
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Chateau de Ledgeview---The Kitchen Is Almost Done

I worked a LONG DAY yesterday.
I got lots done but it didn't leave me
much time for blogging.

I know you are dying to see the kitchen 
at my daughter's house..
Well, DON'T DIE!
Here is a quick little sneak peek
at the kitchen...almost finished but
not fully decorated yet.
Here is a before....
The beams were faux beams and made the ceilings seem lower.
Here it is partially demoed
Here is the dinette area after.
It has a greenish cast here but it is cream colored.

My son-in-law built the top to the table out of spalted wood. 
They built a window seat 
bench behind the table.

They widened the kitchen 
by stealing a couple of feet
from the dining room
and then put the range against the wall 
that backs up to the dining room.
The cabinets are off white glazed with caramel.

 If I widen the view you will see the 
Appliance Garage to the right.
It has a rusted piece of metal as a panel.
It hides the coffee maker and other small appliances.

Here it is close up-
If you use a magnet
 you can post a recipe 
while you are working.
IF she gets tired of it she can paint it 
with chalk board paint
or paint the panel to match her cabinets.

At the far left in the kitchen 
is a large walk-in pantry.
They stole room from the garage to put it in.
My son-in-law made a door out of old barn wood/
It is on a roller track.

Pretty cool., huh?
The island sits between the range and the sink.
It is a huge island made of  thick butcher block.
Another before taken from the same angle
as the picture above.
They ran the same wood flooring throughout the whole first floor.

And-You all know how much I love quirky little things, right?
You know that big, beautiful island?
Look close!
Do you see
I am betting that even you gals that have a hard time
"seeing things"
and I am not talking about the ghost of your ex- mother-in-law
can see 

I will be posting more pictures
as they go along.
Someday they will thank me...

Have a great day!


  1. What a great transformation! I love a great new kitchen with special touches, Thanks for sharing! xo

  2. Wow, Diana. It is gorgeous. I love all of the little details and I'm betting they will thank you some day. xo Laura

  3. Wow! It is just fabulous Diana. Are they making a room for you and the hero?

  4. Wow- big improvements! I like the unique accents like the pantry door and I do see the duck! Your don in law posses a lot of talent- love the dining table top he created. Such a pretty home- I'd never leave it!

  5. I just kept thinking "Light" and "Airy" and "More Light" WOW ! :)

  6. What a gorgeous kitchen this is going to be....
    quack quack...I did indeed see the duck...

  7. Diana, I love that kitchen. The farm sink is wonderful. Lots of great windows to enjoy the views. Don't over do, hard working woman. xoxo,Susie

  8. What a transformation, beautiful.

  9. they had bettttttter thank you!!!!! before/after pics are worth their weight in gold!

    oh what a marvelous job. and what wonderful individual touches. so much inspiration and ability went into all these things.

    "a door out of old barn wood......on a roller track." for the walk in pantry. oh be still my heart!!!!!!!!!!!

    what a son-in-law!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Transformationally tremendous x 18!

    Keep up the good work!

    Hugs and happy week,

  11. What a GORGEOUS kitchen love love the barn door your SIL made for the pantry!!

  12. Beautiful work, Diana! Your son-in-law is a talented man! As for the duck, no, I would not have seen it had you not pointed it out! You have a pretty good eye and imagination, that's for sure! Thanks for showing this beautiful kitchen. I have a small galley kitchen and I won't bother giving you the measurements. Although it does take less time to clean as one ages. I just always try to see the good side of things!

  13. Talk about a great before and after. What a dream kitchen!!

  14. What a talented family! Awesome job on that beautiful kitchen...a dream it is. I love how they bumped out rooms and or areas to put in a pantry or enlarge the dining's one of my favorite things to do to gain more space. Lovely kitchen! I know they will enjoy many years of fun there.

  15. Yeah, definitely see the duck! That is just one amazing transformation of a kitchen space!!!! Oh, so gorgeous. What fun to work in that kitchen. Love the window seat too. Thanks for showing us this, Diana! And congratulations to them on a job well done!

  16. oh wow, that is one amazing kitchen, the extra special touches make it so unique, the duck was the icing on the cake,

  17. Really? A duck, Diana!?! That beak is a little pointy for a duck, don't you think? : )

    The kitchen is gorgeous! Love the cabinetry and that island. Such a great idea to put a bench window seat near the table. The pantry sliding door is a nice touch. Very unique feature!

  18. Quack! I saw it!
    What a fabulous renovation! I didn't realize they were planning on this major of a re-do. Such a beautiful transformation. My favorite? Well, now that you asked, the pantry door.

  19. Absolutely beautiful! I love that sink! Yes, that duck isn't difficult to see! Your son-in-law is a talented worker! xo Nellie

  20. Wowser! I love that kitchen. It seems like they are moving so quickly. Must not be sleeping much. It's fun watching the progress.

