep masks are a very grand idea for Christmas. Thank you for popping by to visit me....sorry I have been away so seems super duper busy these days. xoxox

  52. I'm officially in love with those beds!!!!

  53. Another adorable room, those two sisters are as cute as cute can be! The view is awesome and to have a balcony, what more could a girl ask for except a Grandpa with a pink sleep mask?

  54. I especially like that all the kids bedrooms are designed with their taste and interests in mind. You can see that it's all about what the girls want and not about some vision the parents have of how the room should be. Of course, princesses need a balcony to wave at their loving subject!

  55. A beautiful room for two sweet girls! No kidding Diana, I had no idea their names were Maria and Julia! I never even wondered! I guess I just simply accepted SweetCheeks and Ria!

  56. They are both such lovely girls and have sweet dreams in their fairytale room! I'm sure they have a closet filled with pretty 'frocks', too! Happy weekend! Hugs!

  57. It's great that they can share a room and what a cute room it is..very girlie..Pink masks would be perfect..

  58. Diana, the girls room is so pretty and charming. Just what two little Princesses deserve. I love the sleep mask, also on Your Hero and his partner!. What a beautiful view from their window. Lucky little girls..Happy Weekend..Judy

  59. Such sweet girls and I do love their Disney themed pretty!
    Hope you are having a GREAT weekend...

  60. lovely room and girls. those cute windows with their names are adorable. and so are the two last ones snuggled up in bed with their masks on!

  61. I'm getting caught up after a weekend of birthday celebrations. Another fabulous bedroom! Everything is so pretty, and I especially think it is so sweet that they have your childhood picture.

  62. That room screams 'happy childhood'! From the girly colors, to the pretty chandelier, and of course, the two beautiful smiling faces that as you say, clearly love each other...this room will surely house sweet memories and will no doubt help their transition to their new home be much easier.

    It's such a lovely view, I can understand why they would buy that house!

  63. The girls bedroom is pretty and perfect! I love the last photo of your husband and elf with their eye masks on!

  64. You crack me up at the end of each post! Matching masks are sure to be a hit, lol! Back the room, it's so sweet! And I can't get over that view! I hope the family builds lots of wonderful memories in their new home!

  65. the girls must love their room--very sweet! love the vintage pic from your past, diana!

  66. What a sweet room and a gorgeous view! Just think off all the secrets that will be shared here!


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