  21. They have done a beautiful job of renovating and updating their new home! Hugs, Penny

  22. OMGosh!
    What a spectacular place!
    I am so enjoying your Chateau Lambeau...I mean Ledgeview...posts!
    I love the duck. I am married to a member of DU!

  23. This is amazing, good taste. This is fun I want to see more!

  24. Wow, it is going to be beautiful when they get it all finished. I love the table and how he made the pantry door out of old barn wood. He does beautiful work and I know from looking that he takes pride in what he does. I can't wait until it is completely finished. Your daughter has great taste in decorating. I wonder who she got that from maybe you. Have a great day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  25. The kitchen is beautiful and I can see the duck!

  26. I love their reno! Everything is full of character. It's going to be a showplace but warm and inviting for the family.
    I see your ducky. Quack.
    xo, T.

  27. I love it!! The farmhouse sink, the lighting, the butcher block, even the DUCK!! It's all very beautiful and they did a fantastic job! I love the color of the kitchen cabinets too. Congrats to them!

  28. What a beautiful kitchen and I love the duck. That is a great personal touch. It's coming along wonderfully.

  29. Oh Diana! What a beautiful kitchen.... Wow... great job to your son in law on all his designing and craftiness. They will thank you one day. I love looking back at all our before and after pictures... Amazing. And I love the duck in the wood. :) The barn door pantry is perfect. I love rustic stuff like that. I can't wait to see more.....

    I hope you have a lovely day!


  30. they are doing a beautiful job, diana! it's all gorgeous--love the metal garage door and the barn door! the living room is so pretty--those sofas are in great shape for 14yrs!

  31. I see it! Oh my! What a beautiful kitchen with a scrumptious view!

  32. It really is beautiful, especially with all the little special touches your son in law has added. I can imagine many happy family times around that table.
    I can so too see that duck!

  33. That was an amazing transformation! I love her farmhouse sink. Looks like she has a nice view outside her kitchen as well.

  34. Beautiful transformation. I've always wanted a walk in pantry with a screendoor on it. Your son-in-law had a great idea with that one.

  35. What a beautiful kitchen and a very talented man! Wow, Wow, Wee!

  36. I love a make over like that , I am wanting to do french doors out of my kitchen like where yours daughters table is sitting.
    Sure makes it looks like a new house (kitchen)

  37. WOW, that kitchen is to die for - beautiful. Your daughter is going to love cooking in that kitchen and so much room. Love the barn door effect on rollers. Everything is just perfect. Thanks so much for sharing Diana. I know you have worked hard, but it sure is lovely.
    Have a great Memorial Weekend.

  38. Thanks for the wonderful tour. Love the feel of that new kitchen....."..

  39. They are doing a fabulous job. The changes are all stunning. AND I do see the duck!

  40. Wow, they are doing a wonderful job...and what a view!

  41. Wow, what a wonderful transformation and I love the duck! Congratulations to them on a job well done!

    xo Kat

  42. Oh my gosh this kitchen should be in a magazine! Love the woodwork over the sink, the exhaust hood, the island and the list goes on and on! Wish my husband was inclined to reno projects. I'm so jealous! xoKathleen

  43. Beautiful! There are so many great ideas in the way they did things. Now if I could only afford to do them! lol. I love the duck!

  44. Huh, she didn't keep the wallpaper? lol She really should have someone and photograph the kitchen for a magazine or something. It is really gorgeous!

  45. Oh, they'll thank you, all right--I'll bet they're already thanking you!! What a wonderful, dream house kind of kitchen. A fantastic transformation!

  46. What a wonderful kitchen, Diana. Your son-in-law has really done a great job doing the construction of it all. Yes, I saw the duck right away, how cool. Please tell them to carve their names somewhere in the house. When husband poured concrete for us in our old house, he put .........loves Sheri, and it's still there to this day.

    Your daughter is starting to make this house of hers a charming home for her family.


  47. I LOVE it!! I adore the light cabinets and all the rustic touches they added along the way! That view is just crazy, I bet that is a super place to sit and have a cup of coffee on a weekend morning...while the girls are all still asleep! ;)

  48. oh it is beautiful! I skimmed through your pictures and oh I have missed alot. Mothers day sort of throws you in a world wind. So I must get back to read the rest to-morrow of yours and your friends hubby.

    Yesterday I had spring cleaning. Long story but it had to be done silly misquotes breeding in a house plant would you believe it. So hubby took my plants outside and planted them. So I don't know if your like this but the thought of misquotes breeding babies. I tore the house apart.

    We swatted them in the living room all night. I bet there was 100.

    Today I am dead tired. Hubby did my wash God love him. I think he thought I was over the edge. Ha-ha. I am clean but knowing those . Well I better not go on. This is your blog. Sorry .

  49. Wow, what a gorgeous kitchen! I love all the extra details, like the great door on the pantry, the beautiful butcher block island (and I adore the duck), and the metal door on the appliance garage. So, Diana, when will you be moving in? I know I would want to!

  50. I see the duck! Maybe he should be called "The Mallard of Ledgeview." Wow, oh wow, the kitchen is just gorgeous! You never would know that it's the same room! I love the cabinets, and the windowseat in the dining area is perfect for their family. I am glad they took down those faux beams, what a difference that made. They did an awesome job, I am envious! Oh, and I love the pot filler too at the stove, someone must be a serious chef!!

  51. Holy crap! That is amazing and beautiful! I love the island and the lights, and all the fun rustic touches. Very, very nice.

  52. Oh Wow! What a transformation and So Creative! Thank you so much for sharing it with us ... the hard work has really paid off!

  53. Hi girlfriend, Love your daughter's house! The changes they've already made are incredible. Especially love the kitchen. She is one talented lady-such an eye for design. I know where she got it too-from you!
    Hope you have a great evening!

  54. It all looks great! Yes I see the duck…lol

  55. Love this kitchen! Of course, it's all wonderful ~ lots of unique details. And yes....I see the duck! :)


  56. Diana, Your daughter's kitchen is beautiful and I love how she added some vintage elements.

  57. Yep, that's a duck! I love the idea of having an appliance garage. Perfect. I can understand all the change after seeing the BEFORE photo!! The changes are remarkable!

  58. What a great redo!!!! I love posts with before and after houses. The best part is that your daughter had a vision to see through, fake beams and wallpaper. So often I watch the HGTV shows where people are searching for a new house and have no vision!


  59. What a beautiful home for this sweet family. I can see the girls sitting at that table working on homework as their mom fixes dinner. '-)

  60. It looks FABULOUS, Diana! I love it all!!!!!!! Kudos to the designer and installers!!!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  61. It looks wonderful. IT is simple and cute!

  62. It's fabulous! I really like their taste. I'd love to have an island that big! Heck, I'd love to have an island, period!

  63. HOLY COW!!! Are you serious! This is just insane! It is beautiful all the way around! How much land does this house sit on??? I could live here! It is a dream!!! Keep em coming pal!!!

  64. Your SIL is so talented! No doubt your daughter did a lot of the designing...
    It's a gorgeous kitchen and I love all the unique touches they've added!

  65. That kitchen is to die for! Yes, I see the duck.

  66. It's really gorgeous ~ so much charm and character. I may have to steal your son-in-law!!

  67. oh my. makes me want to pack and find a house to re-do. can't believe the befores. this house looks like it is brand new in the afters!

  68. This is amazing...I could move in and not change one single thing! That sink just makes me smile. I'm not getting your updates in my email I'm trying to figure out Bloglovin. I'm getting the hang of it so will be by more often. Have a good day!

  69. I love the duck, that is neat. Not so crazy about the tin in the garage, but then that is just me.

  70. Oh, it looks wonderful! What an amazing change! Great job!

  71. Unbelievable transformation. I'm late to this post with all my teaching this week. I can't wait to show Chris. There are some genius ideas in this kitchen redesign.

  72. beautiful...but I can't believe they let that wallpaper go. lol

  73. Wow, what a transformation, Diana! I love everything they've done, it looks so bright and inviting, love it!

  74. Wow! I'm loving all the posts on their house. They are doing a magnificent job! That kitchen is amazing! Love the rusted panel on the appliance garage, the rolling door to the pantry, and yep, everything else. :) thank you for sharing.

  75. Wow, so pretty! I love the kitchen garage. A great place to hide stuff. LOVE the cabinets and the butcher block too.

  76. Okay this is a house the Queen could live in - it is beautiful!

  77. This is so gorgeous! I love it all! That pantry is awesome and the is fantastic! Love the rust panel on the appliance garage! They are so lucky that the floor plan allowed for sneaking space here and there and making it exactly how they want it! I'm always looking at rooms, trying to figure out how to make them function better and look nicer and have a great plan for my kitchen, but it won't make it any bigger unfortunately. The view out the eating area window looks wonderful. No other houses, all I see is land! Love it! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  78. I love your descriptive word....appliance garage. I'll have to borrow it....Also the fact that they have a wonderful view of land as the previous commenter stated. The colours are very serene. Gorgeous. ...I'm trying to do a bit of culling and sorting as we think about down sizing....visiting via Frugal little bungalow from a comment Deb left on my blog
    Alexa from Sydney, Australia

  79. Oh yes, I saw the duck straight away!

  80. Oh my, what a gorgeous kitchen! I love the cabinets and that big island. And all the sunlight streaming in makes it so bring and happy. Beautiful!


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